Monday, August 13, 2012


I know several of you 
Laurie's blog
You can find her blog here.

They flew her husband
to another city for
emergency surgery.

Please pray for the
Doctors' hands as they
perform an angioplasty.
He has had some complications
along the way which makes
the surgery even more touchy.

Please pray for Garry's
outcome-that he will be
returned to good health.

And, please pray for
Pray for her peace of mind
and that she has some
serenity during the surgery
and in the hours and days
that follow.

Please pray for our
Little Lulu.
She has been to the hospital
twice this week
and has a lung infection
and some bronchial issues.
She is having a hard time
breathing and eating
 or drinking and
feels sick and miserable.
She came to stay with
Nana and Papa
for a couple of quiet days
where there is not a
lot of commotion from
sisters and family life
in general.
Please offer up a prayer
for this very
good little girl.
Her birthday is coming up
on Wednesday
and we are hoping she
feels better by then.

Thank you so much.
I do believe in prayer.
I do believe in you.
I do believe.
I do.

~Giveaway continues tomorrow~
your photo name


Anonymous said...

Yes, I follow Laurie's blog and have been keeping her and Garry in my prayers.
I will pray for Lulu too, I know how awful she must be feeling because that is something I am predisposed to getting, and it is rotten. I do hope she is feeling much better in time for her birthday.

Mark said...

I believe too!
Please count me in as one who will pray for Garry and Lulu.
Your Friend, through good times And bad, m.

Susie said...

Diana, I am praying for Lulu and for Garry&Laurie. We all need many prayer when we are dealing with tough times. God is good and does hear our prayers. xo, Susie

Musings from Kim K. said...

Prayers flowing from West MI, Diana. I know how much the power of prayer helps. I felt it the last 2 weeks.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Praying for Laurie and Lulu!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much Diana, you are such a sweet heart, thank you everyone,

Nonnie said...

Thank you for posting this. I had somehow missed out on exactly what and when Laurie's husband Gary was having surgery. Praying for a good outcome on that and the peace of God over both of them.

Also for Lulu. I so sympathize with her. I have had pneumonia several times and remember well the agony of not being able to breathe. God bless her and Happy Birthday to her. Our granddaughter's birthday is alsonon Wednesday.

art by wendy said...

Diana, Im praying for Laurie and Lulu too! I sure hope everything turns out ok for everyone!

Maria Elena said...

Praying for Laurie and her husband for a quick recovery and good health. Also for Lulu. My heart goes out to her. It is so hard when the kids get sick. Happy early birthday to Lulu!

andrea@townandprairie said...

O my. Sometimes it seems the whole world is caving in. Poor little girl...lung issues take a while to clear up. She may not feel better for a month or so. I'm assuming she has asthma, too, being a multiple? I just got over horrible bronchitis this spring and I had it two months and with the humidity I thought I would nearly choke when I went outside. And Laurie's husband, how frightening. Angioplast is a common procedure, but it is also very very delicate and dangerous. Jesus, please step in here and intervene and make these troubles go away. Bless these people with your healing love and help them overcome their illnesses. Protect them from harm! Amen !

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Oh no, I really hope everything turns out okay for Laurie's husband. Poor LuLu; I hope she is feeling better soon, Diana. I'll have everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Seems like so many people are going through difficulties right now. Prayers and best wishes to all!

Shirley said...

Hi Diana, I will be praying for Laurie and Garry along with your Lulu. Hopefully Lulu will feel like celebrating her birthday. Then does school also start this week for her. Take care Hugs from your Missouri Friend.

Anonymous said...

I will happily add Laurie's husband to my prayers. I'll also pray for little Lulu. What a tough thing for a little girl to go through, especially with school starting soon.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Certainly will remember both. Sure hope Laurie's husband does well. I feel bad for your little one. Hope she gets better quickly.

Geneva said...

I believe too, and just whispered a prayer for Laurie, Garry & Lulu. It's so wonderful that Lulu could come and spend time with her Nana & Papa while she's trying to feel better. Wishing her a very Happy Birthday on Wednesday. Thank you for reaching out for prayer...I can't imagine a greater expression of love.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Garry & Laurie and Lulu. I believe in prayer.

Jettie said...

Put him on prayer list at church, and we are praying for Miss Lulu, that she feels well enough for a party on her birthday.

Lynne said...

No chat today...just prayers.

NanaNor's said...

Hi Sweetie, Lifting up both Gary and Laurie-for a supernatural Hand in surgery today, that will completely heal him. How scary for you with precious LuLu. I will be praying that her breathing returns to normal, she has renewed energy and strength and is all better by the her birthday. You can email me throughout the day if you need to.
Hugs & love,

Patty Patterson said...

Praying! And I'm so sorry to hear that sweet little LuLu is not feeling well. I hope she is much, MUCH better in time to celebrate her birthday!

Donna said...

I believe in prayer, too, Diana. I will pray for Laurie and her husband. And I am sorry that sweet little Lulu isn't feeling well. I will be sure to keep her (and you!) in my prayers. Please keep us posted. Thank you for being such a sweet and caring friend!!

Donna said...

I believe in prayer, too, Diana. I will pray for Laurie and her husband. And I am sorry that sweet little Lulu isn't feeling well. I will be sure to keep her (and you!) in my prayers. Please keep us posted. Thank you for being such a sweet and caring friend!!

Karen said...

Prayers to all - and Lulu! Feel better real soon and have a wonderful breath-easy birthday!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Prayers on the way...sending love, hugs, and prayers for both. Hope Lulu has a wonderful B-Day and feels much better! XO ~Liz

Tete said...

Prayers are still coming- you know they work. Feel better Lulu!

Beth said...

I believe in prayer with all of my heart. Prayers for Garry, Laurie and Lulu.
I hope Lulu is feeling better each day and will be able to enjoy her birthday.

This N That said...

The prayer list is very long this week..I hope everyone is OK..Lulu,Laurie and Gary..Wishing them all the best and I hope Lulu feels better by her birthday..

Julie Marie said...

Prayers for everyone dear Diana, xoxo Julie Marie

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Poor Lulu. Thinking good thoughts for her and for Garry.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Diana! I have had Laurie's husband, Gary, in my prayers, but I didn't realize Lulu was sick! She is now in my prayers!Keep us posted!

Sweet Tea said...

Your sweet, little, LuLu sick?
I'm so sorry and will definitely pray her back to feeling WONDERFUL for her birthday!!

Praying for Laurie and Garry.
I follow her and know what a dear,
Sweet person she is.

Laura said...

no, thats just terrible diana, i am sending many, many prayers for your little lulu. And also for your friend Laurie. I do hope they all get better very soon. Heart problems and lung problems have always been very close to home for me.... sending lots and lots of love laura xxx

SImple and Serene Living said...

My prayers are definitely going up. Hope sweet Lulu is feeling better for her birthday.


farmhouse-story said...

prayers to all! laurie has more than a fair share of bad--hope all goes well:) and hb to sweet lulu-hope she feels better fast!

Debby said...

Praying already but will add LuLu. Such a great idea of letting her stay with you a little while so it was quieter.
So sweet of you keeping us informed.

Japolina said...

Is LuLu feeling any better today? I hope so. Show her the pictures of my bird from yesterday. That should cheer her up.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I've been praying for a successful surgery for Laurie's husband and comfort for her. This was the scheduled date, I hope, and not a surprise to them.
I'm very sorry to hear about LuLu. I pray that she is soon back to normal and can enjoy her birthday.

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

Praying for all three. I sure hope your sweet baby gets better soon. :(


Ruby Jean said...

Will CERTAINLY be Praying!!!!

jessica said...


koralee said...

What a blessing you are to these lovely friends of yours...I will kept them in my thoughts and prayers. xoxoxooxo Monday hugs to you.

koralee said...

ps...will offer up extra prayers for your Little Lulu! xoxox

Unknown said...

Prayers said for all of them! Hopefully he will feel better after the angioplasy. That is a scarey time that they are having. Prayers for health, happiness and peace.
LuLu get well soon! So much to go through. Pain and being miserable. Hope you feel better by your birthday. Then school will start. So much coming up for you. Rest and recover sweetheart.

Savannah Granny said...

Diann, I just got home from the dentist with Bob.
Sorry to be so late getting here. I am praying as I am typing. I had no idea Lulu was so sick when I wrote to you yesterday. I am so sorry. She is a precious little girl. Praying for her to get results quickly and bounce back to health . I know her nana is taking very good care of her. I am so glad you are able to care for her. There is a reason you are home now.
I pray that Garry and Laurie will have a great outcome and that Garry will get relief and Laurie will be comforted.
Blessings, Ginger

Savannah Granny said...

Hey, Great! I am following you by email. Hugs

Gina said...

I believe too. Sending prayers...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I believe and I'm keeping them all in my prayers. Thank you, sweet Diana for posting this! Hugs, Diane


I will start my prayers inmediatelly sweet lady!! I know your friend and will send prayers for both and for your sweet and pretty little girl, I'm sure that with our prayers and the Grace of God, both will be fine and their health will be restored, sooner than later! Thank you for having the time to visit darling. Now, I'm going to my prayer altar.

Nellie said...

I am a follower of Laurie's blog and am keeping her and her husband in my prayers at this time of health crisis.

Also, Diana - that sweet Lulu! Definitely do I have HER in my prayers! That is a really hard thing for a little girl to endure.

Blessings and hugs to all of you.

xo Nellie



Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Praying for them all. I hope Lulu recovers fast (kids do that!) and enjoys her birthday!

Karena said...

Diana of course I will keep Lulu and Laurie in my prayer. So many blog friends have prayed for me during these makes such a huge difference!

Art by Karena
2012 Artists Series featuring Harrison Howard

camp and cottage living said...

I will say aprayer for little Lulu and Laurie right now.
Thanks for keeping us informed!

Cristina Garay said...

Diana, Lulu and Laurie and her husband will be in my prayers. I believe too. I hope they all feel better soon!

bj said...

They are all in my prayers...I do hope the grandgirl is feeling much better by Wed. Happy Early Birthday to her, along with an extra hug from another grandmother. :)
xo bj

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I'm not sure how much more Laurie can take...but she's strong thank God. I'll add Garry, Laurie and Little Lulu to my prayers. The list is getting long but there's always room for more.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH. I'm sorry to hear this...sending prayers for healing, rest and recovery! XO

Blessed Serendipity said...

Yes prayer changes things. I will be praying too.


Donna said...

My Dear friend,

I will certain pray for little Lulu, and for her health. That she be feeling better for her birthday, mostly that this affliction be lifted from her little body. There really is nothing worse than not being able to breath properly. May our Heavenly Father cover her with His love and surround her with Angels, lifting her, and heal her from the top of her little head to her tippy toes. Bless you, Sweet Lulu!

I will also pray for Laurie and for her husband, Garry. My prayer list has been growing so quickly and is so long these days - that old devil certainly prowling around causing problems!

God bless you Diana,

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Of course we all love Laurie! Oh so many prayers for her hubby, I know it ways so heavy on her!! And Lulu, a girl can't be sick on her Birthday, why it's just against the law!


Jane, Naples, Florida said...

Diana, Hoping Lulu will feel better quickly, I am sure your care will speed that along! All good thoughts for Laurie and her husband!

Flora Doora

Kay G. said...

Dear Diana,
Just to say hope Lulu is better soon. I had double pneumonia when I was just her age and was in the hospital for weeks and then came home and was so weak, I could hardly move. I recovered and have been as healthy as a horse since then. I am wishing the same strong health for your little one.
Will go to Laurie's blog now, praying for her and Garry.

Debbiedoos said...

I pray for both sorry to hear about Lulu, poor kid. Laurie's husband has not left my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah said...

Keeping each one close in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry to hear Lulu is not well. I know she feels comfort being with her Nana and Papa.

Sue said...

Prayers for all...

sleepy headed mom said...

Keeping them in my thoughts

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh yes....praying for them!
Please give us an update when you can.

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

Sending prayers for both!!!

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Sending prayers your way. Thank you for taking time to guess what is the kissing bench!

Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

I believe too!
Please count me in as one who will pray for Garry and Lulu and my they all have good health again soon!
Hugs dear friend,

Unknown said...

Oh Diana - sending best wishes and hopes that Lulu ( and Garry ) will be better before you know it!

Annesphamily said...

Always a special prayer for your sweet grand girl! Laurie too! Life is hard. I will have to send you a private e mail! Crazy living this life!

FabShabbyRoses said...

Oh My goodness I pray your grand is feeling better now! I'm just catching up on reading posts that I've missed due to not being well myself. I hope she is better!