Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Here I am!

I said I was going to try to get back
in the groove of blogging again.

I know sometimes bloggers
say they are 
and then they disappear forever.
I sometimes wonder if their mate
got tired of them blogging and
"offed them"-if you know what I mean!


When you wake up and it is 
7 DEGREES outside it is 
Winter calls for food that

This is what Midwesterners
like to refer to as
Mostly because it will put you at
coronary risk...
don't say I didn't warn you. 
Now- If you are looking 
please run away from here as fast as your
bony little butt will take you.
This is none of those!

I had SOME hamburger but not enough 
to feed two kids and two adults-
and-I did need to use it up.
Isn't raw hamburger kind of gross to look at?

So...I thought- if you can make 
why can't you make 
Guess what?

I had about 2/3 pound of hamburger.
I added 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese,
and 1/3 cup of the Shake & Bake crumbs.
Mixed it all together with my hands 
(yes my hands)
then formed patties that were less than 1/2" thick.
Is 3/8" of an inch too calculated?

Then I turned them once in the flour,
then put them in the beaten egg,
then put them into the 
Shake & Bake mixture.
Lined up and waiting-
Then I cooked them in medium hot oil 
for about 2 minutes per side.
They were delicious.
I served them with carrots and 
sauteed zucchini along with
a microwaved apple topped with
cinnamon and Splenda brown sugar.
And while EVERYONE ELSE likes their
chicken fried hamburgers
with a bit of gravy,
I like mine with KETCHUP.
It tastes like a cutlet that way (to me).

Listen- Here is my advice for 2022!
ALWAYS eat before you go
grocery shopping.
Otherwise you will be posting 
a sign like this one.
Have a Happy Wednesday!!

I am going to start to do a little
I will post the first one this Friday
and y'all can tell me if I should
continue along my schtick.

I will be around soon with another
now that!
I am back in the loop
or loopy-you decide!
your photo name


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Welcome back, Diana. You have been missed! I love your humor and you are always my sunshine in my day. You would be my Mister's sunshine too if you made him chicken fried hamburger. Looking forward to your Friday post.

Lynne said...

Looking/Sounding Mighty Tasty . . .
(Reminds me of my momma’s chicken tenders
which I made this past Sunday. I will send you the recipe.)
Looking forward to your Friday announcement
and your “Pick Your Favorite Table!
I think you are back “with it” . . . Congrat’s!


I love it! Looks mighty good! Glad you're back and thanks for the laughs! You make blogging fun!
xoxo Dolly

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yum! That looks good enough to eat! Wish I had some of that now! I may have to try that recipe soon. I do cook my pork chops like that a lot...breaded. But I think hamburger like that would be really yummy. Gotta have some mashed potatoes with that too... Anyway, I'm glad you are back to blogging on a more regular basis. We NEED you out here in Blogland! I can't wait to pick my next table to sit at. Hurry it up, okay? Love ya. And thank you.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Stick to your ribs kind of meal for sure! Sounds delicious!

Theresa said...

Well that looks delicious! I am always looking for something new to cook! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That sounds...and looks good and it's something I've never made. We DID make homemade sloppy joes this week, homemade sauce and everything! It was yumo! Hugs!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Do you provide take-out?

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Very impressive that you created this recipe, and it does look good! I am guilty of "buying aisle 4" a few too many times. Looking forward to your Friday thing, and love your favorite table posts!

Junkchiccottage said...

Yum perfect winter food. I love the idea of the Friday pick your table that will be great and fun. Happy Wednesday. xoxo

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That meal looks like the perfect winter comfort food. I hope you stay warm and cozy. Enjoy the rest of the week Diana.

Red Rose Alley said...

Those burgers look really good. I love that "grocery shopping" quote. Sometimes I get what I need at the store, and then see all these things, put them in my cart, and decide at the counter if I really want them or not haha. I've always loved Southern cooking. When Nel lived in Georgia, she ate all kinds of delicious foods. This dish in the Midwest reminded me of that. ; )


Cecilia said...

Yep cold weather makes me want all the fatty, um, comfort foods. Glad you're going to start posting to get myself in the habit. Stay warm! Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

It looks sinfully good! lol

MadSnapper said...

the whole menu is perfect and I have never thought of doing it, but have cooked many chicken fried steak using beef cubed steak, you know, the cheap stuff already beaten up... this is a great idea and of course as is all good food, never heart healthy. yum

bobbie said...

Sound yummy good & fattening! In the loop or loopy, love ya either way!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I bet it was delicious! Hugs!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


I will look at "blogs which go on break and disappear", in a whole new light, from now on. LOLLLLLLLL

Never even had Chicken Fried Steak. Honest!

Keep blogging Girl! Yesssssss!!!!! Good for us and good for you!!!!

Merry Midwinter Wishes

This N That said...

Chicken fried hamburger ?? Only you..Looks dangerously it was yummy..Perfect comfort food..
Glad you are back..hugs

Linda said...

Welcome back!!! You are so much FUN!!!!

Jeanie said...

Winter is definitely the time for comfort food and this is defnitely comfort food for winter! I can practically smell its goodness from across the lake!

Tom said...

...many bloggers are MIA! Take care and stay warm and well.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Looks and sounds great! We can do so much with hamburger. I love stretching an ingredient.
I would love ketchup as well. xo

Polly said...

mmm that looks good. I've just returned from my WI's post Christmas meal, one of the ladies made a pheasant tagine, with a vegetarian option, cuscous, and side dishes of okra, tomatoes and butter beans. It was delicious, lots of lovely different tastes. Followed by profiteroles and/or fresh fruit salad. Looking forward to the 'favourite table' :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't wait to see what you are doing on Fridays! I learned the hard way to eat before grocery shopping. Your recipe is a stroke of genius!

Connie said...

Thanks for the laugh . . . I needed it. I'm referring to being the owner of aisle 4, LOL

Sandi said...

It bothers me that they call it chicken fried. There is no chicken in it! This is an outrage!!!

Kim said...

I never knew that chicken fried steak/ hamburger didn't have chicken in it! Can you tell I'm from NY? Can't wait until Friday to see what you have up your sleeve! xxoo

Terri D said...

That actually sounds pretty darn good! I am a Midwesterner too, ya know. Fried anything can be found on my plate often! I am looking forward to your new Friday schtick!! xo

Ann said...

OMG that looks delicious. Who would have thought of chicken fried hamburger.
Isle 4 in the store where I work is the baking aisle so that would work for me. Lots of good stuff there.

Bless said...

Oh, those chicken fried hamburgers sound so good! Next time I buy some hamburger meat, that is what I am going to make! :)

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I can’t wait until Friday! What will you tempt us with? -Jenn

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Hamburger steak sure does look good Diana! Glad to hear you are going to be blogging more, sounds fun! Your posts always put a smile on my face :)

Rose L said...

Welcome back! Knew you couldn't stay away from us! Sounds like an interesting recipe!!

Debby said...

What a good idea. I will have to try that.

Lorrie said...

Welcome back! That looks delicious! Who cares about healthy when it's cold and dreary out. Bring on the comfort food!

HappyK said...

I try to eat healthy but it never hurts to take a break from it every now and then. :)
Looks delicious!!!
Looking forward to seeing what you have for us on Friday!

Doris said...

Hmm, guess I will have to take my not so bony and not at all little (!) butt and run cause I could not eat one bite of that without some pain, sadly. Oh well, it certainly sounds good! It's been cold here too. Winter is hard, might start counting the weeks to Spring šŸ˜€

Billie Jo said...

And that looks AMAZING! My husband would love that! Thank you! So happy to visit you here, my friend. Have a cozy evening!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Oh girl! I DON'T EVEN know what to say!
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

living from glory to glory said...

Yummy sounds delicious and the ketchup ❤️ is perfect šŸ‘šŸ»

Carla from The River said...

Love your humor my Wisconsin Pal.. thank you for the recipe. And looking forward to what you have up your sleeve. ;-)

Wanda said...

Yummy! Before my dearest had CHF chicken fried steak was his favorite with lots of gravy. But now we are diligent to keep the sodium down and eat more fish and veggies. Btw he loves ketchup.....but that cute heart of ketchup you shared is his daily amount of sodium!!! It not the food that kills us...but those dang sauces and gravies that make everything taste good!! But it's become normal for us now, and we like the results.

Wanda said...

PS He gets a "cheat" day once a month!!

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I've made chicken fried burger before with cream gravy & mashed potatoes ...yum.

It'd be the freezer asile I'd lean out shopping on an empty stomach.

Bill said...

Cograts on being the owner of aisle 4. Glad you left the others free for people to shop. :)

Susan said...

Wow, that looks super delicious, I will try it. My husband loves anything with hamburger! ❤️And thank you for your nice comment at my blog ☺️šŸ™

Betsy said...

My kind of food! Yum! My husband would especially love to have this and I must make it your way. I got a laugh about Isle 4, a good one!

Far Ago Farm said...

Hi Diana, your recipe looks super tasty - definitely comfort food for the soul on a cold Wisconsin night! Now that we live in KY, we are enjoying a much milder winter. In fact, my hubby went golfing on New Year's Eve and I wore a coat for the first time last week! Not going to complain about that. Jane

Susan said...

I tried your recipe last night, it was a hit! It will be added to our rotation of favourites in meal planning ❤️thank you❤️

Lowcarb team member said...

I always enjoy your favourite table posts :)

All the best Jan