
Saturday, February 5, 2022



my brother, Charlie,

walked into the hospital ER
because he wasn't feeling well.

On February 5th,  2013,
 4:04 pm he left the hospital.
He didn't leave the way we hoped,
nor the way we expected.
He went to a different home
than the one he left that last Tuesday.

He developed a very rare cancer
that affects less than 1% of
cancer patients.  It is fast moving
and there is less than a 1% chance
of survival.

I  struggled trying to figure
out why this has happened.
Then a peaceful thought came to me.
Our little granddaughter,
Anna Bella, 
needed an Uncle
to keep her company.
A great-uncle.
Great in more ways than one.

Wasn't he a cute little boy?
We knew that last morning that his
time to be with us was to be
They put him on a morphine drip
and he gently drifted away
without pain.

What you don't know about
my brother is that he was a 
joker-He loved to make
people laugh.
He was the "smiliest" person
I ever knew and he
dearly loved a good joke.

You know, even in moments of 
blinding pain there are
sparks of laughter,
After we said our good-byes and 
gave him permission to go "home",
we were all sobbing.

I told him: "You are so, so loved here
and Mom & Dad
and our grandparents and 
uncles and cousins and family
are all waiting for you-waiting to
welcome you to Heaven".

My sister-in-law added...
"And Snow White".
What? I asked.
Maybe you read a different
Bible than I do cuz I don't
think Snow White is in Heaven.

Everyone in the room erupted
in laughter.
In the burst of laughter
my brother, Charlie,
took his last breath of
life on this Earth.
We knew then that he 
was free to go because
in spite of our sadness
there was one last smile for him.

I'm betting that right now,
up in Heaven,
he is setting our little Anna Bella
up to some mischief
just like  I my father used to 
set him up.

He passed so-so peacefully,
with nary a complaint.
You did good, Charlie,
very, very good.

Now I feel like I have a 
that watches over me.

As a family, we have moved on,
walking different paths than the ones 
we were on and that is okay.
Happy memories keep us company
on those days when we mourn
our earthly loss.

Take a moment today to 
tell someone you love them.
If there are rifts in your family,
mend them while you have time
for tomorrow is never guaranteed
and there are no "do-overs"
when death comes to visit.

Have a wonderful, blessed day.
I hope YOU have a 
in your life!

As I write this, my hubby's brother,

is drifting towards heaven.
Please pray for a peaceful passing 
for him and comfort for his wife, Carol,
and siblings.

ps.  Snow White?  She was Charlie's cat.


  1. What a beautiful memory you have of your brother ~
    Hugs ~

  2. PS ~ My heart is with Steve, you, and his wife and your dear hubby ~ here's hoping his passing is smooth and peaceful.
    More hugs !

  3. Precious memories. Praying for Steve and family. Its so hard when you know time is limited.

  4. I just bet your brother was something else. You and your family are so special. Funny kind hearted and very caring. The funny stuff must run in your family too! I know you miss your brother I'm sure he knows too. He and Anna Bella both are probably laughing and smiling down on all of you. I love your thoughts on those two.
    Praying for Steve and all of you.
    Xoxo Dolly

  5. My younger brother died of cancer but he struggled for seven years trying to beat it. He was only 48. It is so hard to understand at times but our faith keeps us strong. Snow White is a great name for a cat!! You shared such a loving tribute to your brother!! xo

  6. A very tragic passing. Hugs to you today on this sad anniversary.

  7. This was so beautiful, Diana. My heart breaks for you as I know how much this hurt, but you have such happy memories to sustain you, and that last moment of laughter was wonderful. I bet Snow White was right there waiting. I am praying for your brother in law also. I know this is so hard. Sending up prayers for comfort and peace for all. (((hugs)))

  8. "He was the "smiliest" person
    I ever knew"

    What a way to be remembered!

    My condolences, Diana. Praying for Steve and the family.

    I hope Charlie's cat met him at the gate. 🙂

  9. {Sigh} such sweet sorrow. Your brother was a handsome guy, and you can see the warmth of his smile so evident in this picture you've shared.
    I'm sorry you're going through yet another sad season with Steve's brother. Sending prayers and sincere sympathy for you all, Diana.

  10. Heartfelt tribute.My deepest sympathies. God bless you and yours. Big hug to you.

  11. Sweet memories of your brother. They do keep them alive in our hearts. May peace be with your BIL. Guardian Angels surround him.

  12. So sorry for your loss Diana. My what a handsome guy he was. I hope John’s brother is suffering and that his passing is peaceful. Hugs love you

  13. What a sweet tribute to your brother. I loved this story. It makes my heart sad to hear of loved ones passing but I also smile because the ones they leave behind know where the journey takes them.
    Praying for peace and understanding for you and your family as your BIL passes but don’t forget that miracles still happen.

  14. Tomorrow on this earth is not guaranteed but we have a much better place to spend eternity. The thing about brothers, we are never ready to let them go. My three brothers are gone and I still miss them. I made turkey sausage gravy for breakfast and my husband said that Claude would have liked it and asked for "extra gravy". Many times we say "the brothers would have eaten this".

    I have been praying for Steve that his passing will be peaceful and that the Father will comfort Carol as she navigates her days without him. Still praying for a miracle for Jason.


  15. I have lost a brother and a sister, so I understand. You have some wonderful memories of your brother. xo

  16. Beautifully written Diana...I am SOOOO sorry for all your loss...
    We wonder why but I just tell myself that God needed them elsewhere to complete very important missions.
    Sending you big hugs and much love...

  17. Just beautiful Diana. You and your brother were cut from the same cloth. Very loving, loyal and full of fun. I am praying Steve can pass soon and move into his heavenly home. xoxo

  18. What an endearing tribute, oh yes when you said:
    You know, even in moments of
    blinding pain there are
    sparks of laughter...............

    Yes that is a special person....

    Love ya
    Sherry & jack thinking of you in Florida

  19. Diana, what beautiful tribute to your brother and how heart breaking.

  20. We endure so much sadness during our lives. Losing those we love. I'm still grieving my dogs Abi and Charlie. I broke down yesterday and cried about losing Charlie, as he was the second to cross the rainbow bridge. I hope for calm and serenity during your time of sorrow.

  21. so sad about you losing your brother. One never knows. I lost my younger sister in 2004. she passed in her sleep the night after her daughter got married. They never found the reason. I am so thankful I was with my sister that whole weekend. Memories soothe our hearts. May steve and his family find comfort in his last moments on this earth. I know your hero is also losing his brother. Blessings and healing for all. xoxo

  22. My sincere condolences on the loss of uour brother. May happy memories of him be a comfort to you and your family Diana. We all will take the journey one day to meet our heavenly reward and it is good to know we will also be greeted by those we love.

  23. Beautiful thoughts and memories of your brother.
    Praying for Steve!
    Such a blessing when you know they are in or on their way to heaven and you will see them again one day.

  24. Oh D- I am bawling my eyes out. You write so well, helping us "meet" your precious awesome brother Charlie. May he rest in peace.

    I am on it for prayers for Steve. And praying for the day when the Lord returns and takes away this weary world's sadness and pain.

    Peace be with you and yours, today and always. Hugs. ♥

  25. Diana, My heart breaks for Steve and Carol. I will pray Carol and the family. Your brother sounds like most, they love us and love to pick on us. LOL Your brother looked to be so sweet. Love his little boy picture with the curly hair. I had a brother Charles, he passed away 3 days before Christmas this year. Even though he had many health issues, his death was not expected. I think at times we think our siblings will be with us always. But it isn't so. Like you said, as we age and become wiser, let's let the ill feelings go. Life is short and no promises of how long we have , so make every day count. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

  26. We just never know from one day to the next and life can be taken so quickly. So thankful that you will one day be rejoined with your brother. It's such a comfort when we know Christ as a Savior and have the assurance of an eternal home. Blessings to Steve and Carol as well. Sending hugs!

  27. What a beautiful tribute to your brother. It made me tear up. (((HUGS)))

  28. isn't always fair, our youngest daughter start chemo treatments last week.

  29. Wonderful memories of your brother.
    Your line "there are no "do-overs" when death comes to visit" is so very true.

  30. Hello Friend,
    That was a lovely tribute and a good reminder to us all. Life can change on a dime.
    Praying for your family. May Steve and Carol feel peace.
    Love, Carla

  31. I am in tears. I know, as do we all here I would imagine, the deep deep sadness when our precious loved ones pass away to Heaven. I have to tell you the last words you wrote brought me a smile through my tears I had as I read. I am thinking of each of your family who are in your prayers. They are in mine as well.

    Love you my friend.

  32. Charlie is watching over everyone he loved here on earth AND in

  33. Sorry to read about the brother you lost. It is sad when we have to let go. I as told by a high school friend the other day that we were at that "AGE"... Even at this age, losing folks we love still hurts.

  34. I am sorry for all the hard. It is never easy...always hard...and never ending...
    hugs my friend....

  35. This is beautiful, Diana! How blessed you are to have such sweet memories....
    Prayers for Steve and Carol.....and for all the family. You, my dear, are such a beautiful soul.

  36. Diana, this is so nice of you to do a remembrance post often for your brother, Charlie. I'm sure you miss him terribly. What a cute photo of him when he was a little boy. And this is a sweet picture you added for your granddaughter, Anna Bella. Your brother has such a warm and kind smile. I miss my brother as well, and they will stay in our hearts always.

    Thinking of you tonight, Diana, and saying a prayer for Steve and Carol as well.


  37. This is so sad and heart breaking about Charlie.
    Sorry about Steve also
    May God have mercy on their souls


  38. I'm so sorry about your brother, Diana. I' glad that happy memories have helped get you through the last nine years. Hugs to you.

  39. :::bawling here:::
    But, such a loving, caring, sweet, tribute.

  40. So many family members and friends that I miss but know I will see again. Thanks for sharing this. You have wonderful memories of your brother. Still praying for Steve and family.

  41. Diana, what a beautiful post for such a hard thing to deal with. I miss my John everyday, it is hard but we all just have to remember how much peace they are in, in Heaven. Hugs to you and I am sorry to hear about your brother in law, Steve. I do love that you put at the end Snow White was their cat!

  42. This is an absolutely lovely tribute Diana...siblings share a very special bond and what treasured memories you have! Warm hugs and thank you for sharing!

  43. Diana, thank you so much for sharing this with us today. Such a beautiful and special memory. Your brother looks like a kind and sweet man, his smile would make anyone happy. I love that he was able to take his last breath surrounded by people he loved who were laughing, a blessing from God. I know you all miss him. Even though we know people we love are with our Father in heaven, it's still hard to miss them on the day to day down here.

    I'm sorry you're going through yet another sad season with Steve's brother. Sending prayers and sincere sympathy for you all. Lidy

  44. Precious memories you shared of your brother Charlie, and his passing with humor, love and peace. I know you'll miss him always. I pray for your BIL and the family that are gathering to say their goodbyes to him, for now. Thankful for the reunion we are promised in heaven. My prayers are with you Diana, and the family through this difficult season.

  45. Prayers for your family, Diana. What wonderful memories you have of your brother. Though the pain may fade it never really leaves us and the memories are always there in our hearts. hugs, Laura

  46. Well, I must say this brought tears and laughter friend. Oh it is good that we can laugh and cry though. What wonderful memories of your handsome brother. I will surely lift up your bil and his lovely wife today throughout the day in prayer. May our Lord be so ever present. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  47. Oh Diana, your post brought both a smile and a tear! You have such wonderful memories of your brother, Charlie. God bless and comfort you!
    It will be two years in March since my dear brother passed.
    Prayers for Steve and his family as well. Hugs and blessings to you, Sandi

  48. It is so hard to lose those we love so much. I miss my sister; every day I think of something I want to say to her or a question to ask her. I know my little girls needed their Aunit Rene so she is there loving them.

  49. Diana, this is so beautiful. I'm sorry you had to bid a final farewell to your brother so early in both your lives. He sounds like a great guy and that had to be a tough loss. These anniversaries sometimes kick us in the teeth, especially when we have a lot on our plates. Reaching out and sending love.

  50. You had me in tears Beautiful. My 88 year old mother entered the hospital yesterday with pneumonia. She is in S. California and I am in Oregon. I was told no one can go in to be with her until they believe she is beyond critical. I am leaving it in our Lords hands right now.

  51. Your brother sounds like a lovely person. What a great way for him to go. Laughing. Very apropos.


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