Thanks to all of you that played along.
Ready? Here we go!
It is always fun to see which table you want to sit at!
Lots of you here-I am renting a banquet hall!
Penny, MadSnapper, Polly, Tete, Kris, bobbie, Gert, Missy, Vee(needs the serenity),Ginny, Lynne (who will surely change her seat to sit by Missy), Melanie, Connie, Dolly, Nellie, Nancy M, Cindy, Linda/LifeJournal, Lorrie, Lux/Life&Love, Theresa, Nancy/WildOak, Jack & Sherry-my RV people, Pam, Cindy M, JennyThePirate-(wanted to sit at #6 but there were no plates so she was afraid she wouldn't get fed), Connie M, Marydon, Sabra, Sylvia, bj/needs a mismosa and wants to invite Sam Elliot
Pam S (wrote a book before coming to a final decision-Is THAT your final answer?), Mevely, Betsy/Estelle, Terry D, RoughTerrain & Amy
OK-So this is a little weird- Apparently your name has to start with an L to sit here!
Leena, LisaK, Leann, Lois and Lauren
Jenn, Pam K(here because she gets her own basket of candy), MA, Jan, Bless(smitten with the foil eggs-should I tell her they are laid by foil covered chocolate chickens?) Karen/OldHouse, Babbling Brook & Doris
Another big table!
Basil6, Cecilia, Kathy, Judy, Shipla, Bonnie, Linda/Life&Linda, Kitty(likes a cheery table), Nonie, Ann (wanted to sit at #3-but was afraid of getting feathers in her food-if we have chicken I will make sure they are completely defeathered), Carrie, Buttercup, Michele, Julie, Debbie-Dabble, Rain, Jane/FarAgoFarm, Dawn, Debi/BeachGypsy(bringing her usual fun-loving self),Judy/GoldCountryCottage & Liz.
Diane/LavenderDreams-(Inviting Tom cuz she is NOT fancy!), Kim, Carla(figures she can garden and eat at the same time-hope she isn't handling poisonous plants), Jettie, Akasha, Jeanie, Cindy/Creations
Sandi, Debra(nostalgic and reminds her of Easter at home as a child), Rose, HappyOne, Akasha's Mom(Hi-thanks for playing along) & Gary W.
Tom-All too fancy-See #6, Tom, HootingAnni(likes Feathers & Woodland but can't commit), Laurie---Laurie,Laurie,Laurie! and last but not least, Laura and she is just plain NOT picking a table.
So-there you have it.
I hope I didn't miss anyone or put you at the wrong table. If I did, please forgive me and let me know. My little fur boyfriend is on me like white on rice today-although, I guess in his case, it would be like black on licorice! He also likes to help me TYPE on the computer every chance he gets. I do a lot of backspacing.
Isn't Scruffy handsome?
This is after he was just groomed!
Have a wonderful rest of the week.
I'll be back soon-Pinky Promise!