Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sweet Cheeks On Getting Married

You know, of course, that the 
SweetCheeks and I have these

Last Sunday, she was sitting on my 
lap-with a woe-be-gone look on her face.
Me:What's the matter, SweetCheeks?
SC: I can never get married.
Me:Why not?
SC: Because you have to kiss a boy
Me: Yeah-So?
SC : So...Nana...THAT'S just YUCKY
and GROSS.
Me: No-it's not!
SC:  Yehs! Yehs it IS, Nana!
Me: Well, your Mom & Dad are 
married.  Do
they ever kiss on the lips?
SC: Yessss and iht's GROSS!
Daddy pipes up-We only do that once a year.
She glares Daddy down.
SC: NO- I see yohu AHLL
the time kissing on the lips.
Me:  (stirring the pot)
Do you suppose Gramma & Grampa G
ever kiss?
SC:  No! (disgusted look)
They are WAY TOO OLD to kiss.
Me:  uh-huh
Well, you don't have to get married,
SweetCheeks...no problem.
SC: Yesss-It's a problem.
Me:Why's that?
SC: Cuz two boys at school have a
big crush on me....and 
End of conversation!
Guess she can stop practicing now.

ps. Her Daddy hopes she feels that
way until she is at least 21!
your photo name


Susie said...

Diana, That is so funny. I wish all kids felt that way till they were 21. LOL You will be seeing a change in her in a couple years. xoxo,Susie

Melanie said...

How funny! Such a sweet and innocent child, and so very precious! This is my morning smile, what a great thing to read this morning!!

Beth said...

LOL!!! Thank you for brightening my day with a smile!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

In a few years, when she changes her mind, you'll have to remind her of this conversation, Diana!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Such a sweet conversation! I had to pin the last picture, so adorable!!!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Love your conversations they always make me smile! :)

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

No one does a sad face better than SweetCheeks!

Susan said...

I'll bet you love being a Grandma...you get to stir the pot and then send them home for Mom and Dad to deal with the rest of the questions. I agree with Sharon, SweetCheeks has the sad face down!

RURAL said...

She is going to be one corker of a teenager...lol.

She must keep you guys in stitches, what a sweetheart.


Anonymous said...

Ha! LOVE IT! Glad she didn't have that conversation with me. I would have introduced her to a perfect pair of sneakers to wear under that gorgeous gown. :) She's so beautiful. We married at 21. Now that I have a 23 y/o and a 20 y/o, and have been married for 28 years, tell daddy he should shoot for at least 40. Oh, what the heck, 50. teehee

Had not noticed you were up and running again. Always great to visit with you, Diana.
Priceless conversations.

living from glory to glory said...

So cute! She will one day be a beautiful bride. And kissing has a way of growing on ya :)
Your a precious Grandma!!
May you have a wonderful day!
Blessings, Roxy

Anonymous said...

Glad she never asked me. I was married at 19. I got to wear pretty wedding dress my man. I have never looked back .

Young youth's to-day are a little different. They try the shoes first. To see if it fits. If not. They are gone.

Not that I agree. This is the changeable world of attitudes . To me it sucks.

To me that is an easy way out for them.

Sweet Cheeks funny bout face means she is disgusted. Dont you know Nanny. Yuks. Kissing. Yuks and bous. yuks. Dad is happy for that reason.

Tete said...

Oh, boy- just wait until she finds out how yucky kissing really is. I hope you have many years before that happens, but with how things are today, you may only have weeks.

Trisha said...

It's a good thing you keep these stories on file so you can use them in a few more years! I have a feeling they will come in handy before you know it. She never ceases to entertain...what a cutie!


Sarah said...

You know I love your Sweet Cheeks updates. Darling photos! You can start making the Rehearsal Dinner slide show now. You've got plenty of material. ;-)

Jettie said...

Just wait, when she is about 16, please remind her that Kissing is YUCKY and she's not ever getting married.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

What a little doll. The first pic steals my heart. Sweet story.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, how funny this is. The first picture of her stole my heart because she is just too sweet and has the funniest expressions. I loved her in the wedding dress. Was she dressing up for something there?

She is just precious. I'm sure more than two boys are going to have a crush on her this year hehehe.


Debbie @ MeandMyDIY said...

What an adorable conversation! I love that you put all of them down on the blog for posterity. You'll DEFINITELY have to bookmark that one for later when she does eventually (God willing) get married! And I love the picture of her in the dress...what was that from? Oh, and if that first picture isn't a "woe-be-gone" look, I don't know what is! Priceless!! Have a great day!


Unknown said...

Precious Sweet Cheeks. xoxo.
It will come soon enough.
She's beautiful in the gown.

20 North Ora said...

SweetCheeks will be way too busy with her political life and career to worry about boys.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh, precious little SweetCheeks...you will change your mind in a few short years! :) Such a cute story, Diana. Love the photos!

Shopgirl said...

Sweet Cheeks is adorable even with a sad face. Kissing is a big deal. And that she would talk to you about it is wonderful. Soon she will be telling you about that first kiss...Yikes, lets not think about that!!! Love, Mary

Patty Patterson said...

LOL! That's just too funny! I always told mine to notice that when you go to a wedding the preacher will say, "You may NOW kiss the bride." And do you know WHY? It's because - until you hear those words you don't have permission.
I have a feeling that they may have kissed without permission, though, anyway. But - it did make them stop and think and if they put a little thought into a kiss, they'll put a lot of thought into other things.

Unknown said...

Oh these cute little kidletts! She sure makes an adorable bride ... so she better change her mind! ;)

Nonnie said...

Disgusted by the whole thought of it or not, she will change her mind and be a beautiful bride. The pic of her in white is gorgeous.

When Kate and I had that conversation, she was all set to marry her friend, George, until she heard she wouldn't get to live with Daddy, Mommy and Brother Jack.

Pam Kessler said...

You seriously have to have all these conversations written down for her wedding shower. That's if she decides that she really does like kissing boys on the lips after all.

Olivia said...

Oh my goodness this is sooo adorable! YOu are an adorable grandma!!! Hugs and sparkles,

Gayla said...

Perfect logic! How super adorable... C 'est la vie....

Stephen Andrew said...

Haha! The longer she feels that way, the better!

Lucille said...

She must have been so thrilled to be dressed as a bride! It must have been hard for her to take the dress off after the photo shoot.

Nellie said...

What a dilemma for our Miss SweetCheeks! Such a deep conversation to have with her, too. Much too serious.:-) She is just adorable! xo Nellie

Gina said...

Ha! That Sweet Cheeks! I love a cute story like that. I'd love to know at what age she'll change her tune and be boy crazy, then watch out boys!

NanaNor's said...

Love this-she is way beyond her years in maturity. I've had conversations with a couple of my granddaughters about the need to really pray for their future husbands. Don't know how much the sil appreciated that since his little girls will always be his little girls.
Love the last pic-she is too cute!
Hugs, Noreen

Anonymous said...

Miss Sweet Cheeks does have a great sense of humor! Love that girl! Two boys- wow! What a problem! I agree with her Dad on waiting a little! She is an adorable bride though!

Celestina Marie said...

Diana, such a sweet conversation with SW. That face and the last pic are too cute!!

Donna-s Lair said...

Oh that sweet cheeks! Please tell her some people get married more than once and have to kiss two different people, but not at the same time! LOL

Karen said...

A very deep discussion!! She is very observant!!

Anne said...

LOL I think my husband hopes my daughter will feel that way too.She is 13 and is not ready for boys yet thank goodness!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

till she's 21? Not a chance - heehee! Oh sweet cheeks stay sweet and innocent as long as you possibly can!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Oh boy, wishful thinking on her dad's part and I am glad you have this to show to her in a few years. Good blackmail material. xo Laura

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Oh my goodness, I got such a good belly laugh out of this. My grands feel the same way and they yell, "GROSS" when Jeff and I hug or kiss!

Loved this.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

HAHA! That's just too cute. Girls ... they change so quickly.

camp and cottage living said...

So funny!
I can't visualize Sweet Cheeks feeling the same way about kissing at the age of 21!
I bet she'll have a line up of boys wanting kisses.
Sorry Daddy.

Angelina- JoJo & Eloise said...

So absolutely PRECIOUS!!!! And,the picture with her in the Wedding Dress...ADORABLE!!!!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

This is such a cute post, Diana! I remember telling my parents that I was never getting married, I was going to live on a farm with lots of animals and adopt 8 children. I was married at 18 lol...

One More Time Events said...

Love it!!! Thanks for the great post... I remember those days...lol she is 20 now and believe me she don't think it's yucky no more...so as far as 21...well.... you get it right? Have a wonderful week

Merlesworld said...

Kids are funny.

vivian said...

COOTIES!!!! Lol! what a gem she is!
happy wednesday my friend!

Anonymous said...

I love this! Such cute photos, too!

This N That said...

Love the first picture..It won't be long til all that changes..It's obviously on her mind..

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hilarious... Don't kids have a funny view on things? I won't even tell you what my grandson said after the fifth grade sex talk at school...


farmhouse-story said...

Adorable! Of course she will change her mind, so, she better keep practicing-----love the last pic!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

What a face!

Dewena said...

A girl should always listen to Daddy!

Savannah Granny said...

I am still laughing. Wonder how long this will last?
It would really freak her out if you saw you and hubby kiss. Try it sometime and see what happens. I know, I know, I am evil!
love ya, Ginger

cindy said...

Toooo funny!

Cottage and Broome said...

Diana, so funny, one day you will remind her of this conversation and I'm sure she will roll her eyes! How could the boys resist her in that pretty white dress. Laura

Sue said...

and what a bride she will make some day!

Maureen Wyatt said...

I suppose sex will drive her to the nearest nunnery! It reminds me of my baby brother who wanted to marry the little girl down the street when he was 5. He decided against it because neither of them was allowed to use the stove and, "Who would make the tea?".