Wednesday, January 23, 2019


There's a storm brewing here today.
We have 3-5" of snow coming
this morning- 
downgraded from 6-7".

I love to putz in the kitchen
on days like this, don't you?
You are in for a treat today!!!

When I was a kid,
 my mother
often whipped up a batch 
of fudge from scratch
after the chores were done
on a snowy Pennsylvania night.

I make caramels instead.
As you can tell, I love to bake
and make candy.

I don't know how many 
caramel recipes I have tried
over the years.
Some of them called for
stirring for what seemed hours
and then...
they might or might not
"turn out".

These are quick!
Less than 10 minutes from
start to finish AND they
to set up properly.

Get yourself a nice big 
microwave measuring cup.
Make sure it is microwave safe.

Everything that is measured out
is in 1/2 cup increments.

Melt 1/2 cup butter.
Remove from microwave.
Add 1/2 cup Karo syrup,
1/2 cup light brown sugar,
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup sweetened CONDENSED MILK
(not evaporated milk)

Stir until mixed and dissolved.
Microwave on high 3-1/2 minutes.
Stir down.
Microwave on high 3-1/2 more minutes.
Remove from mic.  Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Add 1/2 cup chopped nuts-if desired- I don't.
Stir until few air bubbles remain.
Pour into 8x8 buttered dish.
Refrigerate until set.
Cut into squares.

You can wrap these if they last long enough.
Ours never seem to make it to the
wrapped stage!
Serve these to your husband.
Make sure he eats twice as many
as you do.
Remember- the fatter he gets
the skinnier you look
standing next to him!;>)

Happy Wednesday!!!!
your photo name


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmmm, they look so good!

Cranberry Morning said...

Good grief this looks easy and good! I've never heard of adding nuts, but now that you mention it, I would put in a whole bag of walnuts!!! Then it's a protein snack. You could get more protein by adding beef jerky instead, but no guarantees on the taste. LOL. Please keep that snow in your corner. xo

Preppy Empty Nester said...

It's not really a treat for me because I am not chewing on one with my coffee!! The fudge looks scrumptious! Stay warm, dear Diana.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Yummmm is what comes to my mind seeing this receipe and the pictures.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love to bake and cook too and that is one easy recipe I'll have to try. I'll be wrapping mine as it's only me here most of the time. I love nuts too so will be adding them to mine. Thanks for sharing. You are a sweetie!

Theresa said...

YUM! I have everything to make this except the sweetened condensed milk, dangit. I will be making this soon:) Thanks for sharing and making me hungry! HUGS!

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

ooooO! They look good enough to eat..! :).
Though l must confess..l don't own a microwave..
Never have..never will..HeHe! Horrid things! :(.
And l am more of a savoury person than sweet...
Though l will eat a sweet if made for me, and
my is the one for a l'll send her this
link..and let her get on with it..can't wait..! :).

Way before Christmas..Julie in New Zealand....
made something called 'Scroggin Slice' it's a typical
New Zealand's amazing..must be made and tried.
My daughter asked me what l wanted for Christmas.....
Well..what could l say...! She made one 8x8 square...
It will freeze, so l've plenty to keep me going for a
while..Will l share it..??? HeHe! Don't be silly! :).

Very 'SWEET' post..lovely..won't tell ya what l used to
eat as a kid..."Nuff Said"...! :).
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my goodness, those look absolutely delicious! I must try soon! Yummy!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Those look yummy. I don't have a microwave - I no what a shock! We just never used ours so when we built the new house decided not to have one.

Stephanie said...

Mmmm... I'll bring the coffee or tea if you share a caramel....or two :) Baking on snowy days is always a delight. We're supposed to get snow today as well...maybe I should make some cookies. Thanks for the inspiration, my friend.


mxtodis123 said...

Now that is a great recipe. Definitely a keeper.

Kim said...

MMM....caramels are my favorite! I've never had homemade ones, I think that would be a dangerous path for me to go down. I'd be ten pounds heavier and toothless in no time flat. ;) Be safe in the snow!

Down On The Farm said...

OH my GOODNESS that looks YUMMY!!! If I lived close to you I would drive over and knock on your door, DEMANDING to be let in to eat those caramels with you. We could split the pan! 1/2 for you and 1/2 for me! Oh what a fun day we would have! Enjoy my friend!! Want to know a secret? I have NEVER in my life made homemade caramel, but this looks like something I need to try! Hugs sweet friend!

Lisa said...

I'm pinning this! I have never tried making caramels. This looks easy.
Yes, when I'm snowed in, I like to bake and eat. I just saw where we might get some snow next weekend.

Sylvia said...

Next to Chocolate, Caramel is my favorite. These do look yummy!
Stay warm, snow is pretty but brrrrr cold

Vee said...

Ohhhh...that's what has happened to all those skinny husbands. Ha! Thanks for the explanation. I love caramels. It is much too dangerous for me to have them in the house.

Jeanie said...

Baby needs to go to the store to buy Karo syrup. I always have issues with candy because I'm bad with the thermometer. The micro and the timings are excellent. We're having ice today so maybe no karo till the next shop. But these are definitely on my list. They'd be great gifts, too!

Rain said...

Ooh I love those! Nice!!! I need to look skinnier so good advice lol! ;)

Kathy said...

These seem really easy to make. But since I don't like caramels, I probably won't. I will pass it on to my sister though. She would really like this.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Love your sense of humour, Diana! I have never made caramels but I've made pretty much everything else. This recipe is so easy so I will try it. Hubby would love them! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a lovely day and stay cozy.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

Looks wonderful. I dare not. Well I might but........sigh!!!!

Sandi said...

Looks delicious!

"Remember- the fatter he gets
the skinnier you look"

Hehehhehehe! ;-)

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

This sounds so good Diana and homemade is the best! Lucky that you aren't getting too much snow. I love making soup or something in the crock pot when it snows. Stay warm

Red Rose Alley said...

These look so Yummy, Diana. I love caramel! I've never made it before though. Your caramel looks so soft and chewy. I like that little rose tag for wrapping.

You have snow on the way! Bundle up and stay warm. : )

love, ~Sheri

Chatty Crone said...

Okay those look like a little piece of Heaven to me.

Susie said...

Diana, Drizzle me some on ice cream. :):) I miss those day of making comfort things for my daughters. We usually did P.B. fudge. and oatmeal cookies. Stay warm my friend. I am sick of snow and nasty weather. 57 days till spring, I am ready . LOL. Ted and I are trying to be brave, it's not always easy. Blessings to you and your family. love you, xoxo, Susie

Doris said...

Looks delicious! Wouldn’t matter if my hubby eat twice or three times as many as me....I’d still look fatter than him. It’s not fair but that’s the way it is 😢

jack69 said...

It all looks and sounds delicious. I prefer Caramel to chocolate, my self. Sherry on the other hand has Caramel as her second choice. But what she liked was the last comment about her looking skinnier! LOL

Sherry & jack
from a sunny Florida

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I do believe I'll head to the kitchen right now to make these! How easy and quick they sound, and I've got a hankering for something sweet right now, we got a massive snow storm last night, almost a foot and a half of snow! Still digging out, and LOVING it :D I'm so glad we finally got a decent amount of snow! Our trees need it to make it through the winter. I always enjoy being in the kitchen when the weather is bad outside, something so comforting about it! Enjoy those caramels :)

Terri D said...

Oh my goodness, I love caramels. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Carla from The River said...

Yum! Thank you for sharing. Just in time for Valentine's Day.
xx oo

Jill said...

Oh my goodness these look so delicious, I love caramels and so does my dad and aunt... it's one of their favorites! I may have to add these to my to make list and surprise him :-) Hope you are having a wonderful week!


Cheryl said...

Oh, my word!! These look AMAZING! Thank you so much for sharing with us. And, I LOVE the picture on your blog header. So beautiful! God bless you, sweet friend. :)

Rose L said...

OMG!!!!!!! Sounds so delicious! My mouth is watering. Might have to make some tho I am not much into that. Rather have someone else do it or buy it! LOL Boy, if you were my neighbor I would be visiting a lot, especially if smelling something sweet! I am happy we rarely get snow here in the part of Oregon where I live!

Debby Ray said...

My MIL used to make these caramels and they are THE BOMB! Enjoy your cold weather!

cloches and lavender said...

Wow talk about easy. I'm going to make this over the weekend. Thanks for sharing.

Hope you don't get too much snow. Stay warm sweet lady


Creations By Cindy said...

Love me some of this stuff . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

Junkchiccottage said...


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Debbie, here, from a snowy and rainy Penna.!! LOL!! These look so good!! We have 6 inches of snow and then freezing rain over the weekend with below zero temps. Now we are in the high 40's and it is pouring outside!! Crazy weather!! Stay warm and stay safe , my friend!!!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I have a weakness for caramels. This could be dangerous. I am going to indulge anyways.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Those look so good! I think my hubby would love those. I was having trouble pinning, will come back to snag that recipe! Dian, did you pour them into a Pyrex dish? I can see myself using a glass dish and watching it shatter, just curious.

Jenny said...

Wow, I've got to thank you for this because although I have no business eating candy, caramels are one of my favorite things in the world and I never dreamed I could make them myself! I'm going to try this recipe which looks just easy enough for me to attempt. Thanks friend! xoxo

This N That said...

Thanks for sharing your recipe. They look yummy but I would be afraid to eat them. They would pull my caps off....among other things.. I could always suck on them! Enjoy your day

Busy Bee Suz said...

YUMMY!! Do I have to wait for a snow day? ;)

Henny Penny said...

Shoot! I have everything except the sweetened condensed milk, and I just got home from the grocery store. That's okay. I'm keeping this recipe. Thank you! These sound delicious! Poppy loves caramel...even more than I do.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

For once I have everything required so I'm going to cook some up. They look relish!

Lowcarb team member said...

These look and sound delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe.

We quite like these chocolate and walnut fat bombs (I know funny name!)

Stay warm in the cold weather. Parts of the UK have had snow but not our part … yet!

All the best Jan

Cecilia said...

YUMMMM!!! I love caramel...not sure I needed to know there is an easy to make recipe! Oh my word! Saving it to try when I'm feeling, um, not so fat. LOL.
Stay warm!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

My mom used to make caramels too - it smells so good in the kitchen as it is melting! We also made caramel popcorn balls!

Jackie said...

Takes quite the talent to make confections AND photograph the process along the way.
These look delicious!

Wanda said...

Hi Diana ~ Finally getting back to a little blogging and visiting. You candy looks wonderful, but with my partials, can't have any.

Linda said...

Hey Diana....
Any substitute for Caro Syrup? Not familiar with that!
They look delish...hope you are well.....

Bill said...

These look awesome! Hope you didn't get too much snow.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Diana.

Ricki Treleaven said...

Yummy! I might have the occasion to make these next week because we might get snow! ;P

HappyK said...

Oh my that sure looks good.
Yes, I like to bake on cold winter days.
I like to make soup then too.

Pam said...

Oh my...that sounds GOOD.

Terri Steffes said...

Bwwwaaahhh! I love the "fat husband" idea! :) I cannot wait to try these. They look so good. My grandpa always carried caramels in his suit coat for us grandkids.

Benita said...

YUM! I've never been able to make caramels but now, thanks to you, I can give it another try! I prefer the "no fail" recipes...otherwise, it is definitely a "fail" for me! :-) Hugs!

Rehoboth said...

yum yum yum... Nice Post
