Saturday, January 1, 2022


 I hope to soon be


I have been blessed
this past year,
even with all the Covid stuff going on.

Right now I have a 
daughter that had a painful
surgery and she is still in a 

I have 2 sons with Covid,
2 daughter-in-laws with Covid,
an ex-son in law that has been
hospitalized for over a month with Covid.
We have lost friends and people
we love this past year.
I was tested this week for Covid
and have all the symptoms
but my test came back negative.
I am spending the weekend in bed
to try to get ahead of this mess.

In spite of ALL of this-

I am so looking forward
to a
New Year.

I wish the same
for each and
every one of

Thank you for being
part of my life-
blogging and beyond
during this past year!


ps....NO headaches here-
How about you?
your photo name


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am so sorry to hear about everyone with covid in your life! I hope you feel better soon. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2022.

Vee said...

Praying for all... Glad that you will rest, but remember to breathe deeply. Yes, a happy and healthy 2022. Things must get better.

Estelle's said...

I am so sorry to read this Diana....sending get well wishes for your family....wishing you a very Happy 2022!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll keep everyone in my prayers. What a terrible couple of years and when it hits you close to home, it's very hard. Take care of yourself my friend. Hugs to you and John and Happy new year!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, covid and bad health has hit your family hard! I hope 2022 brings better health for everyone! Happy New Year, Diana!

jack69 said...

We have fortunately been personally spared the COVID junk. Sherry is a little better, but still not out of the woods with aggravating health problems.
Always love you positive spin, hoping with prayers your complete self again!!!
Sherry & jack thinking of you!
PS: Like your side bar!

Susie said...

Diana, I am praying for you and your family. Please do take care of yourself. I am finally more like myself today. Did get to the gas station this morning. I wear my masks and wash my hands many times a day. Covid is on the rise around our town and less people wearing masks...why? I too pray for our world to have a healthier New Year. Blessings to you dear friend. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Terri D said...

Tough times for everyone. Praying that your family and friends will get well soon! I have had a touch of a head cold and also tested negative for covid. I didn't think it was but got checked. No fever and I feel fine... just stuffed up. That time of year. Happy New Year to you and yours, Diana. Let's start gathering blessings!! xo

Sandi said...

Diana, I am sorry to hear about all the illness and your son-in-law being in the hospital. Take care and get well.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope you remain covid free, but there are many other things out there that make us sick. Hoping you feel better soon. I'm ok, no headache only aches and pains of arthritis here. I can live with that and count myself blessed too.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Wishing you and your family a much happier, healthier new year! I really hope everyone starts to feel much better, you included. I still get excited when I see a post from you, Diana! -Jenn

Jan said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. Praying for healing for you and your family and for a healthy and happy new year!

Lorrie said...

Wow, 2021 has gone out with a nasty bang for you. I hope you and your other family members will soon feel better, particularly your daughter after surgery. Will pray for healing. Hugs, Lorrie

bobbie said...

Happy New Year, dear Diana! May all your loved ones feel better soon ~
Hugs ~

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Rotten way to Welcome in the New Year.

But your attitude, that things will be BETTER, is a wonderful way to think.

Stay in bed. Rest. About the only thing to do, with this miserable China-Covid Monster.

Merry Midwinter Wishes
Happy New Year
💗 ✨ 💗 ✨ 💗

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, and that so many in your family are battling this ugly thing called "covid". My prayer for 2022 is that it will be GONE!!! We've all had enough of it, even if it hasn't touched us personally, just seeing so many sick and many who have left this earth too soon because of it...well. enough is enough! Praying for a healthy and happy New Year for you and yours and us and ours!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry. I hope you heal very soon. Oh my, you have so much to deal with right now!!

Kim said...

Happy New Year, Diana. I hope everyone is feeling better very, very soon!! xo

living from glory to glory said...

Hey, so sorry for all those in your family fighting Covid and pain! It’s been a rough couple of years for all of us! Get your rest and know your a trooper and a blessing to your family and so many of us! Praying for you all!! Hugs, Roxy

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I’m so sorry. Hope you feel better soon, Diana.

HappyK said...

Oh so sorry to hear about all the people in your family with covid!! Hope all are better real soon.

Brenda said...

Prayers…vaccinate…mask…isolate…this started early 2020 and got out of hand…

sharon said...

Sending prayers for your family. Praying for healing and health in 2022!

Linda said...

I will be praying for you and all of yours to get well soon!
Glad you tested negative but I know sick is STILL sick!!

Far Ago Farm said...

Oh my goodness Diana, that is lot on your plate - and none of it is tasty! Sending you and your dear family lots of prayers for recovery. I also hope 2022 is good to you & yours. Jane

Chatty Crone said...

I am so sorry to hear all that in your family. Hugs. The four of us took tests the 29th - and we all turned up for Covid immediately. So we are quarantining together. I have the HEADACHE! Happy New Year.

Kathy said...

I am so sorry about all the sickness going on in your family. Hope you are feeling better soon. Happy New Year and may it be a healthy one for you and your family.

Ann said...

So sorry to hear about all the covid in your family. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon and you also.


Diana I'll be glad when you and the family are well. I'm sorry you have so many sick. Praying here for you all.
we've fared pretty well throughout this mess, have lost a few friends and know many that haven't been well.
For the first time in my lifetime I wasn't able to have Christmas with my family. One of the children's entire family has been sick. Not covid but pretty sick. Thankfully they are on the road to recovery.
Looking forward to the new year and praying for blessings good health and happiness for all!
Love you,

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

So sorry to read about all the Covid going on in your family. After all this time Covid is hitting too close to home now, isn't it? It used to be just on the news but that has changed. Glad to hear you are resting all weekend. You are the bright spot in your family so I pray you recover soon!

Lisa said...

Happy New Year! Yea my daughter has covid and missed out on the New Year Partying. She was so mad. She has also been fully vaccinated for about 2 months now. We are still not convinced that everything they call Covid is actually covid. My doctor said flus and colds will show up as Covid on the rapid test. Just be careful and don’t love on people!!! Haha.

Hugs from NC

Tom said...

...we are fully vaccinated, caution and trying to stay safe.

Robyn said...

Goodness Diana!
Too much covid happening there. I pray your son in law will recover quickly and all of your loved ones. Im also sorry to read your daughter is in so much pain. I pray her doctors get it under control quickly. In this day and age no need to be suffering horribly in pain..

We, like everyone else have had our challenges but as you say, no worries. I know whose in control and I let Him lead the way..

Happy New Year Diana.. Feel better soon!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh maaaan I am so sorry to learn about all this Covid in your world.

Sending some prayers up for you all.

Take it slow and easy and get well soon, dear lady. Hugs from a safe distance.

This N That said...

I love you and your positive attitude..Don't know how you do it sometimes..Hope you are soon feeling better..Sounds like you are surrounded..I hope your daughter is still feeling better as well..I hope 2022 is a better year for all of us even though Covid in some form will be with us...Yuk..Love you..

Junkchiccottage said...

Happy New Year. Let's pray and hope for a better 2022. xoxo

Wild Oak Designs said...

I hope you stay free of Covid! And the same for your husband....
Happy New Year!
Prayerfully we all will have a grand new year...and Covid will become more a thing of the past.....

Ron said...

Praying for a joy-filled New Year!!! xo

Bill said...

That's a lot of people with covid. Great news that you tested negative. Now to get back on the road to recovery, take your first left, go straight and don't look back. Take care Diana, it was nice to see this post.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Prayers for all. Such scary times. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Do stay in bed and rest up. Happy New year. xoxo

Gary B Wood said...

Hope you feel better quickly !!!! So sorry for all those in your family fighting Covid and pain! It’s been a rough couple of years for all of us! Prayers for all for a speedy recovery and a Blessed New Year !

Jeanie said...

Oh dear heart, you are having a really rugged month and I'm so sorry. Sending all good wishes, prayers and good juju for all the family members with Covid and other issues and to you, to get well as soon as you can. Take care, my friend. And all good blessings for a wonderful new year.

Billie Jo said...

Prayers! And hugs from Pennsylvania. I will tell you, a few months back, we had Covid in our house. I actually tested negative but knew based on my symptoms I was positive. I tested again later and was indeed positive. Just a tip. Feel better soon! Thank you for all you do here in Blogland. And as if you don't have enough to do, I was wondering if you ever read Mama's Merchantile Blog? Lorraine is a regular blogger and has not posted in months. Just wondering if you knew anything about her? I can't find an email. Hugs!!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

COVID is running rampant! I'm so sorry to hear that so many you know have been affected by it. Please take care of yourself!

Happy New Year!
Ricki Jill

Doris said...

A healthier new year FOR SURE!! So sorry about all the sickness in your family. We all (household of 8) had it earlier in December. None of us were terribly sick for which we are thankful. (vaccines did their job, yay!)
Take care, rest, drink lots of water and get better. Hugs!

Melanie said...

So sorry for all this sickness and pain in your family. No way to start a new year! Praying for all of you.


Red Rose Alley said...

Diana, I'm so sorry that many of your loved ones got the virus, that's terrible. Is your son-in-law going to be Ok that's been in the hospital for over a month? I hope your daughter heals from her surgery and is in no more pain, and I do hope you feel better soon. Take care and get some rest.

May the new year bring you so many good things, Diana. Thanks for your blog friendship all these years.


Creations By Cindy said...

My mercy! I will pray for all mentioned here Diana. Lord just take the wheel! I pray this New Year will bring many, many blessings dear lady. I appreciate you and love it when I see a post from you. AND NO GIRL, I don't have a headache. Well, I am fixing too if I don't eat! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I'm so sorry you are struggling with the c-virus in your family. Praying for you, and all those who are sick with it! Get better soon! Praying for you!

Rose L said...

Get well. Hope 2022 brings joys and peace to all.

Carla from The River said...

I hope you all are doing fantastic in a day or two.. rest up and take care.
Love you, Carla

Heaven's Walk said...

Oh, wow, Diana! You all certainly have had one rough season. I am so sorry! I'm glad that your test was negative, and are staying safe and protected. I will be keeping your family in my prayers for complete healing and restoration. Keep the faith, gf! Love you!

xoxo Laurie

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

It's been a year, hasn't it, Diana? I hope you recover soon, and that all those in your family also have swift and complete recoveries! Happy New Year, and all the best to you and yours in 2022!

Lynne said...

Feel better S.O.O.N . . .

Bless said...

Hope you feel better, soon.

Happy New Year and here's looking forward to all the blessings that are yet to come!

grams ramblings said...

Diana, I hope your daughter recovers soon and all those in your family with Covid too. You are amazing to stay so cheerful. At least that's what I feel from your blogpost.
Wishing you a Holy and Happy 2022
God Bless

roughterrain crane said...

Happy New Year!
I wish you a healthy and peaceful New Year.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh goodness! I am so sorry to read this.
Sending get well wishes for all, and I do wish you a Happy 2022.

All the best Jan

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I hope you’re feeling better, Diana! Happy Healthy New Year wishes are sent to you! 😘