Tuesday, April 5, 2022



Thanks to all of you that played along.

Ready?  Here we go!

                           It is always fun to see which table you want to sit at!


Lots of you here-I am renting a banquet hall!

Penny, MadSnapper, Polly, Tete, Kris, bobbie, Gert, Missy, Vee(needs the serenity),Ginny, Lynne (who will surely change her seat to sit by Missy), Melanie, Connie, Dolly, Nellie, Nancy M, Cindy, Linda/LifeJournal, Lorrie, Lux/Life&Love, Theresa, Nancy/WildOak, Jack & Sherry-my RV people, Pam, Cindy M, JennyThePirate-(wanted to sit at #6 but there were no plates so she was afraid she wouldn't get fed), Connie M, Marydon, Sabra, Sylvia, bj/needs a mismosa and wants to invite Sam Elliot


Pam S (wrote a book before coming to a final decision-Is THAT your final answer?), Mevely, Betsy/Estelle, Terry D, RoughTerrain & Amy


OK-So this is a little weird- Apparently your name has to start with an L to sit here! 

Leena, LisaK, Leann, Lois and Lauren



Jenn, Pam K(here because she gets her own basket of candy), MA, Jan, Bless(smitten with the foil eggs-should I tell her they are laid by foil covered chocolate chickens?) Karen/OldHouse, Babbling Brook & Doris


Another big table!

Basil6, Cecilia, Kathy, Judy, Shipla, Bonnie, Linda/Life&Linda, Kitty(likes a cheery table), Nonie, Ann (wanted to sit at #3-but was afraid of getting feathers in her food-if we have chicken I will make sure they are completely defeathered), Carrie, Buttercup, Michele, Julie, Debbie-Dabble, Rain, Jane/FarAgoFarm, Dawn, Debi/BeachGypsy(bringing her usual fun-loving self),Judy/GoldCountryCottage & Liz.


Diane/LavenderDreams-(Inviting Tom cuz she is NOT fancy!), Kim, Carla(figures she can garden and eat at the same time-hope she isn't handling poisonous plants), Jettie, Akasha, Jeanie, Cindy/Creations


Sandi, Debra(nostalgic and reminds her of Easter at home as a child), Rose, HappyOne, Akasha's Mom(Hi-thanks for playing along) & Gary W.


Tom-All too fancy-See #6, Tom, HootingAnni(likes Feathers & Woodland but can't commit), Laurie---Laurie,Laurie,Laurie! and last but not least, Laura and she is just plain NOT picking a table.

So-there you have it. 

I hope I didn't miss anyone or put you at the wrong table.  If I did, please forgive me and let me know. My little fur boyfriend is on me like white on rice today-although, I guess in his case, it would be like black on licorice!  He also likes to help me TYPE on the computer every chance he gets.  I do a lot of backspacing.

 Isn't Scruffy handsome?

This is after he was just groomed!

Have a wonderful rest of the week.

I'll be back soon-Pinky Promise!

your photo name


Kathy said...

Am I first? I'm never first. Look at that little cutie. I think he needs his own blog and then he wouldn't be trying to horn in on yours. Now my cat Jack would NEVER act like that. And if you believe that I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you. Thanks for the fun of the Easter tables. It's always nice to see who chooses what. And I'm surprised a lot of the time too.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

He is adorable! I always have fun picking my table! Have a great day.

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Long live the L's at table #3! We're a small group but a lovely one!😂 Maybe handsome licorice dog will join us! He's so cute! Have a great week! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Wishing you a very happy Easter and hope your table is full of lots of wonderful people too ! Thanks for sharing the fun !

Cecilia said...

Whee! We’re going to party! Lol. Fun as always, Diana. Hope you are having an awesome week! Scruffy is very handsome but dare I say not so scruffy? Haha.
Hugs, Cecilia

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I meant the TABLE is not too fancy! Oh my....I don't want to start any rumors! hahahaha! This was fun and your Scruffy is adorable. Don't spoil him. lol Hugs!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And Scruffy KNOWS he's handsome too!

Gert said...

Oh my…Scruffy is so cute! And looks so handsome after his Spa day! Looks like I will have lots and lots of people to sit with ! What
fun we will have —-stories to tell…food to eat, and memories to share!

Thank you!

jack69 said...

This is sweet. Thanks for all the work. Yes, I love that little black dude. I and see it helping you type. WE do have a crowd at #1, I'm okay with that I will eat soup and enjoy the company!
Love ya ;-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if scruffy will be at one of the tables, move me to that table. i want to hug him

Wild Oak Designs said...

Your fur baby is adorable....and thanks for all you do!

Chatty Crone said...

I must have missed this one somehow. Sorry.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Wow, my table is full...LOL Scruffy looks adorable. Mine need groomed. Continue to feel good. xoxo

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

He is handsome indeed! we have a quiet table at PP, but that means more jellybeans for me, because I sprinkled them everywhere . (the black ones especially)

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's always fun to see the tables people picked and who they are sitting with! Scruffy looks so handsome and groomed. Have a nice week!

Lorrie said...

Thanks for hosting the parties again, Diana! Scruffy is very cute! Have a great rest of the week.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am happy to see that I know at least two of the other guests at my table, Mevely and Terri D. That should make for great fun!! As always, you do make things so much fun! Thank you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like my pick won! Oh, Scruffy is so cute, you should post him MORE often!! And he is certainly NOT looking scruffy!

Terri D said...

Whoohooo!! I get to sit at an uncrowded table and with Myra, who I have met in person. I think I can talk her into swiping one of the placemats, too, so I can complete my set of eight! (teehee). Thanks, always, for the fun, Diana!! xo

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwwww, Scruffy is so cuuuuuute! When do we eat? Haaahaha xoxo

Ann said...

Aww, Scruffy is handsome. Tell him if he will come sit at my table I'll slip him some goodies.

Melanie said...

Lots of us at table #1 - hope there's enough room!

Scruffy is such a handsome pup.


Jeanie said...

It's nice to be at a less crowded table -- I will be able to hear everyone and we'll all be able to hear each other as we no doubt share fabulous stories. Hugs to Scruffy!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Thanks for the table fun choosing, Diana! Scruffy is indeed a handsome fella!

Bless said...

Ooh! Foil covered chocolate chickens?! May I have one, please? :D

Aw, such a handsome puppy! Helpful, too, I see! :)

Carla from The River said...

FUN, FUN, and give Scruffy pats and a treat from me.

Lynne said...

Always a fun post . . .
Missy & Lynne are all set.
Nice gals who traded seats !

Lynne said...

bj was willing to change seats . . .
She has other things going on, with Sam!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Darn I could’ve been a part of the”L” table! Scruffy is quite the cutie!

Lisa said...

Awe man! I hate I missed the party. I need to pay more attention.
I guess Ill see you at the 4th of July gathering.


Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Looking forward to sitting down with my table mates! Scruffy sure is handsome....looks so like my Sadie, I thought you had her picture in your post!

Hootin Anni said...

I'm right there with Sandra/MadSnapper...gimme the table where Scruffy will be seated!!

Kim said...

He's quite a handsome gent. Love the tie! And my mom always said that the naughty ones are always the cutest...so you don't kill them! Hahaha!! Thanks for the party, can't wait until the next one. xo

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Diane I am late but count me in for the Woodland table...for sure that would be my pick. Hope you have a lovely Easter friend. Hugs!

Katie Isabella said...

Let's EAT! I'll sit next to your little boy there...all freshly groomed. XX

Pam said...

He is so adorable. Love when they wear bandanas. Dakota used to wear them. Love the table choices. Think most everyone like the same one I did. Thanks for doing this, always fun.

Lowcarb team member said...

Always fun, thank you ... and yes, Scruffy is adorable.

Happy Easter Wishes.

All the best Jan

Rehoboth said...

Super shots
