Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello Dolly-How About Some New Clothes?

You know how I took some time off?
Well, here is one of the projects I completed
while I was away.

Our little SweetCheeks got an 
American Girl Doll, Ruthie,
for her birthday in November.

What does a new doll need?
Why-new clothes, of course!
So, Nana decided to whip up some clothes
for her special girl.

I have always loved
Mary Engelbreit fabrics.
This is one of my favorite pieces.

I have enough left to make SweetCheeks
a matching skirt.
If she isn't doing a casual dress she needs
something a little bit fancier to match 
her cute new shoes.
I made a matching bow and I always
do a finished lining inside the bodice.
For Wisconsin winters you need a skating outfit.
Not in the mood for skating?
Then reverse the skirt and add a fur vest.
This outfit makes use of one of Dad's 
discarded jeans (using material from the leg)
Gotta have something to wear with those sneakers.
Perhaps you like PINK
AND you need a backpack with "accessories".
Christmas Eve we always give the grandkids
matching pajamas.
Ruthie needed pjs to match SweetCheeks 
new pjs.  I think these come pretty close.
I thought I had a picture of 
SweetCheeks and Ruthie in their matching pjs...
Anyway, when SweetCheeks and Ruthie
decide to run away from home
they can do it in style.
This was her Christmas present
from Papa and me.
However, IF she is heading for
Hollywood to make the best dressed list
she might want to leave her socks at home.
LOL- She IS going to hate me someday
you know!

your photo name


Lynda Bergman Decorative Artisan said...

Ohhhh! These are just too cute and what a good nana you are! Lynda

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you are talented. SweetCheeks' dolls are dressed better than me! I have to admit, my socks are often similar to Sweetcheeks' though.

camp and cottage living said...

No, I don't think she'll EVER hate you!
The doll clothes are all adorable, but do you agree with me that they are as much work as sewing regular sized clothes?
No wonder you had to have a blogging break, Diana!

FabShabbyRoses said...

You did a fantastic job on the sweet doll clothes. I'll bet she was thrilled!

Jettie said...

Beautiful job on those clothes, I used to do some of that, but not any more. Love the pink suitcase, and the socks, lol.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Awh how cute! You did a wonderful job and all the outfits are adorable. We still have all my daughter's American Girls dolls, clothes and accessories.
That was a wonderful gift from you to her!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

You are one seriously talented seamstress. I tried to make a doll dress last year and was ready to rip my hair out by the end. It was my first and last.

So ( or sew : ) I am in awe! :)

Tete said...

Those are so cute, but my favorite is the jeans. They are so cute. Love that old suitcase!
And the sock thing only gets worse as they get older. The kids are doing it on purpose now. Its one of those rebel things, I suppose.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Wow Diana, you are a very talented girl! Love all those darling outfits, especially the skater. And don't worry, SweetCheeks will love you forever!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, these are just the most adorable doll outfits I have ever seen! You are so creative and talented! I know she will love changing Ruthie's outfits! The suitcase is so "dang cute" too- very stylish! Miss Sweet Cheeks, always entertain us! I love her socks!

Pat said...

What a great thing to do for the granddaughter. You say she's going to hate you some day. These are memories that will be heartfelt when she gets older and realizes what a wonderful grandmother you have been....

kelli said...

ha! adorable outfits you made!

(i notice a lot of kids wearing mismatched socks. i think it's the cool thing to do these days. but what do we know?=)

Patty Patterson said...

So cute. I wish I could make clothes like that. Sewing is just not something I'm gifted at - but American Girl does have terrific sales from time to time. Grace got American Dolls for her birthday, from both me and her parents - so she's getting quite a collection, but for some reason i find sewing little things harder than sewing big things. I think I need a sewing for Dummies step by step guide.

Linda said...

Wow! those doll clothes are much better than the ones my grandma made for me. Sweet Cheeks is a lucky girl (Ruthie too). I watched Alana sing, she did an excellent job and deserved the standing ovation at the end.

Donna said...

Oh my gosh, Diana, the doll clothes you made are just adorable! I especially love that cherry print skirt. And the skating outfit too! SwwetCheeks will treasure these forever! You did an amazing job!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love them, Diana! They are so cute. You did a great job. I haven't done clothes {people or doll}. Love the pajamas. I'll bet SweetCheeks loved them all!

Simply LKJ said...

What wonderful presents! Brings back so many memories. My Pop always made my doll's furniture, while my Granny made the most lovely outfits for them. My friends were always envious!!

Babs said...

The doll outfits are adorable, and you are so talented. Love the skating one and the little floral dress. Lucky SweetCheeks!

Leslie Anne Tarabella said...

I want a skating outfit like that! Not that I skate . . .

My Grandmother had a doll about the same size, and would make clothes to fit her. I loved playing with that doll so much!

Beth said...

The outfits for the dolls are beautiful. I used to knit and sew outfits for my daughter's dolls about 100 years ago.
Sweet Cheeks is making a fashion statement with her socks. Very cute!

Pam Kessler said...

Ruthie's outfits are adorable! You are a woman of many, many talents. Glad you guys had a festive Christmas season! And buy that girl matching socks!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

So adorable the clothes that go with the doll are so expensive! You are such a nice grammy wish I could sew like that!
I hope you had a great New Year's!

Nellie said...

Wonderful doll clothes, Diana! I ordered the ones I gave to our granddaughter. Guess that made the American Girl doll company happy.:-) I may get a little inspired to try sewing some myself from seeing what you've done! xo Nellie

Shirley said...

Good Morning Diana, Oh! how wonderful that Sweetcheeks got the new doll clothes. I know where to come if I ever needed any. I watched Lulu sing yesterday twice because that is one of my favorites this time of the year. She did a beautiful job. It is bitter cold and we have snow again, but not as much. I am not going out that is for sure will just talk on the phone. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

Debby said...

You have been holding out on us. You can really sew. I love all of these outfits. Wow, beautiful. Wish you would sell them.
Also I wasn't able to comment on your granddaughter's singing. She has a beautiful voice.
Happy New Years. xo

Susan Shull said...

What a great wardrobe that little Ruthie, has! And each outfit made with TLC by her Nana. Nothing better! She needs to come play with Emily and Molly and Roxie at our house!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh my! You really are the best! Every outfit is just precious and it makes having a new doll so much more fun. I think I'll put this down on my 'to do' list this year...make my dollies some new clothes. Love the polka dots and warm p js. You are so so sweet! Happy New year my friend!

Junkchiccottage said...

Ohhhhhhh Diana how cute are all of the outfits. I love the skating outfit and the matching jammies. Tooo cute. Sweet Cheeks has the best Nana ever to sew such beautiful outfits for her American Girl Doll. You need to bring the girls down to Chicago and go to the American Girl Doll Place to have lunch. I remember taking my girls there when they were little. Your outfits are just so adorable. Diana you are the best.

RURAL said...

She is one lovely, and lucky little girl...those are the cutest doll clothes I have ever seen...Etsy shop in your future?


Sharon said...

OMG! Every piece is absolutely adorable! Now that I have a little grand daughter...I wish I had tried a little harder to learn to would be so fun to make doll clothes...and then a matching outfit for her! You're awesome!

Art and Sand said...

Oh, did this bring back the days of my dolls and my mother making me clothes for my dolls.

I NEED a grandchild so I too can make doll clothes.

What fun!

Japolina said...

You are so talented. Those outfits are so cute


Oh goodness, you're a better Nana than me! I used to sew dresses for my dolls and my daughter's, but not to my Little cuties...BAD ABE!!! (they call me Abe) I love the cloths, you are so talented, that adorable Sweet-Cheeks must be thrilled! My g'girls have American girls each too...lil'girls are soo darn cute and BIG ones like us too, LOL!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Great outfits for her dollie and for SC. You are quite the dress maker. I know she loved all the outfits you made for her doll and I love the matching ones for SC.
Love the socks.... my Kelly came out one day with different socks on and I said Kelly your socks do not match.
"Oh grandma - that's the style" What do I know, guess I have to keep up on these things... LOL
Have a great one....

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said... did a fantastic job! Those pjs are too cute!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

the outfits are absolutely beautiful. you did an amazing job

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Diana... you are soooo talented. Those outfits are darling!! My girls grandma made outfits for their dolls and they are tucked away in the attic for their daughters. My Mister keeps wanting to throw them out - I told him if he does I'll throw out every gadget he owns. He's been quiet ever since.

Karen said...

You are one very special grandmother.. you know that, right?

Love the travel case too.. perfect for it's job!

Jean | said...

Ohhh, Diana, will you be my Nana?! Wow! That is one lucky little girl to have such a sweet and talented Nana!

living from glory to glory said...

Dear, What a super fun gift for her!
I loved seeing all the outfits!
I hope you had an enjoyable blogging break. I admired your ability to say NOT NOW! It does show others it's okay to not make our blogging life the most important.
Happy New Year!
Let 2014 roll!
Blessings, Roxy
PS. I bet Sweet Cheeks has another pair of those socks somewhere:)

Candy S said...

Happy New Year Diana, Your Grand Daughter is a lucky little girl. The black and red cherry fabric skirt with the red polka dot underskirt is gorgeous. All of the outfits are beautiful.... Candy

PS - I fixed my noreply blogger thing so that I can get your emails. Thanks so much for your help.

Our Hopeful Home said...

My, you WERE busy, weren't you? My girls also had AG dolls and always wanted lots of clothes for them. I am not a talented sewer like you, so they relied on their aunts to supply them with tons of outfits. Yours are absolutely adorable, each and every one. You should sell them, but I'm sure everyone tells you that:) Hopefully the cutie won't hate you (that's reserved for moms only, right?)

Anonymous said...

she will never ever hate her Nana,
when I opened my blog today I had a surprise, it was infected with a nasty nasty virus, I contacted google and they said its a tag along virus and 2007 000 people were infected, what were the odds it was me among them, I came her to tell you I will not be opening my blog again, my eyes are just not up to it, but I will always visit you! you did an amaizng job with the dolls clothes! I was going to write you a snail mail letter and Garry set me up with a now gmail account, I will keep it open long enough to tell my friends where I have gone, even if I don't comment I will always visit, and I will write snail mail, no nasty can get me there!

farmhouse-story said...

the outfits are so darling, diana! and i love the cute luggage! happy new year to you!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Oh my gosh I am so impressed. Little things like these are so hard to sew! You are definitely a very cool (and fun) Nana!

Gina said...

Could you be any more talented? Oh those have got to be the cutest doll clothes ever! I think both Ruth & Sweet Cheeks are going to be the envy of little girls everywhere.

Gypsy Heart said...

Well, these girls are certainly well dressed! You are very talented to create all these outfits for Ruthie. One of my favorite Christmas gifts when I was playing with dolls was a gift from my Dad and step-mother...a doll and a suitcase full of clothes for it that she had made. Such fun!


Vee said...

Clothes for my dolls was always my very favorite gift of Christmas...I cared nothing for my own clothes. You did a fabulous job!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Cute cute cute!! I love them all Diana!!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

What a super Nana you are! Such fabulous clothes :)
And my girls wear mismatched socks all the time :)

Donna said...

Oh, my girls would have LOVED you when they were younger and had American Girl dolls! (Molly and Samantha!) They did NOT have anyone with sewing talent in the family! Fabulous outfits, and I'm personally loving those socks in the last photo!!!!

How fun that you'll be doing work from home, too! It's REALLY nice when there's a blizzard raging outside and you don't have to scrape off a car to get to work! Grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen and head to work in PJ's!

Happy New Year to you!!!!


NanaNor's said...

My dear friend, Seems like we were working on the same projects this Christmas but girl, your outfits make mine look like the thrift store....I am not as gifted a seamstress as you are. I'm not going to show my grands the clothes you made-it is bad enough my daughter is a perfectionist and made professional looking clothes. Just being real here. Love all the designs. Our oldest grand just got the brand new AG doll that came out yesterday.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Noreen

Anonymous said...

Oh my the clothes are beautiful.

I heard a little girl who got cancer wanted that same American doll.

Did you see that on t.v.

Well either it had got stolen just saw the last part.

Some one bought the doll for her.

Was she happy. She was like 3 years old. And her big sister had one. So she would go over and hug the American doll.

So wow I bet those clothes cost a big dollar in the store.

You made all the clothes.

oh your so talented.

Bless you.

Oh she is a very blessed Grandchild.

Her friends will say to her. Can your Nanna make me some.

Sweet cheeks will say. Sure my Nanna will.


Lucille said...

Wow, Diana, you are one talented seamstress! Those are the nicest doll clothes! Sweetcheeks must have been so happy! She's one lucky little girl to be blessed with such a loving Nana!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow...double wow! What an amazing assortment of doll clothes!! I'll bet you had one happy little granddaughter at Christmas. Bless your heart, you must have had that sewing machine smoking!! Beautiful work. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

The clothes are so cute, Diana! And she is NEVER going to hate are the BEST grandma...

Perfectly Printed said...

What darling outfits! That sweet checks is such a lucky girl!!!

Chatty Crone said...


My mom used to do that for me - I still have the clothes.

That doll looks like my Chatty Cathy doll from years ago.


SImple and Serene Living said...

You are so clever and I love her socks. Some may say they are mismatched, I say she is just plain creative. xo Laura

Musings from Kim K. said...

I'm playing catch-up after being offline most of this week. I had been anxious to see this post, especially the skating outfit. Adorable! I'm sure these outfits will be treasured forever. Super job!

andrea@townandprairie said...

AVA always wears mis-matched socks, too!!! What is it w/ these girls? Are they on trend or are we crazy??

Gert said...

Oh, my goodness...these outfits are absolutely adorable! You are so gifted! Sweet Cheeks is a very lucky little girl! Best off are her two cute little socks! lol!


Katie Isabella said... will be the one that she remembers with such love and sweetness. You are a love. I know your family is just as happy that you are in it as you are to have them in it with you. xxoo

Savannah Granny said...

You are one talented Nana! I know SC loves these new outfits and the luggage is really nice. I see another road trip in your future this summer.
In the mean time stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Love these photos! I want to come live with you guys!!!!

I still remember mom's friend from my childhood who made doll clothes for my Barbie.

You are creating such precious memories.

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

These outfits are gorgeous! She must have been thrilled to receive them! You are so talented! Hugs, Leena

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

The doll has a better wardrobe than me! Great gift!