Sunday, February 26, 2012

BLOVE IT IS-I Added A Button For You To Grab

By Golly,
I think I have done it!
 I got such a response to 
my new word that
I am just putting it out there.

You know there are
all different kinds of love,
aren't there?

The kind you feel for your spouse...
The kind you feel for your kids...
The kind you feel for your grand kids...
The kind you feel for your friends...

that kind of love is different
than the one I feel for my 

It is a special kind of love
based on what the blogger shares
of herself (or himself).
A love that grows from 
words and images that appear 
on the computer.

We will probably never meet
most of the bloggers
we get to know
as they share their lives
here on the screen with us.
But as a follower,
I find that I love you all in
a very special way.
A Blogging Love way...

So, folks....
And, Laura at
White Spray Paint
I was  Bloverly !

So..there you have it.
I have coined it
but you can 
free of charge!;>)

Now go out there and tell
others and send them over
Tell them to sign up as a follower
and let me know you sent them over.
And, for doing that~
 I will do 
Believe me~
It will be 
Thanks to Tete
BeyondThe GardenGate
I have a button for you
to grab.
Please grab it and pass it on.

I don't know what it is gonna be
but all you have to do 
is sign up as a follower
and use BLOVE in a sentence.
Get creative, folks.
'Course doesn't matter
how great your usage is
your name goes in the hat
and Princess SweetCheeks
gets to draw the name.

I will close the drawing 
on St. Patrick's Day...
seems fitting seeing
as I am a bit Irish and all.

And, as always,
Thanks for reading all 
my nonsense!
your photo name


Susie said...

Diana, I am sending BLOVE to you this morning. :):) You sure have shown me plenty since I have started blogging. I am amazed at the BLOVE out there. Thanks for sharing it. xoxo, Susie(She Junks)

Tete said...

Well, look at that, will you? That just might catch on...LOL
If you're not careful, you are going to famous or something like that.
What a crazy girl you are. I hope SweetCheeks picks me...I have to come up with a post now...hmmm...its going to take some thought....
A bit Irish? I don't know anyone greener than you. Made a desk calendar for you this morning. Come see me. Its the one with the clover on it.
Blove you!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

You are a very bloverly friend. Blove you, too.

Anonymous said...

I think we all have felt the blovery blove from you and I most defineately send you all my blove!!!You were one of the first blogs I followed and your friendship has been a gift to me!

outjunking said...

It's true everyone blove's you. You post all the time and comment even more. I go to a blog for the first time to comment and there you are smiling back in the comments. You are very bloved.

Debby said...

We all need to share the blove that you have shared on your blog. You are just the sweetest blover out there.
(((((BLOVE HUGS)))))

Debbiedoos said...

I so Blove you Diana! You certainly are a blovery!

Gina said...

Wouldn't it be BLOVEly, if the BLOVE really caught on? You'd be famous, like a BLOVE Goddess or something!

Pat M said...

I am already a follower and BLOVE your witty blog! What a cute idea for a BLOVEly giveaway! This gave me a chuckle and warmed my heart!
Hugs, GraceinAZ

Patty Patterson said...

Awwww.... I blove you, too!

Cristina Garay said...

Hi Diana, This is so sweet, you are so sweet! who cannot BLOVE you?? I began bloving you since the first time we "met" with all the support you gave me! and everytime I go and read your posts and a big smile appears on my face!
I BLOVE you!

Blessed Serendipity said...

I BLOVE you in the morning (and in the afternoon).
I BLOVE you in the evening (underneath the moon).

I BLOVE you Diana!


Petie said...

Clever word. I have a whole lot of BLOVE because of bloggers like you.

Rebecca Nelson said...

I more than BLOVE YOU!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Look at you getting your Webster/Wikipedia on, Diana! You are a bloving delight! : )

Unknown said...

Isn't she blovely, isn't she wonderful, she's just too blovely, Look what blogging has done for her.
Have a great day,

Donna said...

I'm telling you, Diana, you need to get copyrights to this word! Blove, blove, blove! There, I said it:) You are helping to make the world a better place here in bloveland, er, I mean "blogland"!!!

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh, my Sweet Blove. You come up with the best ideas! I KNOW we will meet are not across the country you know! Maybe halfway?

Happy Sunday! :)


Susie said...

Diana, I am laughing so hard right now...look what you started !!!! I read all blog comments and you are so bloved. xoxo, Susie

Gypsy Heart said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
BLOVE is everywhere,
Thanks to YOU!

You'e a bloverly person ~


Patti said...

You are a blovely lady with a blovely heart! I'm so glad that in this great big blovely blog world, our paths crossed.

Wishing you a joyous and blovely day.


Lynne said...

BLOVE IT!!!!!!!

At The Picket Fence said...

We "blove" you too Diana! What a perfectly fitting word for these wonderful friendships we develop here in blogland! :-)

camp and cottage living said...

I simply blove your new button! I am going to grab it and try to spread the word.
As you should know by now, I blove visiting and being your blogger friend!!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I "blove" this post and I blove your heart, you are such a sweet person. =) xo ~Liz

Low Tide High Style said...

Thank you for all of the wonderful Blove you have given me on my blog, I really appreciate it! This is such a great idea, because what the world needs now is blove sweet blove!

Kat :)

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Blove is a many splendored thing!

Thepearsonfamilee said...

BLOVE IT! And you certainly are bloverly from the inside and on the outside in every way. You are so kind to always take the time to encourage and comment when I am sure you have other things to do. What a bloverly friend you are to so many...even if we never meet face to face. Love to YOU!

At The Picket Fence said...

I BLOVE your sweet heart so much Diana! Getting to know you has been a highlight in this blogging experience. You are a a blessing in my life. Thanks for being so blovely in every way...;)


The Porcelain Rose said...

You are one of my most BLOVED blog followers. Always one of the first to visit and leave a sweet comment. You are always so cheery and oh so sweet.
BLOVE to You!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh Diana, we all BLOVE you!!! AND your adorable assistant!!! Thank you so much for the button and this is wonderful, my friend!!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

We all BLOVE you, Diana! Have a BLOVERLY week. Hugs, Sherry

Marti said...

I blove reading your blog and sharing your blovely ideas.
Have a bloverly weekend.

Amy Chalmers said...

Well I'll be darned! I figured I was following your blog, but I actually wasn't!! So good thing I checked cuz I have been the recipient of your bloverliness for awhile now!! xo

Judy said...

"Blove" in any's that?!?

Blove you!

momto8 said...

well..i had a blove dream last night...i was shopping in Target and all the people in there were bloggers i had been following!!
happy week to you!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Diana, you're just the best! I blove you and your blog! Your blovely stories always make me smile! This is wonderful! I blove this idea and thanks for sharing the button!
Belove you, Betsy

Daniella said...

Blove you too!! And yes! It is BLOVELY!!!
I'll grab that awesome button this week!!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

How neat. I Blove it! It is something how we do feel that our blog friends are so important to us...but as you said we may never meet them. The new version of pen pals...

CIELO said...

Dearest Diana... and I BLOVE you! You are such a special soul; and I've seen it shining too—your soul, yes I have! Sweet hugs to you and Sweet Cheeks!


Fishtail Cottage said...

I always appreciate the Blove you give when leaving comments! Thanks for the sweet smiles i feel when you pop over to my blog! Hugs to you & yes, oh yes, i am a Blover of Nana Diana! oxox, tracie

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

I blove Nana Diana! I'm so happy that I have met you. You always leave the most wonderful comments, not only on my blog, but everywhere!

Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Blessings and blove to you sweet Diana!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Wonderful Diana, or should I say "Blonderful".... I think that is the perfect word, now off to share your button!

One Shabby Old House said...

You are the most bloverly blogger there is! I can always count on a sweet word from you and it brightens my little corner of the world.
Have a bloverly day.

Unknown said...

What a blovely heart felt message, Diana.

I have a lot of checking up on Sweet Cheeks, missed too much ... & yes!!! do not kiss butts. Too stinking cute.

Have a beautiful week.

Linda said...

HI Diana, you have a bloverly idea. We've crossed paths before, perhaps from a garden group. Have a blovly day.

julie - eab designs said...

Thank you (and Sweet Cheeks!) for making our days always a bit more blovely with your warmth and humor! We blove you so!

Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

Bless your ever-blovin' heart, aren't you cute! I couldn't help but die laughing at today's "kissing" post, too. Grands say the cutest, most innocent, things!

Nellie said...

You never cease to amaze me, Diana! Once again you have come up with the MOST ENJOYABLE post! If I knew just how to "grab that BLOVE button," I would do that very thing.:-)

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the blove you've spread all over the blogosphere. Cause you have!

NanaNor's said...

Hi there Diana, I've seen that we share so many blogs and I just came over from Camp&Cottage Living to say hi and become a follower and to take your heart and share it. I can tell we both love many of the same things-especially grands. Thanks for the giveaway and I look forward to getting to know you!
Hugs, Noreen

Donna said...

Hello dear Diana,

I have posted your Blove on my blog - "You're so Blovely, My Dear!"

Blove you, Nana!

Dixie Delights said...

I BLOVE it!! And I'm so excited to be your newest follower :-) xo

Heaven's Walk said...

I blove wine.

xoxo laurie

Sue said...

I will BLOVE following your lovely blog and thank you so much for visiting mine! What a wonderful word!

Elaine said...

Wishing my BLOVED friend a wonderful day and love BLOVE that new word

Anonymous said...

Oh I BLOVE the idea! You are so right, there's a special kind of love we bloggers share and I'm grateful to have you among my blog family.

sending blove your way,


Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Well, isn't this bloverly! I had to copy Laura. It was just too cute to pass up! Loved the Sweetcheeks post.

Red Rose Alley said...

I have felt BLOVE from you ever since I came over to visit your blog, Diana. You have so many wonderful stories, and you have a lighthearted outlook on life. You know, Irish people have always been so cheerful to me. I was married by a happy Irish priest many years ago. I didn't know you were part Irish. Tell SweetCheeks I love that little blue outfit and pink necklace.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Red Rose Alley said...

I have felt BLOVE from you ever since I came over to visit your blog, Diana. You have so many wonderful stories, and you have a lighthearted outlook on life. You know, Irish people have always been so cheerful to me. I was married by a happy Irish priest many years ago. I didn't know you were part Irish. Tell SweetCheeks I love that little blue outfit and pink necklace.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Janet said...

Hi there, :)

I just found your blog thru camp and cottage living blog. I blove it! I will come back to visit again.

I will be signing up to follow your blog. And I will grabbed your button. This is great.

I have just been blogging a few months and have met so many sweet people. If you'd like to stop by my blog the addy is:
Also I am working on a business blog at:

Take care, Janet W :)

Emily @ The Diligent One said...

If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that blove actually is all around. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I look forward to bloving you, I already blike you as a creative positive influence in blog-land. Wee-Fairy recommended you in her post. I look forward to getting to know you and even blove you. Blessings (which is not a blog -lessening!)

Sue said...

Oh I just Blove this post!!!....and I BLOVE Sweet CHeeks!! That child just puts a big smile on my face....

Cheri said...

Love the new Blove word and makes sense since we all love our blogging friends.

Chatty Crone said...

There are about 50 of my friends on your comments! Sue sent me your blog - love the new word! Great Idea. sandie

Japolina said...

I blove your blove word Diana but autocorrect keeps wanting to turn it into glove. No glove no Blove! xo

Shirley said...

Hi Diana, I found you through one of my blogging friends. Days at Buttermilk Cottage. I blove reading your blog tonight. You have a wonderful sense of humor and I needed that. I will be dropping by more often. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

Dear Bloverly Diana,
These words made me laugh and smile and what a gift on a cold, rainy morning! Thank you sincerely for all the BLOVE I feel every time you leave a comment!!!

{oc cottage} said...

have i told you lately blitchen you are! no really, too blool for school!
{and do you really think i could recognize nonsense if it bit me on the blehind??!! ;}

m ^..^

Designs on 47th Street said...

Blove Land is a wonderful place to be! There are so many kind souls out there. Just what a person needs a daily dose of...Blove. :)

Please sign me up for your giveaway.
Blove, Donna

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Blove...true blove! We have lots of blove at our house and I know you do, too! Thanks for the bloverly fun! Have a blovely day, my friend! ♥♥♥

Trisha said...

Blove it! You are just too much fun!


Cindy Adkins said...

I am truly amazed at all the BLOVE I've discovered since starting my blog last year! I knew it was going to be a new adventure, but little did I know I'd make such good friends that would fill my life with BLOVE!! Thanks so much!
Hugs, Cindy

Toni Stacey Simpson said...

I know I just met you but I already blove you!

Gretchen said...

Diana... My first visit ever to your blog and I already BLOVE it. Sent through Shelly and facebook status update by her. I just BLOVE the whole world of blogging and the great people we would of never had the gift of interfacing with if we didn't have BLOVING in our lives.

Laura said...

diana, i thought i had entered, maybe i am double dipping now!!! Laura xxx

Unknown said...

I Blove you too !

am I entered ???
Happy St Patty's day !