
Monday, September 26, 2022


You all know that I have been 
away for a while.
I know many of you have reached out
to me to see what is going on in my life.

Life has had lots of ups and downs
these past few months.

One of the best UPs-
I went to Florida to deliver my grandgirl,
to Disney College.
We spent a few days before that
at the beach.
Now she is at college in Connecticut..
sigh...and I miss her.

I also went to Mexico with my daughter
and her three girls for a week.

Beautiful resort and beautiful weather.
Another UP-
I got my inflammation pretty much under control.
A combination of anti-inflammatory meds
and a blood panel that showed me what
foods cause inflammation in my body
made a huge difference.
My SED rates are the lowest they have
EVER been.

Hubby has had good days and bad days.
Bad days are days on end spent in bed.
Good days he is up and about,
running errands, going to a dance class,
interacting with others.
On good days,
he will take Mr. Scruffy
for nice long walks
and let him explores holes in trees.
On down days
they snooze.

Sadly, we sold our camper
that was on a permanent site in
Door County, WI.

I was getting ready to paint and remove
the old borders and update the interior.
However, if I went, I went by myself
(with Scruffy)
and would have to leave hubby at home.
Maybe someday, I will have another
'escape' plan.
I relaxed there and read books for 
days on end.

Now that I am home,
I have been dawdling around with 
doll making again.
I have a couple of other ones I made, too.
I smudged the face on one by not waiting 
until it was completely dry.
Never fear-
Remind me to beat him later!
I'm sure you know I mean that!
I will do that right after he is done
guarding the house from those
vicious squirrels.

My son-in-law, Jason,
continues to fight brain cancer.
I think he is on his 10th round of chemo now.
He has such a positive attitude
and a supportive wife and family.
Please keep them in your prayers.

I will do some before and after
shots of the condo soon.
We moved in during Covid and it
took a while to figure things out.
We had to wait on some things.

Oh- and I am still drinking

If you have read this far,
well, bless your heart!
Thanks for hanging in there.
See y'all soon!



  1. Your kids are beautiful. Always prayers for your son. Its sad that you sold your camper and your dolls are cute. Scruffy? Well, thats just scruffy and I have a drinking problem too.

  2. I couldn't tell which one was your daughter. She looks so young. Life sure does have its ups and downs. I am praying for your family, my friend and I hope you find a new place to get away from it all when you need to. Hugs, Laura

  3. Diana, with all the ups and downs, you seem to be handling them all gracefully. Very happy for your personal gains in figuring out your own health. I'll keep your son-in-law and Hero in my prayers. It's good to hear from you for the gentle nudge, so don't be so scarce!

  4. Oh, Life with its ups and downs. I hope you and your husband have a good Autumn. And Scruffy too!

  5. I am glad you are feeling better. Sending prayers for your husband and son-in-law. Your trip to Mexico sounded wonderful.

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful summer and that you've had more ups than downs there. Hopefully things will continue to go we'll. Prayers for your loved ones !

  7. Sounds like mostly ups. I have hopes of more travels soon. Always posting on my blog, the latest being the Dahlia festival!

  8. Everyone has their ups and downs. Even though you had some downs, it sounds as if the ups outweigh them. Glad you were able to get your health under control. Still praying for you and your family. I'm sorry you had to get rid of your camper. But I know you will not be bored with Scruffy in your life. Give my love to John and assure him that he is still in our hearts and prayers.

  9. You have been busy. It was sad your lovely camper had to go. It's always good to spend time with family. I hope Scruffy is taking his guarding duties seriously! I hope your husband has more good days than bad, and sending very best wishes for your son-in-law.

  10. Sounds like several things have been going on at the same time. Its like we both have jumped into another season of our lives, a slower version of what we had before. I was wondering about your sil, glad he is still fighting. Your girls are so pretty, and so Post some of the boys, if you have time. Fall is here, so I imagine you got it going up there, too. The dolls are cute, sorry you sold the camper, but now you can pretend you're camping at home. Get one of those bed tents for the quest room and make it your reading corner. LOL

  11. Well you’ve been a busy gal. Thank you for the update. I often want to ask but figure you’ll talk when you are ready. Sorry about the camper. I didn’t know you were going there by yourself. Sorry about your husband’s condition. I hope he rests comfortably when he’s in a down mode. Keeping your son-in-law in thought. Good thing you have scruffy to keep things lively!

  12. prayers for your son in law and for strength for you to cope with LIFE as it happens. that pool in Mexico is Wow. Scruffy IS Gorgeous!

  13. Hello sweet friend. I am so glad Jason is doing well with the chemo. The love of family helps so much. I know you loved the camper and I know someday you will have another place of serenity to spend time. Little scruffy is such a cute companion to have by your side. They really do make life so much better. The girls are beautiful and I know how happy you are to see them growing into such beautiful human beings inside and out. Happy New Week my friend. xoxo Kris

  14. Diana, I am so happy you got to get away. Disney world and Mexico sound great. The group picture is lovely. You have had a lot on your plate. Happy to hear Jason is doing well. I hope your hubby continues to hang in there and feel good. Sad to hear you sold the camper which gave you so much joy. Life isn't always fair. Scruffy is so adorable and a great companion. The dolls are so cute. Enjoy this week. xoxo

  15. I'm so sorry for the illnesses in your family. Hope things improve there. Scruffy is hilarious! Of course he took care of that doll for you! I would have expected nothing less from such an adorable dog!

  16. Diana, I am glad for this update. So good to see the little princesses all grown up, yet bittersweet. I do pray for your daughter, SIL, and family. May God send blessings to all of you. I am thankful John has good days . Things change in our lives that we have no control over. We just have to go along as best we can. You are a strong lady Diana, you have been thru your share of hard times. Stay tough. Bless you, xoxo,love you girl, Susie

  17. No wonder you haven't posted - you have been a busy girl with lots of wonderful things happening. Prayers for your dear son-in-law. sandie

  18. Thank you for the update on your family. I continue to pray for Jason ("Lord, Jason needs a miracle!") and John. You are definitely included in my prayers as you are the Queen of All and need to be healthy! Happy to hear that you found out what foods to avoid for your inflammation.

    Maybe you can get another hideaway someday. It would have been fun to redecorate tho.

    Scruffy is earning his pay by performing the job of quality control and security for you as well. Our four legged babies are certainly a blessing.

    Glad you got to get away with family. Looks like beautiful places to visit.

    Take care of yourself. So happy that John has good days when he can be active.


  19. Always great to catch up with you! Glad you are ALL doing well.

  20. Always wonderful to catch up with you when I get a chance to visit. You are one of the strongest women I know!

  21. Oh Diana, fist off, I'm so sorry Jason is still fighting his illness. I just said a prayer for him and his family. Your handmade dolls are too cute. They would be great gifts, even for us older people haha. I love that picture of all the girls in Mexico. What a fun time. And I smiled when I saw Alana going to Disney College, as my girls are Disney crazed. She looks so cute in this pic. Ok, I'm with Scruffy on those pesky squirrels. Oh my gosh, there were three in my yard recently. I think mama had babies, and the young ones aren't afraid of anything. They just move fast scurrying around the yard, ugghh. I need some Starbuck's right about now. I'm drinking another blend, and it's just not the same, is it? Thanks for the update, Diana. It was so good to hear what you've been up to. Oh, and looking forward to seeing the before and after pics of the condo.

    love ya, girl.


  22. It's nice to read an update from you. Hope all continues well as we head to another season. Prayers for Jason and family as he continues to fight cancer.

  23. So glad you got to take those nice trips with your family! How wonderful that your inflammation is under control--what a relief for you! I hope hubby has more good days than bad--Scruffy enjoys his explorations with him, I know ;-) Sending thoughts for strength and recovery for Jason, your daughter, and their family.

    Your dolls are so cute! Scruffy just loved that one so, so much, he couldn't resist!

  24. It's so good to hear the update on everything Diana. How nice to get away over the summer on two vacations. You have a lovely family and I'm glad your health is better. Sending prayers for your husband and son in law. It's nice to have Scruffy by your side to keep you company. Have a good week Diana.

  25. Thank you for sharing what's going on. Ongoing prayers for family who needs them. Your granddaughters are beautiful. Is one of them Sweet Cheeks? Wishing you all good days...

  26. You sure have had a lot going on. I'm glad that there was some fun in there.
    Scruffy is just too cute and so are those dolls.

  27. So happy to see your post! I've really missed you and am glad we can visit on other forums! Praying for more good days for everyone! Scruffy, don't eat Mama's dolls! They're adorable! Remember that I'm always here if you need a chat, laugh or anything! Love and Hugs!

  28. Nice to have an update on whats going on with you. Sorry for the downs and happy for the ups. :)

  29. You and your Hero are kept in my daily prayers, Diana. I need to include your SIL. Oh those rounds of chemo, how I remember my beloveds. He did 25 months and kept working and enjoying life. Your dolls are so adorable! I need Scruffy to keep the squirrels away in my yard! I’m glad that you got away this summer. Keep up your positive attitude! 😘

  30. Thank you for the update. I'm glad that there were some ups to go with the downs. I remember spending some lovely days up in Door County! Went apple picking and cherry picking there, with some friends! Happy memories. :)
    Keeping you and your family in my prayers for good health, Diana.

  31. Love your posts Diana . . .
    Especially the ups . . .
    (and that isn’t united postal service!)
    I will have to meet up with Scruffy and
    discuss this doll dismantle business.
    Sad to hear the Door County vaca place is no more.
    Carry on my friend . . . Enjoy a beautiful day . . . ❤️

  32. Your post was jam packed with lots of good things. Thanks for sharing it♥

  33. Thank you for the newsy post with updates on what is really going on in your lives. Praying still for your hubby and your son in law and family. That has to be very hard on all of you. (((hugs))) I am sorry you had to sell your camper, but yes, maybe someday you will find another. There is a time and season for everything, so they say. Scruffy sure is a cutie pie. I know he is wonderful company for you both. And I love your little dolls...even the smudged one. Scruffy needs his own doll. Well, take care and rest up. So glad you are no longer having so much inflammation. I am sure that is a blessing. So glad you are back writing again. You were missed.

  34. Thank you for the update. Glad Jason is doing well as is John. Will keep both in our prayers. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  35. Love and prayers for you and yours.....

  36. I always get here late but am so glad to have an update on Jason. He remains in my daily prayers, by name (as do you & your hubby). I am so glad to see you back here!! Missed you, my friend. Sending love & hugs.

  37. Good to hear you all are having some good days. I myself have had one continuous health issue after another - so I am trying to stay positive too.

    That resort looks amazing. I need that right now!!!!

    Love you, lady - saying prayer for you and yours. big hugs.

  38. So good to read an update from you, Diana, although I see your posts on FB. Scruffy seems to provide lots of entertainment. You have a lot going on in your life with various things. Sending prayers for healing and strength for those you love, and for you.

  39. I'm praying for your husband and son-in-law!
    It's sad you had to let go the trailer...but understandable. There's always something we have to go through in our lives. But it's good knowing we have people to pray for us and be there for us, to help us work though whatever problems we may have.
    I, like the others, am here for you...
    Big Hug...

  40. Hello Dear Friend,
    Thank you for the update. I continue to pray for your family.

    This Friday we will attend the send off for our 300 Wisconsin National Guard that are deploying to Djibouti, Africa for a federal mission. Thank you for the prayers for our troops, Sam and our family.
    Love you!

  41. It's good to hear what's happening in your life and world -- the ups and the downs. I'm glad your husband is getting some good days and that although 10 rounds of chemo isn't fun, to see a handsome young man with an upbeat attitude going through that is heartening and I'm sure helps tremendously with healing. I'm glad the imflammation is improving, too. That's a huge plus. Lovely daughters, all!

  42. Some lovely ups but so sorry to hear about the downs, these things are sent to try us. Hang on in there.

  43. You have certainly been busy my friend - hope you are getting rest as well ♥

  44. Thanks for updating, Diana, loving thoughts to your s Jason and to your husband, so happy to hear you are improving with dealing with inflammation, I have had some inflammation issues, turmeric has made such a big difference. You have such a beautiful family.

  45. Your girls are so beautiful, Diana, just like their mom/grandmother. Plus, everyone is always smiling...and from inside. Glad to hear that there have been some wins in there for everyone this summer. Glad you're feeling better as well and love those dolls. You are always so crafty!! xxoo

  46. Scruffy! What a stinker. You have a beautiful daughter and granddaughters. What a fun trip to Mexico! We got to spend a week in Cabo San Lucas, I'd love to go back one day. I took a video of the resort and ocean from our balcony and was watching it just the other day. :)

    You're facing some tough things. I pray you're able to find a new place where you can care for yourself and that fills you with peace.

  47. God be with you, sweet Queenie. I pray for strength as well as deep JOY for you as you go along your way.

  48. Many thanks for the update.
    So pleased you were able to spend family time away, definitely an up.
    Continued prayers for you and the family as you deal with the downs.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  49. Life is ups and downs, for sure. We need to make the best of the ups in order to get through the downs. Wishing your beautiful family more ups in the days ahead!

  50. Hello, busy lady! I'm glad to hear you had a chance to have a couple of beautiful getaways in-between all the rough patches. Blessings and love to you and your family, especially with the cancer battles.

  51. Beautiful photos and updates. Life is a rollercoaster for sure. I'm glad your back.

  52. Well, you have been a busy lady traveling and having fun. What a beautiful family you have. I continue to pray for Jason. A good attitude is SO important. I hope your Hubby has more good days than bad and thankfully Scruffy sticks right by his side. I am thankful that you got some answers on your health. I know you loved the camper, you can get another if you want some day. The dolls are precious! Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

  53. Icannot find my comment here. I was re reading the comments. Loved the entry. Sorry about the few downs, but the highs were worth it I am sure. Prayers for you and your hubby. I know you girls are 'fairly' patient with us boys, we cannot help we are stubborn at times. We mean well, especially to our beautiful ladies.
    Sherry & jack

  54. It's just wonderful to see you, friend. xoxo


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