
Friday, August 2, 2019


You know one thing 
I love about 

Ice Cream!

Now you can go to
an ice cream shop but----
Is there anything better
than homemade
ice cream?

This tastes like a 

Remember those from when
you were a kid?
Well, I made ice cream
that tasted much like that!



6 cans of ORANGE Crush Soda

2 cans Sweetened Condensed Milk

1 cup sugar

Put 2 cans of Eagle Brand Condensed Milk 

into a big bowl.

Stir in the sugar.

Slowly pour in one can of Orange Crush to
combine the first can of soda with condensed

milk and sugar.

Continue adding 5 more cans of Orange


Add the mix to ice cream freezer.

Crank up the ice cream maker.

Mix until the ice cream is firm.

Let sit several minutes to "ripen".

Freezes well.-Makes 3 quarts.

So- after mixing this-
I dug out the old
ice cream maker,
and cranked her up.

Here is where the 
I wanted to SCREAM
comes into play.
She made a few turns
and groaned and moaned.
We "helped" her run
until her motor quit.
Thankfully, the ice cream
was almost done.
Bye-Bye old girl!
At least we got this out
of you before you died.
I went to Sam's Club
and found a new friend.
Hello Baby!
You sure are a pretty thang!
Aroma (don't you love the name)
 ran perfectly and 
we were delighted with
We really like the custard
rather than ice cream.
Ohhhh...This is sooo good!
It's too bad that 
no one in this family likes
ice cream!

 would rather have
a cupcake
at the local trough buffet.
It's an old picture-
I wonder if SweetCheeks remembers
that day like I do.
Bittersweet-to see them grow up.
isn't it?

Anyway-moving along-
If you don't have an
ice cream maker, or have
never made your own ice cream,
you are missing one of
life's special little joys.

Yes. You. Are.

Have a wonderful weekend.
I will be back with a
the first of the week!
Pinky Promise!


  1. We haven't made Ice Cream since the boys left home, that was over 40 years ago. If we stop traveling I will buy a freezer. I love home made Ice Cream. and YEAH, I loved the DREAMSCICLE and the orange pushup!

    I enjoyed the read and you have me thinking back..... There were a few mistakes along the way, stopping before it was 'hard enough and leaving something out of the recipe'.
    Sherry and jack in North Carolina/

  2. I need to get our ice cream maker out and give it a go. It's been a couple of years, for goodness sake. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. We used to make homemade ice cream with the crank. The orange creamsicle is a favorite. I have since then bought a cuisine ice cream maker. I wonder how the recipe will be. Thanks for sharing a summer favorite. Happy August and a fun weekend. Xoxo

  4. Will you make me some fresh peach ice cream??? I remember my daddy making it for us ~ LOVED it!!

    And YAY for a new 'Pick Your Favorite"!

  5. Diana, Oh that adorable picture of S.C. Her little pinky is sticking out like a lady. I have never made ice cream....but I sure have eaten plenty. That's probably not a good thing. But oh boy, I do remember those dreamscicles. Hope you are getting some time to enjoy summer. I never have enough time myself. But I am hanging on to summer. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love you, Susie

  6. I have never made my own ice cream. Maybe one of these days I'll give it a try. The orange crush ice cream sounds really good

  7. We love ice cream, but we have not had an ice cream maker for decades. Maybe I should start looking for one.

  8. Yum-eeeee sounds good. I made some rhubarb sauce, we put it over banana split ice cream (not home made though) but gosh that was good too. Your orange crush ice cream sounds wonderful!!!

  9. Perfect timing. I have been hell bent on reducing kitchen clutter. Out went the toaster that we never used, one of the crock pots and the air fryer. Now I think we have space for an ice cream maker! I've never tried it, but one of our friend used to come up to the river and make us ice cream every year on the 4th. I'll have to pass this recipe on to him.


  10. The orange ice cream sounds delicious. I haven't had home made ice cream in years!

  11. Sweet Cheeks is so cute with her cup cake. Oh yes, they grow up so fast. I have a granddaughter, Anna, graduating this year, then JC my grandson next year, then that leaves only one in high school, out of my 6 grands. How did that happen.
    I must have missed your "pick one" this time.
    I am saving this recipe!

  12. cream is a threat everyday, you don't need to wait for summer!

  13. What time, was it, that you told me to be there! I never miss an opportunity for ice cream. How could I forget?

  14. Morning Lady ~ Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog yesterday. Struggling wears you out. As for your meds, I can't take any of that since I had my gastic by pass surgery. YIKES....but that is okay, years ago after taking prednisone it took six months to get my tummy straightened out, did a big number on me. Anyway...ICE CREAM, love it....and I miss it. There again, something else I can't have since surgery. Well, a bite or two is not bad but who can stop at that???? Love the one you made, sounds amazing might have to make it for the kids! I have one I will do a blog on tomorrow that is simple and so easy. Thanks for making me think of it to blog about.

  15. Have never had an ice cream maker. These days I've been going for the frozen yogurt, rather than ice cream, but if we go out for ice cream, I like a chocolate dip cone! Your new ice cream maker looks very nice - I like the wooden base! -Jenn

  16. my mothers fresh churned ice cream was the best ever. but we had to crank the churn by hand, no electric ones back then... this recipe sounds devine

  17. I love ice cream especially in the summer. I have made my own but it's been awhile so thanks for the recipe! Creamcicles are good!

  18. Nothing better than ice cream the old fashion way. I do indulge in Blue Bell now but it does not compare to what we made in a freezer. Sometimes we sat on the freezer while it was being turned. We did a lot to keep entertained in the old way and had much more fun. We knew nothing else. Some of the old days and ways not too bad. Always good seeing you pop up.

  19. Yummy this looks so good. My grandma use to make homemade ice cream with the old fashion churning ice cream maker. We all would take turns turning and turning it. Made the best ice cream. I love dreamcicles. So I bet that ice cream is soo good. I might have to get in the car and drive up north to your house for some of this yummy ice cream. Happy Weekend.

  20. No homemade ice cream in my life, but I can dream. xo Laura

  21. Unlike my hubby, I'm not fond of orange-anything nor have I ever tried making ice cream.
    I showed this to him and asked -- in all sincerity -- did he think it's possible to make this just using a blender. Guess I deserved the look I got in return. Ha!

  22. Sounds delicious! I always loved creamsicles. More sweet than bittersweet to see the grands grow up. What a tragedy it would be if they did not. I just wish they’d stay as sweet as when they were little and LOVED everything. šŸ˜

  23. We don't have a ice cream machine, we usually don't eat it that much. My favorite is vanilla and Shari's is chocolate.
    Have a wonderful day and weekend.

  24. I love the look of the new ice cream maker! I have an old Cuisinart maker and I used it a lot last summer, I'm using it for the first time to make orange sorbet. I LOVE this recipe you provided! I remember those ice cream bars, we called them Creamsicles! I'm going to try this one! Next time I go shopping I'll look for the Orange Crush!! Thanks!

  25. You are going to think I'm crazy but I'd rather have the store bought ice cream!!

  26. I’ll be making this soon! šŸ§”. I still have my old cousin art maker and it works pretty well. Our DQ has a dreamscicle dipping sauce that is so amazing!!

  27. When my boys were growing up we made homemade ice cream all the time. We had whole milk and could use the real cream! It was wonderful! I loved peach ice cream best! Hugs!

  28. We had homemade ice cream so often as we were growing up. My friends and I used to make it each year on Labor Day as we picnicked together. Now, is that new thang automatic? Yes, it sure is bittersweet seeing the kids grow up. Makes me sad, yet proud of them at the same time. Happy vacation to you.

  29. Dream sickles were my favorite Popsicles. Yum. And I remember getting frozen custard at the shore all the time. Those were the days I’ve had the make your own ice cream experience probably three times in my life. My husband‘s brother’s family used to do that all the time. Where is that an electric ice cream maker? That’s cheating. Love the picture of sweet cheeks! Miss those days. I bet you do too! Enjoy the rest of your weekend . Hugs

  30. Of course I like ice cream, but when given a choice, I like a fruity sorbet even better.

    Sweet Cheeks is very photogenic! I take assume she's all grown up now?

  31. Yum! We don't have an ice cream maker, but we sure scout out the treats all over town. Arby's makes an orange cream milkshake in summer that is tdf, and I had one just yesterday! A creamsicle is exactly how I describe it.

  32. I used to love freshly made peach ice cream--yum! I'm a big ice cream fan, so it all looks delicious :-) Have fun with the new ice cream maker.

  33. I love homemade ice cream but haven’t had any lately. Yum. The orange sounds delicious. Enjoy your Sunday dear friend. Hugs

  34. The Pres likes ice cream. Me? I prefer my Lemon ice or Sorbet. You really did lighten someone's face with your batch, for sure!!...:)jp

  35. We wore our ice cream maker out last summer.
    I’m looking for another one.
    Yesterday on the way home from an eye appointment, we stopped at an ice cream place.
    My wife Jilda got a banana split and I got a butterfinger blizzard. Yum!

  36. This brings back memories of my mom using the machine cranking with salt. We loved it. L ou ve ice cream but I don't like it when the AC is on I get cold. I know a whimp.

    Enjoy your Sunday


  37. Got to make our own, now the kids are licking it.

  38. Diana, that sounds so good. I have a new fangled ice cream maker that I have used a few times, but nothing beats the old hand crank. On special occasions my dad would make old fashioned ice cream and it was a celebration when it happened. My mouth is watering!..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  39. Perhaps... Back in the annals of time.... When the kids were young.... We had an ice cream maker.

    But these days, I don't want to "make." I want to buy.

    And Sundays are the time for "Sunday Sundaes". 'Out' of course! At a relatively new-to-us place.

    A bit of a drive, on country roads. Deeeeeelicious Sundaes! I like caramel topping on any ice cream pick. Topped with whipped cream and a cherry, of course.

    Mmmmmm... I am very glad, it is Sunday!!!!!!

  40. I do like ice cream and so does every single one of my big bunch! AND, I even have an electric ice cream maker.....that I haven't used in so many years. Say what?? Gotta dust that thang off and crank, or PLUG, her in! Yum, yum!

  41. Oh my gosh, now I have to pull mine out and try this wonderful recipe! I even forgot I had one! Thanks for reminding me and you are right there is nothing like the homemade ice cream! xoxo Dolly

  42. We LOVE LOVE LOVE homemade ice cream...definitely will be keeping your recipe. But I need to lay off the goodies for awhile...we have been eating ice cream every night for almost two weeks and the scales are showing my sins!!!! Why oh why is it so easy to put on those pounds but sooooooo hard to get them off even when sweating like a pig at the gym??????? We just got back from vacation and, of course, we had to visit a local ice cream shop. Hubby and I could live on ice cream!!!! And I agree with the latter part of your post....our babies and grandbabies just grow up waaaayyyyy too fast. Don't even like to think about it!!!

  43. Yum! I loved the orangecycles. Your ice cream really makes a point that homemade is the best.

  44. Looks delicious! I need to make more ice cream.

  45. We love ice cream around here, but haven't made homemade in a while, dreamkscicle is one of my favorites.
    Thanks for the recipe, Diana,

  46. I don't like how dairy makes me feel but I love ice cream and if I'm willing to endure the discomfort, I will partake. I love your new ice cream maker! Yum!

  47. We made ice cream almost every Sunday in the summer. We had 3 milk cows, so after making butter (to sell), keeping some cream, we had loads of product to make into ice cream.

    Oh, the orange crush ice cream is an awesome recipe.

  48. Well that looks positively WONDERFUL and I think I will have to add an ice cream maker to my lineup of appliances that bring delight to all! Thanks for the inspiration. xoxo

  49. Around here, ice cream is our weakness and downfall. Why I would probably drop ten pounds if we would stop buying ice cream. That orange and the creamy one look delicious! I have an ice cream freezer in the cabinet under the sink, that has not been touched in 30 years. Homemade ice cream is the best!

  50. Diana,
    Now doesn't that sound so good!!!
    I wanted to tell you that my nephew whom you once mentioned in a post is now home with Hospice. He fought such a hard battle against colon cancer but unfortunately, it is a battle that he can not win...Our hearts are broken especially for his daughters who are just 10, 14 and 17. Please keep him and his family in your prayers as we hope that he will not suffer much longer and his family will make it through this shattering loss.....

  51. This reminds me of the first time I saw homemade ice cream being, well, made. :)

    I was about three; we were visiting friends and I remember sitting on the back stoop with Mr. Carter hand cranking that! It was so good.

    Yes, it is most definitely bittersweet when our babies, our grand's, and now my greats growing up. I'm still in shock that I'm old. hahaha


  52. I have never made my own ice cream, but I think I would really like it. It's much better than all that garbage they sell at the store with a list of ingredients I can't even pronounce. And yes, bittersweet to see them all growing up and moving out. I've been feeling very nostalgic lately...about my mom, my nieces and nephews are getting married and having babies and my own babies who are legal adults, too fast. Oh boy, now I could REALLY use some ice cream!! xo

  53. Dreamsicles are my favorite! Now you have me really wanting one, lol. Snowballs are a favorite of mine too, but I'm really trying to watch everything I eat. Hope you are doing well and staying cool for the summer! Have a wonderful week!


  54. Looks delish! I wouldn't mind a scoop or two of that right now!

  55. Hi Diana! Oh, this is fun and I pick the all white table. Guess I'm old fashioned. I love me some home made ice cream and this sounds yummy. I hope you find he right house for you. I really wanted a four bedroom but we got a three - nothing's perfect is it? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  56. Summer and ice-cream just go together don't they. I've spent time with the grand-kids recently and there's always room for one :)

    Sweet photograph of SweetCheeks … and yes they do grow up so quickly.

    Al the best Jan

  57. Icecream is a big part of our summer Diana and we make our own - sometimes. Sweetcheeks is really growing up- I don’t know if I like how this happens!


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