
Monday, November 28, 2022



I know that a lot of you come up as


when you leave a comment.

There is a fix for that.

My friend, Kris/JunkChicCottage

posted this and said I could

share it on my blog.

If you come up as anonymous,

please take a couple of minutes

and see if you can figure out how to fix it.

Good luck-I know most of us are not

very techy but we can try, right?

Fixing Anonymous Commenting
I know a lot of you are trying to comment on my blog and you are coming up as anonymous.   
Apparently blogger now allows third parties into their third party privacy settings. 
 If you are reading blogs on or third party cookies are now allowed.

Some browsers and we all use different ones will allow for third party cookies and some do not.  

If you are coming up anonymous when you comment you will have to go into your browser setting to allow third party cookies.

I am no expert on this but my friend Linda (my fairy blog mother) over at understands this change and did a post on how to change your browser settings so you can then comment on other or blogs.

Below is the link to Linda's blog post on how to fix anonymous commenting.  
Take a look at her post and follow her instructions and then all of you that are coming up as anonymous instead of yourself will be able to fix this problem.

  Thank you Linda for helping out on this issue and sharing your post on how to fix the problem.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and are preparing for the holidays with your family and friends.
I have been sorting through 47 years
of Christmas collecting and sending
some of it along to my children
and donating some things.
It's a big job but it sure feels
good to get'er'done.


  1. It does seem like we are constantly 'fighting' with blogger! I've had a sad week and would appreciate your prayers. Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. This is awesome; thank you, Diana!

  3. This is so cool, and I bet will help lots of bloggers! Thanks so much for posting it, it is an early Christmas gift!

  4. Hi Diana, I'm also weeding out a lot of my ornaments and decorations I no longer use. I clicked on Linda's link and the page was blank except for a small ? in a box. I will try again. Maybe I need to go through my blog to get to her. Unfortunately I seldom blog anymore, just not a lot to share. I don't like it when I come up anonymous either.
    Blessings on the start of December.

  5. I tend to purge my Christmas stuff a little every year. It really does feel good! I've noticed I post as Anonymous... right after I hit Publish! I always forget to check ahead of time. Thank you for the reminder.

  6. Haven't had any problems with anonymous lately, although I've seen this a lot on other blogs in the comments. It's good that you are going through stuff and giving things away that you no longer want or need. My sister is doing the same thing right now, and she is having a time with it. I did this with the last moves, so I'm pretty caught up. I'm sure your kids are pleased with all the goodies you are passing down to them, Diana.

    Have a blessed week.


  7. I hope this helps many bloggers who are having issues leaving their names. Don't work too hard. Happy Holidays Diana.

  8. Good thing I'm not coming up as anonymous because I don't know if I could figure that out.

  9. The problem I have with blogger comments is that they put some regular commenters in the spam folder.
    I'm going to be going through my Christmas decorations this year too.

  10. I don't think I come up anonymous...

  11. Not sure if I show up as anonymous on anyone's blog, but, it's good to know that there's a way to fix that! Knowing me and my lack of computer savvy, I will probably mess up, so I'll leave things be as they are!

  12. This was helpful information for many, and as far as I know it has not been my problem, but what has been in recent days is the increasing number of spam comments. I dutifully check every day and it is becoming quite the annoyance and I wonder if other bloggers have noticed the increase too. Sorting through holiday stuff is always done at this time of year.

  13. Isn't Linda the best? Thanks for the public service announcement. A lot of people will appreciate it. Have a great day!

  14. YES we have had the ANON problem for a few weeks now.. Will try to use the info to solve our problem.
    Just wanted to send love your way and say it is always sweet to stop by your house and smile when we see and alert.
    From Florida,
    Sherry & jack still smiling, life if good.

  15. Thanks for sharing! So far, I'm not Anonymous. Well, at least not in blog commenting :)

  16. True life changing story of COPD.
    My father was a smoker for forty years. He started when he was a teenager in high school in the early 1950s, and continued to smoke about a pack a day until he quit in 1995. For years he thought "You know? 1 smoked for forty years, and I got away with it !" No. No he didn't. In 2014, nineteen years after he had quit smoking, he started noticing that he was having trouble with wheezing and feeling like he was out of breath a lot. He was diagnosed with early stage COPD. For the first year, he was able to get by with simply using rescue inhalers once in a while, but by late 2015 he needed supplemental oxygen. At first, he could get by on the lowest tank setting of 1 liter per minute, but as time went on he needed an Oxygen concentrator at home and he needed more and more oxygen. Last year (2020) he was up to the oxygen concentrator's highest setting of 5 liters per minute, even while just sitting down. By this time I had moved in with him to take care of him. Sometimes he would be gasping for air, and he would ask me "Son, is the machine on? I just can't get enough air" his condition worsened, our hearts melted every moment as we watched him gasp for breath,we were sure he would die any moment, by the time I started reading YouTube comments,I stumbled upon a comment that said there is an traditional herbal doctor called Dr Itua Herbal Center man that cures this ailment and other human diseases,I quickly contacted him and ordered the herbs with my father's money because he wouldn't need it anymore cos he would die any moment,I received the herbs in two days and from that moment he used the herbs, he began to feel better and better, few weeks later, he was completely cured, I thank you for reading this story about my father's experience with COPD. If you know someone who is a smoker, and you love them, please encourage them to quit. We love Daddy.all thanks to Dr Itua.
    if you have this ailment or have other ailments like..Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis,, email Dr Itua Herbal Center on also chatted with him on whatsapp number: +2348149277967. and he will send you herbs to cure you completely.

  17. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. She is lovely! All sweet as sugar and spice !

  18. Thanks, I don't accept anonymous comments but maybe I will try this. HUGS!


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