Thursday, March 11, 2021


Susie/SheJunks called me this morning

and asked me to share the news of

Ted's death. 

Here is a picture of them 

as they were facing things head-on

I was lucky enough to meet Susie in person.

She lived a few miles away from my daughter, Mimi,

when Mimi lived in Indiana.

Susie is just as sweet in person 

as she seems on her blog.

The next time I saw her was in a hospital room

where Ted was being treated for cancer.

My husband, 

having finished his own cancer treatment,

met with Ted and Susie, too, 

and we shared life stories.

As a blogger we share happy, fun things but 

we also share in the hurts and sorrows 

of our fellow bloggers.

Please pray for Susie and her family

as they deal with the loss of 


He was a wonderful man and will be dearly missed.

As always, if you are not a pray-er, please

send good wishes and healing thoughts

Susie's way.

She will be back to blogging when she feels she can.

Love to all of you from Susie AND me!

your photo name


jack69 said...

Words don't come easy with this news, just prayers for Susie and the family. A Thank you for sharing the information. It is never pleasant to share this type of news.
Sherry & jack in Florida

Donna said...

I have been praying for Ted and his family. Thank you for this update. Just this morning I was showing the Urban Farmer Ted's picture and explaining a bit about his health. Will continue to pray for Ted's family as they navigate the days and months ahead without him. xoxo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

This is devastating news and quite a shock. I will pray for comfort for the family. He will be sadly missed for sure !

Unknown said...

It is always hard to lose a spouse. I am sending hugs and prayers to Susie and her family at this difficult time. He will be missed.

Vee said...

I am so sad to read this news. Both Susie and Ted fought this illness with everything that they had. Praying for comfort for Susie and the family. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am so sorry for Susie's pain. There have been so many bloggers this year who have had great losses and most have not returned. Grief comes in waves and it is the most difficult thing in life that we must bear. I pray for strength for Susie.

Dawn P. said...

So terribly sorry to hear that Ted has passed; prayers to Susie and her family at this sad time. Hugs to all.

Jan said...

I'm so very sorry to hear this. Continuing to keep Susie and her family in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

As I do not have a google account to leave a comment on her blog -
Please extend my condolences to Susie and family. After such a long, difficult fight, I hope his memory is that dear picture of Ted with a smile on his face.

Ron said...


Jan said...

I lost my husband 10 years ago. I know that lost feeling. Please give Susie my love.

Diane said...

Very sad news, they are in my thoughts.

Hugs diane


Susie, Thinking of sending love hugs and prayers are going up for you and the family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Will continue in prayer that God will give you the strength you need.
You are loved.

Junkchiccottage said...

This is such sad news Diana especially after how hard Ted fought to win the battle with his cancer. Susie will need love and prayers in the coming days and I will certainly pray for her and her family. I had the pleasure of meeting Susie too when I went to a craft show at Horton's a few years back. She is as sweet as she comes across on her blog. Just a very wonderful and loving blogger. So sad to hear this news. xoxo Kris

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Keeping Susie in my thoughts and prayers. Her Ted sure fought a long hard battle. Thankfully he is no longer suffering, but his family and friends will miss him so much. My heart goes out to Susie and family. Thank you for letting us know.

Henny Penny said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I will certainly keep Susie in my thoughts and prayers.

Jeanie said...

Ted and Susie fought so hard to beat this. My heart is breaking for her. Of course she is in my prayers but oh, she'll need more than that on these very difficult days. Thank you for sharing this.

Janie Junebug said...

Thank you for letting us know.


bobbie said...

Thanks for letting us know, Diana ~ Keeping Susie and family in my thoughts; sending them comfort and strength.

Nellie said...

I am so sad to hear this news, Diana. Thank you for letting us know. I’ll definitely have Susie and the family in my prayers and will be in contact with her as well.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh Diana, I am so sorry to hear of Ted's passing. As Susie's friend, I know you will take care of her when she reaches out to you as you have done so today. Although I have never met her, she seems like the warmest person ever. My most sincere

Ann said...

So sorry to hear about her loss. Prayers for her in this difficult time.

HappyK said...

I am a follower of Susie's blog and so sorry to hear this sad news. I've been praying for them for a long time and will keep her and her family in my prayers.

Linda said...

God bless our sweet Susie.....I am numb with the news. Thank you for have been such a good friend to both of them. Louis Dean and I love them - two such special people.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such sad news to hear of Ted' passing. Sending Susie prayers and healing thoughts. You such a giver Diana. Bless you and love you. xoxo

Carla from The River said...

Hello Diana,
I have been praying for Susie and family. I am so sorry to hear this.
Susie is a sweet blogging friend. She was able to read our Christmas letter to Ted. She shared with me how he laughed about my husband wanting his eggs for breakfast.. so we got chickens during the lock down.

Lots of love,

Terri D said...

My heart hurts for Susie and her family. That kind of hurt is still fresh for me, too. Prayers lifted for all. Thanks for letting us know.

Terri Steffes said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm praying for her and all her family.

NanaNor's said...

Diana, I will definitely be praying for Susie and the family. Although he is so happy now in glory, the pain will take a long time to fade for those left behind.
Thank you for sharing.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh, that is just such sad and terrible news. Thank you for sharing this, Diana. My heart goes out to her and her family. -Jenn

Melanie said...

I don't know Susie, but I am so sorry to hear this news. I will keep Susie in my prayers.

Rose L said...

Sad news. It is hard to lose a loved one. Praying.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I'm so sorry to hear this for dear Sue. Such a long and hard battle they fought together! My heart goes out to her, and I will be in prayer for her through the grieving process, although we do rejoice to know he is with the Lord and pain free. Thanks for letting us know Diana!

Unknown said...

Such sad news. I was praying for a different outcome. Prayers for Susie and her entire family.

Brenda said...

Have prayed for them for a long time
Prayers prayers prayers

Rita C at Panoply said...

Prayers lifted for Susie's peace and comfort.

Theresa said...

OH I am SO sorry to read this. I am covered in prayers for my own grief and will be praying for Susie as she mourns the loss of her sweet Ted. Thank you for sharing. I haven't been on blogger too much lately, hope to be back soon. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS to all!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh my. I'm so very sorry for her loss.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Diana, this comes as a shock, because I was over at Susie's blog recently. I'm so sorry to hear about Ted. He was such a wonderful man and husband. May God comfort Susie during this time of grief, and I will be saying a prayer for her and the family. Thank you for letting us know. You are a dear friend to everyone.


nonie everythingsewing said...

What a shock, I was just reading her blog. My heart goes out to her and I pray she finds some comfort from family and from God. She is such a wonderful person, and I came to feel I knew her personally.


cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Always sad to hear when we've been praying for Ted and Susie. Will have to get a card out to her.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am so very saddened by Ted's passing. I've felt like I've known Ted and Susie for so many years and I've prayed for them every day. He was a special man that touched the lives of so many. Sending love to Susie and their family. I'm keeping them in my prayers. Love to you too my friend!

Susie Swanson said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I know I haven't been able to keep up with things but I did read her post. Praying hard for her and all the family. This breaks my heart and I'm so sad for them. May God give her the comfort she needs.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana: I hadn't heard from Susie for awhile and this thought crossed my mind. It makes me so sad. They fought so hard and there just isn't words to express how sad it makes me. Thank you for letting us know. Stay well..xxoJudy

Cecilia said...

That’s so sad! Praying for her and their family.
Hugs, Cecilia

Kathy said...

Thanks for letting me know. I have been praying for Ted and Susie and now will change my prayers for comfort for the family. Just prayed for him this morning, in fact. So sad.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. What a big blow to the heart. Praying for Susie and her family as they navigate through all of this.

Wanda said...

I'm so saddened to hear that Ted passed away. I took a break from blogging till after Easter, so haven't been updated on Ted's situation. I've been holding them in prayer too, as so many others. Thanks for giving us the message.


Prayers for Susie's heart.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

So sorry, its always hard isn't it. Sigh..........I stopped blogging for a time for many reasons but I missed it. I am back........and checking in on my old blogging friends,
Hugs Janice

Buttercup said...

I was just thinking -- and praying -- for Susie and Ted this afternoon. Susie's devotion and their love was beautiful and inspiring. My heart and prayers for Susie and family.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ah, so tragic. God bless sweet Susie. xoxo

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

My heart goes out to Susie and their family and I am sending prayers of comfort and peace. xx Karen

Gert said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to Susie and their family during this difficult time. With love and prayers.

Lowcarb team member said...

So very sorry to read this news.
Saying a prayer for Susie and her family at this very sad time.

All the best Jan