Monday, October 20, 2014

Bright Eyes At Six Months Old

It seems like just yesterday that she was born!
And now here she is 
Here is what is funny...
At the last minute she threw her leg up in the air!
Maybe she's going to be a gymnast 

Okay- I mighta lied about being a gymnast...
what I meant to say was I had to take
GYM in high school.
You know- back when they made you 
shower naked with all the other girls
and they would stand by the shower door
and check your name off as you came out..
Anyone else HATE that?

-Six Days-
Six Months!
I think she gets cuter by the day!

Have a wonderful Monday!!!!
your photo name


Gypsy Heart said...

She is not only cute...she's beautiful! You know, back in the dark ages when I was in school we were not required to take Gym class.
Thank God! :)


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

She's just adorable!! :)

I hated our ugly blue gym suits!

Sylvia said...

She is beautiful! I didn't like gym either!

Linda said...

She is a beautiful little girl. before you know it she'll be walking. We had green one piece gym suits and only had to take 1/2 shower if we had our period......I had mine a lot. LOL Bright eyes has longer and redder hair than mine.....I am jealous. ;-)

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!!!! A bundle of joy!!!


Susie said...

Diana, She is a doll. Her eyes do sparkle. Gaaa....those dang showers !! why did you have to remind me, I hated gym class, because of that. Plus you'd have some wet hair for the next class. I do not think a one of us sweated so much we couldn't wait to get home and bathe. Gym may be a bit different now, I don't know. Have you been winking lately??? xoxo,Susie

Patty Patterson said...

She is adorable. And - I'm announcing a giveaway on my Bring Back Jesus blog today. Check it out.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Don't they grow up way tooo fast.....seems like only yesterday that she was born! She is adorable....looks like her gran! Hugs, Penny

Pam Kessler said...

What a cutie patootie! She takes after Nana.

Laurie said...

Oh Lord, if I had to take a shower naked in front of people, I would have dropped out of school....right then and there. Miss Bright Eyes is certainly a beauty!

Happy Day,

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Oh what a beautiful girl! I bet those cheeks get lots of kisses!

Cristina Garay said...

She is adorable! Time sure flies by! I did like gym but I certainly didn't like those showers, there were a few times I could managed to sneak out of there without taking the shower.

Linda said...

First, the baby is a real doll!! Kiss her for me! And, yes, I remember the shower checks. Why didn't our parents do something about that? They never did shower checks. Oops! You put me up on a soapbox. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Simply LKJ said...

Precious. Cannot believe it has been six months already!!

Victoria's Vintage Designs said...

Absolutely precious... they grow up so fast! Vicki

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

She is just beautiful! I could just pinch her!! lol

Nonnie said...

She is such a doll and yes, they do get cuter and cuter every day. I would love having a sweet baby to squeeze. Jack is 3 and still sweet and huggable, but those babies ...
Yes! I hated those towels that NEVER EVER fit around me and were way too short for a tall girl. So embarrassing showering and dressing in front of all those other girls.

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! She looks like a porcelain doll! She and the boys favor so much- all beautiful! I love the leg in the air- precious!

Wild Oak Designs said...

Definitely adorable! Such a doll! Enjoy!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Yes she is cute, adorable "bright eyes"! I would call her absolutely precious. Yup I too remember gym class and those awful showers... Kindof felt like a head of cattle!!!

Our Hopeful Home said...

I just had to drop in when I saw her pic on my blog reader list. I miss having baby girls so much! (Sure beats the teens lol) But seriously, I just had the best time picking out a pink tutu for a friend who is having her her first baby *sigh* Your granddaughter is gorgeous, have fun enjoying her.

Sew a Fine Seam said...

She's such a cutie!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

Doesn't seem possible, does it.

Of course she is getting cuter by the day!

And I love, love, love how her Mommy keeps her... "all girl"!!! Oh yes!!!!!!!

Happy count-down to Halloween!
"Here there be musing" blog
"Here there be more words" blog

Musings from Kim K. said...

Such a beautiful baby. Those eyes are just amazing . She's going to be a heart-breaker. Good thing she has brothers to protect her.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

She's too cute- a little baby doll! Such a precious age and to dress up too!

Donna said...

She is just precious, Diana! I know she brings joy to everyone's lives:) I love the outfit she is in, that lace is so pretty. And Bright Eyes is oh so appropriate! I HATED gym class in school! I remember in jr. high, our uniforms couldn't have been any uglier! They were navy blue, one piece, and snapped up the front. Like short ugly prison jumpsuits! And we had to wear knee length tube socks, ugh!!! Showering was the worst!!!

Sonny G said...

she is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy adorable and forger the gym, lets take her straight to Broadway where shed make the perfect Rockette.

Cant wait to see her dance in front of Macys ~!!

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie pie!!!! Time does fly....that's why it says in the Bible..."we are just a vapor" cause vapors don't last long at all.

Junkchiccottage said...

Oh Diana she is so adorable. Love her "bright eyes". Just so cute. That picture is precious of her.

Maria Elena said...

Beautiful! And that smile! Just precious! :)

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, what a little beauty. Her eyes get brighter every day. I remember gym class and those dreaded showers. We could say 'off floor" when it was that time of the month and didn't have to take a shower then. Seems like that was when a shower might be really needed!! Anyway, I was off floor many times during the month and they never questioned it. Less laundry to do, I guess..Happy Monday..Judy

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Ooooh, what a little cutie. I can't believe how much time has passed since she was born - I remember you posting about her. She's a keeper! Jane

A Joyful Cottage said...

She's so precious, Diana. (I'm not going to even think of dumb old gym class. . .I'm concentrating on Bright Eyes instead. Much more pleasant.) xxx ~ Nancy

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

OMG, Diana - she is beautiful. Look at that happy face and her nickname is well suited for those beautiful eyes.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

She is just precious! Those cheeks - so kissable! So funny about the leg kick....Oh, I hated those gym showers. Weren't they so humiliating? xo Karen

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl she is. Those cheeks, eyes.

Sue said...

She's adorable ~ and yes, I vividly remember those showers. We could't even get the towel till they checked off our name. It was awful. I can't even imagine that happening today ~

Kelly said...

U R one lucky Nana!!! Blessings<3

Red Rose Alley said...

She definitely gets cuter by the day, Diana. She's so precious. I love her smile......or is it the eyes? I can't tell, she's pretty all around.


Kelly said...

She is beautiful! I love her eyes.

cathy@my1929charmer said...

She is definitely a looker...beware the boys in future years. I like how she kicked up her leg...she was excited to see you. I went to a very small catholic high school and we didn't have gym classes. I remember walking but we never took showers, so I didn't have to get naked with anyone!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Diana .. what a cutie pie little one ! They are so sweet at that age you can't help but love them to bits.
I changed into my stupid gym uniform in the shower stall ... I was so shy I couldn't undress in front of anyone ... I hated gym of course! LOL
Joy : )

Sue @Rue-Mouffetard said...

Hi have the most beautiful are all the other girls doing....has Sweet Cheeks lost any teeth yet...Miss B is 7 now also and just lost her front one...her mother reports that the night it came out you would think someone was trying to murder her....Of course in NYC all the screaming was just ignored by all the neighbors.....Sue

Carla from The River said...

Cutie Pie!!

Yes, I remember taking showers with all the other girls...Yes, I hated it too. ;-(

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - what a beautiful bundle from God - she is beautiful - and we did not have to do that in gym - that would be tough.

LV said...

What a precious and loveable sweetie you have. She so happy and pleasant looking.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Oh Diana, she is the most beautiful baby and she gets prettier all the time. It's hard to believe that she is 6 months old already. Enjoy all your beautiful girls and guys.

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Six Months?! already!
Where does the time go.
That means I've been following you just a tad bit longer...
a gift!
I disliked gym... I like my privacy, you know.

Renee said...

She is adorable. Love the dress.

Bethany Carson said...

She's a cutie sure enough!


Oh my goodness Diana she is so adorable! Such a personality it shows in the great pictures! I love the gymnast in you! It was good to hear that there are others out there like myself! Lol...I sure do remember taking gym and having to take my shy self in to shower! Memories you just brought to the surface...I had forgotten those...Precious baby and cute post!

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Patty Antle said...

Bright eyes is absolutely adorable! I imagine you have great fun with her! Yes, I remember gym class. The worst was swimming where we had to wear red one piece suits that clung to your body. It was not fun for a full figured teenager!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Adorable...That's my favorite age!


Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

She is adorable! They sure do grow fast. I hated the whole public shower in school. Being a private person it was pure torture. Glad those days are past!
Hugs, Deborah

Joy Junktion said...

Oh she is just a doll face :) And...YES I hated to PE stuff! Did you have to wear a white snap down collared shirt with blue shorts? Oh, how blah!!! Have a super week! Blessings, Cindy

One More Time Events said...

Oh...Diana she is absolutely adorable!!! Yes I do remember the gym showers.....oh how I hated them!!!!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, Oh she is a precious angel. These pics are adorable. What a doll baby!! Yes, I too remember the gym showers. I think we all hated them. Blue shorts, white blouses!! I think I left mine behind when I graduated in the wire basket! LOL Today I'd like to have one of those baskets.
Happy Tuesday!

This N That said...

She's adorable..getting cuter every day..must be in the genes..It's a family trait!!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Such a sweet baby! You sure picked an appropriate name when you started calling her "bright eyes." Her eyes are beautiful!!

camp and cottage living said...

She's beautiful!!
Thank God I didn't have to shower in gym.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Cute?? I don't think so.,she's BEAUTIFUL!!

And what's up with the showers? I never heard of that, and I'm pretty long in the tooth. 😳

bj said...

She is just the cutest thing, ever. I saw her on FB :)
We had to wear the ugliest gym suits in the whole world, shower with everybody in the class and the showers didn't have curtains on them so we all could have just piled up in one huge shower. I was mortified at the first of school...then...I just walked around naked all over that gym dressing room and never batted an eye.

Cranberry Morning said...

Yes, she certainly does get cuter by the day! And I do remember those horrid gym class and shower days. Kids don't have to do that anymore?

Maureen Wyatt said...

She does get cuter by the day and I think her eyes are even brighter! I don't think you should tell people that you are good at throwing your legs in the air, though. It isn't seemly!

Katie said...

What a adorable little girl, you are so blessed. She is like a little dolls so precious!!