Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Never, ever ask a child
how old she thinks you are.
The first answer is way off,
the second one sucks..
and the real one is even worse!

I love how she
KNOWS how she got so smart!
your photo name


Anonymous said...

he did do good, love this,, so sweet so innocent,, with coaching from the sidelines on age guesses,, little monkeys,

Gina said...

I think it's best if you always go with the first thing out of a child's mouth, don't you? lol

Anonymous said...

Diana, Yours is the first blog I check in the mornings. I love it !! I love when the little ones say their g.ma. is 30 something. Smiles, Susie

Nancy's Notes said...

Aww, sweet cheeks, did it again! Oh I so love how she's knows she is so smart, she's a real doll!

Hugs Diana,


Debby said...

Bless her heart......God made a good one there. Stick with the 32, you could pull that off. Wow to be that again.......not sure that I want to be though.

Anonymous said...

I like the first answer 'cause it means I am right there with you. :) xo

Patty said...

Hey... that's not WAY off. There are 32 year old Grandma's. There happens to be one right down the street from me.

But most of us are a LITTLE older. Maybe what Sweet Cheeks is trying to say is YOU LOOK 32!

Jettie said...

I like that answer, just wish I felt 32. I'm guessing that it is that 3 weeks or so, older, that makes me feel older. Give her a big hug, and tell her the first answer is right.

Joan J said...

She's absolutely precious. I think children this age of a sixth-sense -- she sees the 32 year old in you!

Made In The South said...

Aww, so cute!

Melissa said...

Love, Love, Love little Miss Sweet Cheeks!
Out of the mouth of babes!

Janet said...

That is so cute!

Kaybe said...

Oh Diana - just split the difference. :D

Blessed Serendipity said...

Cute! Isn't it funny children's perception of things? What a wide range of ages she is guessing.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Thirty-two was my guess :) Works for me!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment today. I sure hope I start to feel better tomorrow! Ever hear of a cold where even your teeth hurt??? ugh

Karen said...

She is so cute! :)

InMyOwnStyle said...

Diana -

You are blessed with such a sweetie. Someday when she is 32 she is going to look through your blog posts and be fondly reminded of what a great Nana she had.
My best- Diane

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

92?? Ouch! The right answer is obviously the first one.

Sweet Tea said...

NEVER, I repeat, NEVER ask a child how old they think you are
or how much they think you weigh - it's like sticking your finger
in an open flame. OUCH! :-)

Becca Bertotti said...

How cute is she ?! Love her answers, too!