Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Sadly, this is 
my porch.

I sure do wish it was and that I
could sit out there 
and watch the world go by.

Anybody got a great porch
that I can come sit on?
I'll bring my own coffee
and promise to wipe my feet.

Oh- and I might bring
You can have the whole pie-
I'll just take one piece!
the more you eat and the fatter you get
the skinnier I look standing next to you-

Have a great Tuesday!!!
your photo name


Gert said...

Ha Ha you’re so funny ! I used to have a front porch - nothing as beautiful as this- but had a swing on it!! If anyone has one...I’d love to join them too��

Tom said...

..too many neat places to go to just sit on the porch!

Carla from The River said...

I have a deck.. it has a sweet little table and two chairs. And I like pie. Come on over my friend.

Sue said...

Would love to porch sit with you Diana, key lime pie is a favorite of mine.
Have a blessed day!

NanaDiana said...

Checking to see if comments are coming through.

Jettie said...

Used to have a front porch, but we have a postage stamp on this house. And it faces west so only the dogs sit there waiting for the door to open.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

You had me believing you made that pretty porch setting! I was jealous of course because that one is picture perfect.

Terri D said...

I miss having a front porch to sit on. You would always be welcome to join me, pie or no pie!! xo

Eloise said...

That's lovely! I have a porch but not a sitting-on kind of porch.

Chatty Crone said...

Just give me a time!

MadSnapper said...

I once said out loud to a friend, Have you noticed all of our friends are overweight? have you ever been friends with a skinny woman. I have not. we were overweight through highschool until now... I love a porch but I only want a swing and several rockers... I am minimalist . I love this porch just would remove the decorations and pillows. alas I have no porch and never have. my grandmother did

cloches and lavender said...

One can dream about the porch. You're always welcome here on our deck. One condition, the pie has to be lemon instead of lime.

We can enjoy a cocktail as well.


Pamela M. Steiner said...

That's a beautiful porch. I'd love to sit there with you. I do have a front porch, but it doesn't quite look like that. And it is already too hot to sit on it here in Florida. We do that in the fall, winter and spring, but not summer!

bobbie said...

As my front porch faces west, how about sittin' with me on our back patio ~ a little soft music playing, coffee for you, some Chardonnay for me...
And you can have all the pie!

Vee said...

That porch! Say, are you getting ideas? What porch do you want to spend an afternoon on? I have a deck...not quite the same.

Connie said...

Come on over . . . I'll make lemonade :)

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Well you know I've got a welcoming porch at this old house, and have I told you lately how much I LOVE key lime pie? .... come on over.

Melanie said...

You are welcome to come and sit on my front porch anytime! It's not a huge porch or anything fancy, but it does have a couple of chairs and potted plants. No need to bring your own coffee...I'd be glad to make you some! You can bring that key lime pie though. ;-)

Betty said...

You are welcome on my porch anytime. In fact you can take your pick of the front or back porch.

Debby Ray said...

I’d love for you to come sit on my porch, Diana. When might I expect you??

jack69 said...

We love porch sitting. We do finally have a chance but we prefer a swing on the porch, this one only has nice chairs that are relaxing. Wee sit on the porch until one of us suggests going to our swing in the grove below. So we do get both.
Love some Key Lime pie......
Great day here,
Sherry and jack

Ann said...

I have always wanted a big covered porch that I could sit out on in any weather and enjoy the fresh air. If I had one you could surely come join me. I would even provide the coffee

Benita said...

I have an okay kinda porch! Bring that Key Lime Pie and we can sit out there and watch traffic! :-) Oh, bring a ceiling fan for the hubster to install for us also! :-) Love and hugs sweet friend!

Sandi said...

Key lime pie!!!

HappyK said...

We have a wonderful front porch that we sit on often.
Not decorated or fancy just some chairs.

Jeanie said...

Sounds like a good plan to me. And bring on the pie!

Junkchiccottage said...

I will let you lounge on my lounge chair if you bring some of that pie!!!!! Happy Tuesday. Have a great day and evening.

Kim said...

My grandmother had a wonderful porch, we used to play out there and I thought for sure that when I got older I would have one just as lovely. Nope. I don't even have a stoop as nice as the one I grew up with...boo. I do however have a screened in covered porch on the side of the house. You are always welcome to come sit with me there, but we will be sitting on the brick, since the furniture is still in the basement...silly rain and cold are sticking around too long this season. xoxoxo

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, you little stinker. Tempting a girl with key lime pie for that reason! I'm here to tell you that it would work with me. You can sit on my porch anytime, except I wish that was mine too..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

Creations By Cindy said...

Come on girl and bring the pie and I’ll put on s pot of coffee ☕️. Yes i have a front porch and we can rock , y’all , drink and eat all day . Would love your company . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Kay G. said...

I have a tiny front porch and it is filled with potted plants! We can sit on lawn chairs in the shade. How large do you want your glass of wine?šŸ˜„

DJ said...

OK, so it's raining a lot right now in AR. But my house is an octagon (yep,really) and it is totally surrounded by a porch. So, come on over! I love pie, and we could have such a good time lying to each other! Or telling the truth. Whatever. The back of the house faces the AR River. And I hope it stays away from my porch. I'm on a slight hill and have a wonderful view. Let me know when you will be here and I'll dust off the chairs and lounge and we will have a great time. I would love to meet you in person!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I wish I had a porch like that.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

A nice place to do some dreaming! I’ll take some of that key lime pie!

Linda said...

I would love an old fashioned veranda or a big wrap around porch!
But you are welcome to come sit with me on my humble porch in Texas any time. It will most likely be HOT for the next several months so perhaps in the fall would be better!

Blondie's Journal said...

I just read Judy's post on her porch and saw your comment. Coincidentally, there are going to be big changes on my front porch at the lake, as well as the balcony above it that comes off the master bedroom. Sadly, the wood is rotting away and it all has to come down and be rebuilt. Not exactly in the budget but the balcony is not safe and the rain water getting into crevices by the front door is leading to damaging the actual walls. Anyway, I'm excited to make some changed with the contractor that will give me the porch of my dreams. It won't happen until July or August but I'm really excited.!

I hope your dreams come true as well, Diana!

Jane x

Rose L said...

Always wanted a porch where I could have a porch swing or rockers!! And if it were screened in would be perfect! Cats could enjoy it as well!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do have a porch! It's an enclosed patio that I call my sunporch and I love spending time there. It's got windows and screens so I don't have to worry about the bugs. Having a great slice pie on the porch sound like a great idea! Summer is here and porch weather has begun !

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I would love some TIME for porch sitting, ha! Busy busy time of year here with all that springtime/summer affords. The key lime pie looks amazing!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I sure wish it was my porch. I missing having a roof over my head when I'm outside.

Rain said...

If you bring that pie, I'll have some nice cocktails waiting for you, I'll even let you sit on the loveseat where the dogs have claimed ownership lol...good thing my tiny little porch is screened in though, the bugs are out!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

LOL!! "If I can't be thin, make my friends fat!"
We have a small front porch, but better than that we have a large lanai on the back. How about that for some sitting?

Mevely317 said...

Dang the carbs, I would SO love that! How do you feel about key lime cheesecake?

This N That said...

LOL..You can sit on my porch anytime but it's buggy and not all that comfortable..I think you would be more comfy inside and you would be more than welcome..Pie or no pie..Hugs

Henny Penny said...

I was just about to say "WOW"! Is that your porch? You can come sit on my porch. I would love that! It is no where near as pretty as the one in your picture, and I will need to wipe the dust and pollen off everything. :) That pie looks so delicious!

Shari Burke said...

No porch, but a beautiful, peaceful back garden area that is very green and has lots of flowers. You'd have to dodge the raindrops, though ;-)

SImple and Serene Living said...

No porch, but if I had that porch I would never go inside. xo Lauraa

Doris said...

Yes, I have a porch, please come sit a spell! It's not grand or as beautiful as the picture but you can feel the breezes with out the bugs (it's screened) and the birds sing to high heaven =) Just call first so i can sweep up the crumbs from dinner last night!

Lorrie said...

Sitting on a porch with you would be a lot of fun, and thanks for bringing the pie!

Adam said...

I've never liked my porch.

Linda said...

I have a great screened porch at my cottage on Lake Erie...
You are welcome anytime....bring wine!hahaha!
Linda :o)

Jenny said...

You can come sit on my porch any time, and I'll provide the coffee AND the pie! I'm sad to report, it's nothing like the one in the picture. I guess a screened porch is not my destiny, even though it's one of the things I log for most. If I had one, that's where you'd find me about 80 percent of my waking hours. xoxo

BeachGypsy said...

how did you get a picture of our porch!!?? ha ha ha LOL just kidding!! I have ALWAYS LOVED porches and porch sitting, my earliest memories are of sitting in the porch swing with my Ma-Maw and my Mommy, swinging and watching the world go by. The big victorian house we raised our kids in had a big porch and the FIRST THING we ran and did w/in an hour of closing.....was go buy ourselves a porch swing! LOL We enjoyed it for many years.

Theresa said...

Beautiful porch, neither of my porches look like that:) Pie? YUM! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Wild Oak Designs said...

We will be porch sitting soon...going to Bass Lake (CA) for a week....
just sitting and watching the world go by....
It's wonderful to do!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I have an inside porch but, it's nothing as beautiful as that!

That pie sure looks good, but just a sliver of it would be suitable for me, seeing I'm trying to lose weight.

God Bless!


Pam said...

I love my porch. Hammock, glider, chair, curtains, rug painted on the boards, bird feeders just outside the porch and my furbabes! Mine is not as fancy as the one above but it is comfy and its mine. Need to blog about my porch.

Kathy said...

We don't have a porch and Joe wants one so badly. We both grew up with porches and say if we ever move we will be getting a house with a porch!

krishna said...

you are so funny! I always your post!

Diana said...

Mmmmmm, pie!! I so love key lime pie!! I'll be right over!!

And my oh my, I do love that porch photo. I have no porch since we're on the third floor of an apartment building... but if you come over, we can pretend. :D

SO COOL to find another blogging Diana!! Blessings to you! ♥

Wanda said...

We have our balcony overlooking the playground and the pool in our complex. We love sitting there and listing to the children play. It's our special spot.

Update: Thanking all your blog friends that have prayed for my dearest. He had turned he corner and should be released from the Urologist Tues. All bleeding stopped. Heart and new stint working good. God is GOOD and it's nice to be back in blogland.

John's Island said...

Hi Diana, I just scanned over all the comments and got a big smile doing it. They cover the whole spectrum, don't they? :-) That key lime pie does look good! If you want an excellent key lime pie and don't want to make it yourself try one of Marie Callenders from the frozen section at your grocery store. Those pies are as good as any homemade I've ever had. Wishing you a fine weekend and thank you for your kind comments on my blog. John

Lowcarb team member said...

So lovely to relax a while on a porch, or deck or comfy garden chair … especially with key lime pie :)

All the best Jan