Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Incredible Speller

Did you ever notice when dealing with a
that everything is WE?

WE are going to eat our lunch now.

WE are going to take a nap now.
Yes. WE. Are.

WE are going to pick up our toys now.
Yes. WE. Are.

WE do NOT like doing 
I hear a lot of 
No Nana, No!

Ah-yes-remember the 
two year olds?

WE are going to take a bath now.
NO arguments this time.
This little fish LOVES the water.
Do WE love our bath, Charles-In-Charge?
Yes-WE spell WE even in the water, 
don't WE?
Do WE love our bath, Charles-In-Charge?
WE are happy now!

We are NOT so happy when we have to get out....
But WE won't show you that!

Still at my daughter's home for a couple more days.
She is in quite a bit of pain with her back.
WE are hoping that BABY GIRL
shifts around a bit.
Yep- That is what WE are hoping for-
Aren't WE?

I will check in as I can!
your photo name


Victoria's Vintage Designs said...

Best wishes for your daughter Diana...
This little guy is looking pretty happy!!
Have a good day.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Diana, I can see you have things under control and are taking care of everything while your daughter is having such a rough time! Hugs and prayers...Penny

Boopnut said...

WE are hoping for the best for your daughter and baby!

Simply LKJ said...

So precious, and so very true! Then they hit 3 and it is all about "I". LOL Praying for your daughter. Hopefully she will get some relief soon.

Katie Mansfield said...

What a cutie! Praying for your daughter and the baby.

Susie said...

Diana, You are the best help your daughter could have. I know she must be comforted having you there. I can't believe little Charles is not going to be the baby much longer. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

Linda said...

Yes, WE are praying that baby girl shifts position. Thankfully she has a wonderful nana to help out!!!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

WE hope she shifts, yes!

LOL I remember Brent being two. When it was time to pick up toys, he'd throw himself down, flat on his back, and tell me he was "too tired".

Linda said...

I am a new follower, since your posts are always so fun to read. WE all need FUN, don't you think? Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said...

Haha! I remember those days :)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I think they'd rather turn into prunes then get out, Diana! It seems to be the same with the pool in the Summer.

Japolina said...

he is adorable. My back killed me when I was pregnant with my first one. It was unbearable. I bought a belt-thing at the maternity store which relieved the pain like a miracle when I wore it but once I took it off, the pain came back. It allowed me to function. The pain did not go away until the day I gave birth. xoxo

Tete said...

Keep cracking the whip! YOU will win! I hate the terrible 2s. Hope she feels better today.

Kelly said...

"We" are all hoping that your daughter finds some relief soon. I remember the days of having foam letters stuck to the walls above the bathtub!

Donna said...

I can't believe how much Charles has grown up, Diana! Sounds like he keeps you on your toes! I do hope your daughter feels better soon, have a great day!!

Sylvia said...

Hope the baby girl shifts soon! Good to see Charles enjoying bathtime.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh no, I hope your daughter feels better soon. Cute post, made me chuckle. :)

Beth said...

Charles in Charge is so cute! I hope your daughter feels better quickly!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

-chuckle- Yes there is a lot of WE, when dealing with a 2 year old. A 3 year old too, me-thinks.

Best of luck to the mommy-to-be. Hope she can rest. She's going to have her hands full. ,-)

LV said...

An adorable post of the precious one. Trust all goes will with your daughter and family.

Ruth Kelly said...

My little grand toddlers see my bathtub and want to jump right in - they love a bath. To them, it is swimming time.

Leslie Anne Tarabella said...

Love your little fish. He has the sweetest face! He could talk "we" into doing anything!

Nancy's Notes said...

Love it, Charles in Charge! Enjoy your time there and so hope and pray your daughter's back pain subsides, bless her heart!

Jackie said...

So sweeeet.....
Hugs to your daughter....prayers that she feels better soon!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I think little WE is so cute! Hope your daughter is better soon!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Charles in Charge is a little cutie. They always love their baths don't they? Hope your daughter is better soon.
We hope you ahve a great weekend.

Sweet Tea said...

We think little Charles in Charge is a doll and we also think you're having lots of fun with that lil' guy. Sure hope your daughter gets some relief. Keep us updated.

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Enjoy your stay with Charles in Charge, looks like you are having fun and so is he. Maybe you have a future Olympian swimmer there (lol)!!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Charles in Charge sure is handsome! I remember when my son was around one year old, we had those alphabet magnets on the fridge. Well, he walked up there and moved them around and it wasn't until a few days later that we noticed he had spelled out a bad word. Ha! Hope your daughter is feeling some relief by now. Maybe baby girl will shift soon. Poor mama!

camp and cottage living said...

Oh, this must be painful! Maybe someone can massage the baby and get her to move off of Mama's nerve...
Of course I'm sure that advice has no scientific or medical basis, it just makes sense to me.
Isn't no every two year olds favorite word? Now you know what to do with Charles to make him happy.
He is so cute, Diana!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I remember Josie at two. Lots of independence and lots of "no". Thinking of you all. I hope that baby moves and gives your daughter some much needed relief.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Oh how cute...and hope the pain stops soon for your nice that you are there!

Junkchiccottage said...

Too cute Diana. Charles looks like he is having a wonderful time with Nana. Hope Mimi gets some relief soon.

Merlesworld said...

Is it we, I didn't see you in the bath .

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Hehe ... you had me laughing, Diana. The "we" syndrome is a lovely one. Soon enough, he'll want to be totally on his own.

All the best to your daughter.

Anonymous said...

God bless your daughter and the baby. Such a cute post about "we."

This N That said...

Hope all goes well...Nothing irritates me more than a waiter or waitress saying..."and what are WE having tonight !!" Or even worse " What are you GUYS having tonight?"..Do I look like a guy?? I've actually said that..

joanne said...

yes we are! So funny, but our three year old Miss M hates taking a bath. I am always trying to bribe her by asking is she wants to take a bath in g'mas big bath tub. No. Last time she was here I asked if she wanted to stay and have dinner with us. 'OK g'ma, but I'm not going to spend the night and I'm NOT going to take a bath in your big bath tub." hmmmmm, there is something wrong with that kid!

One More Time Events said...

Yes "We" love your post!

Our Hopeful Home said...

He' s adorable! Brings back memories, bath every night for the little ones! I was a real stickler for routine: bath, stories, bed. But it worked! Your daughter is so lucky to have you to help. I was on bedrest at 29 weeks with my third child and my husband was working in another state. By the grace of God our niece was unemployed and came to be our nanny until my son was born. Worked out in the end but I would have still preferred my mom:) (She passed away when I was 24.) Have fun, Nana! xoKathleen

Red Rose Alley said...

He's having such a fun time in the bath. My kids all loved bath time too. I have a picture of Nel, and it's one of my favorites ones of all.

I hope your daughter starts to feel better soon, Diana. It's awful to be in so much discomfort.


Anonymous said...

Diana, hoping your daughter is much better soon! I know shes' happy that you are there to help! Charles In Charge is Adorable! Bath time is so much fun!

Vee said...

Awww...he's a cutie. Looks as if you're going to be busy! Your poor daughter...hope that the baby shifts some as that certainly sounds miserable.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Diana.. WE are certainly getting cuter and cuter! I wish the best for your daughter. Hope she is able to feel better soon. Take care..Judy

Kelly said...

Sending prayers for your daughter Diana! Gosh, I remember when my 3 used to be the Wee-ones and how bath time was such fun!!! Yes, I remember the No's too! Yikes!!! What a treasure your grandson is! Ahh, the memories! <3

Gypsy Heart said...

Two year olds love the word NO! :) He's adorable and probably a true little fish. So hoping his Mom feels much better quickly.


Sarah said...

No doubt you have your hands full! Charles in Charge is adorable. Bet he loves having his Nana there.

Chatty Crone said...

We are hoping baby girl is moving right this very moment - prayers!!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

What a cutie! So glad to help out and I hope your daughter soon feels better.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

He is adorable. Coming out of the bathtub is always a challenge

Savannah Granny said...

"WE" love Charles-in-Charge, yes we do. Praying mommy gets some relief. Take care of yourself. xoxoGinger

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Charles-in-Charge is such a cutie pie!! I hope your daughter starts to feel better Diana!

Renee said...

Little cutie. Yes we remember those terrible twos and a certain little lady who lived up to that name. :)

Kathy said...

Your poor daughter! I hope that baby shifts soon. Looks like WE are having a good time in the tub.

Attic Clutter said...

Oh sweet pics.Have a wonderful weekend Diana(:)

Maureen Wyatt said...

I hadn't really thought about the WE years until now. Thanks for the laugh!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

What a sweet face. You're a good mom - hope your daughter is doing better by now.