Monday, January 4, 2021


There you have it..
I am TRYING to get back into posting
even though I have 
NOT figured out this
STUPID computer yet.
I still don't know what I am doing----
as if I ever did!

I am going to figure this
stupid thing out!
As you can see, I have already
figured out how to do the
cross-out thingy.

My motto is~

Sometimes all we have to do
is believe in ourselves, right?
Well, I might need a little
God-help with this one.

I did get Christmas packed away
in between saying bad word 
under my breath about the
computer refusing to do what 
I wanted it to do....

So onward I go into
I think I might need a few 
cute little snowmen to 
see me through January.
Instead of making Christmas candy
I might just make our
Little Miss Bright Eyes
a sweet skirt
like this one.
I won't be making one of those
for myself-
thank you very much--
I am HIPPY ENOUGH already
and I don't mean like this....

Just call me Ms January-
as I spend the month
bundled up and 
trying to figure things out.
the REAL Ms. January
looks like this....
I should not have shared that
picture with MyHero...
Look at what happened
to the cookie he was holding!

Oh great!
Now I have to bake again, too!
It is gonna be quite a month!

Have a great week- 
I hope to have this all figured
out in a day or two.


your photo name


Miss Kim said...

I just found your blog and you are delightful! Don't you think we need a major holiday to celebrate in January? It seems a long way until Valentine's Day!

Kathy said...

I used to use a MAC when I worked for the science museum. It's different, but not that hard at all. In fact, once you learn it, you won't want to go back. Loved the picture of that cookie. Now I think I have to bake this week. All the Christmas treats are gone. I decorate my house with snowmen during January. It's the thing to do, isn't it?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ha ha, cute post! Love the melted snowman cookie!

Ann said...

I have never used a mac so I have no words of wisdom to offer. Ms. January looks pretty grumpy.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You can do it if you think you can. Hang in there ! Happy Nww Year and all the new possibilities too !

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Those snowman ornaments are adorable and so is your melted cookie. I don't use a MAC so I am no help at all!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I think you'll love the Mac once you fall in love with it! lol Happy new year! We're always learning new things! Happy new year!

Pam said...

LOL....I love it. You are a mess.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I have never used a MAC so no help, sorry but knowing you, you will conquer it in no time. Hope the new week is good to you.

Debbie said...

You can do anything you set your mind to, Diana! Happy New Year!! Love to you. xo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

last year, Bob said to me, why don't you ever wear your jeans mini skirt??? bra ha ha... men.. love the snowmen. the skirt is adorable, agree not for me.I have often stated i wish I had a Mac, maybe i should stop saying that.

jack69 said...

The only Mac I know is Mac 'n Cheese. Most of us who read have said a 'bad word' under our breath.
'Dung', the English version, is the one I utter over this HP at times.
Anyway methinks you done great.
Sherry & jack in a warming but crowded Florida

Jeanie said...

Those snowmen are so cute. I need to make some of those! Yes, onward. Cozy up and enjoy that computer!

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Love those cute little snowmen! Liz

Sherri said...

I really don't know if I could switch to a MAC. I can't use an Android phone either! I am useless in trying to help you! Have a great day and I hope you can figure that MAC out! :)

Terri D said...

That melted snowman cookie is SO CUTE!! Good luck with the new computer. Never fun. Happy new year!! xo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Mac's Rock!!!!!

You will love it!!!

Just wait and see!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, as my son said, way back at the beginning of time, when I got my first computer; "You can't hurt anything." Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Well, that could be debatable. But I'm not going into such!!!! >,-))))


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Happy New Year, dear Diana! I have such a love/hate relationship with technology, mostly hate. Hope you get that darned computer working. If not, do what I do - drink a bottle of wine and then you won't care.

Susie said...

Diana, You made me laugh...not about the computer troubles but about the cookie. LOL Honestly there are times I want to take a hammer to our computer and phones and all that electronic stuff. I could almost live off the long as it wasn't in a cold isolated place. LOL. I know you have done better than I can on your computer. It would be so much better if we could have our kids or any tech person in our home...but this time isn't all that safe. Stay strong girl, you can do it. Blessings to you and yours. love you, stay safe. xoxo, Susie

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You are hilarious!! Thank you for making me chuckle and laugh out loud. I talk to myself a lot too. It's a sign of great intelligence they say. I don't know who THEY are, but it's what THEY say! LOL. Happy New Year!

Beauty is A Lifestyle Thing said...

Cute post! Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!
Mary Caliendo

HappyK said...

I love my MAC and have always had one.
What a great cookie!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, Macs are the best, but of course require an entire new learning curve. But it looks like you are doing great!! LOVE the snowmen balls and skirt!

Junkchiccottage said...

I love my MAC and would never change back to a PC. You will get it just takes some learning curve time. I have a cell phone and an IPad so I am use to the MAC system and love it. Those snowman cookies look so good especially today with detoxing from sugar. I could eat the screen lol! Have a great week. xoxo Kris

Donna said...

Good luck with the Mac! I'm old enough that I really don't want to anything too difficult. Taxes the brain too!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Well, Diana, who are we kidding? If we haven't figured it out by now (I will admit that I have a few years on you, but I still haven't figured it out so see what you have to look forward to?) Oh, well, it sure is a lot of fun trying, right?!! Happy New Year to you and stay well. If we can do that then who could ask for anything more?..xxoJudy

Rose L said...

Keep at it girl! Love the melted snowman cookie! Hang in there.

Wanda said...

The blessings and curese of computers. I finally am comfortable with my new one. It's and old one rebuilt by a friend with a hugh screen and easy to move around it...This old lady loves it!!

I enjoyed and chuckled at your post fun!! Love your snowmen filled glass container. Darling! Quick eat that cookie before it melts anymore.

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE the snowmen filled container. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! I will be stealing that idea. ;-)

Your post was fun as always.. just what I needed.
Love, Carla

Cecilia said...

Computers...there are days I want to throw mine across the room only that would be bad (and expensive). Lol, you are too funny.
Stay warm! Hugs, Cecilia

Vee said...

You just need to practice every single day. I have a new laptop for Christmas. I am not sure why because everything else was working. It is smaller than the other laptop so I get to sit in my chair and do my thing, which currently is visiting you. Stay warm, stay cozy, show us what you've been up to in the new house. I know you've been up to things!

Linda said...

I love your sense of humor! You have GOT this!

Bless said...

I like those snowmen ornaments! The melted snowman cookie is cute, too! Seems to me that you are doing just fine with that computer!

Saimi said...

Your posts always make me smile and belt out a laugh every now and then, and ok that snowman cookie is the best as is that cute little skirt I'm gonna have to figure that out for our new little baby girl!
Happy New Year!!

Shari Burke said...

Good luck with the computer stuff!


Hahaha with the cookie thing I understand. Looks like you have this Mac thing already! Granted I don't know what I'm talking about but you did great in the post!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love the snowball ornaments in the glass container. How cheerful they are! I have an iPad and an iPhone, but have never had a Mac.

Nellie said...

Hi, Diana! I have a Mac on my list! Maybe soon this year! January is a great time for snowmen! I have a few perched here and there! That’s usually all we ever see about snow here. Take care! - xoxo

Debi Ward Kennedy said...

oh, Miss Diana, you just crack me up! i know that this whole computer world that changes constantly can be a real pain in the......... neck...... ;) i wish you well in learning a whole new op system. (and if it makes you feel better, i've been blogging for 19 years and i STILL don't know how to do the 'cross out the letters' thingy, so you are way ahead of me!!!) happy new year, sweet girl <3 ~ deb

Lorrie said...

Good luck with the MAC, Diana. I have an Iphone, but that's all I know about Apple products. Those who have them swear by them (once they quit baking cookies and figure out how to learn it.) Happy New Year!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I hope you learn how to use your new mac and have a happy new year Diana.

Creations By Cindy said...

What a cute, gave me a chuckle post Diana. Girl, no doubt in my mind that you ACE the MAC. You are one smart cookie! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the snowman ornaments and the melted cookie picture made me smile :)

I'm sure you will get the hang of your new computer, says she who is a techno dinosaur LOL!

All the best Jan

This N That said...

LOL..I have faith in you. I know you can do it. My son-in-law said that I would never be able to figure it out ..Well I showed him...!!!
You Can too.... have a cookie😋

Pam said...

Came by the other day to leave a comment....and I must have gotten distracted cause apparently I only MEANT to leave one!! lol....So, let me try this again. Love the cookie. I have never made anything like that. Looks cute and I bet taste is so good. Totally love the little skirt and as Hippie as I am also, I would not want one of those for myself. LOL....Have a great week.

Kim said...

It takes a bit of getting used to, but you'll get there. Once you got it, you'll love it and never want to go back to a PC. In the meantime, I say make that skirt. Cute! xo

NanaNor's said...

Diana, you make me laugh so much-which is really good for elevated blood pressure. Thank you dear friend for the joy you being to us.

Janie Junebug said...

Oh, no! The poor cookie! Knowing strike-through is one of the most important parts of blogging.


Hootin Anni said...

You'll do just fine.
Me want cookies!!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I love my Mac and found it easy to get used too, but was also using the iPhone. The new blogger format is frustrating but I figured even Window operators have the same trouble. Wishing you luck as you figure it all out!

Tom said...

...I LOVE my MAV, Blogger on the other hand can be a challenge at times.

Red Rose Alley said...

LOVED you4 motto for the year. It really hit home for me, as I had to drive a long way and then up the mountain to get to my new home. I thought it would be cliffs and winding ways, but it was like a country road. The prettiest mountain drive I've ever been on. Happy New Year Diana! I hope John is Ok. And have a nice and restful break. I wish I could, but I'm cleaning and moving in haha. Love that hippy girl picture. : )


Katie Isabella said...

I have MAC everything. I had to go to the Dark Side...PC's if I wanted or needed to type anything rarely thank goodness, at work. But once I left's MAC all the way, every day.