Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Prayer Request from Lynn-The Vintage Nest

You know it is really amazing how 
people have reached out to pray for others.
I don't know how it happened but I have
been getting lots of calls from people 
asking for prayer.
Sometimes! I make the outreach and 
offer to do that, 
other times people
 (that are usually very private about most matters) 
ask me to have my followers
PRAY for them.
What an honor and 
I am so glad to be able to do this.

She is asking for prayers for her hubby, Gar.
Yes. Gar.  I did NOT leave a letter off his name
It is GAR-rhymes with CARE-
not GAR-rhymes with CAR 
(so you can use the right name 
if you are praying or sending healing thoughts!;>)

I gotta say -he is one handsome man!
Anyway-here is what Lynn wrote to me-
she said I could share it here.

I am asking a favor.  My husband had complete renal failure back in January.  He had not been feeling himself for a year now and something was going on that the specialists were not able to pinpoint.  To make a long story short, they finally did find that a very serious blood vessel infection along with his lifelong type 1 diabetes has caused the kidney failure.  He was in the hospital for quite some time, but home now and he/we spent the last month going to the dialysis clinic to learn how to  use dialysis  at home, which started this week.  Things are going well.  He's been such a trooper thru all of this.  We are  now going thru the process of being put on a kidney transplant list which is an ordeal in itself.  Testing they did while he was in the hospital, (we think) makes him a good candidate for a kidney transplant.  More testing has to come yet and then we wait wait wait.   Prayers would be so appreciated.  I do believe in the power of all those thoughts.  Thank You Diana so much   xox 

I have said it before, and I will repeat it here,
 that when a spouse is ill
it is a family issue and like a pebble dropping 
in a pond it causes a ripple effect on 
family and friends.

Please pray for Gar AND Lynn.
Pray for strength and endurance to get 
them through all the tough times ahead.
We want to see that handsome face
glowing with good health!
your photo name


Susie said...

Diana, It's heart breaking, how many are in great need of prayer. I do pray for them to be strong, their family and friends. When we are ill , we still need our friends too. I pray God will help Gar and Lynn. You reach so many with your blog, that may be why people ask for prayers. Thank you Diana. You are so good. xoxo,Susie

Anonymous said...

its your wings, your angel wings ,, they show you see, thats why people know to come to you,,
I will keep them in my prayers,

Gert said...

Oh prayers are either Gar and his family. This truly is a difficult time and just knowing people are out there praying for them is a tremendous help. Blessings to you Diana for being such a loving person...


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Will light a candle today for dear Gar (rhymes with care). Have a great Sunday dear Diana.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

You are so right about the ripple effect of an illness in a family. Sending prayers!

Cecilia said...

Praying for them!

Jettie said...

Praying, and thanks for all the prayer requests you post, I know I appreciated the extra prayers when I had surgery, and something worked, because I am pain free and ambulating well now.

Olive said...

Hi Diana, I follow Lynn. I will certainly pray for both of them. I have a good understanding of renal failure as I cared for those patients for years. Also for kidney transplant patients. It is a long road and a learning curve. It is lovely to meet you. Have a terrific Sunday, Olive

Vee said...

Yes, amen. It is always a privilege to pray.

J said...

I will add Gar's name to the list of blogger friends' intentions that I pray for daily. May his journey ahead be one that leads to healing!

bj said...

Oh...he is indeed a mighty handsome fella.
Yes, I will pray for him and his pretty wife.
Xo, bj

Beth said...

This really hits home with me. I have stage 4 kidney disease and a dear family friend had a kidney transplant (from his father) a few years ago. I have said a prayer for Gar and all of his family! Please keep us updated!

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Prayers for Gar and his family....hugs, Penny

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Sending prayers for Gar and his sweet family. :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...


Lisa Mangold Kosmoski said...

We will certainly keep Gar and Lynn in prayer as we continue to hang out on the liver-kidney transplant unit ourselves. It seems that many people are recommended for transplant these days!


Stephanie said...

Dearest Diana, Gar and his family will most certainly be in my prayers. Your blog has really been a shining light for others and I am reminded of how much prayer makes a difference and where there is a large blogging community praying than look out! :)

Love to you!

It's Just Dottie said...

I am praying. Dottie

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, I sure feel for them. He is one handsome man! I send good karma their way.

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Sending up healing prayers for Gar and Lynn and will continue to do so.

20 North Ora said...

Praying for Gar and Lynn. We all too well, know the impact an illness of one mate has on the other - the whole family actually. Praying for peace and knowledge and wisdom for them and the doctors during this ordeal.


Kay G. said...

I will pray for them both. What a handsome couple they make! Thanks for telling us about them. May the deep peace of God be with them.

Lucille said...

Very sad! I have said my usual prayers for them! Hope things work out! It's hard when a family member is not well. My daughter is awaiting a call for surgery in her throat and stomach. A rare condition. So, I'm sort of on pinpoints.

JennyD said...

I will absolutely add him AND his wife to my prayers. What a hard thing they're going through, but there is hope and there is prayer. Prayer in big numbers is a good, good thing. I'm onboard.

(PS, try the reply now.....if it works, YAY!)

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I will add Gar to my prayer list for a kidney transplant. I hope that they find one quickly.

Anonymous said...

Difficult time for Gar feeling ill and weak and his wife and family for sure need Gods loving arms around them.. I will pray for Gar yes for sure . With 100% healing prayer to God. The Father. The Lord tells us all. In his word. Pray and with leave it with him. We know what the Lord did with your Grandson Di. He made things all good. Amen.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Prayer makes a difference and it makes our blogging community even closer and more personal. I'm keep him in my prayers....and his sweet wife, too! Enjoy your day my friend! Hugs, Diane

Celestina Marie said...

Diana, thank you for sharing this so we all can keep prayers lifted for Gar and his health to improve quickly. For you too Lynn as you stay by Gar's side in support and love. The power of prayer is great and the blogland community really comes through for us all. God is listening and I know he will provide the care needed.
Thoughts and prayers.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Saying a prayer for Gar and his family. Such heavy burdens to bear, but we serve a great big God.

Teresa@magazineyourhome said...

Reaching out to Gar and his family in prayer right now. I know from personal experience that God is close to those who need hope and healing. Sending encouragement and hugs your way dear Gar Family.

must love junk said...

Praying for them! Thanks, Diana :)

Wanda said...

You can add me to the list of prayer warriors for Lynn and Gar. What a precious couple....I checked out her wonderful.

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Prayers on the way...

Judy said...

this makes my little problems seem so insignificant....i will be praying for this family and that he won't have to wait long for a transplant.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Prayers sent....

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I will certainly send out prayers and good thoughts to them! Hugs, Leena

Savannah Granny said...

So sorry to hear this. Praying.

Sunflowers With Smiles said...
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Sunflowers With Smiles said...

So sorry to hear this, he is in my prayers along with the family.

chateau chic said...

Thanks for passing this along, Diana. They will definitely be in my prayers.
Mary Alice

wheets said...

I know first hand what Gar's diagnosis means to his family My brother was type 1 diabetic and suffered renal failure at 27. We were lucky and I was able to donate a kidney to him in 1982. My prayers are with this family as they continue on this journey.

White Lace and Promises said...

Will certainly say a prayer. Not hard to forget a face like that! Thanks for sharing.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Diana...Thank you sooo much, I know Lynn very well, but did not know it had gone to transplant status! Bowing my head right this minute,,,,,Oh yes, the power of prayer!


Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Diana, Lynn and Gar are dear friends of mine and my husband. This has been a tough time for them and I pray that the transplant comes through and Gar completely recovers.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

You are a kind and awesome person! Thank you for sharing these prayer requests

Chatty Crone said...

Will do. He is so young to have all that trouble.

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

My prayers are with them. I know what tough times are, since I went thru them myself last year. I am wishing and praying for them and that God will "hug" them to health once again.

Ricki Treleaven said...

Sending prayers for them!

Heaven's Walk said...

I will definitely be keeping both of them in my prayers, Diana - and heading over to her blog to tell her the same. Thank you for being such a wonderful prayer warrior!

xoxo laurie

Willow said...

Prayers sent right after I read the post ~ and right before I commented.

Joy Junktion said...

Well, this prayer request sounds all too familiar to me! You bet I'll be praying for their family! Wisdom and the right match to enter their lives! Blessings Diana for always being willing to share needs on your blog!!

Donna said...

Adding Gar and Lynn to my prayers :) You're so sweet to share!

Sally said...

Your friends, Gar and Lynne will be in my prayers for sure!

Anonymous said...

thank you Diana for being you....xoxoxo ... and for all the thoughts, prayers and kind words from your followers. I am forever grateful!

Linda said...

prayers sent

Maureen Wyatt said...

Lynn and Gar have my prayers and all the positive thoughts I can possibly send out there to ensure he qualifies for and gets the transplant he needs very quickly.

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

I will be praying Diana. Thanks for sharing these prayer requests with all of us.

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

Praying for this sweet couple. Thank you Diana for taking time to do this!

Kathy said...

Will be praying for this couple.

Sweet Melanie said...

Will be praying for them both. I just couldn't imagine....