Sunday, January 9, 2022


 It is COLD COLD COLD here.

What do you do on a cold day?

because I am still not feeling
like going out and kicking the
snowplowers' butt-don't ask
I decided to go through
some of my old magazines
and came across this one from
January/February of 2015,

Sadly, they have stopped publication
of this magazine.  
I had all of them from the first
issue forward.  
When I got rid of most of my old magazines,
I just could not bear to part with them
but, finally, this fall I donated
my whole collection to an old friend.
She told me she now wants to redecorate
her whole house.
Please pray for her husband-lol
She loves romantic and so do I.
Romance is just kind of timeless,
isn't it?

February is all about Valentine's Day  but-
I don't think you have to wait for 
Valentine's Day to make this for someone special.
 Pink Pearl Lady Cake
HERE is a similar recipe.

I thought the cover was just lovely.
Got your cake mess cleaned up from
baking that heart cake above?
Good!  Now then
 you can see the
owned by 
It is softly sweet and livable.
You can find her on Pinterest by clicking on her name.

 Here's a little sneak peek at the Florida estate 
of a New York couple.
This home was designed by
By:Sarah Yoon/Mark Roskams/photographer
It looks like Florida, doesn't it?
You can find more 

Okay-Now-Doesn't the home of
just make you dream of warm summer days?
Even though we are freezing our butts off here.
I found her on Facebook.
You can find it by clicking on her name above.
Prepare to  have your mouth hang open for a while.

While your mouth is hanging open....
purse your lips a bit and 
Then you can blow up balloons to put together
this beautiful garland
styled by  
photography-Shirlie Kemp
So-There you have it.
A few things I love in the old
2015 January/February Issue of
Romantic Homes.

Know what else I love?
Thanks for following along here.
Here's how I am feeling about you this morning....
Lips still puckered up from the balloon blowing
are they?  Good!
Here's to you!
your photo name


Rain said...

Muah!!! ♥♥ I love every photo you posted, especially the cake!!!


So much fun! I really hate that magazines are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Let's hope the grid doesn't go down what on earth will we do? Ding, I'll have to actually go through my stacks and stacks of magazines everywhere. Truthfully, I need to do just that and planned to do that with the cold.
You've just made that a fun chore. I love everything you posted pretty. You creative lady!

CHERI said...

My husband would not go too much for the romantic look...but I can dream:)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I miss that magazine too! That cake looks so pretty.

Cecilia said...

I loved that magazine as well. I might even have a few copies laying around here. Does my home look like any of those? (Are you kidding me?) Not one bit. My man is like nope. That's ok because now I get to paint/have colorful rooms. Love you too, Diana. Always look forward to your wit (even if you're poking fun at us 😉).
Stay warm. We sure are in most of Texas.
Hugs, Cecilia

Donna said...

Muah to you and John (and Scruffy)! I don't envy your very cold weather. It was 40 when I got up to let the dogs out but the temps will drop all day and be very cold tonight.

Magazines used to be a wonderful thing. Now they are skimpy with little valuable content. I know, just a sign of the times. Southern Living was my go-to for ideas and dreaming. The genre of romantic and Victorian homes magazines was candy for the eyes. Had to check out the ladies you featured.


Tom said...

...when it's cold outside, I send more time inside! Stay warm and well.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Excellent idea! Especially when you are still resting and trying to get all better, when you really want to be up and at 'em. -smile-

Without a decent snow cover here... But with ice forming on our world... Perhaps I should go looking for PINK, PINK, Pink too. Bleahhhhhhhh...


One thing about you being On Rest Duty, you do post more!!!! Tee, hee, heeeee.....

-Running, ducking and hiding-

🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that big kiss at the end! LOL!

Vee said...

If we save old magazines and are losing our memory...not you! Me. We can enjoy a magazine over and over again. I've been doing that myself. Some are recent...the past ten years, but one hails from the early 1990s.

Polly said...

Oh my word, what beautiful homes. I don't do cold very well. Last week our boiler broke down and the weather went from pleasantly mild to COLD with frost at night time!! Thankfully it was only for two days and even more thankfully we had kept a couple of old electric heaters in the garden shed, so with them and candles we managed to keep warm.
Happy New Year to you Diana x

MadSnapper said...

you and I are the exact opposite, me the home body, you the traveler, you the romantic me the not a romantic gene in my body. but today you found one photo,number 3 that i love and would like to have as a kitchen. I would have to either paint the black chair pink or all the other chairs black. I am not a fan of pink but this I love. I like the tall ceilings, the walls, the light fixture, in fact everything in the photo.. except of course the ONE black chair.. I do agree that all of these are really beautiful homes, but for me only to view not live in...

Ginny Hartzler said...

We sure have reaped the benefits of you going through your old magazines. Each photo is truly romantic. As for my favorte, the big pink print overstuffed chair at the Florida estate is it. I want it!! I never heard fo this magazine, but it sure is a good one.

Donna said...

I Love the cream and pale pink!
And I'm also a romantic kinda gal. Flowers everywhere!
Thanks for all the inspiration!!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Lots of beautiful inspiration Diana. Romance never goes out of style. So sorry the magazine is not available any longer. The cake looks beautiful. I love looking at magazines. One can always dream. xoxo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That's a great way to spend a cold afternoon. I read my magazines on line now and have gotten rid of my old ones. I used to cut and clip and save pages of my favorite ideas. I need some inspiration here, so maybe I should spend some time going through some magazines on line today. Thanks for the idea!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

There used to be so many of those wonderful decorating magazines. I used to have quite a collection. Now I don't even think about buying magazines. That romantic look is definitely your style, Diana! What a pretty cake, too. -Jenn

Chatty Crone said...

There are some gorgeous homes in this world - I love to see them - so beautiful.

Junkchiccottage said...

Oh how I miss Romantic Homes Magazine. I remember being in a few of those issues going way back. How fun and an honor it was to be in one of my fave magazines. I pull the ones I have out once in awhile just to look through them and reminisce. I wish magazines would come back. I guess with IG and pinterest they are a thing of the past now. Happy New Week. xoxo

Linda said...

Such pretty pictures on a cold day!!!
It;s cold in Texas but not even in the same league as YOUR cold!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Ha Ha Ha, Pink homes in Florida! I live in Florida, and I can tell you there aren't too many PINK homes in THIS part of Florida, but back in the day, say in the 1950's, PINK was a very popular color for Florida homes. My grandparents' retirement home in Mt. Dora was pink. My husband's grandparents' home in Plymouth was pink. We once lived in a Coral pinkish colored house. I personally am not a fan of pink anything, but I guess it is considered a cool tropical color for tropical places like Florida. We are just not in that tropical area of Florida. I'm more of a woods person, and there aren't too many pink houses in the woods! LOL. But to each his own, and this was lovely. And I don't blame you a bit for enjoying such day dreaming on a cold winters' day in Wisconsin! LOL. Have a blessed and dreamy day!

Ann said...

Aww, and we love you too :)
I never saw that magazine but I'm sad that a lot of the old magazines I used to love are no longer published.

Bless said...

That was a fun post! Just as I was looking around my house, thinking of how to make it look nice after the Christmas decorations are taken down. :) Stay warm on those cold Wisconsin January days! I still remember them! :)

Susie said...

Diana, I loved that magazine also and had kept many copies. But as I packed to move this past year, I had to get rid of many , many things. I gave them to a shop in town called second blessings. I donated enough clothes , I could have opened a shop. LOL It was sad...but I needed to thin out my "stuff" I feel we here in Indiana have been blessed with a mild winter so far. Hope it lasts. LOL Stay warm . Blow kisses to the snow plow guys. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Carole said...

I shan't make you feel worse by telling you just how hot it is here on the other side of the world ... Cheers

Billie Jo said...

That cake! Thanks for sharing! You always inspire!!!

HappyK said...

Beautiful homes - much more elegant than mine. :)
Love that cake - it is perfect!

Sue said...

One of my favorite magazines gone to sleep, I have kept many issues to look back an reminisce, thank you for sharing, rest and enjoy these cold winter days, spring will soon surprise us all!

This N That said...

You're a hoot..Yes..those homes look like Florida..Pretty but A little to fluffy for me, I thnk.We have been having freezing rain for the last 24 hours and since we are below freezing, the roads, treees and grass are all coated in ice..Makes walking Mollie lots of fun..I stay in the grass which is tough walking but I am less likely to fall.Hard for Mollies short legs too..Forgot to mention the 5 inches of snow under that..I used to love winter...Mollie and I are getting too old for this..LOL..MUAH back atcha!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Some creative ideas here, Diana. I love that pink pearl cake. My niece just got married, and if you remember the pearl material back in the day that was popular - that's what she wore. I love the table with blue, and I'll check out the link you shared. That's nice of you to donate all your magazines to your friend who's re-decorating her house right now. I hope you're feeling better, Diana. It's cold here too.....really cold. ; )


Pam said...

Totally love the first rustic looking room. That is more to my liking. I love it. Cute cake. I have a heart pan, might need to make some in it for V day.....thanks for sharing.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Love you too, lady.

Get better so you can go kick the snowplower's butt!

Hugs. xxxooo

Lynne said...

For not feeling tip top you write an exceptional post.
Oh the ideas that myst swim through your mind and find their way to fruition.
You tinged my mind toward hearts and pearl and pink.
Old magazines, I have some Country Living.
They have moved a few times but not for 30 years.
Gorgeous homes . . . thanks for teasing me toward some Foo Foo!
Be well my friend!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Kiss Kiss, Diana! Those are some lips, girl! Great post, and a fun way to chase away those winter blahs! I'm going to check out the pink houses in Florida. Stay warm!

Kay G. said...

Oh I miss so many magazines! Remember how big they used to be, the ones now are tiny! Just thinking, I'm ready to pick out a table setting soon! Love your style, my friend!! xx

Buttercup said...

What fun! We've got a couple of cold, cold days ahead, especially tomorrow. I've got the clothes for this -- grew up further north and know how to dress -- and will "bundle up" and get some fresh air and do a few errands. I try to get out every day, unless it's super slippery. Take care and keep cozy!

Hootin Anni said...

I'm not a romantic in the true sense, but I like pink. In fact that pink dining room is beautifully subtle. Great in an old Victorian setting.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I hate that magazines are quickly becoming a thing of the past, but I'm sure young people will soon wonder what a magazine is. I was just reading how cozy and florals are big in decor now so once again everything old is new again. xo Laura

Kim said...

Beautiful! I miss magazines...I still get two, New England Home and Atlanta Homes, because they were free. They're lovely, but everything seems in them is like $10k, from the chairs and wallpaper to the front door mats. They're more like designer ads than true magazines. I wish they'd bring some back...Stay warm!! xo

Jeanie said...

You've got volumes of those. I've got volumes of Somerset Sudio and others that I'd love to find a local taker for. I love them, kept them for inspiration and can't bear to toss or recyle them. They need a person to love them!

Sherri said...

I used to read that magazine. I miss it. It is cold here in SC too! Yesterday it was in the 70's and today it is in the low 40's! Stay warm and enjoy look back at those beautiful magazines!

living from glory to glory said...

Those little cakes are adorable! I really think those old magazines were so classy! I miss just stopping and relaxing and leafing through a magazine;
Now it's Pinterest (smiles)
So many are having such cold weather, but we have the warmest winter ever. Hope you're feeling better day by day!
Hugs, Roxy

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Diana. Hope you are feeling better. I used to get Romantic Homes every month and never got rid of one issue. However, when the world changed?? and everything became so slick and modern, I gave up a lot of my subscriptions. Country Home and Country Living and Traditional Homes just seemed to lose the romantic nature to me and I quit them all. I felt the same way about Victoria although I still get it, but each month there is maybe only one or two articles that seem like the old magazine to me. Hope you are enjoying the new year and getting to feel better..xxoJudy

Carla from The River said...

Hello Friend,
Hope you and your family are feeling better. I continue to pray.
I do enjoy pink! I love seeing it used in so many ways as of late. Our blog friend Ricki Jill, she had a pink Christmas!

Wanda said...

Yep, I could move into any one of those homes. I'm a hopeless romantic.

Theresa said...

I love that magazine and kept some of them to view "when I find them again"! I would love to redecorate but just can't right now! Pucker up and blow those balloons sweet lady! HUGS!

Far Ago Farm said...

Hi Diana! Oh, I remember that magazine - one of my favorites. I do miss magazines, but I don't remember the last time I bought a paper magazine. I saw one at the store the other day and it was $13.00,_yikes! I get a few sent directly to my Kindle, but it's not the same, lol. I used to love "getting away from it all" with a stack of magazines and a bubble bath. A little risky to do that with an electronic device. Ha! Jane

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

On a cold afternoon looking through magazines is so much fun. I hate that they are doing away with a lot of magazines. I hope you stay warm and cozy this week Diana.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Hehee There are no pink homes in this neighborhood, but I have been pink plastic flamingos in some yards.

Stay warm, Diana!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I used to love that magazine, then it changed and I didn't, then it changed again and I did! Lol! I had all of my issues too! I kept a few of my faves when we moved and I purged stuff. I remember the excitement of opening the mailbox and finding an issue. Then it was time for coffee on the screen porch so I could drool over every page! Thanks for bringing back fun memories! Hugs!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I struggle knowing what to do with all my old beautiful magazines too, Diana. I suppose they are great for days like you are having, when you can sit and enjoy them! I enjoyed the gorgeous pictures you shared, always a delight to peek into other's homes, and see how they decorated. I hope you are feeling better now! Blessings, hugs and prayers!

Susan said...

Diana, I’m so happy you posted a comment on my blog because now seeing yours is wonderful, you truly have a gift for making beautiful blog posts! Lately I have been collecting Vessey seed catalogues, I have ordered bulbs and seeds and look through all their catalogs over and over…I’m obsessed! Hope you have a blessed day ❤️🙏