
Monday, February 7, 2022


 This afternoon

my dear brother-in-law,

Steve Kosmoski

passed peacefully 

from this world to the next.

He is beyond all pain and sorrow

and, if you are a believer like me,

I believe he has entered a grand new world

called Heaven.

Steve is the oldest son in the middle,

John is the middle son, on the left,

Paul is the 'baby' on the right.

They are all 18 months apart.

That picture was taken just after John
was declared cancer free after his
third bout with cancer.

They also have an older sister
that lives in New York.
John and Steve were going out to see her
last Fall but never got to make the trip.

Please keep his wife, Carol,
in your prayers as she walks
the new path she finds herself on.
Widowhood is not easy.
She is going to miss her constant companion
and the love of her life.
Thank you all for all of your prayers
and well wishes and healing thoughts.
They are much appreciated and 
I love you for taking the time to 
visit here and leave your comments.

I will be taking a few days away
from blogging but will be back soon.

Love to all of you~


  1. Sending prayers up for you all, Diana. So terribly sad..xxoo

  2. My condolences, Diana. I am so sorry to hear this news.

  3. So sorry to read this, my condolences to you all.

    All the best Jan

  4. Dear Diana, Sending you love and hugs. So very sorry for your loss. xx

  5. You approached the subject of death of a loved one well, you seem to know 'how to say it and what to say.' Steve is seeing things we can only dream of. I did like the way you used 'new path' his wife finds herself on. Sweet.
    Prayers for all..
    Sherry & jack Take care and be safe....

  6. May all of you feel God’s peace and strength in this time of loss! Hugs, Roxy
    Will continue to pray for Carol!

  7. I have kept them both in my daily prayers. We can't be sad for our loved ones who have gone on to a much better place. Those of us left behind have to learn how to go on without them. I will continue to pray for Carol and am so sorry for your loss, Diana. Love you!

  8. I am sorry for his wife and family, but happy for him. I imagine his life had a lot of pain there at the end. I will be sending you all prayers.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this. I know prayers were said for a different outcome, but God is in control of when we are called home.
    Hugs to you and prayers for his wife.

  10. So sorry to hear this. Prayers to Carol and the rest of your family.

  11. So sorry for your loss. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  12. I am so very sorry. But as you say, he is now out of all pain and in a much better place. It is the ones left behind who will have it the hardest. Take as much time off as you need, we will be waiting.

  13. Love & hugs to you and your dear Hero ~ I am so sorry for this loss.

  14. I am very sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your family. I feel for his wife. -Jenn

  15. My condolences to Carol, you and all Steve's family and friends. A sad passing indeed.

  16. I am so, so sorry for your family's loss, Diana. This is so sad. I am keeping all of you in my heart and prayers.

  17. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying that God will surround you all with his love, and give you daily grace to meet each moment.

  18. Such heart break, and I know how hard the widow's path is, being a widow for 5 years now. You might consider sending her a little book by Gayle Roper, The Widow's Journey, I find it helpful.

  19. Oh, I'm so sorry Diana! Prayers for your family.


  20. So very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  21. prayers and my condolences to all of you, the family and to his wife. I love the photo of them sitting on the wall and the 3 brothers photo is a treasure to help you remember him.

  22. Hi Diana, Prayers for you, Carol, and the rest of the family. Yes, Steve is in that place we call Heaven and on to his next journey. Beautiful post, Diana. Thank you for sharing. John

  23. So sorry to hear your news and may he rest in peace. Like you I believe he is in a better place. No more cancer no more pain for him. Continued prayers for his wife and the rest of his family. It's so hard to say goodbye to our loved ones.

  24. Such sad news but we both know this is just the beginning for him. So sorry for his family and friends. Bless

  25. Sending love and wishes for peace and healing to your family and Steve's. This ia a lovely tribute and I'm grateful he was able to be with at least some of family in Wisconsin in those last days. Biggest hugs.

  26. I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your brother in law. It sounds like this man traveled a very hard road and like you I believe also, now he has seen his savior. There is no more pain, sickness, sadness. Just pure joy.. I pray the Lord send comfort to his wife who will have to navigate the rest of this life without him. XO

  27. Blessings, Love, Prayers Diana . . .

  28. I am so sorry for your loss and sending prayers for the family.

  29. Praying for you ALL and I DO believe that Steve has entered through the Pearly Gates of Heaven. Sending LOTS of HUGS and PRAYERS your way dear friend!

  30. I'm so sorry, Diana. Not the outcome anyone prayed for, but God had a better idea. Someday I believe everything will make sense.

  31. Such a sad time for your family. May God comfort as only He can.

  32. Continuing to pray for the family. Hugs for you and John...xoxo

  33. so very sad Diana. Steve is rid of pain and suffering, May his new path brings peace and comfort to Carol and the family. I wish for healing hearts for all. Family and friends can treasure his sweet memories. xoxo

  34. Oh Diana, I am so sorry for the loss of Steve. May he rest in peace. Like you said he passed peacefully and now he is pain free. Prayers for his wife and family. I know what widowhood is all about and your life is never the same. Prayers and hugs for all of you.

  35. Oh, Diana, so sorry for your loss. The three brothers look very much alike. Healing thoughts and prayers to your whole family..Take some good time for yourself..xxoJudy

  36. I am so sorry to read this today; all my prayers go out to you and your family at this sad time.

  37. Oh, thank you for the sad ( for us …we will miss him) update . I was praying for him and his wife just this morning. Your family can be comforted in the fact that his soul is in heaven now.

  38. So sorry Diana. Boy he sure looked like your hubby! Prayers for his wife and the family.

  39. So sorry but at least you know he is in heaven and you will see him again some day.
    Will be praying for Carol and all the family for comfort and strength.

  40. I’m so very sorry, Diana, on the loss of your brother in law. I’m a believer so I know he’s in a better place. Prayers for Carol and for your family.

  41. My deepest sympathies to Carol, you, your husband, and all the rest of the family. May Steve rest in peace.

  42. Diana, I am sending condolences and prayers to all of you. Can't help but cry. Thinking of everyone's pain makes my own come to mind. You are right losing your constant companion is a terrible loss. Please hug your family for all of us who care. Blessings to you, love, xoxo, Susie

  43. Diana, I am sending my love and my deepest condolences to John , you, Carol, all of the family. As do we all here, I know how it is. God bless you each one. He is with Carol and the rest of you right this second in time as He always is.

  44. So sorry to hear this sad news, my condolences to you all.

  45. So sorry to hear this, but so glad Steve is with the Lord he loves. Continued prayers for his wife and family including you, John and Paul.

  46. I'm so sorry to hear this Diana, my condolences to you and family.

  47. Oh Diana, I am so sorry. My condolences to you and your beloved. I pray that Carol has peace amid her grief. I know that the Lord will meet her and be with her every step of the way. I have never been a widow and although I try to imagine how overwhelming that would be, I really can't. Praying for you all. xoxo

  48. I am so very sorry to read this. I was just thinking of your family earlier today and prayed again. Please know I will be praying for you all and especially his wife. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  49. Diana, I am so sorry. My sincere sympathy to your entire family.

  50. I am so very sorry. Prayers and love. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

  51. I have been praying for them and will continue to pray for Carol.....I love the photo of them together. God bless and comfort all of you......

  52. Oh Diana, I am so sorry for your family's loss. Praying for all. Jane

  53. I'm so sorry for your loss. May your brother-in-law's memory be a blessing to all who knew him.

  54. So very sorry, Diana. It's so hard to lose a precious family member. Sending prayers of comfort and love to you and dear family. x K

  55. So sorry for your loss. What great news that you will see him again in Heaven! Love and prayers to you and your family.

  56. I'm so sorry, Diana. I'm thankful he had time to say goodbye to his family. That was a blessing.

  57. Diana I am praying for you and your family at this time. Since I too am a believer knowing where are loved ones are and imagining the most glorious home of all brings such peace at this time. We still mourn but the mourning is because we miss them...not because we don't know they are in such a more beautiful place. Take care and I will continue to remember you in my prayers. God Bless!

  58. So sorry! Praying for your family through this difficult time.

  59. Diana,
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your BIL...sending prayers to you and your entire family...

  60. Oh Diana...I'm SO heartfully sorry for your loss! Sending prayer to you and the family!
    Big Hug...

  61. So sorry Diana, I got behind with everything and am trying to catch up…sorry about your brother in law Steve and pray that his wife Carol will find a peace in her heart where the hole now is. I told Ken that I either need to die before him or we need to go together because if he goes before me I will drive my children nuts. It’s good that your family has you there to share the grief, even though we are promised heaven we will miss our loved ones who have passed on before us. 💔❤️😔

  62. Hope all is ok....Missing your posts....hugs

  63. I am so sorry about your brother-in-law. Prayers for his wife.

    Sorry I have not been here in so long, I use the tablet most of the time and don't have a list of my favorite blogs on it.

    Glad to see you are still here. Hope you are well.


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