
Friday, January 14, 2022


 At one point,

when I first started blogging,

I did a quite a few 


at least I thought they were funny.

Because I am trying to 

keep to somewhat of a schedule

I thought 


might keep me on track.

These posts are mostly nonsense.

Seeing the humor in the 

little daily things in life

that happen to everyone me.

A few years ago my little 

SWEETCHEEKS, age 3-1/2,

was peeking through the 

bathroom door just as I was

stepping out of the shower.

I ask-
Who's there?
The door cracks open
a bit wider.
Guess who?!?!

Me:  What are you doing?

 SC: I'm juss' whatching yohu, Nana..
I seen yohu like thaht
 beforah, yohu know!

Yes! I know!
Yes, honey?
You knhow whut?

Yohu luuk a lot bettah
wiffth yohurh clothes on.

Thank you!(sarcastically)
Yohr'er wehlcome (sincerely)

Lord, I think I am finally getting it.
Remember the generation that
said kids were to be seen
and not heard?
NOW I get it!

And there you have it.

Moral: Never undress in front of someone

that does not know how to lie to your face.

And this is what she looks like today-

AND she still won't lie to my face-

   So- What do you think?

More of these little tidbits from daily life?

This is an old "funny"

but many of them will be much newer.

Thanks for following along.

Love my fellow bloggers and friends.


  1. She is so beautiful - I can tell you love her and she loves you back.

  2. Delightful . . .
    Sweet “I see you nana”
    (I may not have the spelling correct)
    I liked this “funnies” . . . more please.

    I remember one of mine, “why are you so big and soft GG? “

  3. So precious and funny. She's a beautiful young lady - honesty is a great virtue to have...if a little painful at times. Lol. Absolutely do more! We could use some lightheartedness in these times.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  4. Remember the TV show, Kids Say The Darndest Things? They really say what they think, don't they? So funny!

  5. It's a classic 'funny'! And she sure is a beautiful young lady! Hugs!

  6. How cute! She is and always has been so beautiful! So are you! I like Friday Funnies! I love that the little ones do say the funniest things!
    Do you remember when my little one drew a stick figure laying down looking dead and on my birthday said, "I don't know how you do it. Stay alive"! Yep they say the funniest things love them all!

  7. Haha! Yes, keep the funnies coming! Who couldn't use a laugh these days? "Sweet Cheeks" has grown into a beautiful young lady!

  8. Yes, keep the funnies coming? Who couldn't use a laugh these days? "Sweet Cheeks" has grown into a beautiful young woman!

  9. That was darling, Diana. That last photo would convince me more that it's Sweet Cheeks if there was a broken pumpkin in front of her! -Jenn

  10. From the mouth of babes. Which is why I don't even like to get undressed by the mirror!

  11. I can't believe that's SweetCheeks! You haven't shown a picture of her in so long. She's so pretty. If only there were more like SweetCheeks who were blunt and honest. My kind of girl. : )


  12. She is a beauty, just like her grandmother and I love that she's still got that sass! I have one just like that at home and she keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh all day. Keep the Friday Funnies coming!! xo

  13. Haha thanks for the laugh today Diana. Sweet cheeks has grown into a beautiful lady!

  14. Hahahaha, that's too funny! My youngest daughter never could tell a lie, and still can't.
    Yes, more Friday funnies.

  15. Out of the mouths of babes. That is so funny. She is beautiful. Nice way to start my day. Xoxo

  16. How funny, I got a real laugh out of that! My grandson walked in on me while I was on the toilet! Geez!

  17. I love the idea of Friday Funnies and this is most definitely FUNNY. Kids always say what they think. this bring to mind the day I came out wearing a new dress, Dan was about 10 I think, I was standing in the kitchen quite proud of the dress, and he said MOMMM you are not wearing that are you?? i did wear it one time and never put it on again...

  18. I always enjoy your funny stories -- you have a great sense of humour! And alas, we ALL look better with our clothes on.

  19. I think we all need funny stories these days after all we've been through with the pandemic.

  20. Life is better when we can see some humor in it! I often laugh at myself. I agree, keep the funnies coming !

  21. Too funny. I think we need to laugh more and see the funnier side of life. So keep them coming. xoxo Kris

  22. She is as beautiful today as she was cute then. I’ll bet you miss those days. I do! Have a great weekend!

  23. ha, ha, bless her. She's a beautiful young lady.

  24. LOL! Wasn't there a show once upon a time called Kids Say the Darndest Things or something like that?

  25. This just made my day! (Good thing I didn't spit out my coffee on the keyboard!) More, please?

  26. Keep them coming, Diana!! New or old, we need all the laughs we can get!!

  27. That was hilarious! But, I'm thinking, why do you have your camera with you in the bathroom anyway? That could be even more dangerous! LOL.

  28. She is adorable. Kids do say the darnedest things don't they. Yes, I would love to see more tidbits from daily life.

  29. You gotta love kids. They tell it like it is.

  30. Oh that was great!! How life can be so funny, especially if you can capture it on camera. She's adorable, and now..what a beauty. We need fun on Fridays!

  31. Love it! Now, what were you doing in the shower with a cell phone/camera? That's what I want to know! :D

  32. She was and is beautiful. The photos of her peeking in are just adorable, what a cute story!

  33. You can't beat real life for funnier than funny! Your grandgirl is gorgeous and you wouldn't want her telling a lie! xo

  34. Oh, Diana, keep em coming! Wow, what a grown up beautiful little girl. Where is the time going?..Happy New Year..xxoJudy

  35. Oh my, yes, more of these cute little funnies.

  36. You never know what kids are going to say!!
    Friday Funnies sounds like a great idea. :)

  37. I guess it's like that old sure, "Kids Say The Darndest (F'n) Things!" Lol!

  38. Can you imagine what she is going to say when she has to change your diapers? Bwahahaha, its coming! It would be a kick if she took over your, at least she didn't say you need ironed...ok, I quit, for now.

  39. I can see she's a sweetheart! You can still see that little girl even when they are grown can't you? I look at my adult children and see that little girl and boy and it warms my heart. Happy friday very soon to be Saturday, Betsy

  40. Oh Boy, I definitely got some of those comments from grandchildren when they were little. They are still trying to peel the duct tape off of their mouths. (Ok before people start sending the police to my house I am just kidding.) xo Laura

  41. I just keep my clothes on 24/7....WHAT?Hahaaa....well, you never know!
    She's a beauty!

  42. Cute and funny, a nice memory! Well done, Diana.

  43. Diana, what a great story!! Your granddaughter is so beautiful!! Out of the mouths of babes!! Have a great weekend!

  44. my PS: When thinking of this when i read Woody's blog:
    "Holy Moley" ;-) (Love 'em grands, and yep some are special)

  45. Great Story ! Still cold, lots of Sunshine, BUT it is - 6 BELOW Zero at 1:30PM, Gonna really dip down tonight, this is a day to stay inside, Have NO plans to Venture outside, makes it had to breathe with this much bitter cold ! Take it easy and stay warm !

  46. Might be an oldie but it's still very funny!!

  47. Made me laugh! And we all need more funny in our lives these days!

  48. ...out of the mouths of babes.

  49. A little happy tidbit is a stitch taken up by family members in our lives.
    Nice week to you.

  50. Great post and story :)

    All the best Jan

  51. I've watched Sweet Cheeks grow-up, and wow, she is a beautiful young lady now! I love that story about her, LOL! she still has that gorgeous smile and dimples, too. :D I've truly enjoyed all the Sweet Cheeks stories over the years. This one might be my favorite, LOL!


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