Sunday, April 25, 2021



I am heeeerrrreeeeee

to check in!

I posted on FB and IG a day or so ago
but I know some of you are not part
of those groups.

Just wanted to tell you my surgery went well.
I had a spigelian hernia that was 
causing me a lot of pain and was dangerous.
I had robotic surgery and have a mesh insert.

I also had two cysts taken off my upper arm.

Yep-Falling apart at this age!
This was the first time in my life
I have ever had surgery or
The worst part for me was not the pain
but the nausea from the anesthesia.
They kept me for 24 hours to get 
it under control.
Ugh-Still have moments of
feeling nausea but it's much better.

The worst for me NOW 
is not being able to do
for a while.

Meanwhile-my sweet Scruffy- is in 
to learn to not bite or 
piddle all over the floor.
My surgeon sent her dog there and
so did the surgeon's PA.
They said their dogs came home with 
personality and playfulness intact
but learned manners.

I miss that little face so much
but could not have handled him
right now.

My son has been bringing me a 
since picking me up at the hospital
and I have been reading and 
watching some wonderful
TV series!

Thank you, Ryan!
I have changed my will to leave him
including his father!

My grandgirl, Alana,
has run errands for me and 
created a nest at the bottom of my bed
on the floor
with comforters and blankets and pillows.
I won't embarrass her by showing her
curled up in her lair.
Instead there's this.....

As you can see, they did not remove
my humor gene during surgery.

I won't be around for a few weeks yet-
just wanted you to know that I am OK.
Thanks for all the prayers and 
well wishes you sent out!

your photo name


Janice Kay Schaub said...

Oh my. i am so sorry you had to go through all that. I sure hope you feel better soon. So the pooch is getting trained, wish now I had done that with my brats........lucky mine are small because they miss the piddle pad 9 times out of 10. They refuse to go outside if wet, cold, snowy, hot or windy. Will be outside and forget until they come inside............anyway, look forwards to more pictures of you lovie.
Hugs to you and get better soon

bobbie said...

Lovely to see you, my friend!! I'm glad everything went (relatively) well and that family is stepping in to help ~
Love & hugs ~

Chatty Crone said...

Hope you recover well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diane said...

Greetings Diana, good to hear your surgery went well and your family is helping out.

Hugs Diane

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Thanks for letting us know you are doing well, Diana. Sounds like they're taking good care of you! I can see you're still making the effort to look fabulous, as evident by the lipstick on the coffee cup! Ha ha! Hang in there, and I wish for a speedy, uneventful recovery for you! -Jenn

R's Rue said...

Feel better. 😍

Terri D said...

I had to look it up... ouch!! Glad you are repaired and healing and that you retained your sense of humor!! Also glad the fam is taking good care of you. Bless them!! Thanks for letting us know you are okay. Love & hugs. Prayers continue, dear friend!! xo

HappyK said...

Glad to hear surgery went well and you are recovering and getting well.
Sounds like you are being well cared for!!

Sue said...

So happy to hear all went well, looks like you have some wonderful care givers, and pretty too! Take care, rest and get refreshed! Thank you for the update, i've been thinking and praying for you.

Jan Langlais said...

Hi Diana! Best wishes for a speedy and restful recovery!🌸💐

Estelle's said...

Dear is just a very scary process...glad it's over for you and you can rest and recover....please take good care! Sounds like you are receiving some good TLC! Warm hugs!

Kay G. said...

Sending you get well wishes! I find that the last time I had to put "under" I came out out it even GOOFIER than I ever was before! Not sure if I have ever gotten right yet and I know all that know me would agree! LOL!
Sounds like you got your good folks all around taking care of you. Good.
Love to you!! xx

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Praying for your continued quick healing! Thankful the surgeries went well for you. So wonderful to have your son take such good care of you! And that your sense of humor is good as ever! Will look forward to more of Scruffy's antics! Blessings and hugs!!

Red Rose Alley said...

So glad to hear your surgery went well, Diana. My Mom had a hernia also. I remember that well. I've never heard of reform school for dogs. I hope this helps with your loyal companion. So nice of your son to get you a Starbuck's drink every morning, and your grandgirl to run errands for you. I miss driving through Starbuck's. They don't have one up here in the mountains, and the closest one is about 50 min. away. So, I have to make it every day, which I don't mind. It's still Starbuck's, right? And I know how much me and you love it. Take care and rest and heal, Diana.


Ann said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you are ok. Sorry you had such a tough time after the anesthesia.
What a good son you have. I would leave him everything
Hope your furbaby is learning well at reform school.
Take care.

Donna said...

So glad to hear your sassy voice! Yup, I had to look it up also. Anesthesia is necessary but it can cause lots of nausea. Another thing that makes me nauseous is the oxygen mask or the lovely little nose piece. Hope the Starbucks quells the sick feeling. Such a good son! Hope Scruffy comes back home all sweet and well-mannered. Sweet granddaughter to help out. Still praying for you and John. xoxo

Brenda Pruitt said...

You have good taste in reading material. That book is fantastic. Wishing you well my friend!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

So happy to see you and to know you're doing well and still a smarty pants! Humor is the best medicine, along with coffee and caring family members! Take it easy and get well soon! In sure Scruffy is enjoying boot camp. Love and hugs!

Brenda said...


Janie Junebug said...

Thank you so much for the update. I know everyone misses you and that includes me.


Brenda said...

Little late but they have something they put in or take put of anesthesia to help nausea...I started surgeries young and continued through life...thankfully they cared enough to help me with that have been blessed with great health it seems...

Vee said...

Wonderful news. (except for the nausea...glad it's beating a hasty retreat.) You take care and allow folks to take good care of you. In the meantime, I'll be 🙏🏼

jack69 said...

Nice comments especially Vee above. concise saying what I would have said (If I could) YES thanks for the update, REST and RECOVER.
Love from North Carolina....
Sherry & jack

Far Ago Farm said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend! Also very happy your humor is in tact - it's the best! Take care of yourself and enjoy some time to pamper yourself. Jane

Junkchiccottage said...

Hello sweet girl. So happy your surgery was successful. The healing part is the hardest. I know you want to jump up and do things but stay down for a little while longer and you will be A+ ok. Have a beautiful week. xoxo

CHERI said...

So glad your surgery went well and that you are now home enjoying a sweet granddaughter and STarbucks:) I hope to have a scope soon (if they will ever hurry and preapprove me)...I may also have a hernia. At least I hope it's nothing worse than that!!! Take it easy and hope all goes well. And hope Mr. Pup minds his manners!

This N That said...

Lol... I hope your son appreciates his father... so glad they didn’t remove your sense of humor. My life would not be the same. Hope the nausea soon goes away. Big hugsxxoo

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad the surgery went well and you're home again healing up! I had a girlfriend once who could not tolerate anasthesia and was always sick afterwards, so you have my sympathy too! Take it easy, let others look after YOU for a change, and enjoy the Crawdads book -- I read it about 6 months ago and enjoyed it quite a bit!

Rose L said...

So glad to know surgery went well and you are on the mend! Take it slow!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you are home and well!! Thank you for the update. I hope you can try to rest and recover. Your granddaughter is gorgeous!!

Bless said...

Glad to hear your surgery went well and you are recovering with family taking care of you. Take all the time you need to rest and recuperate. (((HUGS)))

Rita C at Panoply said...

Diana, I'll be praying for your complete healing and recovery. My sister-in-law had that surgery a couple years ago and it's no picnic. Glad your surgery went well and that you have a support network!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning, Diana! I hope that you have a lickety-split recovery! xx

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

So glad to see your post. Enjoy this down time! Take it easy. Sending you healing prayers.

Shari Burke said...

I'm delighted to learn that you're on the road to recovery. May it be uneventful and swift! Wonderful that you have such excellent carers!

Robyn said...

Hi Diana..
So glad to read surgery was a success and you're on the road to mending!... I also get VERY nauseous from Anesthesia as well despite the meds they give me during and after.. I hate that part... Rest well and you'll be up and running in no time...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad you got the needed repair and all went well. Now just take things slow and don't over do . Get well soon and before you know it all will be well. Love and hugs from Ohio.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Done and dusted, as the Brits say!

Now remember your Orders!!!!

How could you welcome home, you newly well behaved dog, if you had not follow Orders, yourself???

Love love love love love
Hugs Hugs hugs hugs hugs
Gentle ones of course!

NanaNor's said...

Dearest Diana, I know you probably aren't checking your comments much, but praying for you, that healing may be quick. I understand putting Scruffy into a pet resort(lol), but her piddling may just be submission/shyness or even excitement. Many dogs grow out of it. I know you must be missing her terribly. This getting old stuff is not fun. Two weekends in a row I've strained muscles doing yard work-oh boy, I"m not the chick I used to be. So glad you son and granddaughter are watching over you. Get well sweet friend.

MadSnapper said...

You are blessed to have never had to have anesthesia. So glad the surgery went well and that you're home and if you have children that really care on a taking such good great care of you. Not sure I would have slept on the floor in a nest of blankets for my mother haha. Hope the puppy comes home graduated with honors

Carla from The River said...

Continued prayers my dear friend. Love You! Carla

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Sounds like you had a tune-up! Glad they were able to get you “patched” up! I hope recovery is going well and that your puppy will come back all trained. Take care, big hugs! Liz

Henny Penny said...

So glad your surgery is over and you're on the road to recovery. Bet the doctors and nurses enjoyed having you there. Love what you said about your son. You are so funny. Oh, my sister just finished reading Where the Crawdads Sing and loved it. She made me promise to read it, so I guess I will. Your grandaughter is beautiful! You take care. Oh, and that puppy! How adorable!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I hope you heal quickly, Diana, and it looks like you have some good help around.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

My dear lady, I am so glad all went well. I cannot even believe it is the first time you've ever had anesthesia or had surgery. My gosh one year I had several! You are truly blessed with good health.

This is a little late - but I too get horribly sick with anesthesia. if you EVER have to have it again tell them when they schedule you for surgery that you GET SICK from it. They ALWAYS put in an anti-nausea drip in my arm or I will vomit like it is my last days. You poor thing. I so wish I could've told you that. I am praying for your recovery. Bless your loved ones for those special creature comforts. Please allow your poor body to rest a LOT. It is the only way to heal properly. (Another thing I found out the hard way over-doing it on those early surgeries.) TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!

Love ya. Hugs.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So glad to hear that you are recovering and being well taken care of. Raising a puppy is hard work - good idea to get some professional training while you are in recovery. Your grand-girl is lovely, just like her Nana. Sending hugs to you xo K

Susie said...

Hi sweet friend. I have missed you. They better never take your sense of humor. Going thru lots of craziness here. Hope to one be myself again. Blessings to your family and you. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Doris Fahnestock said...

Good to hear from you, Diana! Rest and heal.❤

Kim said...

SO glad you're on the mend and resting up. I'm sure you'll need it once that pup is returned. Well mannered or not, he'll still have a ton of energy! Take care!! xo

Wild Oak Designs said...

Surgery is no fun....esp the nausea thing....when I have surgery I have tp insist on a patch....I am like you ...don't do well with that stuff....the patch is the same patch you put on for a cruise....only they don't let you keep it on as long....but it helps...
Try ginger tea...or ginger chews...that helps too....
Hugs...get well soon...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm keeping you in my prayers! I hope you are feeling much better this week and the surgery was a success! That is one of my all time favorite books. I want to listen to it as a audio book one day too! Lots and lots of gentle hugs, Diane

Polly said...

It's good to hear from you Diana. I'm glad the surgery went well and that you are recovering well. It's lovely having family helping, I like the Starbucks coffee each morning, I would ask for a brownie as well :-)!! Take care, lots of rest and you will soon be reunited with Scruffy :-) x

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, I had to look that one up. Not fun, I'm sure. Glad you are recovering with lots of help it sounds like. Get back to feeling great soon..xxoJudy

Melanie said...

I've seen your post on IG, but good to see a post from you here, too. Have been keeping you in my prayers for your recovery. Surgery isn't for wimps, is it? (I've had three.)


sharon said...

So glad to hear you are doing as well as can be. Keeping you in my prayers 🙏🙏


Sounds like you're doing pretty good! You still have it funny girl. I just laughed my head off. Get well soon and enjoy he attention and rest while doing it. xoxo Dolly

Heaven's Walk said...

I am SO happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery and can put this surgery behind you, girl! Good thing they didn't remove your humor gene....because you know we ALL look forward to that! Lol! Rest up, let sweet Alana care for you, and you'll be back on your feet soon! Just think how wonderful life will be when darling Scruffy returns home with a bunch of new manners! Love ya, sweets!

xoxo Laurie

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such great news that you are doing so well and that you have such great helpers. And by all means don't do any lifting! You don't want to have to go through that again!! I loved that book you are reading, and wanted it to go on and on at the end. Sorry about the nausea after anesthesia. I had that also after my last surgery last spring. But I got over it once I settled down. We miss your smiling face here, but are so glad that you are doing well and we will be patient and wait on you to come back when you are ready to tell us more good stories and set more tables for us. God bless you dear friend.

Debby said...

Now you can rest and heal. Get well quick.

Jeanie said...

I'm sorry it was a rough go. I'm glad you are recovering and that they didn't take out your sense of humor at the same time. Hang in there, my friend. You'll be back to normal soon!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Sending you hugs and kisses and hoping for a swift recovery. I love she made a nest by you!

Lowcarb team member said...

Sorry you didn't have the best of times but it was good to read your surgery went well.
Sending my good wishes.
Do take your time and do as the Doctor says.

All the best Jan

SImple and Serene Living said...

I am so happy that you are doing well. I had an umbilical hernia a few years ago, which they took out when I had my gallbladder removed. It's amazing that you have never had surgery before, and I am sorry for your nausea. Ick!!! Take care of yourself and I'm glad they didn't remove your sense of humor. xo Laura

jmac said...

Was wondering about you...glad I checked in. Hoping your recovery goes smoothly. Going right now to see what kinda hernia that is.
Let them take care of YOU for a change!!!

jmac said...

Was wondering about you...glad I checked in. Hoping your recovery goes smoothly. Going right now to see what kinda hernia that is.
Let them take care of YOU for a change!!!

jmac said...

Was wondering about you...glad I checked in. Hoping your recovery goes smoothly. Going right now to see what kinda hernia that is.
Let them take care of YOU for a change!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Love you and so very glad to read this today. Alana is a beautiful girl...inside and out. are you.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my dear friend, I don't know how I missed this post but I am so sorry for your pain and suffering! I hope that by now it has abated and you are feeling like yourself again and enjoying the springtime weather. xoxo

Theresa said...

Happy you are on the mend and getting lots of TLC! Stay in touch and take care, prayers for healing! HUGS!

Simple pleasures said...

Hi Di, Glad to hear you’re on the mend! Sorry, I’ve been out of the loop lately! Prayers going up for you my friend! Xo

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Awwww Diana, I’m so sorry about all this, but you must be all healed by now since you’re camping! You and your Hero are always in my daily prayers, and even though I didn’t know about this, you were prayed for!

Laurel Wood said...

Sorry to read of your surgery and hope you are much improved. Your dog is precious.