Monday, July 15, 2013

It's A Jungle Out There Big Boy E's Birthday Bash

My daughter, Mimi, always
does an incredible job of
decorating for her parties.
Big Boy E's 
birthday party was no exception.
Her sister, T, helped her set things up.
was the theme.
Mimi drew patterns for these and
her friend's Dad cut them out of plywood.
From a distance and when in shaodws
they look pretty real.
Pretty cool, huh?

Come into the tent 
There you will find jungle table decor
The presents were set up in the shade of the trees.
He got some wonderful gifts.
We won the
Big Boy E Will Love It Contest
Oh- Yeah-Baby
We found TWO Animal Planet SAFARI toys
AND a Safari hat.
The zippered case has over a 
We counted them!
What fun those will be to pick up!
Aren't we wonderful grandparents?
I thought so, too!

We had way too much food

And-oh-yeah CAKE
Gotta have birthday cake.
Lulu and Mimi made it.
Pretty cool, huh?
You know what ELSE was cool?
Water balloons-those were cool.
Except someone might have gotten hit
It really cooled him off during the hot day.
His hair got all wet.
But he survived..
Even if it WAS a JUNGLE out there!

Ps-Working at  Ruthie's house today.
I should have more to show you
Hang on- I will visit as I can!
your photo name


Susie said...

Diana, Your daughter could be a party planner. Those cut outs are wonderful. "E" will enjoy them a long time. You know all those tiny piece things are never be seen in their entirity again. My g.son went through all the lego stuff.I loved the little hat. xoxo,Susie

sweetvintageofmine said...

Morning Diana, Your daughter knows how to throw a party!! WET and WILD! He! He! Blessings~~~Roxie

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Looks like a great party, Diana! Water balloons are a perfect idea for a hot Summer birthday party. Love the theme. I've got my granddaughter's 3rd Saturday. They are doing a Minnie Mouse themed party.

Junkchiccottage said...

Wow that looks like a great party. I love the jungle theme. How stinkin cute it that!!!! Have a great day at Ruth's.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Very cute! It looks like you all had fun- especially with water balloons!
I bet he loved his birthday gift from you! Well at least it wasn't a set of drums!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Wow, those animal cutouts are over the top. Yes, grandparents are good at giving great gifts.

Anonymous said...

Love the cut-outs, especially the monkey! The girls did a great job on the birthday cake. Looks like a wonderful birthday party.

Shirley said...

Good Morning Diana, Birthdays are so much fun and you have to have something that has a lot of tiny pieces to keep the little mind going strong. Ours is always Lego's and it doesn't stop at young age. Grandpa looked like he was taking the water balloons in stride and was cool. Always fun and so isn't water guns you know the big size. Party was awesome. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend

Victoria's Vintage Designs said...

LOL - you're so funny Diana.. I love it!
Everything looked like a lot of fine, how creative with the animal cutouts!

Clara said...

Everything looked great Diana! I love the safari cutouts. My daughters nursery theme was safari animals(a long time ago). Enjoy your week.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

What a fun theme for a birthday party....everything looks great! Hugs, Penny

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Wow, what a cool party! The jungle theme is just too cute and those animal cut-outs are awesome! And you found the perfect presents! What a lucky boy!

Nellie said...

That party sounds like it was great fun! I love the theme! xo Nellie

Red Rose Alley said...

What a fun party and a wonderful theme. I have always loved the jungle theme; I used to have a room in my house with it. Loved the birthday cake and the balloons. I bet your grandson had a blast! I remember all the birthday themes while the kids were growing up. Remember the Power Rangers? That was one of their birthday parties, and we really hired some Power Ranger characters to dress up and play the part!


Patty Patterson said...

Looks like a fun party! And it looks cool enough to party outside there. July and August are HOT here, but I am hoping it is cool enough for some outside party games this coming weekend. We'll be celebrating July Birthdays! And most importantly the girls will be staying when the parents head back to Texas!

Lucille said...

Wow! What a bash! Your daughter certainly knows how to throw a party. It must have taken ages to get everything done. But, I'm sure they enjoyed it. The cake is fabulous. And, hahhahaha, poor"My Hero"! He keeps getting it. Not hard to guess who got him on the head with that water balloon. Naughty Diana! I would not mind a water balloon myself at the moment. Sooooooooooooo warm in my apartment. I have two fans going.

Unknown said...

What a genius idea!!!!!
He must have been so thrilled :)
LOL at John - did you throw the balloons at him?

Little Miss Maggie said...

I love those cut outs! Those would be cute in any child's yard. I wonder if my daughter would let me make the baby some cool jungle animals for HIS backyard. Now you have my wheels turning. What a fun birthday party. Your daughter is really creative.

Debby said...

Great party. Can't believe the dinos. SO much for for the little guy.

Nonnie said...

A truly amazing party! So funny about the little pieces to pick up. At least they don't make a noise!
Your little E boy is so cute and I bet he just had a ball with all that. What a lucky little guy! And so are all of you.

Karen said...

That little boy is one lucky dude. Great party theme and decorations!

Mindy said...

The plywood animals are SO fun!

Anonymous said...

Cool Baby cool!

Oh boy poor Granddad.

You okay Granddad???

Tete said...

Love the safari hat! It looks like so much fun. I wouldn't mind having birthdays like that.
Glad E had a good day and got some cool stuff. Love the cut outs. Now what are you going to do with them? I think John's study just go wild...
Hair wet? Both of them? Bwhahahaha! Sorry John, I say the same thing to my hubby. Got a comb one time for him and broke the center teeth out...yeah.

Unknown said...

WOW! That looks like a fun party. Lucky little guy. Happy Birthday E.

Kelly said...

Love that jungle theme and all those creative decorations! I'm very impressed. You are just too funny with the gift you gave him and all the "pick-up" that will be required. Just wait until he gets into Lego's next. Those are especially fun to pick up!!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a fantastic birthday party! I love the jungle theme and I'll bet that Big Boy E was a very happy birthday boy!!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

What a terrific Bday party. Love the decorations/ Boy it will be hard to top that. Looks like everyone had a great time. Happy Bday to the Birthday Boy.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

SO COOL!!! my first thought about gift is: does it have batteries, and can they be removed easily. LOL

camp and cottage living said...

Mimi did a knock out job with everything. I bet Big Boy E had a blast.
Papa looks like he wasn't minding getting hit at all! I sure hope you had a towel handy to dry ALL of his wet hair..
How long till you are done with your staging? Is Ruthie giving you a blogging break every now and then?

God's Grace Overflows said...

Looks like a fun party! I loved those animal cut outs... so very creative! Glad you had a fun Jungle Day!!


Donna said...

Looks like a fun party, and great decor! What a cute little birthday boy! Sounds like your Hero must have had a bad hair day after all of those water balloons:)

Pura Vida said...

how darling and so boyish!

Pam Kessler said...

Wow, you guys have to go into the party planning business. Hoping no one stepped on a elephant or anything in their bare feet. Those little toys are dangerous for us grownups.

Anonymous said...

Awesome party Diana! I bet he just had a ball and I loved all the clever decorations.

Merlesworld said...

Things have come a long way, I remember a party for my son where the kids had a bowl of stew and a game of football in the park.
I was very pregnant and thats the best we could manage but everyone had a good time.

must love junk said...

OMGosh-too fun! I want her to plan MY next party! ;)

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday E

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a cute theme. I don't think I've ever seen a jungle party but I'm loving it! Happy Birthday to E! Have fun!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, WOW the perfect day. Love the decorations, the cake and it looks like the perfect party for all.
Love the jungle theme.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Rick Watson said...

Wow! I love those decorations. Somebody put in a lot of work :)
Kids look like they had a blast.

living from glory to glory said...

Hey There, You're the winner! Now, that was a Hit The Jack Pot Toy!!
I always love it when my grandkids love what I got them the best..
Miss you, I have been zoned out!
Hey we did get some rain!!
God is so faithful!
Blessings, Roxy
P. S. I choose you for the Blogger Of The Year Award!

Sweet Tea said...

Now that was some party!! And your Big boy "E" is really growing and getting tall now. Kids just absolutely have the best birthday parties - hands down. Thanks for sharing!!

Meredith @ The Laundry Can Wait said...

Cue the dropping of my jaw. That was an amazing party. Happy Birthday to the little guy!!


Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

What fun! I'm sure he had a blast! Hugs, Leena

farmhouse-story said...

love the big animal cut outs, esp! oh, and the water balloons--fabulous party:)

Geneva said...

What a FUN party...she really did go above and beyond to make his birthday extra special. Loved the BIG animals...loved it all!

Anne said...

Oh so cute! Happy Birthday big boy E!

Anne said...

Oh so cute! Happy Birthday big boy E!

Jane, Naples, Florida said...

That has to be the coolest birthday party EVER! I love the animals in the shadows..

Flora Doora

Busy Bee Suz said...

What an elephant OF a party; I love it!!! What a little cutie pie....and a not so little cutie pie.

Anonymous said...

What a fun party! I love the theme!I can't believe a friend cut out the plywood animals, how wonderful! The tent and cake looks so festive! I always loved those zillion toy packages; they're the best! Happy Birthday to Big Boy E!

Lauren said...

I can't not believe how awesome those cut outs are! What an amazing BDay party!!!

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

By golly, you DO have a lot of birthday's this month!

Annesphamily said...

Such a cool birthday bash! Love that cake!