
Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 I can't believe 

is winding down 

Can you?
I stole this graphic from a friend...

I am doing a bit of 
today after not much
sleep for the last few days.

Laundry is going, 
sipping coffee,
enjoying the sunshine
took someone special for a ride
with the top down!

Lucky me!
I get to go see my granddaughter
in a week or so.
She is in college in Connecticut.
Her mom and Auntie Mindy are
going along, too.
Can't wait to see my pretty girl.
East Coast here I come!
I LOVE wandering around
the country!

And for your smile today...
Does this prove that 
"all those that wander are not lost"?

Looks like MyHero tossed the 
out of the way trying to find his way home.

ps..  I did NOT drive off and leave him there.

Oh yeah-and I AM OFF-
off to get my Covid booster and
flu shot at 7:00 am!
Lucky me!


  1. Good for you getting your flu and covid shots. That's something I have to do soon. And I agree that October is just flying by. In fact, this whole year is. I look back at my posts and think "that was just a few weeks ago" and it has been months. Have a safe trip and think of me here on the East Coast while you are out this way.

  2. Good Morning. I got my Covid booster and Flu shots a few weeks ago. No reactions yay! October is flying by can't believe it is Halloween in less than a week. Have fun with the girls. Safe travels. xoxo Kris

  3. Have a great trip. I know it will be fun for you. Please leave the east coast as you found it! Glad you got your vaccines are. Have a safe trip. It will soon be Halloween and I know you have lots up your sleeve…..hugs

  4. I can't believe it's almost November. I'll be putting out my Christmas decorations before you know it. I've had my flu shot. I still need to get the new COVID booster. Is your someone special a Bouvier?


  5. Your granddaughter is beautiful! I hope you post photos of the visit. We got our Covid booster and flu shot as well. Our state is one that has a high rate of flu right now. WHY have you been losing sleep??

  6. I haven't got my last booster yet. I don't go anywhere and only see Steve next door or my girls. Guess I'll need to get that soon though. Love that silly dog of yours! That nose is adorable!

  7. I hope your new shots keep you safe while traveling.It's a blessing to have a granddaughter to visit and enjoy your company along the way ! It should be beautiful in Connecticut this time of year!

  8. Good Morning Diana! So glad you get to see your girl soon. I am also going to see my girls soon enough. It will possibly be snowing when I do, so I hope I can get out haha. Your doggy is cute, and must have loved that ride with the top down. Can't believe October is coming to an end. Take care, and I hope you do well with the booster. Love that photo of your husband just wandering. ; )


  9. Diana, so happy you get to see your pretty girl. Scruffy just makes me smile. Your hero wandering is sweet. Love your sense of humor. I don't know where the time goes. Soon to be November. I had my colonoscopy yesterday, completely sleep all day after. Loving the cooler temps. xoxo

  10. we had our 5th jab of covid 3 weeks ago, nothing dire happened, head ache first day was it. enjoy your trip to the East Coast, and wow i would like to ride with the tops off too

  11. See I knew it, your Grands are the BEST! LOL One of life's late pleasures are seeing the Grands and what they are accomplishing. SWEET, wishing you the best and a great time. Love the pictures and captions...... Glad you have a HERO! Love it.
    Sherry & jack smiling here close to the first coast!

  12. Hope you're feeling OK after your jabs! Enjoy your road trip and the visit with your granddaughter! Safe travels and happy Wednesday!

  13. Lol about MadSnapper and riding with her tops off! Okay, so my mind is frequently in the gutter. Sorry.

    Enjoy your trip, safe travels, and hope all is special along the way.

  14. Enjoy your time going to see your beautiful granddaughter and wandering around the country! Sounds like fun to me, and Safe travels to you. Hope you’re ok after your shots.

  15. Have a wonderful trip, I hope the east coast is ready for you. :)

  16. Good for you getting your Covid booster and flu shots! Hope you have little to no side effects! I had my flu and pneumonia shots together a couple of weeks ago and plan to get my booster, next week.
    Have a safe trip to visit your granddaughter and have a lovely visit!

  17. Hi Diana, Glad you and the daughters are going on a trip. Hug all of them for me. Look how many years have gone by...not just October. LOL Please be safe . Td and I went to New Hampshire in Oct. on a bus trip[ and by the time we started back home it snowed. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

  18. Hey Diana! Your granddaughter is all grown up now. That went fast!
    I know they say it is fine to get the flu shot and Covid booster at the same time but heck, I'm going to wait a few weeks before the two. I am such a little old worrying lady now! Take care, hope you are enjoying a beautiful October! xx

  19. You are going to have so much fun on your road trip. She is grown up and beautiful.
    I got my flu shot yesterday - a little sore today.

  20. Your beautiful granddaughter will be so happy to have family visiting!! Keep us posted!! I got my flu shot and 3rd booster a few weeks ago. They didn't even make my arms sore so I was lucky. Hope you are too!! It is so great having you back!! I've missed you! xo

  21. Enjoy the visit with your granddaughter, it sounds like a fun trip. Sorry you won't be in my neck of the east coast. Would love to see you in person, I know that we would laugh for hours. xo

  22. Love the photos...Scruffy is sure the charmer!!! And your granddaughter is lovely, like her grandmother! Have a wonderful trip! And your picture of your hubby is special. I like that. Take care and enjoy your trip, and before you know it we will need you to give us some Thanksgiving tables to select! So don't forget! LOL. Have a wonderful time. God bless and stay safe!!

  23. I'm glad you didn't drive off and leave him there!!! Hahahaha!
    Your ride sounds fun and safe journey as y'all go on your trip!

  24. Sounds like a fun trip you have planned. Glad to hear you didn't drive off and leave your hero stranded.

  25. Enjoy the time with your granddaghter. I still have the dregs of a vicious cold so I am waiting a bit longer before getting my flu and covid booster jabs.

  26. Have a great time visiting your granddaughter in CT! My son went to college in CT. It's beautiful this time of year. Glad to hear you'll be all boosted up!

  27. Lucky you! Sounds like fun. I got my Covid yesterday and last night chills and 102 temp. And virtually NO sleep. I suspect it will ease today.

  28. October is indeed flying right off the 2022 calendar! Yikes, this year is soon history but it feels like it's only begun.
    Your trip sounds like a good one. Anytime spent with family is super special. Enjoy!!
    Hope your arm isn't too sore. Got my covid booster 2 weeks ago and will get the flu shot at my med check in a few weeks. I was only a little more achy than usual from the booster plus injection site pain which wasn't too bad.

  29. Enjoy your time with your family my dear friend.

    Praise report... Sam and the 157th have made it to Camp Lemonnier. Thank you for the prayers for our troops.
    xx oo

  30. You will probably get to see fall colors!!! I do hope you take pictures! Our colors have nto happened much yet. Have a great trip and visit!

  31. This wonderful month of October has almost finished! Enjoy your trip to the East Coast and your visit with loved ones. It's a cozy rainy night here.

  32. Diana, your granddaughter is beautiful and I know you are excited to see her. October has passed much too soon!

  33. Fun days ahead for you, traveling to see your gorgeous Granddaughter! Road trips are sooooo much fun! I can't believe October is almost over, time needs to slow down. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


  34. You're coming to my neck of the woods! Have a fun trip! ... Time flies, my Lord it does fly. And I think we're all a little off, it makes life do-able, LOL.

  35. Such a nice time of year to visit New England and be with loved ones. Too funny about the picnic table :) Have fun and good reminder for me to get the shots soon, too. Hugs xo K

  36. I know I commented on this post!
    Has it gone into spam folder?

    Have a good trip.

    All the best Jan

  37. I know I commented on this post!
    Has it gone into spam folder?

    Have a good trip.

    All the best Jan

  38. Diana,
    What a lovely grand daughter that you have!!
    She is stunning!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  39. Have a great time visiting your granddaughter at her college! It's a beautiful time of year in the east coast!

  40. Diana, your humor is always a day brightener. Think I'll make a point of visiting your delightful blog early in the morning from now on. Nice way to start the day!

  41. Your granddaughter is indeed beautiful!
    Enjoy the visit!
    Orange is Everywhere!

  42. Hi Diana, I am so with you … October flew by so fast … I can’t believe how fast time is going by … it seems to get faster and faster the older I get! 😊 I hope you have a great trip to Connecticut. Congrats on getting your booster and flu shot … let’s stay healthy this winter! Best wishes to you from Seattle! John

  43. My daughter said number 1 ~Akasha

  44. True life changing story of COPD.
    My father was a smoker for forty years. He started when he was a teenager in high school in the early 1950s, and continued to smoke about a pack a day until he quit in 1995. For years he thought "You know? 1 smoked for forty years, and I got away with it !" No. No he didn't. In 2014, nineteen years after he had quit smoking, he started noticing that he was having trouble with wheezing and feeling like he was out of breath a lot. He was diagnosed with early stage COPD. For the first year, he was able to get by with simply using rescue inhalers once in a while, but by late 2015 he needed supplemental oxygen. At first, he could get by on the lowest tank setting of 1 liter per minute, but as time went on he needed an Oxygen concentrator at home and he needed more and more oxygen. Last year (2020) he was up to the oxygen concentrator's highest setting of 5 liters per minute, even while just sitting down. By this time I had moved in with him to take care of him. Sometimes he would be gasping for air, and he would ask me "Son, is the machine on? I just can't get enough air" his condition worsened, our hearts melted every moment as we watched him gasp for breath,we were sure he would die any moment, by the time I started reading YouTube comments,I stumbled upon a comment that said there is an traditional herbal doctor called Dr Itua Herbal Center man that cures this ailment and other human diseases,I quickly contacted him and ordered the herbs with my father's money because he wouldn't need it anymore cos he would die any moment,I received the herbs in two days and from that moment he used the herbs, he began to feel better and better, few weeks later, he was completely cured, I thank you for reading this story about my father's experience with COPD. If you know someone who is a smoker, and you love them, please encourage them to quit. We love Daddy.all thanks to Dr Itua.
    if you have this ailment or have other ailments like..Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis,, email Dr Itua Herbal Center on also chatted with him on whatsapp number: +2348149277967. and he will send you herbs to cure you completely.


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