Thursday, July 30, 2020


While I love the seclusion and privacy
of the area where we are located,
I really miss the connection to 
and having 

Hope everyone has a
Wonderful Weekend.
Will check in with all of you
next week!
your photo name


Lisa said...

Have a wonderful time and safe travel!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the space and quiet;

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh I always loved camping when we had a motorhome! So comfy and cozy! HAVE FUN! Don't worry about us! We'll keep on keepin' on! Hugs!

Jan said...

Sounds like heaven! When my boys were growing up, we always had a camper or a motor home. Loved it! Mr. K is not much for adventure so these days my camper is permanent.

Have fun, stay safe!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Wow! You are still there!

And you are secluded. ~smile~

Yes, do stay safe.

And watch out for ticks! I think they are everywhere, and certainly, in that much foliage.

💛 💛 💛

Vee said...

Have a blessed time away. It is good to get away from it all.

bobbie said...

Safe travels!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Sounds completely and utterly idyllic to me. Have a wonderful time. xoxo

This N That said...

Could be a blessing to be disconnected these days..Enjoy!! Have a super weekend...hugs..

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy yourselves! Relax and soak in the beauty of nature!

Susie said...

Diana, You and John be careful out there in the woods. Wishing you safe adventures. :):) I know there was a time when you would never have been able to get that kind of trip without all those grandgirls. :):) Be safe. Blessings and hugs, xoxo,love you, Susie

mxtodis123 said...

Be safe and enjoy. That's something I always wanted to do.

Terri D said...

Have fun!! Tell us all about it next week!! xoxox

NanaNor's said...

Diana, I feel the exact same way when we go! I’m thinking your satellite isn’t working? Praying blessings on your time unplugged!


Have fun!
Xoxo Dolly

Wanda said...

Diana, have a lovely get-away. I love the looks of the camper among the trees. Be safe and have lots of fun, and bring back pictures to share. Love and hugs.

Carla from The River said...

Enjoy your time together. The camper looks like a fun way to spend this summer. :-)

Doris said...

Have a great time away from the crazy! I've been NOWHERE and I'm getting stir crazy. Don't want to stay in a hotel and I've not camped for about 30 years. Guess I'll stay put, darn it. ☺

Ann said...

I would have a hard time without internet. I'm addicted.
Have a good time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Stay cool and safe. When you return, let us know about your adventures!

jmac said...

tell us all details when you get back!!!

Jeanie said...

Have fun, stay safe!

Diana said...

Have a great time, stay safe and be well! See ya when ya get back!

Donna said...

You've gone to the UP, right? Enjoy your time away from all the craziness. Praying for you and John. xoxo

jack69 said...

Oh yes, we too love the isolation at times, but still appreciate a good cell signal, and MISS IT WHEN IT IS SKETCHY AND not AVAILABLE. Have a great time and enjoy every minute of it. See you on the flip side.

Saturday we head out ourselves, looking forward to it.
Love from NC
Sherry & jack

Rain said...

Diana, I hope you're having a fabulously low-tech time! :) While I was walking the dogs this morning, I thought to myself "how would it be if I didn't have internet?" first I thought "nope." then I thought, maybe I could cut down a little and spend more time outside and in nature. I think it does all of us some good, though I really would miss the connection to the lovely people I've met online. (present company INCLUDED)! :)

Nellie said...

Have a great time! Sometimes it’s a good thing to be away from the Internet!:-) - xoxo Nellie

Junkchiccottage said...

That looks like a wonderful place to have your RV. So pretty with all the trees. Happy Thursday. Have a great Friday and weekend at the RV.

Bless said...

Have fun!

Cecilia said...

Have fun. Limited internet and cell phone is my daily reality. Lol. Enjoy the quiet!

Rose L said...

Have fun!

Lynne said...

The wilderness looks private and wonderful!
Hope you enjoy some hiking, camp fires, fresh air!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh what fun! Wish I could go too! But then, your place wouldn't be private and secluded or quiet anymore! LOL. Have a great time.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Have fun and be safe. Looks like you need to report spam on some of the comments.

Theresa said...

Oh that looks like SO much fun! I am deciding to do more unplugging. TOO much negative around our world, so enjoy your time away from the internet and cell service! Hugs and a bit jealous:)

Lowcarb team member said...

Have fun and be safe.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Enjoy your time away!! Be safe and healthy.

nonie everythingsewing said...

That looks wonderful. It is 107 here today, I can just imagine the cool, fresh air in the wooded area.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Have fun!


Lorrie said...

I hope you're having a wonderful time! We purchased a small travel trailer in February (right before the Covid restrictions) and are heading out in it this next week for a few days. I'm looking forward to a new adventure!

Ramblingon said...

Have fun, Diana. It would be disconcerting for a while not to have internet but I know I would get used o it quickly. Nothing that won't keep and family can call.

Kim said...

Looks like a lovely spot! Hope you get to unwind and relax! Take care!

Decor To Adore said...

This sounds like heaven on wheels! I hope you come back refreshed and revived.

Pam said...

Yes but it is a nice get away. Stay safe and have fun.