
Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Well, here I am again with things
that I cut out of magazines
over the years.
My own personal Pinterest!

I have NO idea what the source 
these outside ideas came from
so I can't reference them.

I LOVE this.
Here's the funny thing- 
I hung a lit pumpkin like this from a
 Shepherd's Hook
in our backyard.
I thought I was SO CLEVER.
Well, that cleverness must have come by osmosis
because I found that in my 
Book Of Ideas
two weeks after the "hanging"!
 At night it's very eerie because
the wind moves it and it looks
like it is floating.
Scared the beans out of someone I know.

I think the urn under it is just gorgeous!
 I need to put something like that together.
The green urn looks great for the base, doesn't it?

Crazy about this idea for a birdbath!
I can't tell you how many ideas I have copied
over the years.
Are there really ANY new ideas?
Or am I the only copy cat out there?
You know I  just sit around 
and eat Twinkies and wait
for others to come up with ideas
for me to steal use, right?

I never see burlap on blogs anymore.
I think maybe its time has passed.
However-look at this!

How about some glowing 
for your porch?

This says to use a topiary frame but I think 
it would work with a
tomato cage tied together at the top.
I'm not sure what the little "balls"
are but they look like burdock(?)
to me.  
It doesn't say what they are.
Here's the directions.
 Speaking of glowing.....
How about getting a little glow on 
INSIDE the house?
Oh- Wait-That looks like soda pop
to me!
Maybe you'd care for some of this instead?

Just make sure you don't 
drink too much
because you don't want 
to end up looking like
WC Fields
As for me?
I'll be warming up with a
sugarless Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Courtesy of Starbucks-
Thank you very much!!!!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. I like using the big pumpkin as an ice cooler for bottled pop!

  2. These are some wonderful ideas. You just gave me an idea for a tiny bird bath I have that stays so dry the birds use it for a sauna.
    Love the cooler idea, for cool aid of course.
    I’ve seen small pumpkins hollowed out and made into dip bowls too.
    Have a wonderful October. Hilga the witch has arrived on my mantel.

  3. Love all of the ideas! Ideas for Fall are about all I've ever gotten around too....maybe one day??? I don't know, but this year at the urging of the girls I do have a few mums and marigolds, even put out a few pumpkins! Yeah me now to do some of the cool things you've shared to become more up to date! xoxo Dolly

  4. Diana, you are a riot. These are good ideas though. I have seen that tomato cage idea done as a Christmas tree.

  5. SO many great ideas. I love the pumpkin filled with beverages:) I still haven't made the climb up to the attic to get my Fall decorations:( Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. i have never even looked at magazines thus no cutting out ideas, but my cousin that was like a sister to me, cut up every magazine she touched and that was 50 and 60 years ago before pinterest. she did what you do, copied ideas, she is a decorator like you are, her house is beautiful. i am the plain Jane decorator.... i love the fence behind the green urn and what a super idea for the birdbath.

  7. Good morning Diana! What fun ideas. I’m like you...I love so many ideas others make. Lol. Wish I were so gifted. I have wonderful friends who also help me decorate. Rainy-cold- fall day here in Iowa. Have a blessed one.

  8. I love your cleaver ideas for decorating. They are new to me. Like you I love to go through magazines and try and come up with new ideas. I even a folder filed away in the filling cabinet. Pinterest is wonderful for new ideas and I check it out regularly too.

  9. Happy October to you dear Diana, Seems like forever since I've been blogging and it feels good to get back to it. Love all your ideas! How are you? To show you just how out of touch I am, have you moved into your new home yet? I guess I need to check back on your previous posts.
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  10. Love all these ideas for fall. Have a great week.

  11. Love your fall decorating ideas...and the burlap tree is pretty neat. I might could do that...(that's a southern expression "i might could...") I'm just hoping these lovebugs will go away and some cooler air will blow in so we can feel a little bit like fall here in Florida. I am SO over Summer!!!! Your post makes me wanna get out there and decorate everything fall!!

  12. I'm an unashamed copycat when it comes to decorating. Love your clippings from past magazines, especially the pumpkin in the birdbath. I just might try that! Have a good day, Diana!

  13. Some great ideas! I especially like the birdbath one. Going to copy it in my garden today:)

  14. I'm completely in love with that marvelous urn, it looks like an old verdigris color. I have a shepherd's hook outside my kitchen window and think the sight of a lit moving pumpkin head hanging from it at night might make dish washing much more enjoyable. So I will copy your idea! Nothing new under the sun; you know, I thought that would be from Shakespeare but looked it up and it's from Ecclesiastes! I'm constantly amazed at how new decorating trends take off. I remember avidly searching out tiny details in magazine articles on the beginning days of Martha Stewart. But now there are hundreds of Martha Stewarts on blogs to copy cat from, or not, right?

  15. No, there are no new ideas. Just riffs off of old ones. And some new to us! But oh, what a collection you have pulled together here! Love them all.

  16. Well, now someone has to come up with the idea for us to copy. I wonder who those people are. Do they stay up nights and think of 'stuff'? Now I feel a little under accomplished as I put a pumpkin in the bird bath but just the pumpkin! How dull. I love the idea of the hanging pumpkin, I wonder if my plastic one will work for that. Hum, will have to think o that.
    Thank you for a ton of ideas!

  17. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration, Diana. Now all I need is some elbow grease. I wonder if I can get some on Amazon. Have a great week.

  18. Pumpkin Latte - just what I was dreaming of Diana. Pictures before Pinterest - yes.

  19. These are all great but love the birdbath. The pumpkin swinging in the wind would rattle me often, I know it.

    Have a great week


  20. Diana, Yes long before pinterest, instagram and that techy stuff...there were pictures cut from magazines and put into boxes. LOL I even have a little notebook, I draw ideas into. LOL . I do love that big urn with the pretty fall foliage. Now, let me guess who got scared by the floating pumpkin.hahaha.Would his initials be Hero? You have an ornery streak girl..I can't stopped laughing. I am really wanting one of those coffees. Yum. Blessings to you, xoxo,love you, Susie

  21. Those are all great decorating ideas! Happy October and enjoy the week.

  22. Great ideas. I think we all Love the hanging pumpkin. I use my shepards hook to hang lanterns with batteries. The pumpkin as a cooler is great! Happy Tuesday. xoxo

  23. I have a copper boiler full of magazines, full of décor ideas!!! I love all of the photos you shared. My two birdbaths need something in them for the season. Thank you for sharing, Diana!! The hanging pumpkin head would be a fun idea, as well!! Smooches, Debbie xo

  24. I might steal one or two of those ideas.

    I recently saw a copper, slightly tipped, watering can hanging from a shepherds hook. Lights were coming from the inside and fairy lights were falling from the spout. It was lovely, but cost $79.00 + shipping from Gardener’s Supply. I had all the materials and all I had to do was spray copper paint on an old metal watering can and string lights as shown in the picture and hang it at the right angle from one of my many shepherd hooks. It came out perfectly and I saved $100 but the satisfaction of doing it was priceless.

  25. I like the pumpkin swinging in the dark. I might try that!

  26. Loving all these ideas. I'm very good at taking other peoples ideas. None of the things I do are ever my own original ideas.
    That pumpkin spice latte sound so good. I could go for some of that right now

  27. Cute idea to hang the lit jack o'lantern from a shepherd's hook. I'm sure it did look very scary at night in the wind!

  28. Diana, what do you do? Go around to all the Starbuck's carring your own cup?!! That looks so good though, I haven't had one yet this season. I can imagine an orange head bobbing around in the wind, maybe I should tie some on to that ugly tree by me to keep the cutters away! The only trees I am beginning to like are burlap and Christmas..Happy Fall..Thanks for your visit and letting me know that they trim trees like that all over. There goes my plans to move..xxoJudy

  29. For years & years I would cut pictures from magazines!!! Then along came PINTEREST. Oh how I love Pinterest! I have many, many boards. Now don't ask me if I go back and look at all those pins...and definitely don't ask me how many I have actually done anything with!!!!! I just keep pinning & pinning!!!!!! (Is that bad???) I love all the pics you posted but definitely way beyond my expertise. You make them all & then post pics, ok? I do love love, love that green urn!!!

  30. LOVE these ideas and YES the green urn is absolutely essential as the base. I may do that shepherd's hook and jack o' lantern thing beside my apple green bench under the white oak. Maybe if I do something fall themed in the yard, the temperatures will eventually fall below 95. See what I did there? Haahaha ... pumpkin spice latte for me too! xoxo

  31. ...I love fall/autumn, but don't seem to find the time to decorate.

  32. I actually have a binder with cut outs, too...I call it my pre-pinterest idea book. I think all ideas are inspired by other ideas...

  33. Soda is always better in glass

  34. I love your pre-pinterest ideas Dianna! Isn't it great to go back and see that while styles and trends come and go (like burlap) there are still some things that are classic and live on and on. I have recently made a little lamp using fairy lights (one battery, with a timer, they come on for six hours and then shut off). Fill a vase or Mason jar with autumn-themed decor (pumpkins, acorns, pinecones, etc) and weave in the fairy lights, turn the timer on, and you have a cute little fall themed lamp. Could be tweaked for Christmas too.

    Happy Fall to you!

  35. I had files and files of clipped inspiration! I discarded most of them when Pinterest became a thing, but recently I found a file that was missed, and I had a blast going through that file. Sometimes paper is so much nicer than an electronic image.

  36. Cute post..Lots of great ideas even if they are hand me downs..Love the swinging pumpkin..LOL..Doesn't even need a base...I don't think my birds would appreciate giving up their bird bath...Yes, I was wondering about your beverage choice but you saved yourself..90's today...I think it's the last..going to be in the 30's on Saturday..What happened to fall??Hugs

  37. I agree, not many new, new ideas out there, but I do love seeing everyone's individuals takes on them all! That birdbath pumpkin planter is new to me and I am doing it!! I hate watching my yard go to sleep once fall arrives. What a fabulous way to keep the color alive!! Thank you!!

  38. mmm, pumpkin spice latte, except its been a little warm around here. Having it iced would be the way to go. But, wait, a chill is coming so "they' say. I'll hold out for a hot one =)
    I do Pinterest because this brain isn't very creative anymore. Sad but true. My Ellen is so frightened by everything Halloween. That pumpkin at night would scare her out of her skin!!
    Take care!

  39. That hanging pumpkin would be SO fun!! I copy everything. There isn't a creative gene in my body to come up with new ideas. I always look at what others do. Love the green urn too!

  40. Happy October, Diana! I steal, um use, ideas for decor all the time. So it's not just you. I have several magazine clippings too. The balls on the burlap tree look like sweet gum tree seed pods. Love the pumpkin on the shepherds hook. It's still so hot here, I'm afraid real pumpkins would rot in no time. Sigh. I'm ready for cool weather!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  41. Seeing all these pumpkins makes me want to bake one!

    That pumpkin soda cooler is too much... ha ha! :-)

  42. Those are all great decorating ideas! I don't decorate that much for Halloween or Fall, any more, but I enjoy looking at all the lovely ideas!

    By the way, the email notification is working now!

  43. Such fun Fall ideas and creations!! I need to see ideas as I'm not clever enough to come up with my own. I'm a good copy cat. I do have my Halloween decorations up and looking forward to making my annual spooky dinner. I'm so thankful for my in-law who are willing to be my victims and dine with us.

  44. I actually used to do the same before Pinterest, idea/vision boards. All awesome decor. I must get some pumpkins from a market.

  45. Good stuff and so many great ideas. Copy? I know we all do at times, I remember heading there is nothing new under the sun!
    I am sure there is a lot of originality inside you! It shows.
    WC Fields. His son lived in the next town over. A great guy. He just passed away a coue years back at 93. He was absolutely a great guy. One of the Monday morning Hardees gang here. He volunteered at the hospital up to his death.
    Loved the entry and the memories it kicked in.
    Sherry & jack

  46. That fall bird bath is so pretty...BUT! The birds still need water in the fall (year-round, actually)! Also, if I did something like that in my bird bath (as if), the non-stop rain here would just destroy it anyway. I might be heading to a farm today where they have tons of gourds and pumpkins. I need to pick up a bunch for decorating. How I'm going to use them, I have no idea yet. ;-)

  47. A lot of creative ideas on here today, Diana. I was never into burlap, but that green urn with the flowers is really pretty. So Fall looking. And I love that soda pop and pumpkin idea. Oh Starbucks, you really do make my day. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is Nel's favorite. : )

    Enjoy these Autumn days, dear friend.


  48. I love looking at old magazines. I think it is always interesting how decorating trends seem to cycle around. xo Laura

  49. I love all the fall decor even the 'scary' floating light outside.
    Lawd....if I ever wake up looking like W.C Fields-HELP ME!!

  50. I too can get some wonderful ideas from other people or resources!!!
    Lovely seeing all of these and isn't the bird bath idea brilliant!

    I wish you happy fall (Autumn) days.

    All the best Jan

  51. Always such fun! Have a great week

  52. Great ideas, Diana!! Loved seeing all of them!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!

  53. Those are some nice ideas, I love the pumpkin punch bowl. I could definitely fit a few bottles of vino in there! :)

  54. I loved the ideas that you shared, Diana! I used to cut out things like crazy, well, actually, I still cut out recipes all the time, and forget about most of them. Happy October to you!!

  55. You were always full of good ideas .... whether your own or ones you’ve seen elsewhere! It doesn’t matter where they come from it just spreads the ideas more. Love using the pumpkins as a beer cooler. I must tell my son!
    You had me in fits of laughter at the pumpkin swaying in space and the scared friend!
    Its good to be back in touch again! Joan


  56. Hello sweet friend ! Sorry I haven't been around, but as you know I am such a busy woman with my mom. It's so many things I have to take care for her, it's everyday something else.
    You reminded me I have two folders from magazine cut outs from "before Pinterest," lol...
    I once made a soup tureen from a pumpkin, before I blogged; I should have taken a pic. Such great ideas you have here my friend.
    Thanks for dropping by, you always make me smile.
    Hugs and happy Fall.

  57. I can flip through last year's magazines and see a dozen fun ideas, but I still love seeing all the new holiday ideas. Happy autumn!


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