
Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Gotta love those old hotels.

We have stayed in a few of the 

really old hotels over the years.

NOW we have taken to camping...I think.


One of the most photographed hotels

around here

is the old Maribel Caves Hotel.

Before that there was another old hotel and
people used to go to be cleansed and healed
by the sweet spring waters that flowed there.

Here is the only picture I could find of 
The Maribel Caves Hotel
when it was still in use.

It has always kind of fascinated me.
It was built in 1900 and 
supposedly visited by Al Capone.
It went up in flames in the 1920's,
was rebuilt  and burned again in the 1960's.
It was reported to be haunted and 
singing could be heard
along with sightings of  a child 
dressed in white.
When there was a new moon it "glowed".
The floors have been gone for several years
and this is what it looked like from the first time 
I ever saw it.
This was considered to be haunted
and was often called Hotel Hell because of the 
red stains on the walls of the cellar
and there were accounts of moans
and cold spots when it felt as if you
were brushed by cold hands.

There used to be doors from the basement
that went into the Maribel Caves,
some of which were located below the hotel.

This place has scared generations of kids
that would go there at night.
Including my son who swore he heard 
"something" in the old stables.

We had had some bad storms over the past few years.
Bad storms with high winds.
Sadly, when I went by the last time,
this is what I saw.
Gone- All Gone-
Only the door facade stands intact.
No one will walk those haunted halls again.
No more reason to be scared.
Or is there?
This is what you see just down the road.
Camping anyone?
We don't camp here
but it is a really cool campground.

We are on a permanent site now
in Door County, WI.
It's a great place; quiet & peaceful.
We have made friends with some
of the other campers our age.
Many of them have dogs there.

I might be a little prejudiced.
As you can see-he is also ambitious.

Stay tuned-
I am just getting the camper set up
and will share some pictures soon.

We sadly said 
to our Minnie 
and she is being loved by a new family.
With hubby's health being what it is
we were unable to travel with it
like we had hoped.
Some dreams are just not meant
to be realized.
Remember that~

Have a wonderful week.
Bear with me if I don't get around
to visit you.
When we are at the campground
we have NO internet and 
very limited phone service.
Good or bad?
Good for the quiet and disconnect-
BAD when you can't google something
you need to know...
like....where is the back-up breaker
for the AC unit?  hmmmmm...

Thank God I have a son that
is only a phone call away-
he is like the 
mastermind of 'Mr. Fixit'.
I should try to figure out how much
money he has saved me over the years
and leave him a little extra in the will.....

And on that happy note-
see ya soon!


  1. I love camping. Just something about having your own bed and potty. I also like playing with my camper by buying cute rugs, pillows, ect. And fixing it up. Sometimes the internet is bad but those are the times of quietness or visits with friends. You meet so many nice new friends on the campground.

  2. I'm sorry the "traveling campers" dream didn't work out, but I'm glad you've found a permanent camp site to enjoy and relax at and make new friends. And OF COURSE your adorable little dog is the best pooch there. By the way, I love that photo of the marshmallow in the camp fire that you've got in your header!

    Staying at that old hotel would have creeped me out too, even without any ghosts!

  3. I don't like staying in old hotels. We stayed in one once and it felt like we were being watched at times. In other words, I didn't feel alone! No thanks. I'll take camping over that! Happy Tuesday, dear Diana! Hope y'all have a lovely time camping!

  4. Camping for me girl, so glad your Minnie is going to a good family. We have about 6 more trip planned this summer.

  5. all i have is questions. does permanent site mean you are going to live there permanently? cabin? another Minnie? tent?
    i love the looks of the old hotel but when somewhere other than home, do not camp or do hotels. we do motels, you know single units, ground floor only, park in front of the door. the last time we did that together was 2005 and the last motel I stayed in was 2006 my dads funeral in Savannah, and 2008 in Augusta to visit my brother. enjoy your site no matter what you are in. sorry about your loss of minnie and also i would be miserable without internet.

  6. I loved camping and did so for quite a few years. We had a permanent site and it was like having a 2 nd home. My DDH and I had planned to buy an RV nd sell our home when we retired, but he died before retirement so our dream never happened but thanks to some of my children I was able to have this home away from home for awhile. Things happen and dreams do change. Enjoy your time off in the woods.

  7. I love seeing old buildings they have so much charm. We had planned on getting a camper a few years ago, but it was just too much money for us. We had to buy a truck to pull it and we are watching our budget until we sell this house and buy another. We found out that we may have to pay more for another house when we were hoping to pay it off in full when we sold this one. Oh well, we may still get that camper next year.

  8. When my children were young, we did lots of camping. It was the camping with tents and sleeping bags. Now, I prefer my own bed or a nice hotel. Old hotels do have charm, but I wouldn’t want to stay there. Probably watched too many scary movies. I am glad your Minnie went to a nice family. Scruffy is so cute and I know great company. Xoxo

  9. ;-) We actually checked two RV sales last Sat. I as shocked they practically had NO used RVs. We only buy used... So She said we will keep what we have.
    I love the old architecture and buildings. Ahhh the work that went into the old ROCK hotels. BUT of course we prefer the campgrounds and out west the BLM lands.
    Love the puppy and no doubt it is the best and prettiest around. LOL GOOD to see the post.....
    Love from Sherry & jack (thinking about the ROAD)

  10. So you are living in that campground? Or is it a temporary stop? My sister and hubby traveled in a motorhome for11 years. They would winter in S Calif. They even spent 4 weeks as campground hosts in Alaska.

  11. I am NOT a camper!!!! -grin-

    So I'd take the haunted place, even in the state it is in! LOL

    Enjoy your peace and quiet!

    And _please_ do not worry about a return email! Good grief Girl, we are all grown ups here.

    (Aren't we?????)

    And thus, we do not need a return email, for every comment.

    Gentle hugs,

  12. Cool and creepy old hotel! I bet it was fun to explore before it fell apart. Have fun camping! I'm sure that Scruffy will love all the new sights, sounds and sniffs! Sounds like a great adventure! Hugs!

  13. I am sorry the old hotel is gone, I love old structures, especially since I became an old structure. I wonder where the spirits go now? Do they just wander around until they find anew place?

    Happy camping good to not have internet.

  14. No camping for me! I always tell my husband that the Holiday Inn is as close to camping as I'd like to get. Besides, between the pool and the beach and kids, summer at home feels like camping! Although, I wouldn't mind an RV to get from A to B, since flying isn't my thing...but once we arrive, I'd park that sucker in the lot of a 5 star hotel. 😉 Have a wonderful time and never worry about return visits. Life's too short for that that stuff!! xxoo

  15. Too bad about the hotel. It was a very interesting place early on wasn’t it! Sorry about the Minnie Winnie but I do understand. We had a motor home when our kids were young. We bought it after going through quite a health scare with our daughter and we promised we’d start taking vacations and enjoying life! But anyway as they grew older we let it go since their interests had wained. I think about it now but then when I think about how much fuel costs I loose interest real fast! I hope you enjoy your time at the campground and your puppy too!

  16. Ooh, that hotel is creepy-cool how it led to those caves!

    So if you don't have Minnie anymore, what are you camping in now? Door County is beautiful. That's where we went for our honeymoon in 1984. Sadly, we haven't been back since then! Our travel is now limited because of our two cats, one who is ill with kidney disease.

  17. I think I've seen pictures of the The Maribel Caves Hotel. I am saddened that it has fallen to the ground. A history to that place, thanks for sharing. I hate Minnie has gone and sorry for the plans not coming about. I've been finding that out here too in the last few years. But sweet sister we will head in other directions and still enjoy the heck out of them!
    I love your cute dog! I understand about the internet thing too out here last week they've been working on the lines so we've been without some days and it is amazing how dependent we have become on it. My printed books are collecting dust I probably need to open them next time ours goes out. Love you girl glad you're feeling better and having some fun!

  18. Thanks for stopping by IHATH to see me today! Camping gets a hard pass from me but I'd love to photograph the ruins of that old haunted hotel! Your puppy is precious if not particularly ambitious. Hope you're enjoying your quiet and solitude. xoxo

  19. That old hotel looked spooky! Glad you were able to get a permanent site to camp. That will make it much easier.

  20. I couldn't help thinking that hotel looked a little bit creepy even before you started telling all about it.

  21. Just give me tent and I'll be camping. :)

  22. So how often will you be at the campground? You have a house, and a new camper? Your dog is adorable, and I love your header. This haunted place is so creepy!! And is the Devil's River where you will be camping?

  23. Awe, so glad Minnie has a good home. God surely has a plan doesn't He? Oh mercy, when we were raising our three girls we done lots of camping. We used to camp a lot at KOA's campgrounds. We stayed in their little cabins and would carry the boat we had at that time. We then bought a used camper and done lots of camping. My late MIL loved camping and most often would hitch up right by herself and here we girls would go camping. As the girls got older and more involved with other activities the camping faded. We gave our boat and our camper to a family that we know would enjoy it as much we had once. Now to be honest with you, I much more prefer hotels. I like not having to clean up behind myself or making my bed as I do at home every single morning. LOL! I do love mountain cabins though but when I will surely take a hotel over roughing it now days. Girl, that is one beautiful old hotel. I hope you doing well dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  24. Diana, are you staying in a cabin on site? I know where we used to have our trailer at a park which had a lot of adorable cabins there to stay in. I know the "sadly part" as we just got rid of our motorhome. It was just sitting in storage (gas prices too high, ha!) and we were paying insurance plus storage fees so decided that was it. I will miss it very much. I love camping but not with tents but I do miss a good campfire. That is so sad about that beautiful hotel. I guess everything has to get old and pay the price. humans included. Your little dog is adorable. He looks a lot like our Kai. They are so much fun and we are lucky when they are part of our lives..Happy June..xxoJudy

  25. Hi Diana! Although you didn't get to do the traveling you had hoped, Door County is so beautiful! I had never heard of that hotel - what a story. I could see how it freaked people out! Too bad it is in ruins now. XO Jane

  26. Diana, enjoy yourself! I don't really like camping. I do like a good campfire though. My youngest daughter and her husband converted a school bus into an RV and they go camping with that. That is a shame that old hotel has fallen down now. It looked like a really cool place! I have heard Door Country is beautiful-enjoy that!

  27. Wow that hotel is cool. Or at least it used to be. Too bad it is in disarray. Maybe someone can restore it? Or is it too far gone?

    Camping is fun. I don't like to go for more than a couple of days though -

  28. Diana, I miss all of you. You and John, are in my prayers and my heart always. Love you, Susie

  29. Your old photo of the hotel is now a piece of history.
    Enjoy your camping!

  30. My late beloved and I used to take our four kids camping when we lived in Ohio. We started with a tent but moved up to a pop-up. Oh, those were the days, Diana. Enjoy your camping adventure. 😊

  31. Scruffy looks like he has taken to camping just fine. After all, it's all about relaxing and chilling, right? Smart pup!

    Your words about some dreams not meant to be struck a chord. I did a painting I named "The Battle For Her Dreams" where I depicted various dreams I've held over my life. Some were stolen but others laid down because they no longer fit my life. Yet new ones are waiting for us. We move on and release what we need to. I'm glad y'all found a way to enjoy camping and made friends too!

    I love old buildings. But some are just spooky. There was an old hospital here, long abandoned. It looked haunted. The city finally tore it down as a hazard risk. Still you look at those old empty buildings and wonder what they were like in their heyday.

    Enjoy your time away. And thank goodness for sons who know answers to our problems! (I vote for extra in the will, lol).
    Hugs, Cecilia

  32. Very interesting information about the haunted hotel but how sad that it is crumbling and falling apart. Haunted or not, I hate seeing historical buildings falling apart. Sad. I'm excited about your camping site and look forward to reading more!! xo

  33. Give me a hotel any day....but not one like that!! Interesting though. Your camping spot does sound peaceful but I'm just not a campong girl. I have a son like yours. He solved a photo problem that stomped doesn't take much to stump me anymore, sadly.

  34. Oh my gosh Diana I love the history of this old hotel. How sad it is in ruins. I will take a hotel any time. Not really a camper. I know Scruffy will love camping with you and socializing with all your camping neighbors. He will be the camp fun guy to hang with. I know you love going to the trailer. Enjoy. Summer is zooming by.
    I will connect with you soon. So much going on for both of us. xoxo Kris

  35. Love and prayers for you both!

  36. Wow! What a story about that old hotel! I guess it's a good thing it has crumbled down...sounds too scary...but I'd still be concerned about those caves underneath... Yes, I think I'd love to go camping if I had a decent camper and a good place to park it. Still trying to convince hubby. He's not too keen on driving with one...So we shall see. Meanwhile, please enjoy it for me. Love your cute Scruffy.

  37. We used to go camping when we were little but now I love staying at a nice hotel. I enjoyed reading about that old hotel. I hope you have a nice time camping with Scruffy and hubby.

  38. Hope you're having a great time in the new camping digs! Clearly the pupster has the right idea!

  39. No camping here, although I know many do and love it!
    Scruffy is looking so cute.
    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  40. We like camping. But I'm over tents. When we go out on the boat it's like camping. We also have a small trailer that we go camping with. I like having a bathroom handy at night or early in the morning. And being warm and dry. Enjoy your camping adventure!

  41. I enjoyed the history of the old hotel! I've heard Door County is a beautiful place to visit! I am praying for you and your husband's health, I know aging is a difficult thing. Scruffy sure makes things entertaining! Enjoy your summer, and I'm glad you are able to check in every once in a while :)

  42. When a kid, during the summer, it was camping & fishing about every weekend. Y'know, I'd LOVE pitching a tent near that hotel grounds!!!

  43. I remember I went camping with my Dad and we went for a walk with his dog, meeting many others doing the same thing. "Does everybody have dogs in a campground?", I asked him. He laughed and said, "That's why they camp!". Oh, how I miss my Dad. He spoke and laughed with everyone he met.
    He also had to pass along his big camper due to health reasons as he got older. It was all good, I remember him telling me, "I truly enjoyed it". Take care, Diana and enjoy the summer!

  44. I am sure where ever you go...camping, or a would have fun Diana. I used to love camping, but now that I am old I like hotels. Let someone else do all the work! I would much prefer a little bungalow on a beach somewhere...but that is not always possible. Have fun with your little puppy, and stay out of trouble. Love you. Debbie xxoo

  45. Hi Diana :) Well, I must FACT...I HAVE the bestest cutest most loveable dogs in the world lol... ;) Too bad about your minnie...and what a shame about the hotel. I would have LOVED to visit a haunted hotel and with my imagination I would have scared the willies out of myself. I think I'm more of a camping long as they are screened in, I'm good! :)

  46. Hotel for me. Praying for your health friend. Your dog is so cute. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  47. So happy to see you in my inbox again! I don't know what Google is doing but I have been flooded with emails again from all the blogs I used to follow....yours being one of my favorites!
    It is hotel for me....I am not the camping type, much less the traveling type as things have to be just so for me to even get to sleep. I am high maintenance in that area! That old hotel was amazing! We had something like that here and I experienced the wierd "ghost" stuff as a kid when we got near it. So happy for you that you found a nice place to settle and camp and yes, you do have a very cute doggy! :-)


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