
Thursday, October 17, 2019


Hello my friends~
Life is so odd sometimes, isn't it?
I met a barista at Starbucks, Laura,
several years ago.
A wonderful woman a few years
younger than myself.
We became pretty good friends
and she worked with my 
youngest daughter, Mimi.

She recently retired and I 
attended her retirement party.

This morning I got an urgent message
from her about her daughter, Abby.
I am going to paste here just what
she texted me.
My daughter Abby is pregnant with identical twins. It is a very high risk pregnancy, twin to twin transfusion. She had surgery in Philadelphia two weeks ago. During the surgery her membranes were ruptured and her water broke. She did not go into labor, and her tear healed. She is home now on bed rest. So far her doctor doesn’t feel the surgery was a success. We are in the fight of our life to save these two boys. She is 19 weeks now. We are praying she can make it to 30 weeks and that the smaller twins bladder fills. Abby did finally share her story on social media. The boys need all the prayers they can get. So I am reaching out to you and asking if you could keep Hunter and Hayden in your prayers

Here is a picture of her beautiful daughter, Abby-
Here is an ultra sound of her sweet twins~
As always,
I would never post pictures without permission.

Please pray for these sweet babies,
AND for their mama and daddy,
and for my friend, Laura &
all the other family connected to them.

My 2nd prayer request is for a
dear blogging friend's hubby,
Katie Rickers sent me a message
after I saw this on Facebook,
asking for prayer for her wonderful, 
loving husband, Rob.
Last Monday we got the worst news. Rob had a skin biopsy on his leg come back as melanoma. It’s the kind of news you can’t even breathe when you hear. As I look back on some of our trials I have seen God’s hand and I know that He doesn’t waste pain but it’s hard not to ask why😢 Rob has been nothing but amazing through our 20+ years together. He is the best husband and dad you could imagine. We have gone through so much together but we have made it stronger together. I don’t know what God is going to do through all of this but we have faith in Him. We could really use your prayers as he is undergoing surgery this Friday morning at MD Anderson. Please pray that it has not spread into his lymph nodes. The thought of losing my best friend is unbearable. The kids are doing okay but as you can imagine it’s been devastating. We need all medical tests to come back with good results. I’ll give everyone a update as I learn more. Thank you for praying 🙏💜

Please uplift their family in prayer, also.
They are such kind, loving people,
the kind of people we need more of
in this world.

As always,
if you are NOT a praying person,
please send your well wishes
and wing good, healing thoughts
their way.
You will be heard!

Thank you all so much.
I have the best readers
in the world!!!!


  1. So sad, Diana. I said a prayer for all. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  2. Prayers for these two families! I will include them daily!

  3. I'll be praying for them. Since I'm in Philly let me know if there is anything I can do for Abby and her family.

  4. Thoughts and prayers going out to both families.

  5. Oh Diana, I’m so saddened to read this about these loving families. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them.

  6. In name of Jesus, I lift my prayers up to Him who is able to heal and bless. These young couples and their children touched my heart and my love is but a grain of sand compared to His immense love.
    God bless them all.

  7. Praying and hoping thatGod answers all of them

  8. ...44 years ago we have had twins, a boy and a girl, the boy lived two days.

  9. Dear Diana, lifting up these needs for healing before the Great Physician. May His healing touch cover the twins and Rob and grant them all peace during this time. In Ajesus Name,

  10. Definitely sending prayers❤ It's so sad😕

  11. So much pain. Of course I will pray!♥

  12. Prayers being said for each situation... Precious twin boys and a loving husband and father. The Lord knows and He cares. We can trust Him.

  13. Writing the prayer request down now and will be praying!! Life is fragile, handle with prayer...
    Hugs Roxy

  14. Prayers for these two families! xoxo

  15. This is all devastating. Seeing those babies fighting for their lives kills me

    It's hard for me during times like both these cases to understand.

    Thoughts and prayers for all



  16. Oh dear Lord, hope all goes well for their two little baby boys ! I will pray very hard for this lovely couple and specially for Avy.
    May God start blessing them.
    Hugs to you kind friend.

  17. Oh my, prayers for these amazing twins and their mama and daddy. I know your friend Laura needs prayers too. Big hugs sent their way. They have a big fight ahead of them and so I am wishing prayers and healing thoughts for all...Rob included. xo

  18. Asking God to give these babies time to grow and heal and that their parents will be blessed with faith, peace, and comfort until then. And for this family's husband and father have the same as he is waiting to be healed. You are so kind to be so thoughtful of others.

  19. Such a sweet entry of love. Prayers here for all. What a serious read, but it makes a reader feel good that someone cares, and we want to care.
    Love from NC Turning cool here, of course it is supposed to. ;-)
    Love & prayers sent.
    Sherry & jack

  20. Lifting prayers for the darling boys and the loving father. God is able to do much more than we can even imagine.

  21. Praying for both these families, such tragic difficult news for them both. Praying for the Healing Hand of the Great Physician to reach out, and touch these situations in a mighty way as only He can. Appreciate your willingness to share the needs so that we can lift them up in prayer!

  22. Praying for the twins and Rob. I wish life didn't have to have pain. Some times just living everyday life is hard enough. Diana, you are so kind to help all those needing pray by getting the word out for them. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo,love you, Susie

  23. Oh my, praying now for those precious twins and their sweet Mommy and family. May God keep His healing hands upon them and keep them safe within the womb until the day of their delivery safe and sound. God is able. We will keep praying. And for your other dear friend with the melanoma...praying for complete healing with no further complications. Wow, we just never know, do we? Praying for all concerned. thank you for sharing with us.

  24. Prayers for all! Thank you for trusting us with these prayer requests! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way dear friend!

  25. Praying!! I'm on Facebook, too! Terri Oliver Steffes. We may be friends already!

  26. You know I will continue prayers for all those in need and please add a little extra for my Mom, who is coming up on final days (stage 4 stomach cancer) - she has developed severe Terminal Agitation and unfortunately she really is suffering and agitated beyond belief and it is painful for her children to hear the rantings and railings, many times now for 12 - 15 hours long. Hospice respite facility has not been able to get her out of this; sometimes it lasts only 3 days other times more than 2 weeks prior to the final last few days and it looks like my poor mother is going to do all the way till the end. It is very hard...

  27. Thank you everyone so much, Rob is out of surgery. We wait for lymph node results but praying for perfect results. I can’t thank you all enough for praying for my sweet husband.

  28. Hello Queenie! Yes, prayers coming their way. God be with YOU, good girl.

  29. Hopefully Robs melanoma was caught in its early stage..I have had 5 of them..yes, very scary..Skin checks are so important..Watch your own body for changes...Hoe all goes well for Rob and Abby..WIshing all the best for the twins..Not an easy time for sure...Hugs

  30. If you could pass this along to your friend with the husband with the melanoma. My son had a large one on the top of his head. That is the most common place for men to get it. Anyway, he lived in Houston and also used MD Anderson, which is among the best places to be if you have been diagnosed with cancer. He had surgery and it had also spread into some lymph nodes in his neck. The melanoma was removed as were some nodes. Eventually, he had surgery to replace the skin that was removed from his head. He did not have chemo or radiation. He ended up fine. I hope the same for her husband. I will add him to my prayers.

  31. prayers going up for the babies and their family and the husband with melanoma. I can say here, my husband is 83, 2 years ago he had melanoma, they removed it and for 2 years he was ok, it came back, they removed it and so far he is doing well. there is hope for Melanoma, it is a horrible cancer but not what it was years ago. my prayers for him is that it is in the skin only.

  32. May they all be blessed with the comfort of God's love and healing. It's always an honor for me to pray for others. What sometimes seems impossible is possible for God. Always best to go to Him in prayer.

  33. One of my friends had the same condition, and her twins are now happy healthy 10 year olds.

  34. Lord, Bless this dear young woman and these two precious babies. Your healing hand is needed to keep them safe and in the womb for as long as possible. Please allow the bladder to do what it needs to and we ask in Jesus' name- Amen!

  35. My prayers are for the requests for those twins and for the other one Rob.

    God Take care of all this.


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