
Friday, November 18, 2022


You outdid yourselves

this time!

What a sweet Thanksgiving Party

we are going to have.

Here's the results!

There are people at every table

this time.

That doesn't always happen.

Here were your choices~
Oh No-
I see I forgot to number them-
Well-they go from left to right-
skipping the dishes on the top right.
I could fix it-but I am too lazy. (true)

So-here we go~

I had to rent a larger banquet hall for 
TABLE #1-Passel of Pumpkins

Vee, Leena, Theresa, Ma, Kris, Fran, Debra/SheSeeks, Jan, Dawn, Jeanie, Vivian, Gert, Rose, Denise, Jack&Sherry(my RV travelers), Missy, Tete, Happy, Noreen, Rita, Susie, Pam S, Nellie, Cecilia(hates crowds so will sit at the end with cardboard around her to block the view of others), Bless, Liz(bringing another turkey-hope she means one we can eat and not a weird friend), Linda C, Carla, Lynne, Betsy, Nancy, Askasha's Daughter, Melanie, L(who are you L?) Kitty, Polly, bj/SweetNothings-Saving a seat on each side for Sam Elliott and Johnny Depp-(she believes it so I let her), Cheryl J, Sherry L, Sue S(my old co-worker that moved to AZ and left me here in the cold), and, last but not least, Faye!
OH! And my good friend, ANONYMOUS~

Table #2-Copper Cups
Mevely, bobbie, Terri, Ginny, Linda/Life&Linda, Kim, Doris, Michelle D, Ann(doesn't like ANY of them but will sit here anyway) and Sandie(says that copper is unsafe and doesn't want to drink/eat from copper) Seriously-I don't make this stuff up-these things are from the filly's mouth.

Table#3-Some Fall Color
I honestly thought this would be a full table
because of the fall colors.
See what I know? (not much)
A small intimate party of four:
Amy/Toody, Lorrie, Penny C,
and Ron-bringing Martinis for everyone.
I bet bj/SweetNothings will be moving here for the drinks....just sayin.....

Table #4- Creamy Dream
Janie, Kathy, Marilyn, Jenny, Julie, Judy C, Sally, Marydon and Tiffany (my old roommate's sweet daughter)

Table #5-Pass The Pears
A small but sweet group!
Pat, Ellen, Lisa K & Mary
Some people did want to straighten the tablecloth.

Table #6- Sunshine On My Table Makes Me
Another small good group-
    Jettie can bring her dog to entertain everyone. His nickname is Houdini!
Jettie, Woody, Susan G & Rebecca/Becky

Table #7-Lots of Lavender

Diane-Lavender Dreams (go figure she would pick
this table). Jan/Lowcarb, Akasha, Lois & Lou!

So!  There you have it-
Another successful dinner party!
Kind of----lol

If I missed anyone I am SOOO Sorry!
Let me know and I will add you to the mix.
Although, some of you might want to 
leave after the things I said about you.

Have a wonderful weekend.
We are preparing for SNOW!
We have a smattering-just enough for 
Scruffy to roll in and come in 
cold and wet.
For those of you who are wondering..
Yes!  He does have eyes
and you will see them after he goes to
next week!



  1. Wow it looks like a happy Thanksgiving at the table I am at. We have the biggest table in the house. So glad to see you had a great response. Hope you enjoy the holiday and gobble till you wobble !

  2. Lol on little man scruffy and his hiding his eyes. He is such a cutie. I am glad we all got a seat at each table. I think Table one where I am seating is going to have to take turns sitting and eating lol! Lots of us there.
    Have a good weekend. xoxo Kris

  3. Scruffy's a doll!
    I want to move over to the colorful table, simply because I KNOW it'll be colorful conversation with drinks by Ron. ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Diana. Hope your snow is manageable.

  4. I look forward to meeting my new friends at Table 4. Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie!


  5. Can't wait! I love the thought of breaking bread with new friends. Hugs to Scruffy!

  6. Martinis! My favorite. I knew I sat at the right table. Thanks Ron!

  7. Scruffy is adorable and can't wait to see his eyes. sorry I missed the party.

  8. Scruffy is so adorable. Happy to be seated with lovely people. An icy cold Moscow Mule is not acidic enough to break down the copper in a mug in high enough concentrations to make it poisonous. In an interview with Business Insider, food poisoning attorney Bill Marler said, “You'd have to drink from a copper cup every meal of every day for 25 years” to become affected.

    Copper is vital for the healthy functioning of our bodies. The mineral helps our cells metabolize iron, manufacture essential compounds, and produce energy. The FDA recommends a daily intake of 900 micrograms of copper. There aren’t many copper mug poisoning issues reported. Happy Thanksgiving. Xoxo

  9. Sure was fun and I'm happy with my little group of lavender lovers! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

  10. Leave Scruffy alone. LOL Love the little dude! We re gonna have fun on table one or AT table one.
    Thanks for all the work, it is fun on this end...
    Love from down here, stay warm
    Sherry & jack in a cool Florida

  11. PS: Glad to see the comment post.....

  12. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving next week, Diana!

  13. Thanks again, Diana. Our small, but select group will enjoy the martinis!

  14. Diane Wow, I can't believe the number of people sitting at table #1! It does look like a great Thanksgiving get together. I hope you stay warm and cozy from the snow storm. Give Scruffy a big hug from me and Bosco.

  15. Hello Diana and thank you for your recent visit and comment on my blog, visits are always appreciated and acknowledged. These holiday table setups all looked lovely. I am sure that many celebrants will have similarly wonderful settings with good food as well. Happy πŸ¦ƒto you and your family from NH.

  16. Scruffy is ADORABLE, and I know he would love this dinner party!

  17. Whatever your table looks like, I wish you a beautiful Thanksgiving.

  18. Oh, I missed choosing! I would choose the Creamy Dreamy one. It looks peaceful, I need peace!!
    Love you Diana! xx

  19. Is Scruffy going to be seated under the table so he can make sure everyone is in the right seat abd table? He will be expecting some treats for this job that requires him to make the rounds. Underneath each table a Scaps for Scruffy plate will be availible for donations. :)

  20. Scruffy looks so cute!

    Thank you for organizing the Thanksgiving get together! :D

    Snow! I remember it snowed for the 1st Thanksgiving I ever celebrated! My roommate invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her and her parents who lived in a suburb of Chicago. Happy times and good memories.

    Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

  21. Many thanks for organizing this lovely Thanksgiving get together :)

    Scruffy is adorable.
    Hope you don't have too much snow.

    All the best Jan

  22. Well I will be in hood company! We’re going to need a lot of cocktails to get the conversations rolling!

  23. Lol thanks for the cardboard to block the crowd. Lol. Seriously, I can handle the end because I won’t be in the middle of everyone. Delighted to play along. Thanks for the laughs.
    Grins, Cecilia

  24. Happy Thanksgiving!! And thank you for sharing Scruffy with us.
    xx oo

  25. What a crowd we have at table #1! I hope it's a banquet sized table.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, including naughty but adorable Scruffy!


  26. We will have a great time at table one with all the people!!

  27. I always seem to miss this fun are my thoughts on the tables. Table 1 is cute. But to me I think I would like it better is the colors were brighter. I like two the best I think. I like the brighter color in the pumpkins and how that arrangement is made. 3 - looks like spring. Same for number 4. Five is a tad more elegant than some place I would sat. Six, what is it with that table clothe? Seven, to plain, and although eight is my fave color, it reminds me of spring again. So I would have went with two.

  28. Great.
    The pandemic deprived us of many happy times to be brought by people gathering. But at the same time, we have understood how important spending time together is in our lives.

  29. These are always so fun, Diana! Thanks for seating me with the copper cups, and I will be happy for a Moscow mule from one of them!! xo

  30. Always a fun time no matter what table is chosen. Scruffy sure looks cute

  31. Oh all the tables are lovely and they look quite full. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving...including Scruffy. I think he looks just super as is but of course everyone can benefit from a bit of grooming from time to time. Hoping like you that the snow won't last for long. Ours is melting but it is still cold outside. Hugs!

  32. Diana, I’m so excited, I will finally get to meet so many of my blog friends! Yeah!! Especially you..who will be table hopping I’m sure…LOL And oh yes, of course Scruffy!!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  33. Oh! I get to be at the happening table! 😁

  34. Wowie! Looks like I’m at the most favorite table! Thanks for seating us for our Thanksgiving dinner. πŸπŸ¦ƒπŸ

  35. I love your pup! So cute! I would have picked the table with the pumpkins I think! ♥

  36. Late, as usual! But I would have picked #2...
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  37. Well, if Ron is bringing martinis for my table of four, then I'm a happy camper! Happy Thanksgiving, Diana!

  38. Just wanted to come over and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, Diana. Enjoy the turkey and pumpkin pie! I'm thankful for your blog friendship all these years. : )


  39. Welcome Table 2ers! I've never had a Moscow Mule ~ here's to trying one! As always, Diana ~`thank you for hosting such a great party!!

  40. Well that's a party!! Thanks for hosting the fun, as usual!!

  41. True life changing story of COPD.
    My father was a smoker for forty years. He started when he was a teenager in high school in the early 1950s, and continued to smoke about a pack a day until he quit in 1995. For years he thought "You know? 1 smoked for forty years, and I got away with it !" No. No he didn't. In 2014, nineteen years after he had quit smoking, he started noticing that he was having trouble with wheezing and feeling like he was out of breath a lot. He was diagnosed with early stage COPD. For the first year, he was able to get by with simply using rescue inhalers once in a while, but by late 2015 he needed supplemental oxygen. At first, he could get by on the lowest tank setting of 1 liter per minute, but as time went on he needed an Oxygen concentrator at home and he needed more and more oxygen. Last year (2020) he was up to the oxygen concentrator's highest setting of 5 liters per minute, even while just sitting down. By this time I had moved in with him to take care of him. Sometimes he would be gasping for air, and he would ask me "Son, is the machine on? I just can't get enough air" his condition worsened, our hearts melted every moment as we watched him gasp for breath,we were sure he would die any moment, by the time I started reading YouTube comments,I stumbled upon a comment that said there is an traditional herbal doctor called Dr Itua Herbal Center man that cures this ailment and other human diseases,I quickly contacted him and ordered the herbs with my father's money because he wouldn't need it anymore cos he would die any moment,I received the herbs in two days and from that moment he used the herbs, he began to feel better and better, few weeks later, he was completely cured, I thank you for reading this story about my father's experience with COPD. If you know someone who is a smoker, and you love them, please encourage them to quit. We love Daddy.all thanks to Dr Itua.
    if you have this ailment or have other ailments like..Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis,, email Dr Itua Herbal Center on also chatted with him on whatsapp number: +2348149277967. and he will send you herbs to cure you completely.


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