
Sunday, October 13, 2019


Good morning!
A while back an old
blogging friend, Carol,
wrote to me and asked
me to do a prayer post 
for her husband.
I put it in a draft to post
on a Sunday and,
I am sorry to say,
forgot to ever post it.

So, today I am reaching out
to ask you to pray for 
Sid, Carol's husband.
Here is what she wrote:

Carol Henstra
My husband  Sid had a severe stroke. Going on three weeks ago.  His left arm, hand and leg are not working. In order to walk. He has to sit first then walk.  His talking has improved with speech therapy. They have to put  him with a machine  called a lift to get him in this wheelchair.
He also had  a blockage  in his abdomen. Causing him  to have a suction to drain his bile. He is not doing well.

This just came from Carol at 11:30 this morning-

Carol Henstra

11:24 AM (3 minutes ago)
to me

Thank you for posting this of Sid. Update
Sid is in hospital but they had to move him into a room with another patient. He had his operation. Last week. It was for a enlarged prostate gland. He still has to have the catherda  inserted as they are flushing out the urine to make it clear. They do not want to insert and take out until the urine is all purified. Then we pray he will be able to do it all on his own. Without the Catherdar.

 He is eating well. He still is a little confused. Which is still from the stroke. Yet he likes the room mate. He Peter is his name. And he watches out for Sid. He speaks well of my husband as a happy humours likeable guy. The nurses care for him as best they can considering the shortage of nurses.

So in order to be moved to any Long Term Place. One can wait for 3 to 8 years in the hospitial. Family is supportive you bet.  My one son and daughter and there wife and husband, Grandkids. Plus friends.  As a family we have to put down about 8 places of our choice for Sid to go to a Long term Home.  When a bed comes along. Out of our list. If a bed is available. Then he will go. 

Sid is getting rehab. It is slow. Of having the paralysis  in his hand, arm  and in his area of sitting. He has to have the lift to get him in the  wheelchair and back in bed.   Will he sit and walk. Only the Lord will know.  For him to walk again like this with me. Us walking down the street in Toronto. To Famous Aquarium. Would be a prayer answered.

Of course this is a huge shock for me and family.  I try to see him as much as I can in week and weekends. I am living at my daughters. So praying that when he moves it can be close to my daughters or my sons who lives another 45 minutes extra  to get a home there.
Sid and I  married 58 years this past Sept 16th. To be separate is breaking my heart.  Thank you for your prayers. God bless Diana  for posting this. I will keep you posted through Diane.
Carol is no longer blogging.

Please pray for both of them.
If you are not one that prays,
please wing healing thoughts
and well wishes their way.

Thanks so much-
Next up this week- 
Halloween Pick Your Favorite!


  1. Good Morning Diana, I cried when I read this post when it said she had to put him in a nursing home. I pray for him to get better and be able to leave the nursing home. It brought back some memories that made me think about my other half. Prayers for them both in this trying time of their life. xoxo Shirley

  2. Yes, saying a prayer for Sid and Carol right now. That these things come to all of us does not make it any easier. Praying that Sid will continue to do better and better and that Carol will stay strong. It is not easy to suddenly be living alone and to be responsible for so much. May God Himself be their comfort and encouragement. Prayer changes things. Thank you, Diana, for continuing to be a clearinghouse for those in Blogdom.

  3. Praying for both of them, I know how hard that decision is to make.

  4. I am praying for Carol and Sid, for peace, comfort, and strength for them and for healing for Sid. I hope that Carol is getting lots of support and is caring for herself too in this difficult situation.

  5. Sending prayers and well wishes to Carol and her husband. This is so very sad and I pray for her to have strength and help from family and friends.
    Thanks Diana.


  6. Asking the Lord for healing, strength, peace and comfort and provide all that is needed in this situation. I am so sorry. This is so hard.

  7. Sending them prayers. I am so sorry for their situation and that he has to go into a nursing home. xo Laura

  8. prayers going up for Sid and Carol and their family and for a place for him to live to come soon.

  9. Prayers for Sid to be healed and be able to hold his loveys hand and stroll along the streets of Toronto in the near future. We know God heals and that he gives us strength and comfort in our times of need. We have been blessed by so many prayers these past few months for our son-in-law. I know personally that our prayers were answered and he is healed, with more to go, but he is cancer free! Miracles happen! I pray for your prayers to become your miracle! ~jackie

  10. Many prayers, I hope you are able to keep in touch, even though she is no longer blogging. Since my husbands stroke, I know how life changes and how we must lean on God. God gives both strength and understanding.


  11. Of course, prayers. That's a long time to wait for a longterm care place. I hope it happens quickly and rehab goes well.

  12. Praying- sorry this is happening to all of them. So sad.

  13. Saying a prayer for both of them, Diana. : )


  14. Diana, I will pray for Carol and her husband. It has to be heartbreaking for her to be separated from him during all this medical business. Diana, you are a wonderful blog friend, sister, daughter, mom to all who know you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. My Teddy is doing better this weekend.

  15. Prayers going up for Carol and Sid. Thank you, as always for posting these prayer requests. ♥

  16. Oh, so hard to face. Of course, I will be praying for them all, and praying for you.

  17. Many things of life ain't fun, and this is one. Prayers here. God is Good!

  18. Prayers for Carol and her husband. It has to be so hard. Prayers he will continue to improve.

  19. I am honored to pray for Sid, Carol and all in their family during these difficult and trying times. Thank you for letting us know of their heartache so we can help with our prayers. God bless you.

  20. Saying a prayer for both Sid and Carol.

    All the best Jan

  21. Praying for Sid and his family. Praying that the right facility will be made available if he is not able to return home. It seems our prayer lists get longer, so many sick people.

  22. Putting Sid and Carol on my prayer list. Do please keep us posted as you can.

  23. Will certainly keep your friend and her husband in my prayers, Diana. Hope all will be well with Sid.

  24. It's so hard to see those we love go through these things. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

  25. Thoughts and prayers for Sid and Carol

  26. I thought that I was the only one who forgets to post something! I'm happy to hear I am in good company. I will keep Sid in my prayers.

  27. Praying for them both! Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  28. Sending prayers for the family!!!

  29. So sad. I'll be praying for them.

  30. Saying a prayer for Sid and Carol. It's so sad.

  31. Awww, bless his heart. Strokes are terrible. Sid and Carol have my thoughts and prayers. You are always s0 kind to help others. Xo

  32. Praying for Sid and Carol. Life sure can be hard sometimes. Lately it seems I hear nothing but sad news, but I constantly pray and I know God is in control.

  33. Thank you for sharing this. I prayed for them.

  34. I immediately sent up prayers for Carol and Sid. Thanks for sharing this need.

  35. My heart goes out to both of them and they are in my prayers.
    Thank you for the post.

  36. This is heartbreaking. Sending prayers to him and the entire family while he heals

  37. Sending prayers and positive thoughts, Diana. You are kind to always answer the call of friends.

  38. Oh, what a shocking and sad story to read. They are in my prayers. xx

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Diana,
    Well...I have deleted my blog....
    I will still read yours and others...but for some reason traffic on mine was a problem (I can explain later privately)....
    Just wanted you to know...

    My relationship was like hell, We fought almost everyday because of my boyfriend's cheating Habit, We have a child together but his cheating habit was breaking our relationship. I was emotionally heartbroken knowing that my boyfriend was cheating on me, my friend felt my pain and told me how Lord Bubuza used his spell to restore her broken relationship. I spoke to lord Bubuza for help on WhatsApp: +1 951 442 2214 and he said my boyfriend will come back begging on his knees after casting his spell, I did as he instructed and 16 hours after casting the spell my boyfriend came back crying and begging me on his knees to forgive him, lord Bubuza spell was so fast and active. He has stopped cheating and I am so safe with him now. Do you need help to win your ex back? Contact lord Bubuza via WhatsApp: +1 951 442 2214 or email: ....


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