
Wednesday, May 19, 2021


You did it! 

We are wrapping up another


Here you go~



bobbie- first one to pick and be seated-WELL- bobbie is AT THE WRONG TABLE she said.  Moving her to Table #3! Linda/Life&Linda, Julie,

Good ol' Anonymous-whoever you are,


Kim-likes the beaded dishes-she'd go crazy if I be-dazzled them!-

JennyThePirate-Here because of the plank?  Says not-and HATES seafood...Pirate? No seafood?!! Seriously?

ButterflyBungalow(so nice to see you here), Cecilia, Marilyn, Leena, MA,

Lorrie, Polly(theLibra-hard to pick if you're a Libra), 

Henny Penny, 

Debbie/Lakehouse & Melanie


Ginny, Penny, Hootin Anni, Betty,

Ann-didn't like any of the tables but liked the people at this one-

(hey-I don't make this stuff up, folks)

Kris (What?  Didn't you see that ALL WHITE table choice?)

Gert, Phyllis, 

Diane/LavenderDreams(what are the ODDs that she would pick this table)?

Jan, LowCarb, Diane/CharminglyCreative


HELLO bobbie- You are at the right table now!!!!

Babbling Brook, Jan/Jan'sJourney, Denise(the naughty one-can't make up her mind between 3 and 7...hahaha..just made it up FOR you), Fran, Judy, Janie, Buttercup, Akasha and 'last but not least-Pam S who had quite a lot to say-see for yourself---

Looks like a lot of people picked "Lavender Love'. If there is real live lavender there, I might like that one best, but it is all just a bit too purple(I mean lavender) for me. I think I like the pretty pink roses, etc. on #1, although that may be too many flowers to smell while dining...that can be very distracting, you know...So that brings me to #3, Square plates and sweet tapers, because it looks simply elegant and lends itself to pleasant conversation without being distracted by too many flowers. It was a difficult decision, because I also like the one #6, Get you some color! because of the window in the know how claustrophobic I am, and I need a room with a view...but the table is just too distracting again. So back to #3. Yes, that's the one for me. It is soothing to look at and it is more my "style"..."square and sweet". LOL. So glad you are back. WE've missed you. Praying you are up and at 'em much as you can be. Have a blessed week!! Can't wait to see who will dine with me.


Kathy, Rose the Poet, Nonnie, Lisa K, Ellen C, Mary? (Mary, Mary-whereforth art thou?:)


Jack & Sherry-my travelers-waving HI- now in North Carolina

Mevely, Bonnie S, Terri D, Rita,

Cindy, Jane E & CHERI

MISSY says I MISSED her~ So - here she is!


Susan K, Happy, Fabby, Connie,

Pat/Gypsy Heart, Louise the Card Making Lady & Doris


Jenn- Thought about the lavender table but really likes lilacs and NOT lavender.

Please STOP giving her lavender plants all you friends and relatives-

She does NOT like lavender- You're welcome, Jenn!

Debra/SheSeeks, Ron/The Cocktail King, 

putting BJ/SweetNothings right next to Ron because she can't have Sam Elliot...I am saving him for myself.,

Nancy-enjoying THIS white wedding because her daughter's choice is PINK--sigh--

Terri S, Denise (LISTEN-DENISE- I put you at Table 3- Got it?)

Linda C, Laura, Sherri, Nonie, Theresa

& Sweet Sheri/RedRoseAlley

So--there you have it!

If I picked on you--too bad...

Just remember- I only pick on those I love

(or hate in real life--online friends are NOT included)

For all those that asked-

I am doing well.

No pain, just restricted as to lifting and doing too much-

which is the TRUE PAIN of it all.

Hubby stays the same.

Good days and not-so-good days.

We are hoping to get up to the camper this weekend

and hang out for a few days.

No internet up there and sparse cell phone coverage

so I am forced into 


Imagine that!

Have a wonderful wonderful rest of the week.

Forgive me for not visiting more often.

Between hubby and puppy-training 

I have limited time.


He's a happy boy here-

just had a STARBUCKS pup cup.

If you look close you will see a 

dab of whipped cream on his chin. LOL

He would be sooo embarrassed!


  1. Did you forget ME??? Or did I forget to send it??Would have been number 5..
    Yes, I'm sure you are kept more than busy with John and little Scruff!!
    Hope you are feeling well!!! Getting hot here..In the 80's every day...90's this weekend..Yuk!! Hugs xxoo

  2. Interesting results. Scruffy is adorable!! I am so glad you are doing this well, I hope you can have a relaxing and healing week ahead.

  3. Always fun! Glad to know that you are on the mend. Your pup is adorable.

  4. Always a hoot to read these posts. You should write a book...oh, yes, you did and I read it! 😉 Glad you're feeling better, keep taking it easy. xxoo

  5. I'm definitely in good company at that table.
    Scruffy sure does look cute.

  6. I'm so pleased you do these posts, they are such fun :)

    Pleased to read that you are getting better.
    Scruffy is a cutie.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. Ahem ~ er ~ ah ~ thou hast sat me at the wrong table, dear lady...
    I picked #3...
    But I still love you ~~~

  8. Franklin & Penelope send greeting to Scruffy and want to know if they can have pup cups too.


  9. These are always so much fun. Love to see what everyone picks. I even surprise myself! Little Scruffy is adorable. Buddy loves his pupachino's when he gets one too. Happy Wednesday. xoxo Kris

  10. Thanks for telling the whole world how much I ramble on and on and had such a hard time making up my mind. Thanks! LOL. What a hoot! This is so much fun, I wish it was for real! I hope you and hubby and Scruffy get away for the weekend and just sit and chill. Sounds divine to me! Take care and don't do too lifting!! I've been there and done that...lifting when I shouldn't have...and paid the price, so don't do it!! God bless you friend. You are such a hoot!

  11. Thanks for moving me, Diana ~ and thank you for all your work on these!

  12. Made up my mind - #7! Picking up my chair from #3 so make room!

  13. How fun. Scruffy is so cute. You are the very best Diana. I hope things are going well. xoxo

  14. Love these table parties. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Just take it easy and relax.

  15. Well, the Pirate could not be happier with the outcome. Love my table company ... now let's get our steaks on the grill and get cranking on those perfectly baked potatoes ... haul out the butter and sour cream ... OH and have the cherry pie warm and waiting for a great big dollop of vanilla ice cream! Glad you're feeling better ... xoxo

  16. Always fun to see the results! Glad to hear you are doing well. Scruffy looks very...well, unscruffy, lol. Nice and groomed. He's a handsome fellow even with a dab of cream on his chin. Hope you get camper time!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  17. I'm sure we're going to have a lovely time at the wedding. What fun! some of my friends will be there and I'll get to meet a few new ones too. Thank you once more for doing this. It's nice to see all the wonderful table settings.

  18. You are one tough and sweet lady. We know a lot of work goes into this type of entry. Wishing y'all the best. Don't push it, I know you have had all kinds of advice, we thought we'd just join the crowd.
    Love the picture of the Scruffy dude. We are also glad hubby has the GOOD days, we are sure that helps.
    The RV will be a relaxer, enjoy a campfire or two.
    Sherry & jack

  19. Scruffy had Starbuck's! haha Well, you're training him right. Have a fun time camping, Diana, and try to get some rest. You do so much and you are much loved. : )


  20. It's always fun to see which table everyone picked and who they are sitting with. It's great news about you and your husband. Scruffy is so adorable and likes being spoiled by you Diana. Take care and enjoy your time at the camper.

  21. Glad to hear you're doing well Diana. Have a great weekend. Lovely photo of gorgeous Scruffy.

  22. Always fun and it looks like I am in good company! xo

  23. I hope you, hubby and Scruffy have a relaxing time at the camper. Glad you're feeling better. xoxo

  24. Enjoy your time at the camper, relax and heal. HUGS!

  25. I think this is the toughest choice you’ve ever posted. I love them all!

  26. Puppy??? When did you get a puppy? Oh he is adorable!
    Anyway, too funny you are.
    Our wedding was wonderful!! It went almost perfectly...all the "glitches" happened before the big day...and almost everyone showed up. It was lovely...and there was enough white to make me happy! The groom is now my son in law....he positively glowed! When he saw her he had tears in his eyes (he would never admit it). My brother is a retired Episcopalian minister...he did the wedding. He started to cry....was able to pull himself together...such a touching minute...I almost lost it....I did when our daughter started to cry....found out my mascara isn't was a struggle much of the day to keep from all out babbling.
    Our niece is a famous it was a family affair...sooooo many photos!
    The three year old and the 6 years old were champs! They lasted all night...were so good I kept doing double takes!
    Tablecloths ..some were dark grey, some were navy...centerpieces....were white roses and peonies that had just a touch of pink...
    And when all was said and done...just a hair over the budget we gave her!
    I am still tired!

  27. Always fun to see the choices everyone makes! I just love Scruffy and his antics, I'm sure he keeps you entertained and laughing throughout the day! Hope you enjoy your time away and that the sun shines and is lovely and warm for you to enjoy!

  28. Buty...But...I thought I chose #3? I guess not.


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