Monday, January 3, 2022


 While my inner soul

craves the open road,

my heart keeps me tied in the spot

I call home.

If I did not have these
you might find me living the life of 

Snowy Wisconsin winters
always makes me long to roam.

There were nomads in my family line.
Men that traveled 
to set up new towns 
once the towns were established, 
they would move on to
build another settlement.

I think I inherited some of that trait...
that longing for the road.
While I LOVE my home, 
I sometimes long
to pack my bags and 
travel the highways and byways
of our beautiful country..
Winter and Spring both find me restless...
calling my name to  explore
the lesser known roads of life.

IF I could pack up and travel I might
choose something like this.
I could see myself parking this
in a quiet spot in the foothills,
brewing a pot of coffee,
listening to classical music and  
reading a good book.
Idyllic, yes?
This bit of retro travel heaven
would work just fine for me, too.
After a long idyllic drive 
through the countryside
I could crawl into this bed 
with a happy heart.
Couldn't you?

Maybe it's because we haven't 
been able to travel
 much since MyHero 
suffered all his health issues.

 Maybe that is what makes 
the open road
call my name.
Maybe it is because my soul is restless.
Maybe it is because I feel winter weary
and I am anxious for 
Soft Summer Winds.

Maybe it is because Covid has kept
me house bound and feeling fettered.

How about you?
Any other souls out there
that harness your inner

I am home with a quiet house
trying to beat this virus/bug I have.
I may not move from 
MY NEST today...
even though I feel the road
calling my name!

And, of course, I would have 
my wonderful traveling companion...
this little boyo has stolen my heart
and my shoes, glasses and anything 
that is not nailed down.
Have a wonderful week!
your photo name


Ann said...

The idea of traveling the country does sound heavenly but I doubt that I would get very far before I decided I just want to go I'm such a home body it's gotten rather pitiful.

Davey Bacaron Designs said...

Definitely lovely. Love everything about your post, lovely pictures as well.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my! If I could travel like THAT, I might also be tempted to take to the open road! Those are what you call a "Glamper" instead of a Camper. I love the one with the turquoise appliances. The home I grew up in that my Daddy built in Florida in 1957 had turquoise appliances! My 22 yr. old grandson and friends are currently traveling the open roads across country with campers, in search of a better land to settle in, leaving Maine's icy cold winters and covid's stranglehold on society behind. How I envy them their adventure, but then again, they ARE 22 and I am, well, much older and wiser...but still, I think it would be delightful to do as they are doing...but maybe not in winter...'twould be better to get south to Florida before old man winter really sets in. Wish you could bring your hubby and sweet doggy and head south for the winter where it would be healthier for both of you. (((hugs)))


Sounds pretty great to me (says the homebody that goes nowhere)! I want to want to go! (lol) If that makes any sense. A travel time is needed! Yours looks pretty, footloose and can't say fancy-free looks pretty fancy! I enjoyed that notion of taking to the open road!

Vee said...

I would love to have a vardo all decked out in Bohemian colors and patterns. Course, I am the type who would park it in my back yard and use as a she shed. Whenever I feel stressed, I get the urge to run. Just go somewhere and do something else. I don't think that is what you are describing. Yours is more of a true desire to travel and see new sights. Well a gal recovering from covid can dream. Hope that you are soon well past this. 🙏🏼

Jeanie said...

I am so with you on wanting to travel. It'll have to wait. Meanwhile, I hope every day you are feeling better and better.

MadSnapper said...

I love the look of the retro, but all of these are way to busy for my taste. I like clean and clutter free. I am a homebody so no desire to travel, but I can imagine for people like you with the yearn to travel, this pandemic is much harder for you than me. the odd thing is my mother and her sister were yearners of traveling, both of them would beg anyone to take them for a ride, the longer the better. I moaned and groaned over the 8 hour ride to come see my grandmother, mother would have loved it to be twice that long.. i think you are right, it is in the genetics.. sorry you are ill and yearning

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Those are all such great campers! I don't mind traveling as long as I can stay off interstate highways. It's back roads for me all of the way. Feel better soon!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Diana, I do hope you're well again soon. I swear, I think some of what's NOT Covid is worse than what those in my family who've been diagnosed positive with Covid are experiencing. I totally get the urge to want to travel, but all one has to think about are the lines, the confined quarters of a plane or other stranger gathering, and the outbursts of rage that often accompany those scenes to keep me settled in place. I really thought 2022 would be better, but now I'm beginning to wonder. Daydreaming with all those idyllic scenes you've shared will do for me for the time being, love them all. Watch out for thieves in black - day or night!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I'm chomping at the bit to travel, Diana! I always have had that travel bug, but not being able to do it because of Covid just makes me feel the longing more. Hope you are on the mend and feeling better!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I once had a stove which was that exact shade of aqua/blue in photo #3. It was in a furnished rental place. I hope you get to take a trip soon to quell your wanderlust! I enjoy seeing new places but in a couple of weeks, I'm ready to go home again, I'm afraid.

Lynne said...

Feel better and when you get to that “feeling better” place
choose a day and take off in the car to “feed your soul a bit!”
Take Scruffy along with you . . . to keep an eye on you!
Sure hope this virus thingy makes an exit SOON!

Cecilia said...

I do hope you feel better soon. All of those travel homes would suit me just fine. Spring and Fall find me the most restless. And Scruffy is as adorable as always. Take care, my friend.
Hugs, Cecilia

Theresa said...

Me too, ME TOO! I long to do a little traveling, not go somewhere and have go hurry back home... but GO SOMEWHERE on a road that is long with a beautiful sunrise and sunset. Hey pick me up:) Enjoy your day dear friend, I pray your Husband is doing good and that the virus stays away!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I think after these last couple of years, we are all anxious to take off! I have measured the back of my Jeep to see if I can sleep in it! hahahaha! Take care and get well soon! Hugs, Diane

Junkchiccottage said...

I feel like you and have that gypsy in my heart and mind too. I cannot wait for Terry to retire in the next few years and we can travel and explore. Happy New Week. xoxo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I would love to travel to warmer climates. I have two sons who live in the south and are warmer, yet it is not really safe to travel at all right now. Too many problems, so I'll stay at home and look at pictures of warmer days and try to be happy with what I have. Hope you are soon better !

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh my gosh, those are all beautiful! Sorry you are somewhat tethered to home base right now. I hope your wonderful husband is feeling well and that you are on the mend. I like to see new places, but I always am ready to come home after a few days. -Jenn

FrenchGardenHouse said...

What a fun post to begin the year! I so agree, I am not as much of a wanderer at heart as you, but these last two years have certainly made all of us yearn to hitch up a Gypsy wagon and travel somewhere, anywhere! I love all of your images, they inspire imagination, don’t they?! Hope you are healthy and happy in this New Year, and maybe that we will all be able to hitch our wagons for some traveling! xo Lidy

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Those, might just convert me to RV living!!!!! LOL

Searching for such lovely photos, sounds like a fun way, to spend your China-Covid-Enforced home time.


Get better!

Then go for a nice long drive, but don't get stuck in the snow.

Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs...

Susie said...

Get well gypsy girl !!! I would love to travel right along side you...but nasty covid has me scared to go anywhere. Praying for your sweetheart. Your family members in need of healing prayers. We had a dusting of snow and after the nice days it seems like a blizzard. Rats. I did love seeing those campers, what fun they would be. Blessings to you Diana, love, xoxo, Susie

Henny Penny said...

Hope you feel better soon. Oh, I could crawn into either one of those cozy looking beds and stay for a while. What beautiful little cozy traveling homes. I'm such a home body though. I can take a trip to the mountains or to the beach, but always ready to come home. Right now with this weather, I'd like to be in Florida. :)

jack69 said...

Sherry has roots, she lived in the same town from birth 'til we married. I was a preacher's son and moved often. Moving was no problem until I was 8 yrs old. By then I had made friends and did not want to move. We did anyway. I pouted and made mom and dad's life miserable. It took a spanking or two but I half settled down. THEN a sweet aunt, Aunt Ann told them Jackie needs a dog, I have just the one, a Black Baby Cocker Spaniel. I named him ACE and my life changed and I had a friend for life and he moved with us. LOL Amazing how those little black Cockers can wrap themselves around your heart. LOL
And YEP Sherry also became a Gypsy. That all worked well until we reached our 80s.
Loved the post, what a great read... hang in there. We have met great folks from the North Woods of Wisconsin....
Sherry & jack Enjoying 65 degrees in Florida...

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

So glad you are on the mend. Staying home is the very best thing. Besides you have your faithful buddy. I am not for travel with all of this mess. Long lines, covid, terrible airplane flights, does not sound like fun. Prayers for you and your family. xoxo

bobbie said...

Happy Trails, dear Lady! All of those caravans looks wonderous!

Shari Burke said...

I hope you feel better soon and that you and the rest of your family recover quickly!

I went through a phase during one of the lockdowns where I watched a bunch of tiny house/van life videos. I'm kind of a domestic nomad--I enjoy going places for a few days and then I am ready to come home ;-)

We did move from the west coast back to the east coast over a decade ago by taking a summer to camp across the northern US (tent camping), which was cool.I noticed during that time that I would set up my little corner as soon as we set up our tent and that felt like home, no matter where we were!

Hope you're resting well. I see that you're being well taken care of!

This N That said...

And maybe it's because you just need a break!!!
I love those little homes..They are so all inclusive..amazing!! Idyllic for sure..
Hope you are soon feeling better.Hugs

Brenda Pruitt said...

Your doggy is so adorable! Well, I'm the opposite. I don't like to travel. Maybe you're feeling this way because your health isn't optimal right now.

John's Island said...

Hi Diana, I love this post because it is almost exactly the way I'm feeling. :-) God bless you. As you will know, from my blog, I love big ships and I love getting on them to go to new places and get way out in the middle of the ocean where I feel like all the "cabin fever" disappears. ;-) Even the CDC is getting in the way telling me to avoid cruises. I'm going to give COVID a few more months and then I'm going on my way. Thank you for the kind Happy New Year greetings you left on my blog and may I return same for you. My new year's resolution: Make 22 better than 21. Best regards to you! John

Ginny Hartzler said...

This pup is so adorable! And I love these caravans, they feel like home but can travel anywhere! We just watched an anthony Bourdain show about the Nomads, this kind of reminds me of them.

Saimi said...

You little Gypsy you. The only thing that calls me away from home are my grandkids. When I go too long from seeing them I get restless and anxious and feel the need visit, but dang girl, pack your bags you have some great options to set up camp should you decide to travel in one of those fun Glampers. What a cutie pie pup you have there and I can see what a great travel companion it would make!
Happy New Year!!

Patty McDonald said...

I hope you are feeling much better. The traveling bug has hit my husband and me too. I think, for us, it's this covid keeping us in a 'sit stay' gives us the traveling blues. When my hubby retired, we took a trip by car to Minnesota and all the states and sites in between there and Calif.. We were gone 7 weeks and didn't miss home. I LOVE home but traveling seeing new sites is more than fun for us. It's an adventure. Bless you and your family. If things ever get back to 'normal' maybe we'll meet up on the road!

Lowcarb team member said...

There is still a big PAUSE on travel arrangements.
Hoping you are feeling better and stronger every day.
Take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

SImple and Serene Living said...

I am so sick of being inside my apartment I think I could camp out on a motorcycle. xo Laura

Kim said...

I hope you are feeling better soon and in the meantime, I hope you are dreaming of all the places you can go!! xo

HappyK said...

We moved so many times throughout the years with Ken being in the military that I like just staying in one place now. :)
I'm a home body but love to get out and walk and living in the woods is just perfect for us. I'm happy to stay put. :)

Donna said...

Hope you are on the mend! You and your entire family are in my prayer book.

If I could park one of those cuties in my backyard for a retreat I would be very happy. Not much of a traveler. Maybe one day your can wander and explore.


Terri D said...

Every picture is amazing! Your travel companion is adorable! If you decide to head south, you can park in my carport for a few days or more!! xo

Melanie said...

I'm such a homebody that I never get the feeling like I want to take off on the open road; however, I do get the feeling once in awhile of wanting to just run away to a cabin in the woods by myself or go to a warm beach in the middle of winter.

Hope you are well soon!


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Love those pic finds - isn't it amazing how cute some clever decorators are with those things? Cute, cute cute!!!

I don't have a gypsy soul. I never did - but a nice long road trip in a small trailer RV sounds really awesome right now.

I hate this Covid isolation.

Praying for your daily improvements till that bug is out of your for good.

Lisa said...

I feel like you. I would love to have a small camper and hit the road. There is so much to see out there. I do not think God intended us to stay in one spot. We only travel to the beach because me Husband will not go anywhere else but my soul wonders. I hope one day to see the other sides of the mountains.
Get well.

Rain said...

Hi Diana :) I hope you feel better soon and it's not THE virus you are suffering from! I used to have that nomad in me, before I met Alex, I actually had plans to buy and renovate a van so I could travel across Canada for 6 months. All that changed and now I'm happily nesting in my quiet little piece of heaven! Sorry you feel that wanderlust and can't do anything about it! Your little furball is adorable! :)

Wild Oak Designs said...

I am a home body, but the spring and fall, I get the urge to leave to go away....perhaps I am a bit migratory, but all the same I love being home. BUT, Covid has been knocking on the door...our son in law and our daughter now have it...and we just saw them three days ago...we have begun our protocol that we have done for the last 2 years....On Guard (DoTerra) and zinc and vitamins C and D3.....
Prayerfully our vaccines and booster will mostly protect us along with our vitamins.....but just in case, we are hunkering in...again.....
I am so tired of hunkering in....I have sewn so many quilts during Covid!!
I hear talk that it will now be "forever" like the flu and colds....
I pray you feel better soon and go where your gypsy heart pulls you......

Lorrie said...

I have a bit of a gypsy soul, too, and love to travel. But I love coming home, too, and wouldn't want to travel all the time. We have a small travel trailer that seriously lacks charm. There have been lots of discussions about how to cozy it up. In August we are planning a 5 week trip to the Arctic Ocean. I'm getting quite excited about that! The best thing about RV travel is that we are self-contained and don't have to stay in hotels nor eat in restaurants (unless we want to).
I hope you are soon recovered from this nasty virus.

Linda said...

I love the camping photos....Maybe I should redecorate our camper!! Think Louis Dean woill mind???

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Those darling RV photos are just my style, Diana. I’d be so cozy and happy in any of those. I hope you’re on the mend and feeling better by now. Having a virus is not a fun way to start 2022. Stay well!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Diana, I'm not much of a traveler, but I do have a Gypsy heart at home. I just traveled 7 hours to see the family, and was so glad to be home. It might be because you've been sick that you want to get out and explore. Sometimes when the Winter is so cold and the sun comes out for awhile, I can just sit there for awhile and have the sun shine on my face. I think we will long for Spring soon. I hope you are feeling better, and what a sweet little companion you have by your bedside. Get well, Diana. Oh, and that last space is my favorite, so cozy, isn't it?


living from glory to glory said...

I hear ya girl!! But you have so many blogging friends you could travel and never run out of people to meet and still have your own little beautiful space!
Prayed for quick healing for you and your family!
Hugs, Roxy

Jenny the Pirate said...

I am a homebody in the main but I do love a good road trip! That first little abode is so wonderful ... YES I can see me with that cup of tea and the classical music and that good book ... let it be raining outside, and let me take a two-hour nap when I've read a few chapters! Wonderful fantasy. I hope 2022 will be a truly special and rewarding thing for you and that your hero will enjoy good health at last. Love to your precious pet. xoxo

Connie said...

That's why I bought my pick-up and fixed up the canopy for camping. Then I only used it once last year, but knowing it's there and that I can take off if I want to gives me a feeling of freedom. Now I have to find some bravery . . . This alone stuff sucks.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I love all of those pretty RV's Diana. I would love to travel but we are not over COVID yet! I am hopeful that 2022 will be better. I hope you feel better and have a happy new year.

Rose L said...

My sister and her husband travelled for 11 years in a motorhome and they loved it. They saw all but 2 states in the US, even Alaska!

Pam said...

Hey lady....I love the travel campers like that. I would love the retro one. Hoping all is well with you.

Karen said...

I'm right there with you except for my kids, dogs and goats!

Wanda said...

I wish I had time to read all the wonderful comments by your fans, but time won't allow right now. Been off the blog due to some new issues with my hubby, severe nosebleeds, and me....old sagging age, prolapsed bladder...but its treatable! But, if I were single and healthy..I have always had a gypsy heart...but have had a "sandbag" life that I wouldn't change..Ministry keeps you in one place...and after dearest wasn't healthy enough to we enjoy our life now, the best ever and God's grace upon grace every day!! Finally back to blogging...hope you'll stop by.

CHERI said...

Oh I love this post...and I can sooo identify. I love home, yet I long to roam!!! I loved, loved, loved every single photo...each made me drool. Wish I had the $$$$ to buy that motor home. I'd take off (maybe bring hubby along:) and take to the open road. But since I don't and I can't, I'll just sit tight and try to remember to count my blessings!

Susan said...

My husband Ken and I have been watching YouTube videos of people living in their vans. Some of them have their vans organized and decorated real nice and they seem quite content in their small spaces. I think it might work for us for short trips but not for extended living on the road. We want to travel the old Route 66 one day and we do have a travel van that would be up to the task. But we are in Canada so with everything what it is we are content to stay home and watch others doing their van life thing. ☺️

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