Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Thanks to all of you that are praying for
(or sending good thoughts and well wishes)

I wanted to give you an update.
While we were down visiting my daughter, 
Mimi, and her family for Thanksgiving
in Indiana,
MyHero and I drove about 20 minute south
to the hospital where Ted is a patient.
As many of you know,
MyHero works with cancer patients 
at a local hospital.
He is also a survivor of cancer.
He has been treated 3 times 
for 3 different types of cancer
and has beat the odds.
So, he understands
exactly what Ted is going through.

Ted does not look sick at all.
He looks healthy and young for his age.
He is eating well 
and has tolerated chemo quite well.
He just finished his first round of chemo.
His immune system is at ZERO-
a scary place to be.
They will run some tests in a few days
and see what is happening.

He has been told he will be hospitalized for
That is a long time for him and for Susie.
She does not drive in the city so is dependent
on others to get her there every day.
She lives about an hour or so 
north of the hospital.

Please keep them wrapped in your heart
and continue to pray 
and/or send healing thought
and good wishes.

Thank you all so much 
for your outpouring
of love and caring.
I know Susie and Ted appreciate
each and every one of you.

Have a great rest of the week!

your photo name


Kim said...

Will continue to pray, Diana! Glad he's starting this with good physical strength. Glad he's handling chemo well. Will pray for Susie's transportation issues.

Tete said...

Prayers for both of them. Love you, Susie!

JFM said...

Susie and Ted will be in my nightly prayers
Ted does look so healthy 💮

Debby Ray said...

Thanks for the days...praying.

Jettie said...

Praying for them both, he does look good.

Asking for continued prayer for Devon Wooten, who you asked for Prayer for a few weeks ago. For those that have forgotten, Devon is a 15 year old boy who is in his 3rd round of brain cancer. His attitude is great, a smile when you wouldn't expect one. He lives about 45 minutes north of me, and the medications are very high, they keep raising money to foot the bill. I am praying for GOD's will for him.

jack69 said...

I have been concerned about this one. Thanks for the update. What a nice thing to be able to do, make a one on one visit with someone who KNOWS!
SWEET. God be with them... 90 days is a long time, but God is Good, He knows.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Thank you for the update. That was so nice of you two to visit him. Wow 90 days that’s quite a long time. I do pray for him and that he can conquer this and for Susie’s strength and confidence. God Bless, Liz

Chatty Crone said...

Are you saying he will be in there 90 days and his wife doesn't drive and the hospital is an hour away. Wow that is rough just in itself. I will certainly add them to my prayers.

Terri D said...

Prayers continue!

Doris said...

My prayers continue. 90 days in a hospital, prayer is indeed needed!! Thanks for the update!

Terra said...

I am praying for healing for him and for strength for Suzie and for help with her transportation needs.

bobbie said...

Thanks for the update, Diana ~ still sending hugs and thoughts.

Blondie's Journal said...

Thanks so much for keeping us informed. It was very sweet of you and your Hero to drive down for a visit while on your trip. And I agree, Ted does look very good and in good spirits as well.

That good 'ol immune system. Doesn't it seem that there is more and more is being discovered everyday about how much the immune system can play into such a variety of diseases and conditions like Lupus, Crohn's disease, eczema, asthma...I developed something very much like mono a few years ago from being prescribed prednisone so much over my life for asthma. Anytime I developed the tiniest cold, it was like the full blown flu and I slept 20 hours at a time. Thankfully, I've managed to build my immune system back up with a healthy diet, vitamin supplements, a probiotic, and lots of hand washing. I hope they get to the bottom of what is causing this issue.

Please give Susie my love.


bj said...

Having gone thru so many cancer scares with Mr Sweet, I know how scared they both are. I pray God holds them close...also praying for a full remission.

Laura @ duke manor farm said...

Thank you for sharing people who need prayer, love and encouragement. I will keep Ted in my prayers as well. hugs to you and happy holidays.

Gayla said...

I know he appreciated the visit! Your hero IS a hero! Prayers for better health and a good Christmas for all of you.

mxtodis123 said...

Continued prayers for Ted and Susie. I hope they can find a way to build his immune system up some.

Gay Van Beek, Canterbury Cottage Designs said...

Continued prayers for him and his family. It is VERY scary to go through this and some people don't understand that you can be very sick without looking the part. Thanks for the update!!!

Theresa said...

Prayers continue for Susie and Ted. I am so happy that you were able to visit, I am sure it brightened their day! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

My old blog, Becausehelives, has been deleted and I have a new one, Ramblings of a Retired Lady, and hoping you will follow me on the new one.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

He does look so good! My husband and I are both praying for him and for my sweet blog buddy Susie. Thanks for letting us know about his condition. I'm so glad you got to visit him. What a wonderful friend you are to all of us! Hugs Diane

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! 90 days,, well. he looks like a trooper and with Susie by his side he will beat this!! thanks so much for updating I have been so worried!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for the update and great picture too. Will continue to keep them in my prayers.

Pom Pom said...

What a sweet ministry you two have. Thank you for the update, dear Diana.

Estelle's said...

Sending warm healthy thoughts and continued prayers for them both. Thank you for the update Diana.

Vee said...

What a sweet thing for you and your Hero to do! I am very pleased to see Ted looking cheerful and eating. Susie has so many friends and family to help and she has a Blogging network of prayer warriors in addition to the real life folks. Yes, praying for this precious couple and their family. (And I am praying for a quicker timeline, too.)

Red Rose Alley said...

Poor Ted. I will continue to pray for him and Susie and their family. Such a terrible time this is for all of them. That was nice of you to go visit them, Diana, and I saw all the goodies you brought Susie on her post. : )

love, ~Sheri

Jill said...

Lots of prayers for them!!! How wonderful of you two to go by there and show your support. I'm sure Ted appreciated it very much, especially having someone to talk to that has been through it. You both are a blessing to many! Hope your week is going well! Are you ready for Christmas?? :-)


Dewena said...

Continuing to pray for Ted, Diana, and for Susie and their family. I know that sometimes just the daily logistics of life while in treatment are so difficult and I'm thankful for what their children and grandchildren are doing to help Susie be with Ted. 90 days in hospital, that's mind boggling, isn't it? And I guess can only be managed by taking it one day at a time. Last year at this time our son-in-law had just begun radiation for throat cancer and even though he went home each day for three months there were almost intolerable days. But this Christmas we are so thrilled that he and our daughter will be here celebrating with our big family, giving thanks that he is well and regaining his strength.

Jeanie said...

You know those prayers and wishes are coming their way. I'm sending her some of my notecards soon -- I have a feeling she'll be writing plenty of thank you notes for I'm sure loads of people will be right by their sides!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Sending prayers for Ted and Susie!


Sending prayers for both of them.


Susie Swanson said...

Continued prayers for both of them and we appreciate your updates. God Bless.

HappyK said...

Ted is looking well and happy. Prayers continue for him and Susie.

krishna said...

Praying for them. Everything will be fine soon, very soon.

cloches and lavender said...

You are a wonderful soul to stop and visit. I feel horrible she's so far from the hospital. It must be incredibly difficult. Many prayers for them


NanaNor's said...

Diana, thank you for keeping us updated. I know your hubby was such an encouragement! I will stop by Susie’ s blog and say hello.

Cheryl said...

God bless and heal this dear man. Thank you for faithfully sharing these prayer requests. Only God can comfort in such difficult times. Have a wonderful Christmas season, my friend!

Cecilia said...

Thank you for the update. Will continue to pray!

Gert said...

Oh thank you for the update. I think and pray for them continually. I wondered how he was doing. He does
look wonderful. I know this will be a long hard road for them, but they can look back on it later in life and say
‘remeber when’...??


Susie- if your reading this - please know how much I care..

Henny Penny said...

I will be thinking of him in my prayers. He looks like such a nice kind man. Thank you Diana.

Jenny said...

Wow he looks great and I must say they are both being very brave. I'm so glad you went to visit Ted in the hospital. Both Susie and Ted have been in my thoughts and prayers and I promise to remember them to Heaven throughout the Christmas season and beyond. xoxo

This N That said...

Thanks for the update!! Mercy, that's a long time to be in the hospital and a long time for Suzi to have to visit. They are both in my thoughts. A difficult time for sure..xxoo

Robyn said...

I will be sure to pray for Ted and Susie XO

Creations By Cindy said...

Praying, praying, praying. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Lowcarb team member said...

That's a lovely smile from Ted.
Prayers continue for him and Susie.

All the best Jan

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Diana. I am so behind in my visits. Have you heard any more lately. I saw you were at Kris's. Sure looks like a good time for all..Merry Christmas..xxoJudy