Sunday, February 26, 2023




I rarely write long, story-like posts but

there is no way to shorten this one. 

So, grab a coffee, or vodka and read away.

I had a wonderful brother~ CS Charlie (I will tell you all someday what the CS stands for- it has something to do with poultry & excrement and that’s all I’m saying for now no matter how hard you beg). 

I hope he is smiling down from heaven on this blog today because he would certainly remember Roxie The Burro. 

Mr Ed (the talking horse)

had nothing on her. 

She had her own way of communicating.

When we were kids we wanted a horse. My father had plow horses but they weren’t for riding so we were always begging for a pony. 

My father thought that a pony might be a bit "dangerous" so he started looking around for a suitable substitute. What do you think he found? Aha! I see you have already peeked at the picture. I’ll bet you thought it was a donkey, didn’t you? Well, you can bet an ass it is NOT a donkey (or an ass)-it is a burro. No purer form of stubbornness has ever existed-
(except for Scruffy the Cockapoo-my current boyfriend)
Don't let that sweet face fool you!

I remember clearly the day we picked Roxy up. 
It was down in the Valley and my father let me go along. 
He also took the hired hand, Louie Wheeler, with us. 
My father traded a cow for the burro...
let me tell you...
I think he got screwed 
but that was his own doing. 

We got Roxie loaded up into the back 
of the 1953 Chevy truck and 
started home with her. 
think there were two stop signs 
in Athens, PA. at the time.

 At both stops Roxie 
threw her head back and 
brayed til Kingdom Come. 
She was a brayer extraordinaire! 

My father laughed almost as loud 
as she brayed 
but I can remember Louie 
slumping over in his seat 
and pulling his hat down a bit.
As I got older 
I realized that it was because 
he didn’t want anyone to recognize him 
and connect him with 
the unspeakable sight 
riding behind him.

We got her home....
Oh boy! oh boy! Oh boy! 
I can’t WAIT to get on that "horsie" 
(as I called her). 
Careful-careful-get on her carefully, 
my father admonished me.
Ever so gently I was placed on her back. 
Hmmmm...she didn’t like that much 
so she sat down. 
Try again- haul Roxie to her feet 
and I get back on. 
She sits down again. 
My father thought 
we should give her a break 
and let her get used to the place. 

She had a nice little barn off the main barn with a lowered door frame...
remember this because 
it is important later in the story.

 Roxie would, on occasion let us ride. 
However, we learned to not ride any farther from the barn 
then we wanted to walk home. 
The first time it happened 
I was up in the back field 
and quite a distance from the barn.

She got tired of carrying me around. 
First she lowered her head down 
hoping I would slip off....ah...
but I had learned her tricks! 
Next she dropped to her knees in front-
No go-this cowgirl is hanging on 
and staying straight-
even if my feet are flat on the ground.
Uh Oh-this isn’t working...
Let’s try ROLLING. 
There is NO way you can stay on a rolling burro-
take my word for it. 

Mission accomplished-she gets up-
takes one glance back-
 and merrily trots back to the barn riderless-
God bless her soul 

Yeah, yeah...I hear the Christians among us
 and I AM a believer but THEY say
-animals don’t have souls but–
the way she looked at me-the depth in those eyes...
Okay! Okay! soul, I get it-
Okay-God bless her anyway!

If, for some reason, she was out 
and spotted the barn, 
and didn’t ditch you first, 
she would lay her ears flat back 
against the side of her head and 
RACE towards the barn. 
You had to hold on and duck 
because a low door 
to the stall did not stop her. 

However, it WOULD stop you 
if you are sitting upright. 
You know-no matter how good/bad/ugly 
that old burro was- 
we loved her and 
she was a fun part of our childhood. 

Thinking of getting one now, are you? 
Well, I do have one piece of advice for you. 
It’s simple to understand-
IF you are thinking about getting a burro- DON’T! 

NOW-just wondering because I am used to doing short posts,
Do you like reading these longer 
story-like posts
or do I keep them short?
Inquiring minds want to know.

ps-Today is my father's birthday.
There is rarely a day that goes by
that I don't think of him.
He died when I was 21.

He would love this story.
your photo name


Carol said...

What a fun story and I did not mind the length of it at all. What's really funny is that I had a horse that was scared of thunder and he about took my head off when he race full strength into the people door of the barn. The lower edge of the barn did not stop him either, but it about did me. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

You are so talented n graphic with words. The humor
n delight so enjoyable. Ty for always bringing smiles ...

Laurie said...

Loved it. Look forward to more. You never disappoint 😂❤️

Anonymous said...

Loved this story. Just the right length.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was thinking I would love to have one, but the one thing I could not take would be the braying. they are adorable and as stubboorn as I am, but the BRAYNG would drive me crazy... donkeys do the HE HAW thing a lot too. Loved the story, I could see you on the burro when he rolled, and got a few belly laughs.

Chatty Crone said...

I loved the story and the pictures. I know animals don't really have 'souls' but they sure do look like they have something going on in their mind. I think God wants us to be happy in Heaven and I hope our Disco is up there.

Lisa said...

Wow now I need a nap. Why didnt you just make a movie ? Haha. Just kidding. Cute story.
He Haw

Kay G. said...

Dear Diana, Happy heavenly birthday to your father. I am sorry he died at such a young age. Yes, I loved your story of the burro and I am certain your Dad would too. I know my Daddy would chuckle about it with me too! (I always told him funny things, he loved to laugh.)

Pam said...

Nice story. That was not so long a story. YOu did good.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for all the smiles this morning. ! I can just imagine this. Every horse i ever road went back to the barn with or without me. Some would knock me off the saddle by running into trees with low branches. Ouch. You have some wonderful memories and they deserve the length of this post. Very good one Diana!

Anonymous said...

I just love to see donkeys, or burros. I love to hear them. I probably wouldn’t like it all day long. They just seem to have such personalities.
I didn’t think this post was long at all.
I miss my daddy too. You lost yours so early in your life.

Anonymous said...

Debby Messner

Red Rose Alley said...

I liked seeing you on Roxie. Sounds like you had great adventures with her growing up on the farm. I never tire of farm or country stories, as they most often come with nature and just plain 'ole good living. That's awesome that you remember the name of worker back then. Animals are smart, and they know how to buck you off if they want to haha. You have great memories of Roxie growing up. Happy Birthday to your Father, Diana. I was only 28 when my dad left this world, so I get it, dear friend. ; )


**I see a little of SweetCheeks in you in this picture. Don't you?

bobbie said...

Long or short ~ you write them, I'll read them!
Hugs ~

Kathy said...

This is a great story.

Sandi said...

❤️💕 Your noble steed!

😃 (Did you see Shrek?)

HappyK said...

What a great story and a happy memory.

Tom said...

...what monicker Charlie ended up with, poor guy!

Jackie See said...

Daddy's never leave us, they hold a very special place in our hearts. I love the burro story. I am sure you have many, many more. My Dad brought home a shetland pony. He thought it would be a good size for his beginner 7 year old daughter (me). That pony (Roho was his name) would run us right into a row of rose bushes, run and then stop suddenly bowing his head to throw us over and then would bite our butts if we didn't run fast enough. I didn't ride him for pleasure, it was more like a rodeo show! Makes me laugh every time I think about him!

Ann said...

I can't say that I'm yearning for a burro of my own right now but I sure did enjoy reading your story. I can picture Roxie running for the barn after rolling to get rid of her rider.

jack69 said...

Loved the story, THANKS. We never had a horse, mule nor Burro. But The Page family that attended our church did have a pony. My first time on old Frank, I held on with the bucking but you are right rolling will get you out of the saddle. I will never forget Old Bro Page, "Get back on him Jackie, or he will never let youride him again." Farmers B smart.
Love you lady, I miss my Dad too! he was a farmer before he became a preacher.
Sherry & jack

Anonymous said...

You are a great storyteller. I think I have said that before. Just recently, in fact. Roxy looks a little under fed Maybe it’s just the angle of the shot. Fun story. Thanks for sharing long or short. It’s always good to hear from you. Hugs.

Mevely317 said...

I loved every stinkin' word, Diana ... grinning all the way through. No, this isn't too long at all.
My father passed unexpectedly when I was 31. That was many years ago, but I still miss him every day. Happy Birthday to your daddy in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

That above comment is from Missy. I don’t know why it came up as anonymous.

Junkchiccottage said...

I love your posts long or short. This is such a cute story. I know how much you loved your dad and Charlie. They made your childhood so good. Happy Birthday to your dad in Heaven. Hugs. Kris

Pamela M. Steiner said...

This was a fun post, and no it wasn't too long at all. You have to tell the whole story to get the point! But, oh, I am sorry your daddy died when you were still so young. That's a long time to be without your daddy. I know I think you said he was a bit older, but still...he was your daddy. Happy Heavenly Birthday to your dad. (((hugs)))

Susie said...

Diana, What kid would not want a "horsie"? haha. Your story made me think of the one Teddy told me. His family did indeed have a Shetland pony. All the kids would ride it . Ted said it would run under the low branches and knock them off. Ted said it would hurt at time if the pony went fast enough. Gee it probably was wore out. I loved your story. Your brother is probably laughing. Blessings to all of you. xoxo,love, Susie


What a great story! I always enjoy your posts short or long they're always good! xoxo Dolly

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, Roxie certainly had a mind of her own and wasn't going to do anything she didn't want to! Fun story! I don't mind reading longer stories/posts from entertaining and witty writers such as you, Diana! Bring 'em on!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Cute story! I imagine you and CS ( yes, I figured out what it means lol) had quite a few adventures with Roxie! What sweet memories! I don't mind the longer posts. I find them quite entertaining! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

Cecilia said...

Love the story and the length didn’t bother me. You should totally tell more…besides now you have to tell us about CS Charlie. Inquiring minds want to know about the chickens and their, um, droppings and how your brother fits into all of that. 😁 I bet Roxie enjoyed her life with you. What a hoot to think she was “safer” than a pony!

Kim said...

I love long stories! Big surprise from this mouthy NYer. 😉 Your stories are always so entertaining and descriptive, I can see the events in my head. Love that! Great story, too. I can't imagine you having any pet without a strong personality! Hahaha!!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to your beloved burro buying dad, Diana. I’m sure he’s smiling down from heaven at the memories of that cute story. I figured out the meaning of CS! Thank you for the story; I enjoyed picturing it! Have a wonderful week! XO

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, I loved this story! I didn't realize there was a difference between a burro and a donkey. Learn something new every day.

Rose L said...

I enjoy the longer posts! It is fun to have memories that bring laughter and smiles!

Shari Burke said...

I loved reading the story of you and Roxie! She was a smart gal!

Bill said...

LOL, a fun memory that keeps you shaking your head and laughing. Thanks for sharing.

Creations By Cindy said...

What wonderful and fun memories for you. I loved the story! Oh girl, I am sure you miss your daddy but so grateful that you have some wonderful memories. Happy March. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Bless said...

What a fun story! You have some good memories of your childhood and growing up. That's nice of you to remember your father on his birthday with a story like that. :)

My step-father almost bought me a donkey; we were on our way somewhere and passed by a man leading a donkey and we stopped so I could admire the donkey and the man was trying to sell the donkey. I was all for buying the donkey and my step-father was asking how much the man wanted for it, when my ever practical mother asked where were we going to keep the donkey? You see, we were living in an apartment on the 4th floor at the time! LOL. Obviously, we continued on our way without the donkey!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

What a cute story and wonderful childhood memories! Your donkey provided some good times!

Linda said...

MORE!!!! We want MORE!!!!!
I loved reading every single word!!!

Jeanie said...

I love whatever you decide to write -- I smile big with some, teary on others, delighted with all!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh. I laughed and laughed! Do I want a burro? No, but having stories like this to read makes my day!!

Donna said...

Happy belated birthday to your father! And no...I don't think I'll ever own a burro. Way too opinionated!lolol
And I'll read Whatever you write!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I certainly don't mind the longer post - it was a great story! And the picture of you on the Burro is too cute. Well, just the other day, I was thinking about getting a burro, but thankfully, your post came just in time, and now I won't!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Love your stories Diana, you had me laughing out loud! I think it is wonderful that you share these stories, you are a great storyteller! Animals are so very special. Blessings to you!