
Saturday, September 21, 2019


Well, if you came here
looking for me in a
bathing suit
you can leave
Ain't gonna happen, honey!

We are here again visiting
Houghton, MI.

This is such a beautiful place.
MyHero relaxes for a few
mintues before opening a book.

What are you taking pictures of ?
he wants to know.
You better NOT be taking pictures
of the back of my head again.
I'm not-
It's your whole upper body!
There are miles of sandy/rocky beach.
The views across to the peninsula
are incredible.
We walk a bit.
I am enjoying the breeze
and the sun
and the atmosphere.
Look at all these cute little
perched on that log.
Ha!  Fooled you-
Those are KNOBS..
(which is also what my son
called uncouth people
but we won't talk about
that here).
OH MY...
More driftwood!!
OH- Can we take some home with us? 
I askever-so-sweetly.
Yes! Seriously!
Are you NUTS?

(Well, I have been called
that a couple of times but
not in reference to driftwood)

NO!  This is a STATE PARK!
You can't remove
from a state park..

Like they're gonna
miss one old piece of wood on
the beach.

Yeah- I get it-Y'all don't
need to send me snide remarks
about leaving it there for
everyone to enjoy!

Look here, says MyHero!

he has a rock 'collection'

Well, this one has copper in it.

Well, when you collect enough
to melt down and make me
a copper pot
let me know.

For some reason
I always think I am way
than HE thinks I am!

Now he's gonna ignore me
for being a smart mouth.

Well, Thank the
good Lord that I had the
sense to bring along
Nothing like a cup of hot
Starbucks coffee
on the beach...

Well, except for making out
and we didn't want to make
people talk like
"didja see those old people"?
Yeah...and then there's that!

Happy weekend to all of you!


  1. Oh what a wonderful place to visit. I wouldn't be wearing a bathing suit as well. Your hubby sounds a bit like mine only mine is, "You better not put that picture of FB" and guess where it goes.

  2. It took a visit by this southerner to even try to realize the size of the great lakes. As a kid, What? Lakes you cannot see across? Boys in the 50's who left for Detroit and their fortune would come back with such tales of BIG WATER!
    I enjoyed the visit and trip. Thanks for taking us with you. We finally did get to enjoy a lot of the Great Lakes on our last trip around and even had a chance to do the Soo Locks.
    Love ya
    Sherry & jack

  3. Ha ha!!

    A fun post. :) I grew up in Michigan (on the thumb) and remember driftwood well.


  4. Glad you're taking some time out to relax and enjoy the beach. For those of us who live on the coasts it's hard to imagine your "beaches" until I see gorgeous pictures like this - and I hope you snuck at least a little bit of driftwood home with you, despite any snide remarks I might get for saying that, LOL.

  5. It looks very relaxing there! I've missed the back of his head :)

  6. This was a pleasant post to read first thing as I opened my blogger page. I laughed at the humor you share here.

  7. So glad that you had a beach day! There’s nothing like them. Hope that you took a picnic...something more substantial than coffee.

  8. Girl, you are hilarious! I still wish you were my next-door-neighbor!!! Your pictures make me miss being on the beach. Never been to one with all those rocks and driftwood but I would love looking for smooth, pretty rocks (yes, I too am a rock geek). Life has been crazy lately and a day (or 3 or 4 or 5) at the beach would sure be some good medicine. But, alas...I will have to wait till next summer:( Hope you enjoyed every minute.

  9. Looks like a lovely day at the shore! I like driftwood too.

  10. As I child we would go there on summer vacations. It's beautiful. You are so funny. I always pickup driftwood.

  11. Fun post, beautiful sights!
    Did you bring the rock home . . , tee hee

  12. Good Morning Diana. I enjoyed my chuckle this morning along with my second cup of coffee this rainy morning. Plans have changed today for sure. I enjoyed your pictures this morning. It made me think about my grandson's equine trip that ended in Canada visiting different places. They went into the lake and then to the hot tub to get warm. Lots of fun. I enjoy seeing what you have been up to lately. It is always fun to read your post. Have an enjoyable day. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirely

  13. You are so hilarious! We were in St. Joseph, MI last weekend, but you were waaay up there. Houghton is 6-1/2 hours from our house. St Joe is only 2-1/2 hours. When I looked up Houghton it said it was one of the 100 best places to live in the US! Glad you had such a good time. And hey, I brought home rocks from the beach in St. Joseph, too. ;-)

  14. Hilarious. I would have been trying to stuff that big ole piece of driftwood in my beach bag and my grandchildren would be rolling their eyes while they removed it. LOL xo Laura

  15. So glad you got to get away. Your sense of humor brightens my day.
    Enjoy the weekend my sweet friend. xo

  16. Never heard if this state park and it does looks beautiful! Glad you are able to get away and enjoy some down time! You deserve it! Bad person I am I would have taken than piece if driftwood! 😕

  17. LOL Diana, you are something else. Well you crack me up. Poor Hero, maybe It's not so funny for him . I am kind of like John when it comes to rocks. They are good souvenirs. I am glad you two are walking the beach and enjoying some down time. You both deserve it. Blessings for a good time there. xoxo,love you, Susie

  18. I have 3 grapefruit size rocks, that my mom and dad picked up on a shore at Lake Superior when I was about 9 years old on a camping trip. They carted them from Michigan to Naples Florida. Then when my Mom was giving away things to all of us daughters, I asked for the rocks....go figure lol.

  19. I am smiling at the old people comment at the bottom. my fried is 80, she has been a widow for many years, she found her second love who is 81.. for 8 months now FB is full of their fun and games and holding hands and acting like teens still in school. they hike a lot. always holding hands. I think it is sweet and wonderful... love the rocky beach. did you tell hubby he could NOT remove that rock? good for the goose is good for the gander, no driftwood removed, no rocks removed. our state parks here have posted signs with huge fines charged for removing anything. and that includes feathers found on the ground. when I aske the ranger why, he said we have no way to know how you got those feathers. forget the cooper pot unless it comes with a full time housekeeper to clean it.😉

  20. I am thinking I may have a few hundred of the back of Bob's head, half body, whole body, legs etc

  21. bring out that bathing suit....let's be BRAVE IN OUR OLD AGE.........HA HA HA HA LOL!!--nope, not really----I aint' doing it and I don't expect you to do it either, LOL! besides...we are NOT TO OLD AGE YET, RIGHT? Enjoyed the beach post....those did look like birds on the log, until you told me they weren't !!! ha! Enjoy your time there my friend....and yes, coffee on the beach is so enjoyable!! (so is cold sweet tea! LOL)

  22. I miss our trips to Michigan. Houghton lake is beautiful. Nothing but blue skies and fresh air. Hope you are doing well friend.

  23. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time at the beach! By the way, I signed up for email notifications of your posts, but I am not getting any; just thought I'd let you know. :)

  24. You are funny, and he's surely learned that by now.

  25. Being a smart mouth takes skill lol...and you have skill girl! ;)

  26. I love, love places like that. Just restores your soul.


  27. I'd sure like to walk along there!
    Sure enjoyed the pictures and the commentary. : )

  28. What a beautiful little getaway for you both, Diana! There's nothing like sinking your sand in the cool sand and hearing the whisper of the waves. Enjoy, sweet friend!! (And let me know how that copper pot turns out. Lol!)

    xo Laurie

  29. I loved this post and I love your sense of humor. This looks like a nice relaxing place to spend the day.

  30. Snapshots make wonderful souvenirs of the places we visit. And you took plenty of them. Thanks for sharing.

  31. My dad always took rocks home on our driving vacations. When we were in Arkansas he got these huge crystals. They have been lost so that saddens me. Looks like you had a great time!

  32. It looks like you and your hero had a great time away. The beach looks so nice and having the coffee on the beach is the best!

  33. I sure would like a few days off to enjoy a beach. Is it warm enough there to wear a swimsuit? Taking rocks reminds me of the Lucille Ball movie, The Long, Long Trailer. That movie always makes me laugh.

  34. I see you haven’t lost your sense of humour AT ALL in the months I’ve been away!! I’ve really missed the easy friendships, humour and support of my blogging friends!! My fault I know! It seems you had a lovely time there .....& I would have wanted TWO pieces of that amazing driftwood!!🤣🤣

  35. Beautiful place to visit! I love the beach anywhere/anytime:) Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  36. Looks like a great getaway spot! That area of the UP is great. My dad grew up in Calumet. Haven’t been up there in years.

  37. Perfect weather, for a perfect day in the UP. The water in Superior is so cold right now, the only reason for a bathing suit would be for sunbathing!! which wouldn't matter...I STILL wouldn't wear one!! So nice you could take a trip north for some relaxation time, Diana. Enjoy.

  38. I am just saying that I think you and I would get in some trouble if we were to hang together..haha.....Looks like a great time was had on the beach. Nice....I love the ocean but don't get to enjoy it enough....

  39. I have always told you to travel with a big ole purse to stick those souvenirs into lol! Glad you are having fun and relaxing. Houghton Michigan is gorgeous. We use to drive up there in the summer when I was a kid and lived in Michigan. Beautiful up there.

  40. So glad you got to the beach to celebrate the end of summer. I love beaches they are my favorite place to be. You two are so cute with your comments to each other. Let the good times roll! Good bye to summer, hello to fall tomorrow. Thanks for sharing those beach picture !

  41. Your posts always make me smile :-) This looks like a lovely way to spend the day..... I love being by the water. We weren't able to get a vacation this year, but I'm hoping next year we can at least a small one :-) Have a great week!


  42. I can't stop laughing..silly Diana...DOn't know why your Hero doesn't think you are funny...I guess he's used to your humor or he has no sense of humor...Love all the little birdies..LOLI hope you are having a good time and getting some well deserved rest..Hugs

  43. Looks wonderful! I bet it is nice and cool. So sick of the 90 degree temps! Even through next week. Well, enjoy I can feel the breeze myself I think.

  44. This was so funny and cute...I am sure just like you...funny and cute! I am certain life is never boring with you! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Would like to see you two old folks making out on the that would be a sight to see! Might start a new trend of old folks making out on the beach. LOL. What a thought! Okay...let's just leave that one for now. Ho ho ho. Gave me a chuckle. Did he keep the rock and not let you keep the driftwood? Just wondering....

  45. I was SwoONINg at all the driftwood! And the pretty rocks too. What a lovely beach-so different from our beaches in FL. But you knew that. I would only advise the beach making out if your kids are there to be completely grossed out by it.

  46. Just found your blog. Pretty cool. Houghton would be pretty cool this time of the year too. Sorry about your driftwood not going home with you.... how about that rock with the copper in it? :) Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  47. Enjoy yourselves and get rest. I collect rocks, too, so do not blame him! LOL

  48. Diana, your blog is amazing, I know my blog have not the same content but wow, I like the way you write and how happier you look doing in blogger.


  49. You ain't right just ain't right! And that is why I adore you! Love the beach and the pictures. I sure have missed the beach. But oh I am praying for some cooler weather. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  50. It's tempting, isn't it, that driftwood! Looks like a lovely holiday. It's very cool here today -- hoping you had good weather all the way through. The pix are great!

  51. You never fail to give me a chuckle!
    Yes indeed to the Starbucks!!

  52. Well, Diana, doesn't it seem like everything boils down to "old" these days? What a shame youth is wasted on the young! Looks relaxing and amazing. Glad you got to do it..Happy Monday..xxoJudy

  53. Looks like a great place to slow down and unwind and maybe skip a few rocks...... :) I have one bathing suit - one piece black, with a whole bunch of those tie on skirts that go to my ankles. Bummer when the wind blows, though. haha. All that driftwood going to waste......xx Karen

  54. I'm so late Diana, I'm bad I know . I don't think you write a post that I giggle or laugh. Okay a few. Michigan always looks beautiful.

    My parents would bring home driftwood from NJ beaches. Not quite as large. Happy you had your Starbucks.

    Happy fall


  55. Your posts - your writing, your wit - always makes me smile. I loved this one...but mostly I loved seeing you enjoying yourself and taking a break! Sometimes I wonder if you ever sit down. It's good to know that occasionally you do. xoxo

  56. What a wonderful day you had at the beach, Diana. A retreat to the mountains or ocean is something I could really use right now. What an odd looking log that is with the knobs. I didn't know your husband has a rock collection. I've always been fascinated with rocks myself. That's a cool one with the copper in it. And is there anything better than having a Starbuck's coffee while walking the beach? What a fun day. : )


  57. A fabulous and fun post.
    Loved seeing your photographs.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  58. Good morning Diana and thank you for visiting my post today - I've read your posts for years and love your humour and your compassion.

  59. What a beautiful place. Glad you two are there having a fun time. You are so funny. I gave up wearing bathing suits many years ago. :) I didn't know copper was in rocks??

  60. I love stones, too. They always take me into the long history of the earth's movements that are miracle rather than scientific.

  61. You are so precious, and funny too! Thanks for the laugh!

  62. Hello, Precious Friend!

    Just getting the kinks sorted out of all my blog and e-mails, but the only outlet I seem to have yet is commenting on other folks' blogs. So hello to YOU, and hope to be in touch again soon. I've been meaning to tell you---your Pippin was MY Pippin for many years---it looked like an enormous lattice caterpillar to me, and I NEVER rode it.

    And my great surprise at my first Great Lake---Erie in 1976 the Summer of the Centennial---is that they have TIDES!! Great revelation. love and, r

  63. Girl you crack me up. At any rate, what happens at the beach stays at the beach. xoxo

  64. You are so funny! Love your sense of humour - it was just what I needed for the end of my day. Thanks Diana.


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