
Monday, May 31, 2021


I wrote this for Memorial Day

a few years ago but I think it is

relevant every day.

This means even more to me after I

volunteered at the VA Center here

before Covid hit. 

Memorial Day is here once more,

We fly the flags above our door,

We plant our flowers that mark the grave,

Of every soldier that was so brave,

They fought for freedom for everyone,

Many lives snuffed out by a sniper's gun.

We proudly march in our little bands,

As daybreak filters across our lands,

But I wonder if we can truly see,

What cost it was to make us free.

Confederate soldiers fought the Yanks,

Some brothers fought brothers in those ranks,

To free the downtrodden that were lost,

To free all men at any cost.

My father was a medic in World War One,

A war not talked about by anyone,

Some men lost limbs and some were gassed,

Some picked up by comrades, others  bypassed.

World War II! How tragic indeed,

People standing by watching others bleed.

Souls thrown to the winds with no remorse,

Foreign government standing on their own course.

Vietnam was not a war they said,

Then how come so many soldiers ended up 


No heroes welcome for them in sight,

They slunk home in the dead of night.

Should I go on-with Korea & Desert Storm?

Iran? Afghanistan? Are you getting warm?

Do you feel the pain you see in their face?

Does it make you squirm in your warm, safe 


I've just one more thing I'd like to say,

It's about celebrating Memorial Day,

Look around and everything you see,

Was paid out in blood so that we are free.

Put your hand on your heart,

For the blue, white and red,

Raise your eyes to the flag,

Say a prayer for the dead.

Because of a soldier I can have my say,

So ~God Bless you this Memorial Day~

A special thank you to my late nephew, Scott, 

my father, my Uncle Samuel, 

my foster brother, Eugene,

my old schoolmate, Tom Babcock and

my friend I met blogging, Kurt Keys.

And To All Our Soldiers-



  1. I will always remember and never forget those who paid the ultimate price so we could all enjoy living in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  2. Hugs to you...

    Happy Memorial Day...
    💛"They hover, as a cloud of witnesses,
    above this nation."

  3. How beautiful, your words touch my heart.
    May we never forget.

  4. Military mom here---- thank you Diana ThIs is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  5. Blessings to you on this Memorial Day! Remembering with you with enormous gratitude for our freedom!

    God bless America!

  6. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing what we all need to see and remember.
    Hope you are doing good!!

  7. A very touching poem and perfect for Memorial Day

  8. So Thankful for families like yours who served this country. I remember when the soldiers came home from Vietnam. My Husband was one. It is different now. My Husband has a hat that says He was in Vietnam and he gets a lot of Thank you now. It makes us proud.

  9. We really can't comprehend the magnitude of the suffering that gave us our freedom. Thank you for this tiny glimpse into it, dear Diana.

  10. Amen! Thank you for this poem that puts our feelings down so aptly. Thanks to all who sacrificed their all for us so we can have so much. We are truly blessed and so very thankful.

  11. Another great post, please continue sharing beautiful posts.

  12. So thankful for all of those that sacrificed their lives for us to stay free and safe. God Bless them all. Hope your Memorial day was good. Have a great week ahead.

  13. Such profound words, Diana which we should never take for granted. We can never repay them for their sacrifice, but we can ensure that Democracy survives so their lives were not lost in vain. We are so grateful for all of our service men and women and owe them our freedoms. My Dad served during Korea. Hope you had a nice weekend. Hugs xo K

  14. To all my family members that served (my Daddy [Korea], my Uncle Ralph [WWII - Daddy's older brother, Daddy missed WWII by 1 year], my mother's father (my "Pepere") [ WWII - he was a originally in tanks and transfered to be a cook, I always remember the stories he told, being chased by German soldiers trying to get their food and my grandfather telling me he could see their faces and was throwing cans of food at them. One of our favorite family recipes he cooked was Turkey Pot Pie as he called it and it was a huge casserole meal with dumplings and oh my goodness good), my Uncle Dave [Vietman era], my Uncle Buddy [Vietman era] and so many other family members thru the year, and some that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we are free and safe. God Bless them ALL.

  15. Beautiful, Diana. We must never forget..Hope it was a good weekend..xxoJudy

  16. What a beautiful moving poem Diana.

  17. My step-father's father and uncle fought in WWI - his father made it home but his uncle lost his life. You are right - it is a war hardly anyone talks of these days.

  18. Love YOU and the post. Very well said. God bless those who gave all.
    Sherry & jack, thinking of my BIL's brother lost in WWII.

  19. We must never forget, thank you for re-posting this! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  20. Reading this after the day has passed but the words still hold dear. You are a gifted writer, Diana!

  21. A wonderful poem and one well worth repeating. I hope your holiday was wonderful.


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