
Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Many of you know our

Ricki Jill Treleaven.

Her blog is 

The Bookish Dilettante

She has always given of herself

to all of us in many ways.

She has shared her book reviews,

her artwork,

her travels,

her family

and her sweet self.

Sadly, she has been hit with that

horrible word


She has breast cancer.

Even though she has breast cancer

it does not define her.

She posted about it on her blog 

but said she will do 


until she rings the bell when she

finishes treatment.

Here is what she posted:

Right before Thanksgiving, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It required quite a lot of diagnostic testing, and I had my first chemo treatment on December 27th.  My prognosis is very good because it was caught early.  I will not be blogging about it at all because cancer does not define who I am.  It will, however, limit my activities because my immune system is being destroyed.  BUT I have fun things planned to do at home, and since all other activities (in person art classes, all travel, DAR, sorority functions, and church) are completely off limits, I will be spending more time blogging.  The only other time I will blog about cancer is when I get to ring the bell after my last treatment.  

She knows that I am doing this post

so feel free to leave her a message here.

She just does not want her blog

flooded with anything to do with


So, all you praying people know what to do.

Thank you all!

~Sending you MY love~

If you are not a pray-er, then

please send well-wishes and 

healing thoughts and vibes her way.


  1. Oh Sweet friend!
    I have not been to her blog before but will certainly correct that, today…
    Thank God it was found early…treatments are a pain in the rear but I believe with all my heart, she’ll breeze
    through them all.
    And to Miz Ricki herself…Just believe. And whether you know us, or not…please know you are loved.
    Head Up, smile…believe.
    That’s the ticket…

  2. Cancer is not the killer it once was. I am a breast cancer survivor so I can say this. I don't know Ricki, but I will certainly be praying for her.

  3. Praying for healing and strength.

  4. Ricki Jill is in my prayers daily, amd I hope she will be in every person who reads this today!

  5. prayers for healing and for strength to get through the treatment. also for her family and friends

  6. What a great attitude! Praying for strength, endurance, and complete healing with minimal to no side effects. God bless.

  7. RJ is the sweetest and she prays for so many of us in time of need so now it is time for us to be her prayer warrior. Power of prayers is amazing. xoxo Kris

  8. I will be praying! Thank you for sharing, sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way and hers!

  9. Absolutely! I wish her all the best and feel exactly as she does.

  10. of course, we will keep her in our daily thoughts and prayers. thanks for giving us this information. we will help and lift her up during this storm.

  11. I am so very sorry to read this...she certainly is a beautiful girl....prayers for being restored to good very brave!

  12. I am a fellow breast cancer survivor and I KNOW she can do it too! I will send up prayers.

  13. Such sad news. Ricki Jill is in my prayers. Sending big hugs and comfort to get her through this phase of her life. She shall overcome. Coming from a three-time cancer survivor. Bless your heart for writing this post. xoxo

  14. I have been sending prayers for RJ. I love your sweet description of her as she is all of those things and more. She is a fighter for sure and will pull thru this!

  15. Diana, I will pray for Ricki . So many of you have said prayers for my family, it truly helps. Blessings , xoxo, love, Susie

  16. Praying for peace for this precious person.

  17. I do know know Ricki but I will most certainly be praying for her!!!

  18. I will send prayers for healing and peace for her. Thank you for sharing, my friend.

  19. I will certainly pray for your friend and her complete recovery. I have a son who recently had cancer and had surgery to remove it and is now cancer free. I pray for him and others with cancer daily.

  20. I'm already on Team RJ and she rocks! The prayers are already coming.

  21. I've not visited her blog, but I will definitely check it out today and say a prayer for her recovery.

  22. What a generous friend you are! I'm not familiar with Ricki's blog, but lifting prayers for her upcoming journey.

  23. Thanks for letting everyone know about our precious Ricki Jill. She is such a brave young woman with a strong faith and good family. I know she'll do great but we can all pray for her. She's one of my best blog buddies! Sweet hugs, Diane

  24. I like what Jeanie said....I'm on team RJ too!

  25. Sending you caring and some Irish cheer, Ricki Jill.
    Although I have not met you through blogging
    I am going right now to your site to get a touch
    of your many talents. Thank you Diana for
    Introducing me/us to Ricki!


  26. Diana, I'm so glad you shared this.

    Ricki Jill, somehow I missed that post!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I do believe you can share, if the desire hits, because it's a battle women beat together. Sending love and happy healthy thoughts your way!


  27. Sending the best along with prayers your way. Cancer is a nasty word, but we are glad it WILL not define YOU.
    Sherry & jack in Florida....

  28. I haven't visited Ricki's blog, I hope she will beat it.

  29. I am so sorry! I will pray for both of you. It would take a lot of willpower for me not to post at all about this. Maybe just give us updates from time to time? I know we care and want to know.

  30. Oh, I am so sorry! I will be praying for you, I promise. God has an answer, which He shares with us as we walk along.

  31. RJT, please know we are all rooting for you to kick this thing in the butt for good. You got this. Lots and lots of prayers being said for you! The power of prayer is unmistakable. Miracles exists. You take care and know we will be ready for your return once you feel strong enough. God bless you and also Diana, a catalyst for blogdom big time. Hugs to you both!!!!


  32. So glad for her faith and family and blogging community! May God give you strength and joy and healing! Hugs, Roxy

  33. Picki Jill you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Your blog is always enjoyable. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  34. Oh, I love Ricki Jill. She was one of my first blog friends. I'm so sorry to hear this, and I will definitely say a prayer for our sweet blog friend. Thinking of her and sending thoughts of comfort and love. : )


  35. I do not know Ricki but of course I will say a prayer for her healing. Many blessings to you, Ricki. {{hugs}}

  36. I don't know Ricki but have said a prayer!!

  37. I don't know Ricki but have said a prayer for her.

    All the best Jan

  38. I'm not familiar with this blogger but I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts her way.

  39. Thank-you so much for this sweet post, Diana. I also want to thank your readers and their commitment to pray for me. I am a believer in prayer, and I do treasure them. I'm feeling everyone's prayers, too, because I have been handling chemo far better than what was expected from my medical team. I also want to thank all the breast cancer survivors for your encouraging words. Y'all are truly inspirations to me!

  40. That is good of you to post this, you know me, I am a praying woman, and I am asking God to heal her. She has a strong and lovely attitude in her decision about her blog.

  41. As a breast cancer survivor myself (stage 2, diagnosed 2015, lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation), I wish your friend all the best! I wasn't as strong as she is and blogged about it practically every day!

  42. My mother beat breast cancer though her breast on one side was removed. She is now 88 as of Dec 18th. I will say a prayer. God bless her.

  43. I'm not familiar with this blogger but my prayers will be with her. Having a loved one facing cancer we know all too well the value of those prayers!

  44. I'll be keeping her in my thoughts ~

  45. Sending prayers and healing thoughts for a complete recovery.

  46. Hi Diana I don’t know what’s wrong with blogger these days. Sometimes I have trouble posting on people’s blog comments. For a few months I wasn’t able to leave comments on anyone’s blogs except for one and she was also on blogger so I don’t know why I was able to comment on her blog but no one else’s. You are the second person to say you cannot put my blog on your sidebar 🀷🏼‍♀️here’s my email address:
    susan @ the Zyp’s. ca (no spaces)
    I pray for Ricki’s healing and mental well being in Jesus name if it’s His will for her to be healed….sometimes His will is that she come home to be with Him…His will be done.
    God bless ❤️

  47. I’ve been praying for our sweet friend. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ»

  48. Ricki, I am praying for you. You are strong and you will get through this.Bonnie Morgan

  49. Diana, all good thoughts to Ricki. I don't follow her but what she is going through sounds a lot like my daughter's and she is now 18 years out.xxoJudy


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