Friday, August 6, 2021


 Life is always full of surprises.

Just when we think things are

going along swimmingly,

something happens.

This time it happened to my 

son-in-law, Jason.

He started a brand new job

last Monday.

He was sitting in the airport

waiting to fly out and 

he had a massive seizure.



A rare brain tumor.

He had no symptoms until the seizure.

I am so thankful it happened in the airport

and not while he was in the air.

This coming Tuesday he is scheduled

for brain surgery.

Please pray for him, 

his wife, my youngest daughter, Mindy,

his kids and the rest of the family.

If you are not a pray-er,

please wing healing thoughts,

best wishes and positive vibes

their way.

I will be headed down to spend the 

next week or so with them.

As always,

thank you so much for all your

prayers and good thoughts.

your photo name


Lorrie said...

Just read this and commented on FB. Hugs to you, Diana.

savannah said...

I just prayed for Jason and his family.
May the Lord bless and keep you all.

Janie Junebug said...

I'm so sorry that you're all going through this. Of course every prayer and positive thought I can come up with is headed toward Jason and the family.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, what an awful shock! And so suddenly unexpected. I will surely pray that all goes well. They are such a beautiful couple. Please keep us posted. It was a blessing that this happened at the airport, where he could get help quickly.

jack69 said...

OUCH with a WOW. Yes, it is amazing the things that hit out of left field. Prayers here. Especially for SIL, but for all involved, this has to take the wind out of their sails. Sending prayers, love and positive thoughts that way.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am praying now for Jason and his family, and for you as you travel to be with them. May the Lord give wisdom to his surgeon, and speed healing to him. I am very sorry this is happening, but thankful like you that he was not in the air. I assume he must be a pilot? Or was he just waiting to go somewhere? Anyway, God's timing is always perfect, and He will take care of him, you can rest assured. They have made great strides in neurosurgery/brain surgery, and I am sure he will be well taken care of. (((Hugs))) to you all.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Diana - I am praying for Jason and his family and all those who are part of his family.

Ron said...

Oh, Diana! I am flooding the heavens with prayers. This is just so sad. Please keep us posted.

susan q said...

I will be sending positive vibes, wonderful healing thoughts and blessed prays to Jason and all his family. Yes a blessing in the airport, not on the plane♥

Ann Thompson said...

So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers, good vibes, healing thoughts and any other positive thing I can think of

Debby said...

How scary for your family. I will keep him in prayer for his upcoming surgery. Such a young man...I really do hope everything works out. Boy, you just never know... said...

We have a son in law named Jason also. Praying for him.

HappyK said...

So sorry!! I've said a prayer!!

Kathy said...

We never know what is going to happen. Praying for him and his family.

Jan said...

Praying for Jason and his family and for you too!

Susie said...

Diana, I will be praying for Jason , Mindy, and their children. All of you. Illnesses involve our entire family. I pray for you and John always. Be brave sweet friend. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Nellie said...

Prayers for Jason, the family, and the medical team! Sending love and hugs! Nellie

Henny Penny said...

I am so sorry. Will keep Jason in my thoughts and prayers.

bobbie said...

You know I will be keeping him and his family in my heart & thoughts ~
Hugs ~

racheld said...

Oh, Sweet Girl!

In constant prayer for your dear ones, for successful surgery, for healing and recuperation, for Traveling Grace and Godspeed for all of you in transit to be by his side and on your way home. Love and all prayers and thoughts centered on him and all the family, as well as those dedicated, gifted hands which care for him, on Tuesday. rachel in Indy

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

I will pray. Sorry to hear. My husband of almost 48 years this month, just died 13 days ago....I am still not doing well living without him. But I guess that comes with time. I hope things go well for Mindy and she does not have to deal with this part of life.

Kim said...

I'm so sorry, Diana. I'm sending your family prayers. Lots of them. xxoo

Terri D said...

Prayers for all and please keep us posted as you can. Love & hugs!

Chy said...

Sending love and support to Jason and all your family.

X Chy

Saimi said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your son-in-law. I am a prayer person and will be happy so pray on his behalf and the family as well. It's times like this we need to all pull together and do what we can. Sending lots of hugs and healing thoughts to you and your family.

Brenda said...


SImple and Serene Living said...

I am praying for them, Diana. My heart goes out to Mindy. xo Laura

Rita C at Panoply said...

I have prayed and will continue praying for Jason and his medical team, for Mindy and their children, and for the rest of your family while waiting in faith.

Theresa said...

I will be praying for Jason, your daughter and all of you! So scary and thankful that he got help quickly! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

That is so scary what Jason went through! I see God's hand in all of this especially that he got the help he needed on the ground and not in the air. Praying for the Lord to keep his hand on Jason, his family and you as you go there to help out. Hugs and love to you!

Jeanie said...

Well, of course you have prayer, good thoughts and good juju -- whatever it takes. Yes, you're right about the timing -- that's critical and it was good to be on the ground. Sending loads of love to you and your family. Safe travels, Diana.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

You’re so right, What a blessing that Jason was not in the air. Prayers for him, Mindy and their family. God bless you all.

ellen said...

Yes, I will pray for successful surgery and a speedy recovery for Jason. I will also pray for you and Jason's family. Just remember, we are in the palm of God's hands.

cloches and lavender said...

You know I will be praying for all of you. Especially Jason. I'm so sorry.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I will be praying for him and the family. This is particularly close to home subject for me as my oldest son died because of a brain tumor. Hope all goes well.

Vee said...

Adding prayers to all these. Let us see what The Lord will do. How good that you can go spend some time with your daughter and her family.

Far Ago Farm said...

Oh Diana, so many prayers for your son in law and all of you. Jane

MadSnapper said...

praying now for your family and for a safe and healing surgery.

NanaNor's said...

Will be praying today, the coming days and after surgery. May Gods healing hand touch him!

Red Rose Alley said...

Dear Diana, I'm so sorry to hear this about your son-in-law. I just said a prayer for him and the family. I hope his surgery goes well Tuesday, and please keep us updated. You being there for them is special and will mean so much.

love you,

Connie said...

In my prayers.

Chatty Crone said...

I am sad to hear that about your SIL. I will pray for him and if you can keep us updated. I am glad you are being there for them. sandie

This N That said...

My heart goes out to Jason and Mindy..Healing thoughts for a complete recovery..They have a wonderful support system and family..Much love to them...and you too!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I will keep your family in my thoughts.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Prayers, healing thoughts, best wishes and positive vibes all being sent to your son, and all of your family

Doris said...

So sorry, Diana! So good of you to go to them and I will be keep you all in my prayers ❤

Rose L said...

I prayed for good outcome. My brothers wife survived 3 brain tumor surgeries removing 2 each time. They were caused by rare condition called Cushing's. Then she was diagnosed with another rare condition and passed July 10. He has lots of love surrounding him.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Oh, Diana, I just saw your post. I am so sorry and will be praying, sending good thoughts and all to you and your family..xxoJudy

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll certainly keep him in my prayers! Take care! Hugs!

Bless said...

Prayers for a successful surgery, complete recovery, and good health.

Louca por porcelana said...

Sending prayers.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Oh My! So sorry they are going through this at such a young age. My prayers to you and yours. Godspeed.

Susie Swanson said...

So sorry to hear this. Prayers going up. Love you my sweet friend.

Linda said...

Adding Jason to my prayer book this afternoon....

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such sad new Diana. Prayers and healing thoughts go out to Jason and his family. I pray his surgery is successful and a quick recovery. xoxo

Cecilia said...

I've been praying for him and the family. Hope the surgery goes well and he recovers quickly and fully. I'm so sorry they are having to go through this. Hugs

Junkchiccottage said...

The power of prayer sweet friend. Praying the surgery will go well and he will quickly recover. Big Hugs. Kris

Lisa said...

I have prayed for him and the doctors at hands. I also pray for you and your family to be calmed during this storm.

Kim said...

Oh, Diana, will the misery never end? So much suffering. My prayers are with your son-in-law and family. (((hug)))

Wanda said...

Oh Diana ~ In this world we will have certainly have had your share. Will be praing for your dear son in law and daughter that God healing touch will take care and his recovery will be total to the Glory of God.'
Do you ever get the feeling your middle name is "JOB" The suffering servant.
Grace and peace for your whole family. Hugs too.

Creations By Cindy said...

Praying for your SIL and asking God to take the wheel here. Lord we have no clue what tomorrow holds but Praise the Lord we know WHO holds tomorrow! Hugs and blessings to you. Cindy

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Father God, please show yourself strong and a miracle working God. Bless this young family. God, I pray that you will work a miracle of healing in this young man's brain. Father, even now, please shrink the tumor. Please assist the doctors and staff to completely remove it and for his brain and body to heal completely. Please cause him to heal completely without any long-term effects. Thank you for your loving care for him and his young wife. Thank you Jesus.

Shari Burke said...

I am just seeing this now as we are in the process of moving and have WiFi only at certain times. I hope that all is going well for everyone. Hugs 💜

Wild Oak Designs said...

Prayers yes....I pray it is a "simple" surgery and that he will be back with his family soon....

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Words fail.....

Best wishes, to all...

Who will take care of your husband, while you go help them?

Gentle hugs...

Carla from The River said...

Praying.. please keep us updated.
Love, Carla

Vee said...


Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Praying today especially for your SIL, have been praying for him, and all of you, and believing the Lord for a miracle of healing through the surgeon's hands today and continued quick healing and recovery!

Unknown said...

Praying for Jason.

sharon said...

So sorry your family is going through this! Sending prayers and hugs your way!

Wild Oak Designs said...

How did the surgery go?? This is Wednesday...any news?? Praying....

Lowcarb team member said...

I'm so sorry to read this.
Saying prayers for you all.

All the best Jan