Monday, October 28, 2019


She was the
Quiet, thoughtful
& loving.
So, it is no surprise
she stayed the same way.
This beautiful young woman
is a senior this year
and goes off to school next year.
I will miss her dearly.

There are lots more pictures
but this is all I have for now.

Isn't she a beauty?
to make it even better---
she is a barista at 
A cup served with lots of love!!!!

If you want to see a progression 
over the years of her growing up
you can

Have a great week!!!!
your photo name


Kim said...

Well now I just feel old!! Have I really been following you that long? I guess so. All kidding aside, she is gorgeous. I hope she enjoys every minute of this school year. It's one like no other, with so many, many milestones and fun events, and it goes by way too fast. She looks like she's off to a great start with those pictures though!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

WOW, How that went by so fast Diana. I remember you posting photos of her when she was little. I hope she enjoys senior year and love the photos of her.

Sandi said...

Starbucks! Does she come home and make you things?

Congrats on her graduation. :) I can tell you are proud.

R's Rue said...


Susie said...

Diana, I can see where Lulu gets her looks from you. She is a beautiful young lady. My gosh the years when too quickly. I wish her and her sisters the best. I remember when they were princesses. I know you love each one of your grandkids. Blessings to all of you. Love, xoxo, Susie
P.S. Our Emma Pooh just got her driving licenses.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A beautiful young woman! I hope she enjoys her senior year of high school!

Debbie said...

What???!!! Oh my goodness, Diana! She's gorgeous! I cannot believe your girls are all grown so fast! I hope Lulu's senior year is a blast! I can just imagine how proud you are.


She is beautiful! Where do the years go? I know you will miss her....xoxo Dolly

Pam said...

BEAUTIFUL....from a beautiful babe to a beautiful young lady. Nice.

Debby said...

She is beautiful. How did they go from little girls to seniors. My oldest is a junior.

krishna said...

oh dear! she is such a beautiful young lady. Wish her the best in her life. God Bless..

Betty said...

She is beautiful. They grow up so fast. I can't believe that our grandson is in the military now.

Simply LKJ said...

Ummm...hello?!!! Like when did THAT happen. She is gorgeous, and so grown up. I feel old now.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Time goes by so quickly! What a lovely young woman!

Latane Barton said...

Pretty like her mama!

cloches and lavender said...

She's a beautiful young lady. Hope she enjoys every moment this year. It will go by quickly and you don't get a do over.


HappyK said...

Your daughter sure is pretty!!
The sure grow up fast.

Nellie said...

Yes, time passes all too quickly, and the young ones are ready to leave way before we are ready for them to go. Lulu is lovely! -xoxo Nellie

CHERI said...

She is definitely a her grandmother:) I sometimes have a difficult time accepting how fast my two grands are growing up...grandson 16 and granddaughter 13. I am so close to both of them and I know when the day comes that they go off to college I will go into mourning:) Hope Lulu enjoys her senior year and that the two of you can make a few more memories together before she takes off to yonder places!

Salmagundi said...

It was senior picture week on my blog this week, also. It's hard to believe how fast the years go. Yours is beautiful!!!

Ann Thompson said...

What a beautiful girl

jack69 said...

YES!! She is a beauty. And what is sweet she is beautiful inside and out. THAT is the prize. They do reach the 'grown-up' time too quickly for us sometimes.
Thanks for the sweet ride,
Sherry & jack

Lowcarb team member said...

The years go by so quickly. A beautiful young lady. I wish her the best of everything as she continues to go forward.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

She is beautiful and I did go look at the 'progression' pictures! Senior pictures sure have changed since I was a senior!!

Vee said...

A senior?! This is so hard to comprehend, Diana. You just haven’t been blogging enough these past few busy, crazy years. Now I’ve lost all track of time. Yes, she is a true Beauty!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh my gosh, when did that happen?? I remember so many posts you wrote about those three girls, when they were all still pretty young, hanging out with their Nana! She looks like a lovely young lady! -Jenn

Rose L said...

She is so lovely! Boys will be chasing her!!!!

Melanie said...

What a beautiful young lady! I'm sure you're very proud of her.

Lorrie said...

Lulu is a beauty inside and out!

Bless said...

What a lovely young lady! Best wishes to her.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It is hard to believe how fast the time flies! What a blessing to see her grow up into such a lovely young lady!!

Jeanie said...

She is indeed lovely -- and makes a mean looking cup of coffee!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is Lulu!!! Unbelievable! She is gorgeous and still looks the same in her sweet face! She's a beauty just like her mother and YOU!!!

Creations By Cindy said...

She is indeed a beauty! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

She certainly is a beauty! Hard to believe I’ve been following you long enough to see her go from a very young girl to a woman! Now as she goes off to college you can see her spread her wings!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The time is fleeting for sure!! She's a gorgeous young lady and if she's related to you, then her heart is huge! WIshing her a lovely last year of high school.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

She is one beautiful young lady. I have a grandson that is also a barista at Starbucks. I think it's great to have a barista in the family and am looking forward to seeing the benefits of having one around.

Rain said...

She's a beauty! :) I love that dress too! :)

Lisa said...

Gosh the grow up so fast! She is beautiful!!! You are so blessed.

Connie said...

My goodness how time flies. I feel like I have watched your sweet granddaughters growing up. She's certainly a beauty :)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, Lulu is beautiful in these pictures, Diana. I remember her growing up and what a cutie she was. I love the bright yellow outfit she's wearing and her long blonde hair, and her SMILE! Oh, and she works at Starbuck's, our favorite! How great is that? Wonderful pictures, Diana. : )

love, ~Sheri

Akasha said...

She is beautiful, congratulations

This N That said...

You are making us all eel old..A beauty for sure..Hugs xoxo

Adam said...

She is very pretty.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Beautiful! Good looks run in your family Diana.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Wow, Diana, I know your heart must be full of love for all your grandchildren, but to see them each grow into beautiful adults inside and out must really be an honor and blessing. I hope her life journey is rich.

Kay G. said...

Wow, your blogging friends have watched her grow up! She is beautiful but all your grandchildren a re, aren't they? Blessings on her!

Carla from The River said...

Oh goodness, they do grow up so fast. Hey, Atticus is a senior this year too. Ya know, we could end up related thru marriage. LOL my boys are real close in age to these beautiful grandgirls of yours.

Praying for her journey.
Love, Carla

likeschocolate said...

Gorgeous photos and never apologize! We love them. Thanks for sharing!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

NO WAY she is a senior already. And whew- she really is stunning - what a beautiful young lady.

Your have a wonderful family, D - it has been fun watching them grow up.

Big hugs

Katie Isabella said...

Truly a beautiful girl and I know just from looking at her that she is indeed beautiful inside as well as out.

wisps of words said...

What a beauty....

Inside and out...

Quite sweet and precious....

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