Grab your reading glasses
and a whiskey coffee cuz
this is one
It is the longest post I have
ever written!
One time years ago
I told people to ask me anything!
I was asked these questions
and I don't think I ever answered.
I stumbled across the questions
I had saved and realized that
while so much has changed
so much has remained the same!
So---here in all my foolish loquacious-iness
are my answers to eight questions I was given.
If you aren't feeling like reading
(and maybe laughing a bit)
you can move right along and
come back another day.
Here we go!
I have been asked to tell you
EIGHT things about myself.
(yes I said 8-who picked that number
as the criteria to decide if I was fit to
be in Blogland-I mean why not 5 or 7..but 8?
Hey-did y'all know 8 is my favorite number?)
I am supposed to tell you EIGHT
things about myself I think you
would like to know....
Well, that's a joke...
Who really wants to know 8 things
about me?
You just come to Blogland to see
pictures of what life should be like, right?
Well, I am never one to cringe from the truth..
which is NOT always a good thing-
trust me on this.
Ready? Here we go...
Question #1 Why did you start blogging ?
I took an idiot pill
and it said blogging was good for
allergies...Huh? want truthful answers..
okay then...don't get snotty about it.
What made me start blogging?
My friend, Jettie is to blame.
(Hey Jett-she's Southern..
they all say HEY instead of Hi)
Isn't Jettie a cool name?
It's her real name...yes it is!
Jettie blogged for books back then.
I thought that was pretty cool..
So...I asked Jettie about blogging..
She said even YOU (idiot was implied)
can figure out how to blog..
and she gave me some basics...
Like..okay...the button on the
right will make your screen light up..
Yeah...that's just about where I started...
And then....
I thought it would be fun to blog
for my grandkids
so they could read about themselves
You know - because as a parent,
you don't have the time/energy
to jot it all down..
Grandparents are supposed to have
a whole lot more time--which--
let me tell you is a lie.
I thought it would be fun.
I thought maybe my kids would read my blog,
or maybe a couple of friends would read it..
or maybe my brother (Lordy-how I miss him)
would read it.
I had no idea that anyone I didn't know
would read it..
. ain't real purty..
and it's just kind of a hodgepodge.
No real theme...if you get my drift.
Question #2. While working outside what
do you think about?
I think about God's goodness in my life.
How blessed I am.
I also think about projects
I WANT to do..
Like the one below...
Sorry I stole this from someone's site.
If it's your own pop in
and take credit for it...cuz it is
so darned cute I want to copy it.
I also spend some time thinking about
the little granddaughter we lost
and wonder what it would be
like to have her in the family mix.
She would be a BIG GIRL now-
I think about the brave struggle
MyHero endured in the past few years
in his fight(s) (and win(s)) against cancer
and his current fight against the unknown....
Question #3. What is your favorite vacation
destination and why?
I have two places...
depending on the time of year.
In summer I love to go up to
the UP of Michigan
I love Lake Superior.
There is nothing like the
wild, rugged beauty you see there.
We usually stay in Munising..
it's a little off-the road, by-passed by time.
I like it because I totally relax there
for some reason.
That time frame would be..
anytime AFTER
July 1st and BEFORE July 6th
because that is about when summer
"happens" in the UP~
yeah..those are random dates
but close to the truth. the winter...
I love Florida.
I love the ocean.
I love the balmy breezes.
I love it all...from St. Augustine to the Keys.
You can't go wrong with Florida..
I even love DisneyWorld..
Yeah...I'm kind of GOOFY like that!
I love it because I feel like
I am "connected" in Florida.
The ocean draws me in and
soothes and refreshes me.
And~ I am always in awe of the beauty
and lushness of it all.
I especially love New Smyrna Beach.
Did I mention a lot of old people
drive around in Florida?
Yeah...Not on my list of favorites.
Sadly, I am becoming one of THEM...
but I still drive pretty good...uh-huh...
#4- Do I like sunrise or sunset?
Now THAT's a poser!
When I am on Lake Michigan,
I love the sunrise as it
comes up over the lake.
I like to sit outside and watch the sun weave
it's fingers across the sky.
I love the sound of the early morning gulls
and I especially love the fog horns
on a overcast, foggy morning.
But when I used to live on the bay,
I loved the sunsets...
I especially loved sharing them with family.
It is like the sun kissed us all goodnight..
and we had made it safely through
another day.
Question #5. Are you beginning to think I
will never be done?
NOPE! That's NOT the question...
Here's the REAL question..
Question #5. What is my
favorite Season/Why?
Ohhhh! It is Fall...glorious, wonderful Fall.
I Fall in love with
all the wonders of Mother Nature
as the nights turn crisp and cool.
I love hunkering down by a fire
in the fireplace as the
Fall winds blow round the eaves.
I love pots of stew...and apple cider...
and pumpkins...and the leaves that burst
into rainbow colored tree flames.
I love Thanksgiving and turkey and..
well...Yeah...I like Fall.
Question #6. What is the wildest thing I've
ever done?
Hey! Do I LOOK Stupid? Don't answer that...
Do you think I am telling
YOU the wildest thing I've ever done?
Ha...not on a bet-your-life
am I ever telling that!
Question #7. What is the biggest surprise
in my life?
Hmmm...I think it is how fiercely
and deeply I love my grandchildren.
I mean...I KNEW I would love them...
I heard other grandparents
tell me how much they loved their grandkids...
and I thought...Yeah...okay...
only 33 more photos to look at
so you can tell me how cute they are...
But NOW? Yeah...
Well, NOW I get it!
I would do whatever it took to protect them
as best I can from the world's harm.
Here's some pictures
only 26 more to see!
There are more grands
that I don't have pictures of
on my computer.
#8- TAH-DAH...Last question!
Where do you go to be alone?
Well, this oughta get a smile
out of those of you
that DON'T know me!
I get in the car...
and I drive..and I drive.
and I drive.
It is restful, peaceful
(well it used to be before I
and I listen
to music and talk to God..
and I am free.
While I am traveling
I am free.
I can forget about laundry
and projects that await me
and daily chores.
I am free for a breath of time.
If I am feeling a bit stressed or want
to decompress..I take a Starbucks..
and a book and I park somewhere..
anywhere...and read..and read..
so..if you see some crazy blond
sitting in the middle of a parking lot
looking down into her lap...
she is reading.
Don' t bother her.
And..even if she has a
Honk If You Love Jesus sign
on the back of her car...
Don't honk..
Cuz it won't be me anyway..
I don't have one of those signs.
I don't even wish I did.
Did you ever pull up behind two
cars and one says
Honk If You Love Jesus
and the other one says..
Honk For Clowns-
also known as
Candidates Running For President?
Don't honk..
It just confuses too many people.
This life list wouldn't be complete
without the new little love in my life...
also known as Satan some days
He appears to like profile pictures
the best!
Thanks to all of you that have
followed along with all my nonsense
today AND over the years.
I owe all of you big time...
my readers...
my kids...
. MyHero..
and all the
"little people"..
Thanks for stopping by...
Thanks for reading..
Thanks for being.
And as my
friend, Jettie would say...
Y'all come back now, ya heah.