Thursday, February 14, 2019


With Valentine's Day coming up
I thought it would be fun
 (kinda like poking my eye out
with a stick)
to craft a few Valentines
with my grandgirls when they 
were little.

This, of course, involved
the bane of my existence.
I set up "stations" before
they arrived at my house.

Look how handy these sweet
chalkboard plates
(that my daughter-in-love made me)
 came in!

Station One:

Station Two:

Station Three:
This involves scissors & a hole punch

AND a paper cutter which the girls
are NOT ALLOWED to use.

I gave them a very sweet, gentle reminder
about "HANDS OFF" the slicer/dicer.

SweetCheeks said:
Yohu wouldn't do that enyways, Nana.
That is a stooopid sighn.
Hmmmm...That kid was smart even
when she was little.

Choosing materials each girl started

Thing One

Thing Two

And, last but not least,
Thing Three
How did everything turn out?
How much glitter was spilled in the process?
How many fingers were glued to eyeballs?
How many scraps of paper were
glued to the floor?

Maybe at some point
in the future when I
maybe all your pressing questions
will be answered.......maybe.....

This post will make SweetCheeks
smile as she continues to recover
from her surgery.
She is getting as spoiled today
as she was back then.

She is doing really well-
in some pain but is managing
it like a trooper.

from our little 
Bright Eyes!

ps- please forgive the quality of those old pictures.
To tell the truth, I am not much better
at photography now.....

your photo name


Jan said...

So glad she is better! I spent yesterday afternoon "helping" my 6 year old grandson make a valentine box for his class party today. I made most of it, covering an old shoe box with red construction paper and scotch tape. Definitely didn't look like the Pinterest picture! Since I am craftily challenged, it looked kind of like a 6 year old had made it anyway. He liked it and I guess that's what counts!

Sally said...

How fun, Diana. I know they loved every minute.

So glad that sweetcheeks is on the mend. Good news, and praying the pain remains contained.


bobbie said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all, except maybe yourself!!

So glad to hear SweetCheeks is doing well; walking lots, I hope!

Hugs ~

Doris said...

That sounds about as fun as baking with kids 4 and under 😁 Of course it’s a blast!
Glad to hear your Sweetie is getting better.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A delightfully witty post! Glad to hear SweetCheeks is doing better. Happy Valentines Day to all!

Vee said...

Very happy to know that your darling girl is improving. Such good news. Praying for pain relief.

Ahhhh...glue, glitter, two of my least favorite things. You did well! Want to do it all over again? Bright Eyes looks ready.

NanaNor's said...

Diana, Love seeing your Valentine's activities from years back. Such sweet memories. I know that you continue to be such an awesome Nana. So glad Sweet Cheeks is handing the pain well, she'll be back to mischief soon enough. Praying the healing will be fast.
Love you dear friend.

Lowcarb team member said...

Loved this post … and so very pleased that sweetcheeks is on the mend and getting better every day :)

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Looks like a fun time.
Happy to hear that sweet cheeks is improving each day.

Henny Penny said...

I'm glad sweet cheeks is doing good. She sure is pretty. Aren't granddaughters just the sweetest! You're a good grandma too! Hope your Valentine's Day was special.

krishna said...

This is such a cute activity. I'm very glad to know that Sweet cheeks is doing better. Loads of hugs.
Happy Valentine's day.

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh Diana, glad you are spoiling her, of course you are! Now I do remember crafts just like that, what fun! Cleaning up was a chore, but the results of their fun, was perfection. All grandchildren's crafts are perfect and beautiful! You are a grand Nana Diana! Praying precious SweetCheeks is better each day.

jack69 said...

Those kids think you are the coolest, huh? How great is that, and to have it on film is a PLUS. Yep Sweet Cheeks will definitely smile.
PS: I am having (possibly) major computer problems. I was over 4 hours just getting on line this evening.
Anyway love the entry!
Sherry & jack
Happy late Valentine's day!

Kim said...

Ah, nothing like like a little craft with little girls! I know they must have the greatest memories of those days, too. Glad to hear she's feeling better! I'm sure that's the best Valentine's present you could ask for...xo

Chatty Crone said...

You are a wonderful grandmother! I am so glad Sweetcheeks is getting better. Happy Valentine's day to all.

living from glory to glory said...

Sweet memories... So glad she is doing better every day!
Happy Valentines Day

Terri D said...

What fun!!! I would have left the glitter on the shelf (LOL) but what a great project!

Carol said...

That would be fun and I should have done that with my little one yesterday but Mammaw was not feeling well and grand doll was a terror yesterday.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

With Valentines we think of love
and of course that's Amore.....
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore.

When an eel bites your hand and that's not what you planned
That's a moray.

When our habits are strange and our customs deranged
That's our mores.

When your horse munches straw and the bales total four
That's some more hay.

When Othello's poor wife, she gets stabbed with a knife
That's a Moor, eh?

When a Japanese knight used a sword in a fight

Theresa said...

Those blasts from the past make my heart happy:) SO cute, ALL of them! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope you did have a wonderful Valentines day! There is nothing quite as fun as having craft projects to do with a grandchild for sure ! Loved all the pictures.

Benita said...

Honey, you were a glutton for punishment!! LOL Glitter and Glue!!??!!! I hate that combo...LOL I know you had a great time though and what sweet memories! I love, love, love that paper cutter...reminds me of my working days when I was at my first job...we used that thing religiously and it was a wonderful machine! I'm proud to say I never lost a finger! :-) So glad Sweetcheeks is feeling better! I know being with you is helping her tremendously and that you are spoiling her beyond rotten! :-) But that's what grands are for, right??!! Love and hugs sweet friend!

bj said...

Such a precious post...and with 7 grandgirls, it sure brings back memories....

Susie said...

Diana, So glad that SC is spending time just lying around recovering. I loved seeing the old gosh where did those years go? It doesn't seem that long at times and at other eon. Glue and Glitter , you better have a lot of drop cloths. LOL Little Anna is a charmer. Hug SC for me. Blessings to all, xoxo, love you, Susie

Wild Oak Designs said...

Such fun! Valentines and little're a good Nana....
Hugs to all

Pom Pom said...

Aw! You're the best Nana!

CHERI said...

I always enjoyed doing arts and crafts with my grandkids, although they both preferred our science experiments, especially Grandson. I have so many pictures of us doing these things together...hoping they will look at them when they are grown and I'm old then feel guilty if they don't visit me in the nursing home!!!!!! Granddaughter is VERY creative and I think me providing materials and ideas for her when she was little inspired her, at least I like to take some of the credit:) We have done everything from the glitter & glue to making our own bouncy balls, slime, and elephant toothpaste. One thing is for sure...we grandmas love our grandkids and are willing to do most anything for them, even providing glitter that we know we will continue to find for at least a week after the activity concluded:)

Lisa said...


Junkchiccottage said...

Hope your Valentine's Day was nice. Hoping Sweet cheeks is doing better too. I saw the pic of Anna on IG she is just too cute.

Lucille said...

I am so relieved that SweetCheeks is getting better. You certainly have lovely memories of playing with your girls. Lovely pics also. Do you find it hard that they are growing up. I know I wish my three granddaughters were still at the playing age. They are now in their twenties and thirties and one of them is married. I also had loads of fun with them. I often think of those times!

This N That said...

I'll just bet that you really miss those days..They probably do as well..Glad SC is on the mend..Sweet post..Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day..I just got this post ;)

Ann said...

Well that sounds like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to my granddaughter being old enough to do some crafts with. I wonder if I'll regret thinking that some

Donna said...

The girls all look like they were having fun! Yup, glutton for punishment! So glad to hear that Sweet Cheeks is on the mend. She has been in my prayers as well as the family. Tough to see your baby in pain, I don't care how old they are. Hope your weekend is good and SC continues to get better each day. xoxo

Adam said...

You just erase "not".

Barbara said...

Lots of fun! You were so brave to allow that much potential messy activity in your home. But you made wonderful memories and I can tell the g-girls adore you!

My Tata's Cottage said...

I can always count on you to give me a smile or two. Happy glittering ! and I am amazed at those girls and how quickly they grew up. LOve to you my sweet friend. HUGS and BIG LOVE xo

Cranberry Morning said...

I think recovery is a great time to spoil XOXO After all. Cute memories. My paper cutter is put up high when the little grandkids are around because I sliced my finger once when the blade was up and I was simply reaching for something. Brushed the blade with my finger and didn't cut bad, but boy did I learn a lesson. Scared me to death re how easy the littles could....

Jeanie said...

That's a great idea about the chalkboard signs! Wonderful photos -- don't you love how doing art together can build such happy memories?

Creations By Cindy said...

So glad to hear that sweet girl is better . Praise the Lord . Lov the chalkboard plates . How creative . lol oka like a lot of fun was had . Making memories .❤️ Hugs and blessings , Cindy

Pam said...

Sounds like a wonderful time with the grands doing Valentines. FUN, FUN, and more FUN. Glad little one is doing well.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I'm actually thinking of starting a craft project, a rarity for me these days. Was the able to join in after her surgery and everything? I know kids bounce back pretty quick.

Jo said...

What a lot of fun. I'm pleased that Sweetcheeks is recovering well.

Shari Burke said...

It's nice to stroll down memory lane sometimes :-) Really glad that Sweet Cheeks is recovering well! Enjoy the weekend!

cloches and lavender said...

Very happy to hear Sweet Cheeks is doing well. I say spoil her, well deserved


Red Rose Alley said...

How fun, Diana. I can't wait to do craft projects with my grandchildren. And little Bright Eyes is sweet twirling in her dress - love those mint green shoes! I'm so glad to hear that SweetCheeks is doing good. I bet she loved looking at these craft pictures of her and her sisters spending time with Nana. : )

Have a splendid weekend.


At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Beautiful photos could they be anything else with such cute subjects to capture?

Mary K. said...

Diana there is nothing better than spending time with the little ones crafting. From the smiles on their faces you know they had the best time with their Nana! I have been following you on Instagram for some time now. :)

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, I remember when you did this with the kids. So glad that Sweet Cheeks is getting better and little Bright Eyes truly is a little princess..Happy Sunday..xxoJudy

Debby Ray said...

You're a good Nana, Diana! Sounds like many sweet memories were made along with the Valentines. It's wonderful to hear that Sweet Cheeks is on the mend!

Katie Isabella said...

Diana, you truly sincerely make my week! Month.