Sunday, April 10, 2022


 I think just about




with Christmas.

I know that I always
make several batches
of all different types
of fudge during the
Holiday Season.

I give them to my
enemies friends to 
that way I look thinner 
Pretty smart for a blond, huh?

I have a recipe for
for Spring.
If you love lemon this is for you!
I'm not sure where it came
from but I have used it for
several years.
It was probably the old
Taste Of Home magazine.
It is so good that you
will be licking the pan.
You will bow down
before me because
I am 
The Fudge Queen.

This is NOT a recipe
for those 
weak-willed people
that cannot refrain from
eating the whole pan...
Here you go-

1/2 cup REAL butter (no oleo/margarine)
One 4.5 oz cook & serve lemon pudding
(do not use instant pudding)
1/2 cup milk
3-3/4 cups confectioner's sugar
1 teaspoon lemon extract

Line a 9" square pan with foil
bringing it up the sides.
Use butter and heavily butter the foil
In large saucepan combine:
Pudding mix
Cook and stir over medium heat
until mixture has thickened.
Remove from heat.
Beat in confectionery sugar & lemon extract.
Pour into buttered pan and refrigerate.
Use tinfoil to lift fudge out of pan.
Cut into squares and store in fridge.

Serve to family and friends
and your skinny enemies.
Trust me-
You will have a new
Easter candy tradition.

your photo name


Sandi said...

Oleo, what on Earth is that?

AnnMarie said...

Yum, yum and yum!! I was just craving lemon bars but this looks like a step up. Thank you Oh Fudge Queen!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never heard of lemon fudge before and man oh man, that sounds delicious! If it weren't for the 4 cups of confectioner's sugar, I'd make a batch! Alas, too much sugar for me.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Sounds yummy. I have never heard of lemon fudge. Thanks for sharing. We love lemon, so this is perfect. Happy Sunday. xoxo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Lemon is a taste of Spring. I've never had Lemon Fudge before, but it does sound good. It would make for a good treat in the summer too!

jack69 said...

Looks and sounds good. I am sure I would like it, I tend toward lemon. Hope you are warm and staying safe up that way. Cool in Florida today. Sending good thoughts and love your way. ;-)

MadSnapper said...

looks delish, wish I could eat it.. I love lemon anything

Junkchiccottage said...

I am not a big lemon fan but this sounds pretty delish. I like lemon bars so I might just like this fudge.
Happy Sunday. Have a great new week. xoxo Kris

Jo said...

I love fudge, I can't resist buying some when we holiday in Cornwall. They sell it everywhere there.

Bill said...

Never heard of lemon fudge but it sure sounds good.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I haven't made fudge for some years. Might have to try this one!

Shari Burke said...

That does look delicious!

Bless said...

It sounds delicious! Thank you for the recipe! Hope all is well with you and yours.

Ann said...

Sounds yummy.

Unknown said...

That sounds so yummy and I do like Lemon, but I would probably eat it all because some of my family does not like lemon. I am trying again to leave you a comment and I am not a robot. Love you, Shirley

Susan Kane said...

Oh, this is on my immediate list. I need some good stuff right now.

I grew up with butter, we made our own. A few Wisconsin bakers had recipes that absolutely had to be made with oleo. At that time, margarine was not sold, competing with butter. Two ladies sneaked into Canada, bought some margarine there.They were afraid that the border crossing would take the oleo away.

I like Kerry Gold butter.

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE LEMON.. so this is going to be pinned. Thank you for sharing. :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

All hail the Fudge Queen!! Trust me, I WILL be making this for easter. Copying it NOW!

Gary B Wood said...

Sounds Good, My favorite is the old stand by of "Peanut Butter Fudge" !!! I would try the Lemon Fudge but really like my Lemon dripped on Broiled Haddock, In my Sweet Tea, We had a nice Palm Sunday ! Coffee Hour after Church with 20 people,!

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh my goodness! That lemon fudge looks so good! I love all things lemon! Thank you for sharing the recipe. Hugs and blessings to you sweet lady.

This N That said...

I am truly not a fudge fan..makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it...I like Lemon though so ...who knows???Thanks for sharing the recipe..Have a good week dear lady..Hugs


Laughing you nut! I am going to make this week! Yum it sounds great!
xoxo Dolly

Ricki Treleaven said...

This looks soooooo good. Mr. Bookish LOVES all things lemon. He would love this! :D

Linda said...

Thank you! THANK YOU!!! Thank YOU!!!
I am still in love with your caramel recipe! I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday and I always take him a treat! Tomorrow I will be making lemon fudge!!! Have I said THANK YOU?????

Tom said...

...too sweet for me, I'm already sweet enough!

Donna said... are SO BAD! Now I have to make this!!!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Fudge is certainly a year round thing here in the UK. I can't say I've ever seen a lemon fudge before, but it sounds delightful.

Estelle's said...

Lemon Fudge!!! How amazing...just perfect for Spring....thank you for sharing Diana!

BeachGypsy said...

I am making this fudge!!!-- maybe TODAY!I have an old recipe for key lime fudge and that stuff was addictive--- I bet this lemon will be the same!!!

Katie Isabella said...

I will HAVE to make it. I hope I can take two oieces and hurry and give it away as quickly as possible.

Jenny the Pirate said...

WOW this sounds like a winner!!!! I have copied this recipe and I will be making it ... my desserts for this weekend are lemon so maybe I'll just add the fudge. Lots of celebrating to do! He is Risen! xoxo

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Yum! I hope everyone likes your Lemon Fudge. I hope you have a nice week and a happy Easter Diana.

Jeanie said...

Your PB fudge is so good, I might have to try this, just because I love lemon!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh my - you are definitely the fudge goddess! I have some skinny relatives I need to fatten up for the family photos. Sick of being the short, chubby one :) Pinning this one! xx K

Hootin Anni said...

As I was scrolling to type a comment, I had to laugh at Sandi's... oleo (there must be a generation gap here for her to not know the word, oleo)
I'd love a piece of your fudge, thank you!!

Pam said...

You are correct, I think of Christmas when I think of fudge but that is silly cause fudge is good anytime!

Lorrie said...

Oh my. This sounds so delicious! I love lemon flavoured anything!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

No. Way. This sounds amazing and if its anything like your peanut butter fudge . . . well it will be in my kitchen. Once the kitchen remodel is done. If it made it now, it would be crunchy haha . . . and not in a good way!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love anything lemon. These sound great!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Well, I've been making chocolate fudge for 30+ years that folks absolutely LOVE! I probably give 50-60lbs away every Christmas. I think I"m going to give this a whirl as I love lemon and this would be a new flair for fudge. Happy Easter to you and yours.

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for sharing this recipe.

All the best Jan

Kim said...

Wow...lemon fudge?? I love lemon anything. I need to pass this one along to my little baker and put in an Easter request! Thanks for the fun idea, Diana. Happy Easter!! xo

Kathy said...

Sounds good but I'm allergic to all things dairy so no butter or milk for me.

Theresa said...

YUM! Funny thing about lemon, I am not a fan but I love lemon pound cake, lemon fudge? I will have to give this a try! Enjoy your day and Easter weekend ahead dear friend, HUGS!

Debbie Nolan said...

Diana this sounds luscious. I am a great fan of lemon and will certainly have to give this one a try. May have a bit of trouble finding non-instant lemon pudding - so will keep my eye out at some of the larger super markets. Hope your Easter is just lovely. Hugs!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Oh my goodness, sounds delightful. You have great commentary with your stories too. How are you my friend? wishing you a blessed Easter and happy weekend.

roughterrain crane said...

Sounds yummy.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I love lemon everything, and this sounds delish! Unfortuntely, I fall into the category of "weak willed" when it comes to lemon,and fudge, and, well, pretty much all food!

HappyK said...

I've copied down the recipe and will try it for sure!!