
Thursday, October 20, 2022


 Just so you know right upfront

I lied about the 
"I can't get up" part.
How I WISH I COULD sleep in.
Apparently my DNA is tied to the
whirling dervish rather than
a fat lap cat.

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind.
Fall is finally here,
after a long lovely summer,
 and the leaves have started to fall.
I have been putting bits and pieces 
of FALL around here.
They will stay up until the day after
(except for the Halloween stuff)

This is the little slate I painted
when my kids were little.
These are the youngest three-
my older son was "too cool"
to dress up anymore.
I sold a lot of these slates back when
were popular.
This is the only one I have left 
for Halloween.

Love this soft side of fall.

I found an opaline pumpkin that is gorgeous!
I have never seen one like it
so I need to get a picture of that 
on the blog here so 

On the last warm nights of autumn
the kids liked to go down 
to the beach by the bay.
Their Mom took these pictures.
SweetCheeks said they are 

Cooler nights bring
sunsets like this!
Oh!!! How I miss this view.
I hope to have some sort of 
water view again someday.
We have fall colors all over.
Wisconsin is a wonderful place to 
take a drive to see colors
like this.-
Or this-
Please remember-
while driving...
or in MY CASE-flying!
The kids say I have found
the perfect sign for my
front door.
I need to hang it there this weekend.
Wonder if I should paint
The Witch Is Out
and turn it over when I leave?
Nah....let 'em be scared!!!!



  1. I am loving all of your decor. And the colors! We won't see color like that for another two or three weeks. Usually around Thanksgiving. And it doesn't last very long. Thanks for sharing all of this. Fall is my favorite time of year.

  2. Fall is such a fun time all we can do is make the most of it. I too, have a the Witch is in sign and I also have one out front that says Enter at your own risk. Ha. Lots of fun times coming our way ! Enjoy it to the fullest!

  3. So good to read a fall post from you Diana....beautiful photos and just the right touch of enjoyable!

  4. Love this so much!! Fun stuff always here. I love the photos of the kids at the beach! They all have your creative gene! Happy Fall, and no texting while flying!!!!!!!

  5. Enjoy your autumn! That "Witch is in" sign is terrific!

  6. Fall is such a wonderful time of the year when you live up north. I love the pictures of the kids and the sunset!

  7. Love reading your blog post again! You are so entertaining my friend. I wish I had some of those views. Will need to go for a ride!

  8. Good Morning sweet friend. Love your post made me chuckle this morning. Wishing you a great rest of the week and weekend. xoxo Kris

  9. Yes, let them be scared! Fun post. Nice to have you back. Love the sign on the front door. I think we can probably match your colors as far as leaves go.. it’s one of those years where the fall is very beautiful. It is getting cold very quickly. In the 20s last night. Of course it’s going to be 70 one day next week. Love your fall decor. Enjoy this beautiful day! Hugs

  10. ...fall and fall, English is quite a language. Enjoy your fall or your autumn, whichever you prefer.

  11. As I would have said during a long ago Halloween, "This is a good 'un!"
    Sherry just got here at the top I had to spoil her read a little by telling her some. LOL I cracked up at the 'don't text......'.
    Loved all the pictures and graphics. Love your art work! The pumpkin is GOOD, great shot.
    From down here it is cool for Florida 40 this AM! Enjoy your day, sending love....
    Sherry & jack

  12. Love the witch is in, I have one too. You have some beautiful fall colors. Those photos are magical. Definitely no texting while driving. Enjoy your lovely fall colors. xoxo

  13. fall has fallen in your part of the world and also in your home. no need to get up, you have all you need right there. the sign is funny and I did not know you paint. the slate if really cute, love it

  14. It’s such a beautiful time of the year. I hope you and your hubby are doing well.

  15. Fall is so pretty in your area, Diana. I am just starting to see the changing colors on the trees here too; we had a late start this year. SweetCheeks' Magic pictures are AWESOME. And I remember that slate that you painted. I've always liked that one, it's so creative. Your Witch sign is delightful. Enjoy your Autumn season there, Diana. It goes way too fast. : )


  16. The pics with the kids, and the fall beauty is gorgeous!! Your photo right before the witch sign is AWESOME! And your are so talented!!! I wish you had made more, I would beg you to sell me one. I just love it, I have no artistic talent at all. Let me know if you find any more and would sell one!

  17. Hope you are enjoying nature's colour show, it looks spectacular. It's pretty boring where we are but it is beginning to change. Takes patience and I appear to be way shot on that. :) Have a wonderful day and rest of the week.

  18. Your little slate sign is so are very talented. I can't wait to see the opaline pumpkin, it sounds beautiful. Happy Fall!!!

  19. I miss those lovely fall colors! We don't have many trees that change color down here. I haven't got around to decorating for fall/Halloween yet.

  20. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. The trees are gorgeous. Here in New York we are just starting to get a little color. The painting is so nice. You are a talented lady.We have the house decorated for Fall and Halloween. The Fall will stay up through Thanksgiving.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn


  21. I missed my chance to visit Racine, Wis. when my son lived there for a couple of years, Great Post and nice Pictures ! Fall is here and hope it sticks around for a while !!!
    I miss living on the Water !

  22. We don't have those gorgeous fall leaves yet. Just now turning. I've never had a water view from my home, but always, always wanted one!

  23. Fall/Autumn is a wonderful season.
    Enjoy your days.

    All the best Jan

  24. Enjoyed your post!!!
    Love the slate you painted.
    The leaves this year are extra pretty! We reached the peek this past weekend.
    Gorgeous skies.

  25. These are all perfect, Diana! Love the "Don't Text and Fly" and the photos -- and your slate is adorable. Perfection in every way!

  26. Diana you are so talented! Oh, I remember doing the Folk Art Craft Shows for a time and do miss them. Those were the greatest days. I love your work.
    Decorations are so pretty too. xoxo Dolly

  27. I love the painting!!!! I love that style of art.
    Thank you for making us smile. ;-)

  28. Hello! So much beauty in your area, my friend. And I love the painting you did! Is there no end to your talents??? Have a cozy evening!

  29. Your fall is beautiful!!! And those sunset beach pictures.....such treasures!!

  30. I enjoyed all your fall decor and the gorgeous colours.

    Glorious photos!

  31. Love the pictures where the kids are holding the sun. How fun.
    That slate is really cute.

  32. Hi Diana! I just love your painted slate, it's beautiful! The colours of fall bring me so much cozy warmth, I love this time of year. I always wanted a water view out my window, but I chose the woods instead. Though I do long to be lakeside at times! The witch is in! We surely are lol! ☺♥

  33. Diana, you mentioned combining channels so they might grow faster on YT. That got me thinking, what a fabulous idea. But...I looked into it and YT won't let you combine channels, however I can upload videos on any I'm going to be uploading some art videos on my kitchen and garden channel to see how they do there. THANK YOU so much for the suggestion!!! ♥♥♥

  34. Diana! Your painted slate is amazing! You are a gal of many talents. I love that! You should consider making them again and selling slates on Etsy. I'd buy one in a heart-beat.....and I don't even decorate for Halloween anymore!!!

    I almost spewed out my tea sipping when I got to the witch hitting the tree decor. You have the best sense of humor. ♥

    This entire year has truly been the most mild and agreeable and beautiful of my long (long long) life. I think the color of the trees and foliage has never been as vibrant and long lasting ever. Last week was the peak of the glorious color. I wish I'd have taken more pics of it - but cameras don't do the color justice at all. Including sunsets - just cannot capture that "magic" your grands talked about.

    Have a happy week. Hugs.

  35. It's starting to look like fall around here, too, finally! SweetCheeks is right - those pictures ARE magic! Don't text and fly - love that!!! Yep, I say let them always think the witch is in, lol! I have something that says that, too, on my porch. Heh heh heh, my little pretties!

  36. Lol. Love your witchy sign. How I wish we had those beautiful falls here. I’m afraid this year the leaves are just going to turn brown. It’s been too dry. We are having some marvelous weather otherwise.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  37. Great signs and the slate that you painted is so well done!! Love & hugs! Have a blessed weekend, my friend!

  38. Diana, I love your little slate. You have such a talent. I'm not doing too much for Halloween this year. I actually haven't for the last two years. I do say I miss the Cottage Witch's visit to the Cottage, but I guess she is getting too old and tired to carry on the tradition! ha ha I think she might be turning into a Christmas Witch..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  39. Diana,
    LOVE your slate! Stunning!! and lovely Fall Foliage there. We seem to be having a banner year when it comes to the leaves turning colors...Maybe it is because of the dry Summer we had...Love your decorations especially the new sign!! LOL!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Hope you are having a great weekend!!

  40. Fall has arrived here too and the leaves are keeping us busy. I love the slate and the magic pictures. Enjoy this gorgeous Fall day dear friend. Hugs.

  41. Those photos of the kids really are magical! A fun post - Happy Halloween! x

  42. True life changing story of COPD.
    My father was a smoker for forty years. He started when he was a teenager in high school in the early 1950s, and continued to smoke about a pack a day until he quit in 1995. For years he thought "You know? 1 smoked for forty years, and I got away with it !" No. No he didn't. In 2014, nineteen years after he had quit smoking, he started noticing that he was having trouble with wheezing and feeling like he was out of breath a lot. He was diagnosed with early stage COPD. For the first year, he was able to get by with simply using rescue inhalers once in a while, but by late 2015 he needed supplemental oxygen. At first, he could get by on the lowest tank setting of 1 liter per minute, but as time went on he needed an Oxygen concentrator at home and he needed more and more oxygen. Last year (2020) he was up to the oxygen concentrator's highest setting of 5 liters per minute, even while just sitting down. By this time I had moved in with him to take care of him. Sometimes he would be gasping for air, and he would ask me "Son, is the machine on? I just can't get enough air" his condition worsened, our hearts melted every moment as we watched him gasp for breath,we were sure he would die any moment, by the time I started reading YouTube comments,I stumbled upon a comment that said there is an traditional herbal doctor called Dr Itua Herbal Center man that cures this ailment and other human diseases,I quickly contacted him and ordered the herbs with my father's money because he wouldn't need it anymore cos he would die any moment,I received the herbs in two days and from that moment he used the herbs, he began to feel better and better, few weeks later, he was completely cured, I thank you for reading this story about my father's experience with COPD. If you know someone who is a smoker, and you love them, please encourage them to quit. We love Daddy.all thanks to Dr Itua.
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