
Thursday, June 17, 2021



Hi blogging friends~

You that know me know that I am an


when it comes to techy stuff with

my blog.

Anyway,  I told my friend, Linda,

Life & Linda Blog,

My Fairy Blog Mother,

that I would post something here for those of you

that need help like I did!

She will help you change your 

mail over from feedburner

to use an alternate FREE service/MailChimp.

I did this 

so that my followers could follow me

(straight to the crazyhouse).

Linda switched me over to 

Mailchimp because, 

I know y'all don't want to miss my

heartfelt, crazy, funny, endearing posts.

This is the sidebar subscribe widget she designed for me.

She will also design the email campaign that y'all

 receive.  Linda always matches your blog.

So, click on the links and pop over

and ask for help.

There is a very reasonable fee if she does the 

switch for you, but trust me,

you won't have to take out a loan,

and she will walk you through whatever

you have to do for the set up.

Here is what I know-


Linda has found a way to remove your address from your Email campaigns.

Also feel free to use an old address, an P.O. box.

Feedburner in July will not be sending out your email, so you have to switch to something so your readers won't miss out on your new posts.

Linda from Life and Linda- also My Fairy Blog Mother has been transferring bloggers over to the FREE Mailchimp email marketing for a fee.  Mailchimp is free for up to 2,000 subscribers. Mailchimp is the most popular marketing program and Linda knows all the ins-and-outs of it.  It was so worth it to pay her a very reasonable fee to make the switch over.

She has also provided a link to a Mailchimp video tutorial for those who wish to make the transition themselves. AND GOOD LUCK WITH THAT -Maybe YOU can figure it out---

I didn't because I am lazy, dumb, camping.

Linda wrote a tutorial for those using Feedburner on how to export your subscribers using the CSV format.  You will need that if you using another email marketing service.

While you are in your Feedburner account, you will want to pay attention to some subscribers mostly with the email.  Those are usually spammers.

She had to lead me through the process
to even check into my Feedburner account.
Yep- I am that un-techy.
No, I am not leaving Blogger!
Just switched to Mailchimp for your email updates.

So--while y'all are doing that,
Scruffy and I will be walking through
the quiet woods of the campground,
sitting around a campfire 
and scaring off anything that looks 
remotely like wildlife-
including the grill.  It
has a black cover on it and apparently
looks like a black bear.
It has been barked into submission
so we're good!

This is how the men in my life
like to lay around
in the camper when they are tired.
At least the two-legged ones
wear pants---usually~

Have a wonderful week
and reach out to Linda for help!
You'll be glad you did!!


  1. Scruffy is doing a great job protecting you! Definitely a dedicated professional! In our previous abode, we walked our neighbour's westiepoo puppy each day and the beige fluffball got quite fierce on garbage/recycling pick-up days! He told those bins where to go!

  2. Linda's a life saver. I got as far as downloading my list and scrubbing all the spammers, then reached out to her. She's so worth taking the headache away! She had me all like Scruffy, I swear!

  3. I had Linda do mine, too -- and while she was at i, hired her for a new banner. The prices for both were both reasonable and well worth it. Plus she was just wonderful to work with and I know it was done right!

  4. Thanks my sweet friend for writing this important post. I hope people do not wait until the last minute to change over to something. There are all different options out there and bloggers can choose. Mailchimp is free for up to 2,000 subscribers and it is the most popular email marketing service. It was my pleasure to assist you. Happy summer Diana. Looks like Scruffy is keeping you entertained...xoxo

  5. Okay I am out of it - what is happening?

  6. Hello sweet friend. I used Linda to convert over and she did a great job. I love Mr. Scruffy just chilling at the camper. Have a great day today. xoxo Kris

  7. thanks for the info, i watched the video tutorial, and stopped when i saw mailchimp wants and address to show on every email they send out. do not intend to do that so did not watch the video. I really don't care if my blog can be followed by email, i only have 2 that follow by email and i can handle that myself. it says i have 1100 that follow by email, but since none of them have ever commented and i know none of them, it matters not. this is great info for those who need help... thanks for sharing

  8. I'm right there with all of you! Don't know what I would have done without Linda moving me from Feedburner to Mailchimp! She is definitely the best Blog Fairygodmother!

  9. I'm going to let the feed burner fade away I don't even know if anyone subscribes by email . Most that comment on my blog reader feed anyway. . Enjoy that wonderful campfire. I have lots of good memories of camping and miss those days.

  10. I am grateful that we have Linda helping all of us with the feedburner change over. Have a great time camping with the guys.

  11. Linda will move me? Because I do not have the slightest idea what any of this even means. Can she help a person that desperate?

  12. Ok, my head is dizzy haha. Thanks for the info. Diana. I usually just put all my favorite blog friends on my side bar, and always get back to them with questions, answers, or a friendly hello. : )


  13. So wait, you are leaving Blogger and will be on a different site? Why?

  14. Thanks for reminding us. I need to do something about that on my site.

  15. I don't know if anyone follows my blog by email.

  16. I have too much on my plate now to even think of any changes. I hope I can survive until I do some figureing if I need the help. LOL Lost, YEP.
    But hope all is well with y'all. We have the coach ready to hit the road, but I think we must wait until mid July to finish the UPKEEP here.
    Love ya.
    Sherry & jack Just trying to get things done.

  17. Thank you for the techy info. I personally just check my "reading list" on the blogger dashboard to see who has posted anything new. Not sure if it includes WordPress blogs, however, but I also have a list of blogs I follow on my blog page, and I can check them for updates. I follow very few just through email. So, unless they are taking away my reading list, I am okay. Don't need all that extra stuff. But thank you for sharing it. I am sure others who are more detailed and have more blogs to follow need to know. I've kept my list rather short because I know I can't keep up with everyone and trying to do so causes stress, so I have to keep it simple. I love your sweet Scruffy pictures...he's adorable...I'm sure he takes after his masters!! LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  18. This makes my head spin...but I think my measly ole blog will be ok. Tech stuff confuses me to no end!!
    Cute pup, by the way 😊 Enjoy your time enjoying nature!

  19. Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten about feedburner!! Your dog is very cute sprawled out like that! :)

  20. I only have one Dear Reader, who needs an email alert, to my new posts. And I can easily send her a quick email.

    Otherwise, I'm not going to worry about it. -smile-

    Personally, I don't use email alerts. Just see new posts, on my Blogger Gadget Blog List.

    Plus, this lady does a lovely service I'm sure. But I have never paid anyone anything, to help me with blogging, in all the years I have had a bunch of blogs. And I'm not going to start now. >,-))))))))))))))))

    🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞

  21. Looks like Scruffy was really enjoying his fire pit time!! Linda sounds like she is someone to keep handy!!

  22. I just started blogging again....and it's changing things???? ugh. Why do I have to be so dumb? Thank you for the info. xo

  23. Scruffy certainly looks comfortable there :)

    All the best Jan

  24. I switched to mail chimp and they started sending out blank emails with nothing but my home address on them to over 1400 people. I canceled it, but the emails haven't stopped yet. I have had to go to Mad Mimi and pay $16 a month. As for Scruffy you better be careful when you are out walking in the woods. A gray haired lady may snatch him right up from you. LOL

  25. Well, I would say you are quite "Techy"
    I myself only look at a couple of blogs now and have mostly dumped FB.....
    I didn't like how time got away from me being on the computer....I even got Hubby to drop FB!! His screen time dropped 65%
    We feel a bit healthier...if not out of the loop on some things....
    so kudos to you for being so "Techy".....

  26. That pup is just too stinkin cute!!

  27. Hi Diana: Thanks to Linda, I am up and running. I couldn't have done it without her. She really knows the ins and outs and her price is so reasonable for all that she did for me. I guess boys and girls are not too different. I have a little princess that lays around like that all the time..Happy June..xxoJudy

  28. Oh, I definitely need to reach out to her! I need to change over from Feedburner, plus my blog needs an update anyway. May as well do it all at once!

  29. Thank you for always being so helpful! Love the campground fire and pup:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  30. Thank you so much for all the helpful information, it is much appreciated! You and Scruffy have a wonderful day :)

  31. Thank you, thank you! I knew I needed to deal with this, but of course kept putting it off. Will contact Linda.

  32. Thanks, Diana, for this very helpful post! I've gotten as fart as saving my contacts in a CSV file, but doing the rest myself seems very daunting. I have already contacted Linda, and hope to hear from her soon. Love your Scruffy posts on Instagram. He looks so much like my Cockapoo, Sadie!


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