
Thursday, November 24, 2022



Happy Thanksgiving

to all my blogging friends,

my family and those I love.

MyHero is going hunting this weekend

with my son.

I bought him a special outfit to wear

in the woods

so he would blend in.

Perfect? Whaddaya think?

Be back soon with some

Christmas Cheer!


  1. Oh dear...I'm not sure what to think...sounds like a good murder mystery story to me...LOL. I do hope they have fun and bring home a real deer! Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Your Thanksgiving meal looks so good. One small white pumpkin.


    Have a good one!

  3. Haha…loving the outfit!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you ! I'm waiting for the Macy Day parade to start here . This is a family tradition I wouldn't miss. It's to be a be a beautiful day here warmer and sunny !

  5. LOL! That gave me a good laugh! Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Diana! I hope your husband enjoys his hunting trip.

  7. My grandson is going hunting today thereby missing Thanksgiving. ๐Ÿคจ

    I suppose in some families that could be a blessing. ☺️

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿฆƒ

  8. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ might be dangerous to blend in that much. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  9. Diana, You are so onery. I laughed about that suit, couldn't help it. Hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love, family and good food. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

  10. Hi Diana, I love the outfit … it’s perfect … I just hope he doesn’t blend in TOO well! ๐Ÿ˜Š Congrats on an excellent Thanksgiving Day post and thank you so much for your kind comment on mine! Happy Thanksgiving! John

  11. Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great day. xoxo Kris

  12. Merry merry Thanksgiving Diana!!-- hope yall have a lovely day of blessings and good food!!

  13. You are very funny! I hope they have fun and Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your entire family. xxoo

  14. Happy Turkey Day, dear lady!! Hugs ~

  15. Yep, he will definitely fit in... Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Life and GOD is good!
    Love from Florida,
    Sherry & jack

  16. HA! So funny! good to see you, I hope you are having a lovely day!!

  17. LOL at the deer suit!! Hope your day has been magical. Love & hugs!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving. Too funny on the hunting outfit.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving Diana .. . .
    I wonder what the deer will think!

  20. Haha! I'm sure hubby appreciated the gift! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Diana!

  21. Through the river and through the woods, I'm LOL-ing all the way! I hope your Thanksgiving 2022 was warm and wonder-FULL.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving Diana! I am always thankful for your sweet & kind soul and your ability to make me laugh! You are a gem. However, I hope your hero chooses a different outfit, lol. Jane

  23. I am delighted to hear that John feels good enough to go hunting. That's a true blessing.

  24. Love the deer suit:) Can't wait to see him in it (wink). Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  25. The outfit is nifty. Happy Sunday to you.

  26. Belated Thanksgiving good wishes to you ...

    All the best Jan

  27. Hope your ๐Ÿฆƒwas a good one, Diana, even if I commented a bit late as we were on a road trip here in NH for the holiday. That outfit gave me a smile today.

  28. True life changing story of COPD.
    My father was a smoker for forty years. He started when he was a teenager in high school in the early 1950s, and continued to smoke about a pack a day until he quit in 1995. For years he thought "You know? 1 smoked for forty years, and I got away with it !" No. No he didn't. In 2014, nineteen years after he had quit smoking, he started noticing that he was having trouble with wheezing and feeling like he was out of breath a lot. He was diagnosed with early stage COPD. For the first year, he was able to get by with simply using rescue inhalers once in a while, but by late 2015 he needed supplemental oxygen. At first, he could get by on the lowest tank setting of 1 liter per minute, but as time went on he needed an Oxygen concentrator at home and he needed more and more oxygen. Last year (2020) he was up to the oxygen concentrator's highest setting of 5 liters per minute, even while just sitting down. By this time I had moved in with him to take care of him. Sometimes he would be gasping for air, and he would ask me "Son, is the machine on? I just can't get enough air" his condition worsened, our hearts melted every moment as we watched him gasp for breath,we were sure he would die any moment, by the time I started reading YouTube comments,I stumbled upon a comment that said there is an traditional herbal doctor called Dr Itua Herbal Center man that cures this ailment and other human diseases,I quickly contacted him and ordered the herbs with my father's money because he wouldn't need it anymore cos he would die any moment,I received the herbs in two days and from that moment he used the herbs, he began to feel better and better, few weeks later, he was completely cured, I thank you for reading this story about my father's experience with COPD. If you know someone who is a smoker, and you love them, please encourage them to quit. We love Daddy.all thanks to Dr Itua.
    if you have this ailment or have other ailments like..Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis,, email Dr Itua Herbal Center on also chatted with him on whatsapp number: +2348149277967. and he will send you herbs to cure you completely.


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