
Friday, October 7, 2022


 I am one of those weird people

(..I hear those of you that KNOW me..)

Anyway, I am one of those weird people
that STILL keeps notebooks of ideas.

Yeah, yeah--I know all about
Pinterest and Instagram but
there is something satisfying to me
about sitting down and looking through a

I have one notebook for each season..
(well- Christmas has 3 or 4 binders)
These are all I loose leaf 3 ring binders
filled with page protectors full
of inspirations and ideas.

Being as it IS Fall now..
I pulled my
notebook out.
Yes! They are colored for each Season-
White For Snow/Winter.
Red For Christmas.
Pink for Little Girl Ideas.
Blue For Little Boy Ideas.
Yellow For Easter Ideas.
Green For Gardening/Outdoor Ideas.
And a slew of white ones with
typed cover inserts.
Well, you get the picture.

But for Fall
(and Halloween)
I dug out the Pumpkin Colored binder.
Here are a few of the images I have saved.
These are pictures of magazine pictures
so don't expect award winning 
photography on my part...ok...
no whining about it either.

I have always loved window boxes..
and I like the earthy simplicity
 of this one.
and a  white pumpkin surrounded by Fall gatherings...
A peek at a birdbath that is
Closed for the Season
(poor birds)
And the path of pumpkins
that leads you through an arbor..
And brings you home to this..
A place to spend an afternoon,
or an evening,
or a life time.
I have had these images for many years
and don't know WHERE they are from...
but Thank You to the people
that photographed these.

Please excuse me..
I am headed to Starbucks...
I hear they have a
(edited to add-new for the 
FALL SEASON-it's been around for a few years)

I'll pick one up for my daughter..
cuz I don't do sugar...
Can you say..
Pumpkin Spice Latte?
Now wipe the drool off your chin
and get busy (did I SAY you were lazy)?!

                                   Hmmm...would that be what they mean
                                      by the pot calling the kettle black?

OFF (take that literally) and running for the day.
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love that you have binders with inspiration ideas. I am like you and do things old school too. I am still one of those that likes to hold a book in my hand when I read too. Wish I was a coffee drinker because some of these fall drinks sound so good. I just have never liked the taste of coffee. I know I am a weirdo too. That is why we are friends lol! Happy Friday have a good weekend. xoxo Kris

  2. Such a great idea Diana. Keeping those fabulous images in a notebook. Love the fall inspiration. The pumpkin dressed sitting in the birdbath is a favorite. I also love the look of lined up pumpkins. My squirrels would be having a feast with those. xoxo

  3. Wow that is wonderful that you have a notebook for each season. You had some beautiful photos. I love fall too. I like the pumpkins all lined up along the sidewalk.

  4. My aunt does the same and it is the most wonderful book to look through. I have two notebooks. One is of recipes gleaned from blogs. It must weigh 12 pounds. I like your color coding. Pinterest. Don't get me started on what a misery that has become.

  5. Love your notebook pictures. I don't do notebooks but have file folders with each season. I used to clip out magazine pictures and save them too. I am lazy this morning and needed a reminder to get started and go. I really have a lot I want to do today. Enjoy your coffee with your daughter !

  6. Love the pumpkin edge along the path!

  7. That photo with the pumpkins lining the walkway - LOVE! In reality, if I did that, the critters would destroy them in a matter of days, haha! I, too, still have my folders of inspiration that I'm constantly ripping out of magazines, but they're not as nicely filed as yours. Then, there are the inspiration pictures I snap with my phone....and the notes on my laptop....and Pinterest.... I just have to remember to look at them all!

  8. This is such a great idea, I am going to do it!!! I love everything about it. The birdbath one would be kind of fast and easy, yet showy as well.

  9. I love to turn and look at paper pages too. There is nothing like holding a book or magazine in your hands, and savoring the delight of the written word and photos. We are going camping this weekend, and I have been saving magazines that I subscribe to, to bring with me, as well as some treasured books. I love the pictures you shared, and think your system is amazing! Have a wonderful Fall weekend!

  10. I love this time of year.

    Are white pumpkins good for baking?

  11. I don't do notebooks anymore, I do have a few from the past in the basement. Anyone who uses our new Basement Apartment will see them. LOL BUT this is a beautiful entry of course. I too love the pictures, they made me smile (outside and in). Be safe and enjoy the FALL. WE think of you.
    Sherry & jack smiling in Florida, we do get a hint of fall...

  12. I tried Instagram, but I found it boring. Like you, I like to turn the pages.

  13. First of all, that is really cool that you have a notebook of ideas for each season, and a color binder that matches the season. I've always loved window boxes too. So many goodies you can put on them. I LOVED the photo of the path of pumpkins and the arbor. That's so pretty, and just says that Fall has arrived. Wouldn't that be nice to have a fireplace outdoors? That photo is charming as well. Oh, I just had a pumpkin spice latte. Lots of cute ideas on here today, Diana. Thanks for sharing them all.

    Enjoy our Starbuck's! We don't have one up here, but the stores carry all the different blends so I can make it at home. And every chance I get to drive down the highway, I always make a point to go there. Gotta have our Starbuck's! ; )


  14. Hello! I adore this! I love writing things in notebooks. Pinterest is a time sucker for me. Plus, I always find something and never remember to go back to use it! I like your method better, my friend! And pick up a Pumpkin Spice Latte for me, please??

  15. I love fall and these are great ideas. Such pretty pictures. I like the idea of keeping things in notebooks. So easy to find the ideas later.

  16. Interestingly, pumpkin spice isn't a thing here. I read an article last wee about the history of the whole thing. According to that, it's mostly a US and Canada thing. Pumpkins themselves show up for a couple of weeks before Halloween and then go away again. No canned pumpkin or pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, etc. I like your book of ideas. Much nicer to sit with a hot beverage and look through one of those than to scroll!

  17. I have a few notebooks that I still use, but not as many as you have. Instead, I keep old magazines. I pulled out all the October issues (Country Living UK, Victoria) and am enjoying going through them for ideas. It's Thanksgiving here this weekend, so I'm cleaning house and preparing a turkey dinner for the family - 13 of us. I love setting a pretty table and adding a few seasonal touches. Great ideas from your binders.

  18. Hi Weirdo!! I am a weird person too. I like to hold books, real books, I have notebooks of ideas, magazine clippings and more.
    I enjoyed what you shared today. :-) Kindred Weird Spirits are what we are.
    Ha! And birthday sharing friends. And Wisconsin living crazy people. Ha!!!
    xx oo

  19. What fun to have those binders! I used to save old magazines with ideas that I loved, especially when we were moving or building a house and I saved so many pictures of color schemes or design ideas that I wanted to copy in my house. I think they are all long gone now. No more new houses for me and our decorations are pretty much the same year after year. Maybe I should look for some new ideas. I do have a Pinterest board and I have fun with that. This was lovely. Thank you for sharing with us. I loved those pictures too.

  20. It's good to have ideas and access to them because they are in a binder/notebook. Being offline has it benefits too. Have fun with your ideas and make them come alive. Have great weekend, Diana.

  21. Diana, I for one love the book of ideas. I used to keep magazines for beautiful seasonal ideas. But once I moved everything that used to mean so much had to go elsewhere, like the dump, G.W. and second hand shops. I really like that birdbath idea. :) Here In Indiana bittersweet is sold at fall Martha's Vineyard I was told it was an invasive weed. LOL It was everywhere. I made a bunch of cloth pumpkins from old white shirts and sweaters, at the farm. Gave them all away too. But it would be fun to make some tiny ones. Wishing you a wonderful fall. Blessings, xoxo, love, Susie

  22. Why would we whine? This is terrific. I'm not one for Pinterest or online boards. Let me tear out something from a magazine or copy a photo and I'm good for it. (Funny, but we have TOO many places to look for good inspiration!) I love your binder idea!

  23. I would think ALL your notebooks of ideas for each season and toddlers alike come in handy!! Even if just to peruse and set a mood!!

  24. Oh the path of pumpkins to that beautiful cozy area! I love it!!! ☺

  25. You're not weird, you're just old school! And nothing wrong with that. I still keep a written date book and calendar on my fridge...I don't use the calendar on my phone. And I do have a file folder in my desk with pages torn out of magazines of decorating pics I've liked.


  26. You can have all the pumpkin spice stuff. No thanks! Great photos. I don't keep notebooks but do have lots and lots and lots of things saved in Pinterest, and of course, Blogger is like my journal. Love & hugs, dear friend! Happy weekend!

  27. Lol, if you’re weird, I’m weird. I have inspiration notebooks too. And I still prefer a magazine and turning pages instead of scrolling online. Love all the Fall photos you shared. As for the coffee, yes please. I’ll take one then we can have a good chat over the notebooks.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  28. I like that white pumpkin with fall pickings. I have a small file of crafts and Christmas ideas, but, I'm trying to declutter them!
    I'm not tempted by the pumpkin spice drinks and lattes; just pumpkin pie, please, with a big dollop of whipped cream on top! :D

  29. What a great idea with the binders. Where did you manage to find an orange one? I agree that an actual book that you can flip through the pages is way better than scrolling through Pinterest.

  30. Lovely images. Autumn gives us so much beautiful colour.

  31. What a great idea! Oh and the Christmas one could have my Christmas card list in it too:) Love the pretty pumpkins! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  32. I love the colors of Fall and they look pretty in our homes. I put a few candles out but I'm not doing as much decorating any more. I try to keep things neat. Enjoy your weekend! Love how organized you are!

  33. Wow! Just wow! I love everyone of those images, but the arbor that leads to the gorgeous outdoor fireplace is the bomb! Happy October, Diana! Hugs.

  34. I keep the same binders. My categories are recipes (2), design, landscaping, crafts.

    "there is something satisfying to me about sitting down and looking through a BOOK OF IDEAS" - Agree completely.

  35. I love all of the pumpkin inspiration Diana. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.

  36. I do like this time of year, loved seeing all the pumpkin pictures :)

    All the best Jan

  37. Hi Diana! I love, love, love your binder collection! There is something about physically having a picture or page. I miss all the magazines. When we were building a house in 2000, I had a notebook filled with magazine clippings, paint & fabric swatches, etc. I carried that notebook with me everywhere for six months! When we moved to KY last year, I threw it out and now seeing your binders, I kind of wish I hadn't, lol. Hope you are doing well! Jane

  38. Good morning Diana!
    This idea of putting together the folders is just great! I love your collection of Fall photos. And I absolutely agree with you … there is something about collecting and enjoying physical things that Instagram and Pinterest will never match. In some ways I feel sorry for the youngsters out there who will probably never get into collecting real things because they are so focused on the virtual. I hope, as time goes by, you will share your other albums with us.

    By now, you have probably enjoyed several Pumpkin Spice Lattes. 😊 Hmmm … can I say “envious” ? 😊

    Thank you for sharing your blog and for your very kind comments on mine. Have a wonderful day!

  39. But this is WONDERFUL! We need to get back to low-tech things, and teach it to our grandchildren. xoxo

  40. I use to collect clippings for vision boards like the binders. When we moved I threw everything out. I know have way to many Pinterest boards. Happy Fall, I love cozy pumpkin/fall pictures and scapes.

  41. ...Jerusalem Artichokes are a special part of fall. Thanks for sharing this colorful post.

  42. You're not crazy, or if you are, I'm right there with you! I have a binder of torn pages from magazines in paper protectors too! I haven't added to it in a while because so many of the publications I pulled from are gone, but I still enjoy looking at it. Yes I do Pinterest and save Instagram posts but I still like my binder!


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