
Friday, September 23, 2022


First of all-thank you for all the welcome back messages.  I do miss you guys when I am gone.

AND-if I missed anyone, please let me know.

I had to dig some replies out of my Spam folder.

For some reason I can't

access my editing program

to create a collage.

I can 'get there' but I can't

transfer pictures.

That is one of my frustrations with my newer MAC-

otherwise, I love it.

So- I will have to do this picture by picture this time!


                       Sitting here:

Melanie, Sabra (daughter of my old roommate, Donna-she passed way too early and I loved her dearly), Jeanie-Wants me to move the table!, Leena, Noreen, Brenda, Kathy, Billie Jo, Sue & a NEW guest, Yvonne plus

two special guests-

Unknown & Anonymous


Betsy/Estelle, Sheri, Rachel (wonders if this is a potting table or what) Amy-(wonders if that is dog food in the bucket and wants to bring furry friends), Marilyn, Polly-(Wants a cushion), Kim, Kitty, Bonnie S & Kris


-Wants to move it to the beach,

Ayla, Susie, Linda/Life&Linda, Denise

and Tiffany-Sabra's sister!


                      Terri, Lorrie, Theresa, Bless

Michelle, Jack&Sherry (he says he is going to have to drag Sherry) & Lisa


                      Got some burlap lovers here!

Liz, Ann, Jan/J'sJourney,

Linda/Life Journal, Ginny, Tete,

MA & Cecilia


Judy/GoldCountry, Debbie N, Rita C,

Carla, Mevely, Debra/WhoSeeks, 

PamS-would sit @#2 if I removed the flowerpots


                          Diane, Jan, Doris, Sandie,

Happy, Debbi/Beach Gypsy (always brings fun and an array of special things), Pat,

Julie, Tom B, bobbie-Bringing a cushion..wonder if she could bring one for Polly @ Table 2?

AND...a few that couldn't decide!

Vee...seriously, Vee?  How about you move from table to table and enjoy everyone? lol

Tom-Wants to eat off paper plates like he is doing at home right now while his kitchen is being redone.

And two No Votes-just popping in-

Debby & Shari-I am so happy you are here anyway.

It was nice that someone sat at every single table..sometimes no one sits at certain tables.

And if you have read this far...

If you have to vote as anonymous or unknown because of the way blogger works -which is crazy-please add your name at the end of your comment so I know who you are.

I will be back soon.

I am hoping I can get this stupid picture thing figured out with my editing program.  If not, I will be the one with missing hair patches visiting your tables.

ps-Not sure WHAT happened 

to all the spacing, print this time. 

I have a love/hate relationship

with blogger!


  1. Oh such fun!! I like Vee's idea of trying each table. Let's just line them up out in the yard and we can have a great big party! I'd vote for that! LOL. Thank you for doing this. I wish it was for real.

  2. Always a fun post. Looks like I'm in good company at the burlap table.

  3. What fun Diana! You are always so entertaining! I am glad to see you back blogging, but I am with you about blogger, it has become a pain to navigate. I hope you can figure out your photo editing and collage program. Blessings to you!

  4. Thank you for making a very smart choice for me, just as I requested. ☺️ I'll try to do better next time.

  5. I'm having trouble adding any new pics to blogger so I'm with you, it's a love hate relationship. But I loved seeing Linda at my table. It's going to be a lot of fun! I appreciate all the time you put into doing this !

  6. I must have missed out on the
    Fall Table Choosing post . . .
    But here I am . . . to say
    Cheers and Welcome Back.

    (I liked the pumpkins in the middle
    picture with Pumpkin Soup.)
    (Might have to have a different soup!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Always love these posts, Diana! I'm only sorry that Unknown and Anonymous aren't at my table!

  9. Diana, I am happy to not be dining alone at my table, yes moving it to the beach sounds great. LOL Blogger has been wonderful , but they are always fiddling with things. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

  10. I'm having trouble posting on your blog. So I'll just put my name at the end of the comment. Don't know why I didn't think of that. Duh! Judy Clark

  11. Fun post! And believe me, we ALL have a love/hate relationship with friggin Blogger!

  12. We will enjoy our crowd. Sherry smiled and said seeing the company, she would be good with it. LOL Thanks for all the work and I too am having some picture transfer problems.
    Love from here and thanks again for the work done on a sweet entry.
    Sherry & jack with smiles...

  13. Thank you Diana. I'm getting used to a new chromebook!

  14. Of course I'll bring a cushion for Polly! Thanks so much for hostess-ing this, Diana ~
    Hugs ~

  15. Thanks for figuring out who goes where, Diana. I hope you can find your correct editing program. Happy weekend!

  16. Well, I missed this completely because bloglovin was down! Always fun though!

  17. Very fun indeed. Love the idea of dining alfresco. Thanks for sharing our sitting arrangement. Happy weekend. xoxo

  18. Unknown and Anonymous sound intriguing. Can't wait to meet them!

  19. Diana... So glad that you're back. You were missed!

  20. Always fun to read the results. :)

  21. Whee!
    Yeah, blogger drives me crazy. I keep thinking it’s time to switch but doesn’t sound fun either!

  22. Always fun, Diana! I will enjoy table #4!! Blogger has been a pain lately with photos and with the text sizes. Gets so frustrating!! Love that you are back among us!! xo

  23. Thank you for the opportunity to participate. :)

  24. Well, welcome back...hope all is's been crazy here...but getting better...Hubby had surgery and I threw out my back....
    Happy Fall!!
    Sorry I missed your tablescapes.....but didn't know you were back....

  25. I didn't vote (bad me!) but I'm pulling up a chair at the burlap table. So fall pretty, but they're all fall pretty. Take care, my friend.

  26. Diana, it's always fun to see who everyone is sitting with and your beautiful fall tables. Enjoy the weekend.

  27. Technology certainly is vexing sometimes, isn't it? It's a good thing we have a decent sense of humor...and your fun parties to laugh it all off! Happy Fall!! xo

  28. Welcone back! I also missed out on the tables! Bummer...
    But I like the streamers one...

  29. Hi Diana,

    Nice to receive a comment from you and lovely to see you back blogging again x Technology is awful isn't it especially when it doesnt work how you want it too! I am thinking of moving back to blogger as I am currently with wordpress and it costs £30 a month in hosting fees...! and as Im not blogging much it just seems rather expensive! also Wordpress baffles me! there is so much to get your head around, blogger is much easier and free...perhaps get yourself a new template there is plenty to choose from on etsy, it might help with the formatting of your site...I no longer do templates...I think I am getting too old for it and also have been diagnosed with ADD attention deficit disorder, the inattentive kind!! Who Knew! LOL x Love to you and yours xx Love Happy xxx

  30. Thanks, Diana. Always a fun time choosing. Hope you get the computer issues worked out soon.

  31. Always a fun post ... many thanks :)

    All the best Jan


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