Saturday, May 4, 2019


I know this is late coming!
I have been so busy
between office, home,
disposing of stuff for a friend,etc.
that I just haven't been able
to tally up the results.
Here we go---
Table #1-Great Balls Of Flowers
Well, first off we have Willie!
If you don't know Willie you have
missed someone that is a whole lotta fun...
and craziness---just sayin'.
Also, sitting here is Sandy.  She was going to sit at Table 8 until she saw the birds' nests on the table.
Unsanitary she says- Dirty Bird, I say!
Kim is here -because of the cupcakes, not the company!  
Also, Debra, Laurel, Jeanie, Linda(ItsyBitsy), 
Dear LV-who loves simple the best
Kris surprise, surprise-no all white for her this time
Cristina-the wonder woman who can build, make, do anything- 
and last, but not least, 
Debbi-She is bringing her crystal ball AND glow in the dark bracelets AND sparklers....Let's hope she doesn't set her tablemates on fire (not that she has ever been accused of arson or murder).

TABLE #2-White On White
Whew!!!  Lots of people here!!!
Laurie(WhereTheSpruceTreesGrow-and because I didn't set rules she wants violets added to the table), Vee-seeking a calm table, Betsy, Sherry & Jack (my nomadic friends)
Nonie-Wants to ask WHAT is being served, Listen, Nonie, let's not start whining before we are even seated!!
Ron-who will certainly mix cocktails for anyone that wants them, Nancy, Fabulous Fabby, Patty (who likes the padded seats-personally, I have enough padding of my own on my seat, Lorrie-Moving to Table 8 for dessert after she eats, Doris, Barbara, Cindy (looking for serenity and freshness), Phyllis-wants a piece of the coconut cake on Table 1, Sandie, Ellie, Billie Jo, Leena, Sugar and Connie
& Sweet Sylvia-that I missed!!!!!

TABLE #3-Faded Pastels
Theresa, Diane(bringing extra rose petals), 
Gay(bringing wine-no surprise there!)
bobbie-ALSO wants wine (Gay will share!), Linda(LaCarte),Saimi-loves a girlie/girlie table, Rose, Racheld, Donna, Noreen, Terri & 
Katie Isabella (the cat-hope she brings her mom-after all it is for Mother's Day!)

TABLE #4-Punch Of Color
Kay (says she is a GA peach-ain't that just peachy keen?)
Jettie (sitting here cuz there is not so much to knock over)
Lisa-(does not want to sit next to Jettie in case she DOES knock something over), Terri D, Laurie(Heaven'sWalk), Dawn, Carla, Melanie, Carole & Cheri.

TABLE#5-Whisper Of Violet
Jenn, Moontides, Krishna, Carol H.,
Cindy & Lori
A small, sweet table!!!!

TABLE #6-Wine & Dine
Liz, Betty, Carolyn,  
Unknown(said she felt a connection to the table)...umm..Hello--would love to connect with you,too.  Name please!(smiling)
AND Anonymous!
Liz-Stand up and shout hello to the two 
unknowns and make them feel welcome!

TABLE #7-A Little Blue
Nellie, Pam (wants to table hop-will tie her to her seat once she is down--shhhhhh), Ann (stealing wine from another table-Ann--go to Table#3 and get some of Gay's so she doesn't drink too much again and make a spectacle of herself), 
Missy- (WAS seated at Table #2 but moved because the white plates did not match--hey--I don't make this stuff up, folks)
J (yep-just J-could be Jane or Joyce or Janet or Jill or for all I know- Jacob)No offense J-when you come here you are subject to my wittisms.  and 
Cecilia (in honor of her mom that loved blue)-she is also bringing wine!  Great a table of lushes!

Table #8-Pinkly Pretty
Okay-last but not least we have-
MA, bj, Kitty, DebbyRay, Jan, 
Julie, Debora, Marilyn, Connie,
Susie S, Jacqueline & Karen/Happy One.
Not a single smart aleck comment from
any of them-surprising seeing as bj is in the mix.

Tom thought all the tables were "fancy"
so we will let him move from table to table-
Maybe some of the drunks gals will share a glass of wine with him.

OR he could sit with STACEY-
She said she could sit at any of the tables.
Personally, I think she is afraid of commitment.

Well, there you have it-
I hope I didn't forget anyone this time-
seems I always do!!!  Let me know if I dropped your name by mistake.

Update on Ted: Susie's hubby-
He tolerated the procedure in good shape,
but he will be experiencing all the side effects
that go along with a marrow transplant.
Please keep him AND Susie in your prayers.
These things are very tough on the caregivers
and loved ones of the patient.

I will be around as much as possible
in the upcoming days.
It's Crazy-Town where I live right now.

your photo name


Debby Ray said...

I see we will be havin a blast at the Pink table...can't wait for the party! I will just blame bj if our table gets rowdy but between the two of us, we may get kicked out! Fun, fun, fun!!!

Lisa said...

You crack me up!

jack69 said...

Thanks sweet lady. And it is so good to hear about TEd and the up date. Enjoyed the entry we sat together to look on my computer.SHE will do ti again on hers. LOL
Love from NC
Sherry & jack

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

All the tables are lovely and the company the best!

krishna said...

Yayy!! hello to all my table friends... :D

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Great Fun...lovely read to wake up to...! :).
HANG-ON....Ah! That's better, few more sips of my
lemon tea..wet the old whistle..! :).
And..And..the suns out in ALL it's glory, gonna be
a nice day, and a bank holiday tomorrow..might just
go out later and attack the Privit hedge..!

Nice to here of Ted's progress..and that he's getting
there..and Yeah! Always room in my prayers for someone

I'll pop back a little later and go through your Post
again l can tick off 'all' the boxes..HeHe!
: ´*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´ : ´*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´

Blondie's Journal said...

Did I miss the vote????!!! I am loving Table 2 hands down. Pretty and simple, but all of the others are gorgeous, too.

Yay for Ted! They are always in my prayers.

Thanks, my friend, for keeping us updated and creating a lot of fun with your posts! :-D

Jane x

BeachGypsy said...

I LOVE coming to your table parties!! so fun, my friend!!!!

Jo said...

All the tables are lovely.

Vee said...

Thank you for the fun. Thank you for the update on Ted. Praying for him to do well even through this rough patch of a transplant. We all want excellent results for him!

Tom said... best to Ted and his wife!

mxtodis123 said...

I always look forward to hearing about the responses. This is so much fun.

Donna said...

They were all so pretty!
Thanks also for the update on Ted...still praying here!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Yay I like to see the results! Good news about Ted. Praying for a good outcome!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Love the fun we have planning our parties! And I'm glad for the update on Ted and Susie. I'm keeping them in my too my friend! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are not late at all, Mothers Day comes next Sunday. Looks like we'll all be having a lovely time. Ted and Susuie are in my prayers. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Kay G. said...

Hello to all my friends at Table 4! Don't worry folks, I will hop up and visit all the tables. Any friend of Diana's is a friend of mine! Diana, did you have any idea how much your readers would like
choosing their table setting when you started this?😊

Gay Van Beek, Canterbury Cottage Designs said...

You are such a good sport to do this and it is so much fun! I promise to always share my wine too :)

Sandi said...

Thanks for the update on Susie's hubby.

This is going to be a HUGE dinner party, by the way!

bobbie said...

Looks like I should bring an extra bottle of wine, so there is enough for Ann (table 7) and Tom (table 8) ~ wouldn't want anyone to be denied!!!

bobbie said...

I meant to add ~ Yippeee!! I finally get to meet Her Royal Highness Katie Isabella!!
Thanks for the update on Ted & Susie ~ still keeping them in my thoughts.

Kim said...

I pray Ted's bone marrow transplant is a success. I gave bone marrow for my brother. Thank God for perfect match donors!

CHERI said...

I do so wish I could sit at my chosen table with those gals...I know it would be fun, fun, fun. Praying Ted will bounce back quickly and that all his family will be given the strength they need.

Terri D said...

It seems my table wasn't so popular but that means we will all have some elbow room! LOL So much fun! Prayers continue for a successful recovery from the marrow transplant for Ted. Hang in there!!

HappyK said...

Fun reading the results.

Ann said...

Reading these cracked me up.

Chatty Crone said...

Yeah for Ted.
I am glad to be sitting at Betsy's and Jack/Sherry's table - I have always wanted to meet them.

Silver in AZ said...

wow...that's a lot of work! And thanks for visiting my blog/becoming a member. Will do the same with you!

nonie everythingsewing said...

Thank you for the update on Ted. I am still thinking table two looks a lot like they will be serving cucumber and sprout sandwiches!


Gert said...

This is always fun! I thought I chose #2! Never sure sometimes what happens to my posts. Maybe I forget to publish them. But looked like I would have been in good company!! Thank you for the update on Ted and Susie. My prayers continue for them.

Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Great fun to be included in the lovely parties.
Thank you for planning all this for us.

Lowcarb team member said...

So much fun reading the results, thank you for taking time to do these posts Diana, I think we all enjoy them :)

Thanks for the update on Ted, continued prayers for him and Susie.

Do look after yourself too - you sound so busy!

All the best Jan

Junkchiccottage said...

LOL I just loved those big balls over the table!!!! Such a fun table.
These "golden years" seem more like the busy every day and harder work then younger years!!!!
I know you have so much going. Have a good week ahead.

Kim said...

Your table posts are always great, Diana! I always get a kick out of your commentary...and I do love cake! ;) xxoxo Hope it's a great week!

Pam said...

OH CRAP.....she is going to tie me down to my chair. Now i am wondering just how easy it will be for me to walk around with the chair tied to me??? haha

Creations By Cindy said...

I think I’ll enjoy my new friends at table two . Serenity and freshness is what need 😊 hugs and blessings , Cindy

Theresa said...

I can’t wait to meet my friends at my table:). I continue to pray for Ted and Susie. Thank you for the update. Have a blessed day dear friend. Hugs

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I'll be happy to sit at table #8, but I'll have to visit all the friends at the other tables, too.
May you have a wonderful week, Diana! xx

Sylvia said...

I have to apologize for commenting on Facebook to put me at table 2, so I guess I can't complain that you left me off. I am trying to get on and read post as my time permits, you know my situation
. I'll do better next time, promise!
Hugs, Sylvia

Carla from The River said...

Prayers for Ted and Susie!!

Have a blessed week my friend in Crazy Town! LOL

Melanie said...

Hey busy lady, I hope you are getting a few moments for some down time and to catch your breath. I do not know Susie of She Junks but I will say a prayer for her and her hubby. xoxo

Jeanie said...

This was fun. I need lanterns.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so glad Ted did ok with the procedure. I have kept him and Susie in my prayers all along. They are going through such a difficult time in life.


This N That said...

I'm glad I needed up at the lush table..I'll bring some wine too..Stop by for a drink..DO you drink??

This N That said...

PS..SB "ended up"

Susie Swanson said...

A fun post to be included in. Thank you for the update on Ted. I'm praying so hard for him and Susie and yes it is very hard on the caregiver. Big Hugs.

Benita said...

Since I missed out on this, I'm going to go around and crash the party at each table...I never play by the rules anyway! ;-) Thanks for the update on Ted...will continue to pray for them! Love and hugs!!

Cristina Garay said...

Haha you're funny girl!! Always a good laugh reading these posts.

Cecilia said...

:) always a fun post. Thanks, Diana, for letting us play.

Glad to hear Ted came through the procedure well. Will be praying for the side effects to be minimal and for his family to have strength in these days.

Hugs, Cecilia
Things are crazy around here. The move is happening! Where, oh where, did all this stuff come from?

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Thanks for arranging all of us to party with you at the different tables! What fun we would all have together. I am so sorry to hear about your friend and hope that she feels better.